A/N: This is it, you guys! What you've all been waiting for! Kinda. Enjoy! Oh and this chapter is rated T, due to some strong language. Not a lot, but still. ^^

Things were not going as planned.

Lily huffed while she sat at an empty table by herself and simply watched as other couples swayed in time to the music. She tapped her fingers to the beat of the blasting bass drums as she waited for Amos to return with their drinks that he had so eagerly gone to grab. Lily looked up at the clock. The night was still young, the party only one hour into its duration.

"Where is he?" she asked quietly to herself. Amos had been gone for fifteen minutes, leaving his girlfriend sitting there like a loner. The second they entered the room, Amos had started dancing with her. She had blushed with happiness but eventually her joy faded when she realized that he kept staring over her shoulder, instead of into her eyes. When asked, he never gave a straight (or as she suspected, truthful) answer.

Everyone else looked so happy. There was Alice over there dancing with Frank, both bearing smiles on their faces. Remus and Mary MacDonald seemed a bit awkward with each other, but looked like they were having fun nonetheless. Lily had spotted James with Emma earlier but now his familiar unruly hair was nowhere to be found. Where had they gone?


Lily whipped around just in time to see James pulling out the chair and plopping down next to her.

"Potter, why aren't you dancing?"

"Why I could ask you the same question, Evans."

"Just waiting for Amos. You?"

He shrugged and leaned backwards, closing his eyes. "Things came up between us."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. Not like we're together anyways."

"Do you like her?"

James paused for a moment before answering. "...no. I don't."


Inside her, she felt a sort of sense of relief that James didn't like her.

Wait just a moment. I couldn't care less who James Potter fancies! He can fancy whomever his big head desires. Why do I even care? I suppose I'm just watching out for him. Emma's not the best girl out there for him anyways.

"She's just a friend, really," James seemed to be speaking to the air, not really staring at anyone in particular.

They sat there without talking for a few more minutes, James' head bobbing in time to the song while Lily fiddled with her fingers, unsure of what to say to this boy. She seemed to feel nervous around him these days, for reasons unknown to herself.

"Am I really your friend?" he blurted out suddenly, but looked as if he regretted saying that the second it was out of his mouth, afraid of Lily's reply.

She blinked in surprise but smiled warmly. "Yes, Potter."

"Why don't you should call me 'James' then?" he chuckled a bit, winking good humorly at Lily.

"Because that-that's just ... weird. You're Potter. Just Potter to me."

"Well hey, you've changed. I changed. Maybe this can change too?" he shrugged. "Try it."

"J-J-Potter." Lily covered her face in embarrassement when James burst out laughing uncontrollably. "Sorry! I'm really just not used to that, is all. J-J-Jam-Potter. Oh dear."

"Is it that hard to say my name?"

"Hey, you call me 'Evans'!"

"Yes, but I call you with both your first and last name! At least I don't start spluttering!"

"Shut up," she stuck her tongue out at him. "You'll have to give me some time. I'll get it eventually. I promise."

James smiled. "Hey, I'll go get us some drinks. Then you can practice." And before Lily could say that she was waiting on some drinks already, he had already disappeared into the crowd of people.

Lily found herself staring at the clock again. Half an hour had gone by already. Does it take someone that long to get drinks? Maybe something happened to him along the way. But the more she thought about it, she still couldn't come up with a plausible reason. She sighed and decided to watch the crowd again.

Lily's mouth made an o shape when her eyes landed on James' date in a very short, skimpy black dress dancing with someone else. Who was she dancing with? Lily tried to look away since she knew it wasn't any of her business, but right before she turned away, she caught a glance at the mysterious stranger and felt her blood run cold.

Over there on the dancefloor shimmying up and down against Emma was noneother than Amos.

Her legs seemed to have a mind of their own as she found her chair knocked over when she was carried over to where Amos was.

However, once she was there, she was at a loss on what to do next. After a few seconds of standing there awkwardly, she cleared her throat and said in a loud voice, "AMOS!"

He didn't respond to her, but Emma smirked.


The tall boy rolled his eyes in annoyance and whispered a "Give me a sec, babe" to Emma before turning to Lily. "What is it?"

"What are you doing?" Lily wrinkled her brows in confusion. "I thought you were getting us drinks! N-now I found you here with...with her?"

Emma let out a shrill laugh and wrapped her skinny arms around his waist. "Amos, darling, you were right. She is incredibly naive."

Amos laughed, "Lily, this is my way of saying 'we're over.'"

