Name: Storyteller's Dream

Title: Changing Destinies

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars

Rating: T

Main Pairings: Kaila/Commander Cody

Secondary Pairings: Ahsoka/Rex

Secondary Pairings: Zaneka/ Waxer


All Characters are probably seriously out of character.

This is my attempt at First Person PoV.

I was writing it back when the Attack of the Clones first came out and recently found it.

I wrote this but I didn't have a title in mind. But I hope you find it a fit.

Changing Destinies

The war between the Republic and the Droids hasn't reached us yet on our small planet but we get to hear all about it. We are also preparing for it to come to us. In the town closest to me, everyone's divided. That's why my lunch keeps bouncing above my head. Zaneka, my dear friend, is using it to keep my attention. It's working.

"I tell you Kaila, it isn't right!" She declares to me as my food makes another wave in front of my nose. My mouth waters I gaze mournfully at the most wonderful nerf steak and eggs that I could ever hope for.

"I mean we are stuck between a... lightsaber and a blaster! We can either be destroyed by machines or fleshies from a test tube! Which is it for you? I mean which one would you rather deal with?"

I look around to see who's in the bar. Its empty this time of day save for a Togruta girl sitting with three men, one with shaved blond hair, another with shaved dark hair, and the third must be a soldier but with some scars. They aren't paying attention to us but Zaneka is rather loud.

"Zaneka you need to think about some things you've said. First would be the test-tube comment. Yes they came from a tube, no mortal womb. BUT they are the clones, the sons of the perfect soldier. You have to realize that if you touch one, outside the uniform they are warm with blood and flesh. They will die just like the rest of us. However on another point of view are droids and we know that they are disgusting and nasty. Now give me food."

Zaneka dropped my plate in front of me quickly before turning to go wait on the Togruta and men. But something made her stop and she dropped to the floor beside.

"Oh those men are major hotties! They must all be related, the guy with the dark hair and soldier look exactly alike. And I'm betting the same for the blond."

"The blond and girl are a couple. I can tell from here." I tell her between bites. Zaneka is the most romantically minded woman I know. Which isn't saying much since I only leave my farm every other month?

"Blast! Well looking at those muscles I'd say the get some workout." She winks at me before going to serve them.

I finished my meal and thought about the men for some reason. Zaneka was flirting gently with the two dark haired men, not sure how they would take her actions. I looked up at the group with a frown. Zaneka said that the men were twins and the third looked like them. I looked at the soldier; he was the only one that I could see clearly. He must have noticed because he looked up at me.


He was a Clone Trooper. I'm willing to bet my life, limbs, and fortune that the other two were Clones too. But the girl wasn't. I sniff the air and stand up.

"Neka, I got to go. Need to get work done on the farm." I stood up quickly and grabbed some credits out of my pocket. Zaneka didn't bother to ring me up; I always order the same food. I glance at the table as I rush out the door. Three clones sat there with the Togruta; if she was what I thought her to be, then she knew that I knew.

The speeder ride back to the farm was eventful. Simply because I keep looking behind me. Not the wisest thing to do with trees in front of you. My speeder is the best that I can afford and my hearing told me that I wasn't being followed. But I know that if I did something to warrant attention, I would certainly be getting a visit because I knew that Zaneka was a sucker for pretty faces and those clones were handsome.

My father cleared our farm out of the middle of the woods. My family has always been recluse and I have seen no reason to change; so I enjoy having full knowledge of what or who was coming. I kick my speeder into the garage and rush to check the livestock.

I don't know anything about the Republic or their men; don't even claim to but I do know how soldiers think. If they think I'm a threat, they'll come around to gage how much and why. I don't think they'll shoot first and ask questions after, but I don't want to take chances. Moving to the pens I start to let the livestock out. They would graze in the forest around the farm and let me know what's out there. Paranoid sounding I know, but I prefer not to take chances.

I stop moving and listen closely to the surrounding woods. They've gone quiet, meaning something or someone was out there.

Well that's just prime.

It started to rain that night. Actually it was one of Tavis V's infamous thunderstorms. But it didn't stop the Republic troopers from coming to the edge of my property. I could see that the two in charge were painted in faded yellow and bright blue. They also brought with them the Togruta and two male, adult Jedi. I wince when I see them, Jedi are right up there with pond scum on Tavis V. But I have to approve of these guys; I can hear soldiers to both sides of me.

"Good evening, Miss." The eldest Jedi says to me. He has a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. The yellow clad trooper stands to the left and two steps back from him. Obliviously this Jedi is the leader of them all. Another blast of lightning and thunder and I move my rifle so they can see it. I'm not going to welcome trouble. Jedi equal trouble, always.

"Good evening Master Jedi." I respond after the thunder stops.

