Disclaimer:I do not own Kim Possible or any of the other characters related to the show.

Possibly Broken

by: onereaddaily

Chapter 3: Why

Shego had left the facility roughly about an hour ago, and was now sitting in one of her many safe houses. Pacing back and forth with the images of what had transpired just a short time ago rolling through her mind. Frustrated and upset, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed the first number that came to mind. Hesitating a few moments before pressing the send key, she waited. After a few moments that seemed more like an eternity, a voice finally answered.

"this had better be good" the voice on the other end of the call answered.

"Look, I need to speak with someone, and your the best I got at the moment" Shego replied.

"Shego! You have a lot of nerve calling, especially after what you've done this time. Give me one good reason not to hull your ass in myself! Or better yet skip all the formalities and have you shot on site."

"Betty please! You don't know whats going on, You have to hear me out, please!" Shego replied her voice cracking slightly as she did.

"Fine, you better start explaining and fast." Dr. Director replied her patience all but worn out with the whole situation.

"Not now, not like this, meet me at my Upperton safe house in two hours we'll talk then." was Shego's only reply before she disconnected the call.

Betty Director sighed as she pocketed her phone and peered through the glass observation window that separated her from the unconscious red headed teen hero on the other side. The site of Kim Possible in such a condition was almost more then she could take. Things had definitely gone to far this time, and worse yet she began to wonder if it had all been her fault. A trail of tears began to fall from her good eye as she continued to look on the broken figure before her, she muttered a simple apology before turning to leave. With one glance back over her shoulder Betty Director continued her way out of the GJ medical building to meet with the last person she ever wished to see again.

Shego sat at the kitchen table of her Upperton safe house apartment, time moving both to fast and to slow as she quietly sipped at her coffee. Hundreds of scenarios running through her head as to how this meeting might go, and none of them ending well for her. 'God damn it princess, why did you have to tell me that! Why couldn't you just let things be....' Shego thought to herself. As she let her head drop to the table as she silently wept.

A/N: Okay, short chapter I know, and so not worth the wait. Life's just been royally sucking lately (even more so than usual) and haven't had much time to write. I would like to take this time to apologize for the long update time and for the crappy writing. Any ways here's hoping someone is still reading and enjoying this little fic of mine.