A/N: Another poem C: Starts out in Hayner's PoV, then switches to Seifer. Separately, Hayner's poem half is called 'Stuggler's Plea' while Seifer's is 'Reverse Nirvana'.

Disclaimer: We're on a fanfiction site.

I always thought I hated you
I always wanted you to die
So why whenever you're not here
It makes me want to cry?

I never wanted you around
I always wanted you gone
But now that I sit and think
I know that I was wrong

You are my nemesis
But you mean the most to me
It took me years to know
You are my lovèd enemy

We were angry all the time
And we would fight every day
Whenever I had a problem
You'd take it all away

If I was being stupid
You'd beat sense into me
If you were blind with rage
I'd make it so you could see

We were enemies, but not quite
Maybe we were something more
But now I know there won't be an answer
When I knock upon your door

You've disappeared completely
Gone so far away
And I really wish somehow
That I could've made you stay

I used to say it all the time
I said I hated you
But I never really had the time
To really think it through

But it's too late now
To take back everything I've said
You've completely disappeared
And you might as well be dead

It's too late to tell the truth
To tell you that I was wrong
I still wish that I could tell you
That I loved you all along

But now you've gone farther
Than my eyes can see
All I can think of saying now is
Seifer, come back to me


You always said you hated me
And I said I hated you back
I guess everything we said
Was really without tact

I'd always look at you
I'd look at you and sneer
But now that I've left
I wish that you were here

I want to come back
And take you far away
But I know you'd hate me for it
I know you wouldn't stay

I'm so sorry I left you
But you're probably glad
Because I only did one thing to you
I only made you mad

I know I said I hated you
But that was nothing but a lie
I was really just in love
And will be 'til I die

Maybe one day I'll come back for you
Even though this was for the best
If I ever told you that I love you
You'd roll your eyes and jest

We used to fight all the time
Then I ran from you
Sometimes I wonder if
All along you loved me too

But that is impossible
It could never be
I love you for being you
You hate me for being me

So maybe one day we'll meet again
And I'll pretend to hate
You will loathe me back
And thus it will be fate

Because I can't run away with you
I know you want my death
But please know that I'll love you
Until my final breath