"We can't help but notice that you are sitting out here as if waiting for something." He spoke in a manner that told me he was not a soldier first, but a problem solver. The dark clad Jedi next to him was the trouble maker. The Togruta was both, but I knew that the blue painted soldier was the same blond that sat next to her in the diner. Obliviously he was more of a teacher to her than either of the other Jedi.

"I knew that you would come. I took too much notice of the young Togruta cha'ke and the clone soldiers there. For that I apologize." I didn't know what to call the Togruta, but cha'ke, little knife, was a much better name for her.

"You didn't endanger the mission," the bearded man seemed puzzled, "but if you knew who we were why didn't you tell the government?"

"Call me a free spirit." I didn't have to wonder how they knew that I hadn't called the Government; they were clones of the Perfect Soldier. "I have no interest in Government knowing anything about you. I have no interest in watching a bunch of innocents be murdered because they share one face."

"I see." The bearded man said softly enough that I almost couldn't hear him. When the next slash of lightning came through I could see that he was considering something. "I am Jedi Master General Obi-wan Kenobi."

"You have quite a mouthful with your name and rank, General Kenobi." I said considering what I had in front of me. Like everyone who could I knew who these men were now. Jedi Master General Obi-wan Kenobi with his Clone Commander Cody, Jedi Master General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Padawan Commander Ahsoka Tano, and their Clone Captain Rex. I can already see my future becoming darker.

"Uh yes well..."

"I'm Kaila Mereel." I notice that one Clone in the back suddenly turns his attention on me fully. I don't like it. But the Jedi were my current worry.

"Ms. Mereel, a pleasure to meet you." General Kenobi was trying to find some way of asking me a question. And I bet I don't need the Force to figure out what it is.

"Out with it General. You'll catch your death in the storm." I finally call out. It's late, and now that I've figured out they're coming to my farm it's time to end the niceties.

"I'll be frank, Ms. Mereel. We need a place to call base while we fight the Separatists. Your Government is working with the Seps. We can't go to them."

"So you want me to let you stay here. You can't order me because this is my home. Just what exactly and don't lie to me, do you plan to sit on my land?"

"I won't lie to you."

He must have seen my lips twitch because I didn't believe him and he knew it.

"We need to land three gunships, fifty Clones including what is here, and the three of us."

That was fifty-three more bodies than what I was used to. And if this went badly, I would be as dead as them. Father might be disappointed if I turned down...

"Take off the helmet, please." I said looking at Commander Cody. He jerked as if startled. "You want my help; well I want to make sure that you are who you say you are. I have heard of Droids wearing the armor. It's not something I want to find in my home. You'll find no modern convenes in my house."

Commander Cody looked for a nod from the Jedi before removing his helmet. As I thought, he was extremely good looking. But the scars and haircut were what I was paying attention to. He was one of the three men in the diner. Damn, he heard Zaneka going off about his existence. I could only hope he didn't take offense, but then it was too late to do anything if he did.

"Am I real enough for you?" Commander Cody asks. He has a little humor in his voice, no doubt remembering what I had said to get Zaneka to give me my food. He had a nice voice.

"I suppose. You might want to drop your gunships; they're lightning rods up there." I respond standing up. It's been a long night for me and I have feeling it's going to be a longer few weeks. "I can't fit fifty-three people in the house with me. So if you really want to stay on the property, don't hunt my livestock and make up your base camp."

"Don't worry, Ms. Mereel, you won't even know we're here." General Skywalker says. I give him the blankest look I can give anyone. Only an idiot would say that. I look over at the one trooper that seemed to be staring either at me or thru me. Funny how I don't believe my life's going to be any easier.

"Sure Jedi. Whatever you say. However when Zaneka comes around, she's the yellow Twi'lek from the dinner, you might want to keep your mouth shut. She has this thing about Jedi. Her hands get really slippery with sharp objects." I stand up and go inside, listening to the Jedi and commanders issue orders and three gunships land. I don't bother to get undressed; I just take off my boots.

This war has just hit home.

Next Morning...

Mornings are not my strong point. Never have been. However this morning is a terribly different story.

"AAAHHH! KAILA!" I came awake and twisted out of my bed, grabbing my rifle and lunging out the door; only to smack right into a Clone Trooper in full armor. I saw stars immediately but the white object in my grey sight moved quickly, letting me see a furious yellow twi'lek trying to beat a yellow and white armored trooper who was sporting a shaved head. He was trying not to hurt her and she wasn't hurting him much, but the expression on his face spoke volumes with how much he knew about females. And when Zaneka screamed in his ear, probably again, he was desperate for help.

"Zaneka! Zaneka! HEY TAIL-HEAD!" I hollered. It took three seconds for her to turn that glare on me. But she softened when she saw me sitting on the ground looking, I hope, pathetic.

"Kaila, honey you need to be in bed. You look horrible."

