I will own a Chevrolette Corvette ZR1 one day, hey maybe even NCIS.. but for now;
I do not own NCIS.

McGee watched in amusement as the agent next to him made himself comfortable. He had taken off his jacket and had switched on the computer, playing a game of solitaire. He was leaning back in the swivel chair, his feet up resting on the desk.

McGee sat up as he heard the sound of the elevator doors opening. This is going to get interesting he thought smiling.

Ziva walked into the bullpen, "Morning." She said.
She gave quick calculated look of the bull pen. Then did a double take as she saw the man at Tony's desk.

McGee watched as the agent at the desk finally noticed Ziva's presence. He stood up and offered his hand to shake, "Special Agent Adam Fisher. Pleased to meet you." He grinned.
Ziva shook his hand and acknowledged him with a simple nod of her head. He sat back in his seat.

She made her way over to McGee's desk and he sighed inwardly, Another one bites the dust, he thought as he saw the way Adam's eyes followed Ziva, Poor guy has no idea.. he snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Ziva look down at him.

She gestured with her head toward Adam and McGee answered her silent question. "Gibbs made him take a week off because of his arm." McGee lowered his voice, "And the director assigned this temporary agent." They both turned to face the agent, who had his face inches away from the computer screen, frowning slightly. Ziva sighed and sat at her desk.

Gibbs then walked in. "Gear up."

Ziva slammed her fists against her desk. "Stupid creation!" she said and began to curse in Hebrew at her computer. Adam watched her in fascination.

She could feel his gaze on her. Adam could hear her mutter under her breath. "..Thinks I do not see..googling at me.." she looked up and he grinned at her. She began to rant in Hebrew and threw a stapler at his head. His reflexes were way too slow. McGee grinned as Adam rubbed his forehead. Ziva stood up from her chair and growled, "I'm going to see Abby!"

Adam then began to open the drawers of Tony's desk humming.

The top drawer, a stapler, a letter opener, a few pens, elastic bands, paperclips, a half eaten chocolate bar..

The second drawer, files, files and more files.

The third drawer, it was locked. Adam looked up at McGee who was busily typing on his computer. He took advantage of this and began to pick the lock.

"Adam, I don't think Agent DiNozzo will appreciate you going through his personal items." Adam snapped his head up at McGee who was still typing away.

Adam smiled a little, "What Agent DiNozzo doesn't know won't hurt him." He finally opened the drawer.

"OOH!" he said excitedly. McGee looked up from his desk. He had never seen the inside of Tony's sacred third drawer.

He walked over to Tony's desk as Adam began pulling things out, a stack of GSM magazines, a few condoms, at which Adam exclaimed "WHY WOULD HE NEED THEM HERE?" and lastly.. Adam let out a low whistle as he looked at the last items in the drawer.

"Phwoarrrrrrrrrrr." He said awe, just as Ziva came around the corner.
McGee almost ran to his desk.

She looked at the photos he had just pulled out of Tony's drawer.

The ones of her in her bikini.

She walked over and snatched the photo out of Adam's hand and stuffed it in her bag.

"I'm going to break his other arm!" she said with a growl.