Lily didn't know what to say. Her mouth and body was frozen on the spot, and all she could do was splutter stupidly in front of them.

"I never liked you in the first place. I've been using you all this time. You're too boring. Too up-tight. If you loosened up a bit, maybe I would've liked you," Amos raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his shoulders, as if daring Lily to contradict him.

Lily felt like she was under the full body-binding spell. Her legs felt like jelly, but wouldn't move from her spot. She wanted to yell, to scream, to do something to the deceitful, cruel man she had loved, but it was as if her stomach was caught up in her throat, and her mouth sealed shut.

Do something, Lily. Punch him. Kick him. Anything.

Emma scoffed and started to nuzzle Amos' neck. "Darling, I'm so sorry you had to put up with this girl for so long."

"Mhm..me too. What a waste of time."

The world seemed to spin in front of her. A buzzing sound filled her ears as the blaring music and the faint crash of two champagne glasses from someone's hand muted to almost nothing.

Do something, Lily. Come on.

She couldn't help it. She felt weak, powerless, and worthless. Lily felt her nose start to sting and she knew the unpreventable was coming.

"Is the baby crying?" Emma threw back her head and laughed again.

All of a sudden, multiple things happened at once. Before she knew what was happening, a beam of light hit Amos square in the chest and he was thrown backwards for ten feet, and like a bowling pin, knocked everything in its path, including the hords of dancing couples.

A figure brushed past Lily briskly and approached Amos, who lay on the ground against the wall, groaning in pain. Amos looked up while rubbing his head, which had banged against the wall rather hard.

"I'll kill you." James Potter stood above him with eyes that could kill, his entire face contorted with anger etched into every chiseled feature of his face. "I'll fucking kill you." He knew he could do much more damage by using magic, but it wouldn't give him the satisfaction he was looking for. James raised his right fist and punched Amos right in his pretty little face. Over and over again he sank his fist into his face, feeling the adrenaline rush and the desire to cause as much pain as possible.

"Potter! Stop!"

"James, what the bloody hell are you doing? Remus came up to them, looking absolutely shocked and horrified at the scene.

"How - fucking - dare - you - hurt - her," he growled between punches. "You - slimy - WORTHLESS - good - for - nothing - BASTARD!"


James felt a tugging on the back of his shirt as Lily tried to pry him off Amos. "Stop it, already! Haven't you done enough?"

"Let go of me, Lily! I'm not done!"

"Stop it! Please, James."

Something inside of him seemed to snap and he immediately dropped his hold on the Huflepuff, who wouldn't stop groaning as he lay helpless on the ground, instantly surrounded by his group of Hufflepuffs who threw dirty looks at James.

"You're dead, Potter," one of them glared. "Don't think that just because Slughorn's passed out drunk that you'll get away with this."

"Why don't you tell your pathetic excuse for a human being friend the same thing," James snapped back.

Despite having been used as a boxing toy, Amos managed to stand up, his face covered in quickly appearing bruises, blood dripping down the side of his lip. "You're pathetic, Lily!" he yelled. Can't fight a fight by yourself, can you?"

All heads turned to the redhead with the tear-stained cheeks. James stood beside her, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Why you-" But before he could take another step towards Amos, Lily beat him to it. With each step she took, all the pain and frustration seemed to build up more and more inside her.

She took one good look at the man she had thought she loved before lifting her arm and slapping him across the face with all the force she had inside her. The whiplash caused Amos to turn almost 90 degrees as he staggered a bit to the side.

Then she couldn't hold in the pain she felt any longer and started running towards the exit, fresh tears cascading down like a waterfall as she sobbed while pushing the door open to get as far away as she could from everything that had just happened.

James immediately broke into a sprint after her. "Lily! LILY!" he cried and pulled the door open, following the girl with a broken heart to give all he had, to do anything he could to make her whole again.

A/N: I'm sure you guys all wanted to punch Amos also but it's ok, James did it for you! Sorry, I made Hufflepuffs seem kinda snobby in this chapter. I was kinda picturing Slytherins when writing that one liner but hey, just think of it as a very very arrogant Hufflepuff. Haha. All houses must have them.

I was planning on not ending this chapter here but then it would have been very long haha and I wouldn't know where to have a proper ending for the chapter. Thus I cut it off where the boy is chasing after the girl. Cute, yes?

Now that I've kicked it up a notch, reviews? Pretty please? I'd just like to know what you guys thought of this chapter! You can include all your hatred towards Amos. Okay? :) haha peace out.