Chapter 1


I Looked out the window of my cottage bedroom and saw a large russet colored wolf.

I walked out went to the front door where I knew the he would be waiting. And there he was.

"Hey Jake" I said to the wolf. "Why don't you go turn yourself back human, Put on some clothes and meet me in the living room?" I said. The wolf looked into my eyes licked my face and grabbed some clothes with his teeth and walked into the bathroom. I went into the living room and sat myself down on the couch .

Mom and Dad were out hunting, so I finally got some alone time with him. I hope dad is far enough away so he cant hear Jacobs thoughts.

From the corner of my eye I saw Jacob standing in the doorway. " Hey Ness." Jacob said. "Hey Jake come here sit with me".

"So do you want to see a movie?" I asked. "Yeah, sure" Jacob replied. I walked over to the movie cabintes and picked out a what looked like a romance. I popped the movie into the DVD player and turned on the big plasma screen Tv Uncle Emmett gave us for Christmas.

I smiled as Jacob grabbed me and wrapped me into his big arms and pulled me close to his chest. "Finally alone" he whispered in my ear.

I looked up into his eyes and pecked a kiss on his cheek. As the movie went on, I could tell Jacob wasn't paying much attention to the movie. He kept his dark brown eyes on me. "The movies over" I said to him.
"Oh really? I wasn't paying much attention". I looked up at him and looked into his eyes again. "Then what were you paying attention to?". I asked. He smiled and said.. "You"

He then leaned in to me to kiss me. I felt his firm lips press against mine. His lips moved with mine in such a graceful, yet rough way. I gasped for air but that didn't stop us he just moved on to my neck ,his hot lips pressed against my neck. He trailed kisses all the way up it, until his lips met mine again. Then he rolled on top of me, on my fathers big leather couch.
I wrapped my fingers in his hair and he grabbed me tighter into his chest. A moan escaped my lips and my hands moved up and down Jacob's back. Then that's when it I said to myself that I had to stop. Dad will be mad if he catches us acting like this. He kissed my neck again and I could no longer remember what I was going to say.

Then suddenly I heard the door slam open and Jacob pulled his lips away from mine! "JACOB GET THE HELL OFF MY DAUGHTER!" my Father yelled. He grabbed Jacob off of me by grabbing his shirt collar and throwing him to the other side of the room. "Edward!" my mother hissed. "Awww come on Edward we where just having some fun" Jacob smirked.

I heard a deep low growl coming from my father. "Dad stop! We were just kissing!" He looked at me in furious eyes. "Just kissing!" he said angerly.
"Thats not the way Jacob pictured in his mind he wanted to-" he stopped talking for a moment "Ugh I hate hearing your perverted thoughts of what you fantasize of doing to my daughter Jacob!". My father snapped. "Hey no one said you had to listen!" Jacob snapped back. "Jacob Go now" my mother said calmly.

"Bella lead him out!"

As my mother led Jacob out My father and I stood there looking at each other in silence.
"Edward honey calm down" my mother said trying to calm my furious father down.

"Renesemee go to your room please" my mother said. I ran with tears drowning down my face. I laid in my bed, tears still flowing down my cheeks. I heard my mother and Father arguing. "Edward you need to calm down" my mother said. "Bella look Im trying to calm down. its just that she's my little girl and I just,I just...I dont know".

"Edward honey she's seventeen i think she can control herself! But when are you going to face the truth that she loves Him Edward?"

"Dont you think i know that? its just His thoughts and seeing him on top of her ugh!" I heard my father say. "Edward, you knew this was going to happen. They belong together just like You and I." " I know Bella I know its just that I wish it hadn't come so soon I just want her to be my little Nessie". "Shh calm down why dont you go talk to Renesemee?" my mother said.

I looked at my clock 10:25 P.M. after a few minutes in silence and darkness, My door opened it was my Father, Edward. he walked up to my bed and sat on the corner of it.
" I know you're awake Nessie" he said. I stood up on my bed turned on a small lamp I had on the dresser next to my bed. "Hey dad.." I said wiping away my tears, with the sleeves of my shirt.

" Honey I'm sorry, I love you and I over reacted" my father said. I half smiled. "Its okay dad i love you too and I want you to know that I'm a big girl that's going to be turning eighteen soon and she can take care of herself" I said. "I know, its just that I love you so much and i always want you to be my little girl". he said, giving me my mothers favorite crooked smile.

"I love you so much dad and I love Jacob too, but I'll promise you I won't do anything until I'm married okay?" he smiled again then kissed the top of my head.
"Thanks Ness. I love you. Why dont you catch some sleep me and your mother are going to go over to Grampa Carslile and Grandma Esme's house okay? We will be back soon" He said. "Goodnight dad" "Good night Nessie" he said as he turned off my light and walked out of my bedroom.

11:12 P.M. I stood there in the silence and darkness once again. I heard a clicking sound coming from my window i got out of my bed and walked towards it and saw Jacob throwing pebbles. I opened my window to talk to him. "Jacob?" i asked. "Ness let me in!" he said. He hopped in my window grabbed me and kissed my hair.

"I love you Nessie more than anything" He said to me. I love you to Jacob Black and everything is okay now. You and Ican be together forever" "Forever" he agreed. That night we laid in my bed almost the entire night talking. He didn't leave until around 5 A.M. Before he left, he gave me a emerald ring that he said belonged to his mother. I felt so good so loved so whole.