N/A I still havent finished watching all of Code Geass so I made it up as I went along. By the way, I'm sorry if I offended anyone in advance. Yes, the story is rather suggestive. Hope that clears things up a bit. Well, there was tons of 'Witch and Warlock' fics based on that and I said, "Hey why dont I make one?" And I did. Cause it was rather cute. :)

DISCLAIMER: I dont own Code Geass or any of the characters.

In the pitch black of the night when not stars bloomed in the sky and dark clouds that hid the moonlight from the magnificent castle walls, all was still. Not one made a sound, not the littlest mice that scampered along, fearing the heavy aura around this night nor the guards that paced back in forth to their stations nervously. It was one of that nights that made your skin crawl all over, the hairs of your arms prickle and shiver slightly. It was daunting. It was Halloween.

A slight movement in the shadows. From the scarce light that reflected in the Black Queen's chamber, a silk black cape shimmered. Immediately, the guards were unto it, they shouted in panic at one another, after all, the Demon King was out and surely, they would be the next one to be sentenced to death if anything were to happen to his Queen. They split up in different directions, shouting madly enough to alarm the whole palace and the Knightmares were already up and hunting for the intruder.

The palace blacked out. Everyone was in panic now, immediately orders to protect the Queen was issued and people scrambled about, unsure in the dark, almost afraid. In the long halls of the castle, a tall lean masked figure passed the panicked people in the dark. No one noticed him, and he in turn ignored them. He went upstairs quietly, amused by the reactions that he saw. He noted mentally to do this more often. He slipped through the tight security of the Royal Chambers with a smirk, hidden by the mask. He hid himself behind the wall as a group of trained guards stalked the Queens door, intimidated by the dark. He knew though, their loyalty was akin to obsessive to the beautiful Queen.

Dramatically, the door of the Queen swung open and revealed a green haired young woman clothed in black silk dress that highlighted her beautiful yet strong features. Her stoic but melodious voice rang in the hall as she told the guards to leave her door be and to go somewhere else.

They were stunned by her words but one regained consciousness, "B-but my Queen! There is an intruder about if we were to leave you surely-!"

"I'll be alive." She cut through like a knife, sharp and dangerous. "Go. Now." Her brilliant hazel eyes glinted in the dark, "Or are you going to disobey me? Your Queen?" The guards stuttered their apologies and bowed deeply scampering off to report this incident. She remained there watching them and turned her focus on the empty halls, as if expecting something to come out from the dark.

And there really did. Like magic, the masked figure appeared in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist pushing them both inside the regal bedroom and locking the grand doors. The young Queen remained passive and unsurprised but her eye twitched slightly in annoyance of the grandeur break in that this man made.

"Aren't you supposed to be negotiating in New York with the Black Knights, Lelouch?" Her voice was silky and held no emotion yet her eyes was staring into the black abyss of the mask.

Lelouch chuckled and let go of her. He pulled out the mask off him and settled it in the table, grinning slightly. He faced her again, "You were expecting that, C.C." It was not a question, it was a statement of a fact. No questions were asked between the two, simply because they already know the answer.

The young woman walked over to her bed where white silk lingerie laid there waiting for its master. She undressed, not bothering to spare modesty to her audience and slipped in to the skimpy under garment. "Yes, I was. You can never stay where your supposed to be like a good boy can you?"

He watched her as she changed, through the years, he had rather gotten used to the fact she would do that. In fact, he enjoyed it. After all, why deny it when she insists of doing so? He teared his eyes of her form and sat at the armchair in the other side of the room, "It's too dull there. No people to play chess with and all."

"I see." She laid down to the velvet comforters and stared at her King. "You should get back them as soon as possible. We wouldn't want a panicked Kallen, now, would we?" Her sarcasm was rather blinding.

Between them, it was always a battle of wits. And surely, Lelouch had enough wits to cover for four people. "No we wouldn't" His voice was soft and in the soft light that the lamp gave his handsome features seem to increase tenfold.

Eyes narrowed slightly, "Well then, scamper along now. I have things to attend to tomorrow and I don't need disturbances in midnight." C.C slipped between the covers and closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. She felt the rush of wind as he opened the covers slightly to make room for himself, still she didn't open her eyes.

"Aren't you happy? Your husband just visited you between a very important meeting with the ambassadors." She felt his hot breath beat down on her cheeks and neck as he leaned in to whisper to her.

She smirked slightly, "My 'husband' is rather stupid then. Besides the fact we married for the public demand, it will ruin the chances of keeping peace with the New Yorkers."

His irritation grew, "Then my 'wife' is also stupid for agreeing whole heartedly then. Those guys are too scared of me to even refuse this chance, C.C."

Finally, her brilliant eyes opened and in an instant, violet eyes penetrated it without hesitation. "Visiting in Halloween isn't romantic at all, idiot husband." She glared into his majestic eyes, "In fact, its creepy and not really pleasing at all when you start agreeing about Kallen."

Amused at her venom, he chuckled and began twirling a lock of green hair between his long fingers, "Your worried about that? How uncharacteristic, C.C."

"Oh? How about the time when you started to go wild just because Suzaku held my hand?" C.C was determined not to lose in this one. She'll make sure.

He frowned and his eyes scanned hers, "Why on earth should I let a man touch my wife?"

"Because your an overprotective and obsessive husband." Her answer was blunt and fast as she replied.

He paused to consider it, "No, it's because I feared that you might break his fingers the way you freaked out after that." Indeed, in that day, every man in that room swore to himself to keep their hands to themselves well away from the Black Queen as her glare is equal to the fiery gates of hell itself.

"At least I dont have a constant line of ladies to charm with, Lelouch." Her hands travelled to his collar then up his smooth face, running it up and down savoring the feeling. "Tell me, why are you here?" Her face was not but a couple of inches away from his and her smell simply attacked him from every direction. Obviously, this woman knew were to push his buttons.

"No reason. Must a man need one to visit his beloved?" She snorted at that one and he went on without regard, "Your avoiding the question."

"Am I now?" Her voice was soft and wispy as her eyes didn't stray away from his.

He reached between his cloak and produced a single stem of a daisy, smirking slightly, "Actually I just came to give you this. Happy Anniversary, witch."

In an instant, she was in top of him and his arms pinned to the bed. C.C smirked at his physical weakness, "As always, so weak Lelouch. You should do something about that, after all, it effects your stamina and," she leaned in so her lips were almost a breath away from his, "in this game, you need it a lot. Happy anniversary, warlock."

In the pitch black of the night when not stars bloomed in the sky and dark clouds that hid the moonlight from the magnificent castle walls, all was still. But inside the Black Queen's chamber was an entirely different story.