I keep looking pathetic when Commander Cody, followed by the Jedi rushed up. I think I remember telling the Jedi to tone down their brown robes. Apparently they didn't hear me. I looked at the trooper holding Zaneka and he seemed to remember what I said, because his expression became one of resigned acceptance. Good thing, because Zaneka didn't disappoint.

"ZARKING JEDI! MONSTERS! THEY'VE TAKEN OVER YOUR FARM! ARE YOU A PRISONER? I'LL KILL 'EM!" Each word out of Zaneka's mouth was accompanied by a squirm, punch, kick, and wiggle against the trooper whose ears must be ringing.

"Neka, have pity on the man holding you. I'm not their prisoner." The trooper had given up holding her and just used his heavier bulk to keep her down. He looked to be in great pain.

"You must be Zaneka, the waitress at the diner." General Kenobi tried to appear friendly. I accepted a hand off the ground by Commander Cody and had to use his arm to keep standing up. Oh yeah, that trooper armor was not something that you wanted to meet head-first.

"So I am. Who are you?" Zaneka tilted her head to get a look at General Kenobi. It was almost impossible considering the heavy trooper sitting on her back.

"I'm General Obi-wan Kenobi."

"I see." Zaneka murmured. Then she looked over her shoulder at the trooper. "You have a name. I don't know it, otherwise I'd use it. But here's a thought. GET OFF!"

The man scrambled off and almost knocked me over in an effort to get behind Commander Cody. Today is going to miserable day, I can feel it.

"My name is Waxer, miss." He grumbled loud enough for Zaneka to hear.

"Well... Waxer, you outweigh me. And your armor pinches my skin." Zaneka brushed off her clothes and threw General Kenobi a scalding glare. He flinched and backed away from her, a wise decision. She picked up a basket that I hadn't seen lying on the ground. That reminded me to look around. I didn't see three gunships or enough movement to count for fifty-three people.

"I know I heard engines last night." I muttered tiredly. I could see the confusion on Commander Cody's face before something dawned on him.

"We hid our ships so your government won't see them during a fly over." I could hear Zaneka grumbling something nasty about gunships.

"So Neka, before I forget again," I look at the basket of food. "What are you here for?"

"Oh yeah. I thought that I would bring you something to eat." She held up the basket. "Before Waxer fell on me it was nice and warm. Good thing Toddy told me to bring it in spill proof containers."

I didn't feel right eating in front of the soldiers, or even going in the house away from people. It was too much like rubbing it in. Zaneka's eyes told me that she knew what I was thinking. We've been friends for way too long.

"Well how many more mouths do I have to feed?" She asked sounding prissy. I fought to repress a giggle at the confused look on everyone's face.

"There are fifty-three. Fifty troopers and three Jedi." I responded for them.

"How many females?"


"Does she cook?" Zaneka looked toward the Padawan.

"Not very well. Rex can cook better than me." Ahsoka murmured. I watched as the Captain moved closer to the Padawan. A protective gesture if I ever saw one. It was clear to me that her Master didn't seem to be protective.

"Well, don't worry hon. His skills were probably refined because Kamino skiaga can't cook. But a few days in my care, you'll not only have some meat on your bones, but you'll be able to cook as well as Kaila."

I tried not to let my emotions show, but I can't cook any more than Commander Ahsoka can. At least the food can be ingested. I yawn again before turning and going back to my cottage. All this fun was great, but I have work to do.

Getting back inside I grab some clothes from my dresser and change. I can hear more and more people moving around. Zaneka is snarling at General Kenobi over something, knowing Zaneka it could be how dirty his robes are. She hates dirt, but she'll be inside the cottage in a few minutes. Sure enough she came in muttering something about proper food.

"What's wrong Neka?" I ask brushing my thick brown hair back before tying it back.

"They don't have anything other than ration sticks to eat! This is stupid! These men need proper food. I don't have enough to make a good stew for them." She sat down at the dinner table father had carved.

"I should have enough. Can you feed them from my cellars?" I stamp on my boots and watch her tally up what I had in my cellar.

"Kaila, I don't want this war to touch us so closely." Zaneka said quietly.

"It's not the war that bothers you. It's the Jedi. You don't care about the Clone Troopers. In spite of what you said in the diner, you do have a soft spot for these men. Just not the Jedi."

"No one should fight without their consent. The only reason that they fight is because Jango Fett gave up blood and flesh. They are just victims of circumstance. Kind of like us."

Zaneka had a point. She and I were both circumstance victims. My father the fighter, and Zaneka's little sister... We both knew that the Clones were also fighting our Government as well as the Separatist Droids. Zaneka was more of a fighter than she let on.

"Go ahead and see if there's enough food in the cellar. This leaks out, and you know it will, I will have very little use for the food."

"It doesn't, don't whine to me about your food stores being depleted."

Terms used:

(creating this language for my Mortal Kombat Realm, Zanferia)

Cha'ke- Little Knife

Skiaga- No real English translation. Extremely nasty and not something used for polite company