Where Do You Hide Your Heart

Inuyasha strolled through the halls of the school and walked up to his best friend, Miroku and stood next to him.

"Hey." Inuyasha said. He was in his own thoughts again, thinking about her…Kagome. Then the image appeared in his head of her. Her short, black hair; her dark, chocolate eyes; her small shaped, light pink lips but, it was only a child image of her. It had been five years since he last saw her. He always liked her but, he never knew if she felt the same way. He missed her…so much.

"Hey, Inuyasha." Miroku smiled to him. "Thinking of her again, are you?"

Inuyasha looked down as did his ears. He couldn't deny it. He always wondered where she was and what had happened to her. Inuyasha never admitted when he was thinking of Kagome.

"You'll find her." Miroku said and looked down at his bag. Inuyasha looked up, straight ahead of him down the long hall. Then, he took off in a sprint toward the exit.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku shouted at him.

Inuyasha kept running, images of her face running across his mind. And the memories immerging.