"So let us get this straight, you want an assistant?" The Mighty Purple Tallest asked.

"That is correct. I'm sure whoever it is will be honored to work under the mighty ZIM!" Zim yelled from his hidden location under earth. Purple and Red looks at each other with raised eyebrows.

"We'll see about it, okay Zim?" Red said before pressing the button that ended the transmission. When the screen went blank, Purple and Red walked away in the hallway.

"You know he's not going to stop until we give him an assistant." Purple said as they walked through the hallway.

"I know, I just can't believe he still bothers to call. I mean, can't he get that we hate him?" Red said as he rubbed his forehead. Just then, an Irken ran up the two tallest.

"My lords, the emperor of the planet Vamptopia has arrived." He said while bowing. Red made a dismissive gesture with his hand and nodded.

"Thank you small slave we've never seen before." Purple said as they walked down the hall to front hall of the building. There a tall, pale man with long black hair that was tied in a pony tail waited. He turned when he saw the tallest approach.

"Ah, the mighty tallest. It's a pleasure to see you." He said with a bow as his ruby red eyes rested upon Red and Purple.

"Always good to see you Vlad." Red said as they walked to a random couch that was sitting there.

"Red, I notice you're rubbing your head a lot." Vlad said as they sat down. Red nodded.

"Yeah, it's this invader we've been trying to get rid of. He yelled a lot today about an assistant." Red said while rubbing the last of his head ache away.

Vlad sat quietly for a moment before speaking, "Then we shall give him an assistant. I have just the person." Purple and Red shot up.

"Oh no, you don't have to. See, we hate him. So were thinking about giving him a defective robot or something." Purple explained quickly in fear that Zim would obtain something useful. Vlad chuckled at the sudden nervousness of the tallest.

"Oh you don't understand Purple. We can send my daughter. I'm sure she'll suck him dry before your invader has a chance to register that she's there." He said while turning the other way and closing his eyes. A moment later, the door opened and a girl who looked no more than fourteen walked in.

"Red, Purple, I'd like you to meet my daughter Jinx!" Vlad exclaimed happily when the girl walked to stand in front of them. Jinx looked at the tallest and bowed.

"Pleased to meet you." She said and stood up again.

"Jinx, we have a mission for you." Vlad said while smiling at the tallest. Red and Purple nodded.

"See, we have a pesky invader for you." Red said as he explained.

"And we want you to be his assistant." Purple finished. Jinx kept her gaze cold and nodded.

"I accept the mission. I'm ready for transportation whenever it is given." Jinx said while looking at the floor with her hands behind her back.

"We can transport you right now. Zim gave us the coordinates." Red said as he stood up with Purple following and called for a helper. Vlad stood up as well.

"Well honey, I guess this is good-bye." Vlad said as he leaned over and hugged Jinx.

"Yeah, bye dad." Jinx said she hugged him back and picked up her bag that she had been traveling with for months.

Jinx followed the Irken helper to the transportation chambers.

"Step in here and we'll transport you in a matter of seconds, miss." He said as he helped Jinx in and gave her her bag.

"Thank you." Jinx said with a nod. While the Irken powered up the tube and typed in the coordinates, Jinx pulled out a teddy bear from her bag and hugged it to her.

"We're going to have a permanent home for a while, Freddy." She whispered as the teleportation began.

*Zim's home on Earth*

I was in my lab when the doorbell rang. "WHO IS RINGING ZIM'S DOORBELL!?" I demanded as I went into the elevator to the upper level. While muttering, I opened the door to see a pale, skinny girl standing there with a bag in her hand.

"Hello, are you Zim?" She asked while looking around inside.

"Yes, I am. WHO WANTS TO KNOW OF THE MIGHTY ZIM!?" I demanded while she dared to look around my base.

"Hi, I'm Jinx. The tallest sent me as your new assistant." She said while holding out her free hand. I just stared at it. "Don't you shake hands?" She asked after a minute.

"Uh, what's shaking hands?" I asked as I looked up.

Jinx grabbed my hand and moved it up and down. "That's shaking hands, it a gesture you do when you meet someone new." She explained as she let go.

"Oh okay, well come into the base." I said as I walked into the living room with Jinx following me. "So how come you don't look Irken? Already in disguise?" I asked while pointing at her.

Jinx let out a little giggle before answering. "No silly, I'm the daughter of the emperor of Vamptopia." She said while bowing.

"Oh, I see. Well then welcome Jinx! You are most lucky to be my assistant for I am ZIM! THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL THE INVADERS!" I exclaimed while doing a dramatic pose. Jinx just stood there instead of applauding like I expected.

"Well, uh, can you show me to my room? I'd like to unpack before I do anything." Jinx said while looking around. I nodded.

"You shall be a lucky one and have the privilege to have a room across from the MIGHTY ZIM!" I said as I lead her upstairs and down the hall. "Here you are!" I said as I opened the door. The room was a plain aqua color with no furniture what so ever in it.

Jinx walked in and looked around. "Hm, I can do this. Like the color, I'll talk to dad about sending my furniture to here." She said as she walked around.

"Yes well, do what you have to and meet me in the kitchen. There we shall plan how we will take over this scummy planet." I said as I walked away.

*Jinx's POV*

After I talked to dad about sending furniture, I looked out the window at the street. 'I think I can do this.' I walked over to my bag and pulled out a mirror so I could make sure that I looked presentable. My black eyes seemed the same as they always had. There was nothing but the trained holding of one's emotions. One thing I was going to let go now, I don't care if Zim was okay with this or not. 'So long have I held it back. Now I shall be emotional.' My reddish brown hair hung in the same way it always did. Bang to the left, little cut piece to the right. The rest hung at my waist, pin straight where it rested.

I sighed and stood up. Looking in the mirror to long always made me be critical. Before walking out, I contemplated changing. I looked down at my outfit, it was the same thing I wore everyday. The long sleeved shirt with the red torso with a smiley with fangs and black and red stripped sleeves. The black mini skirt, red and black stripped tights, and the knee length black boots. 'Nah, I shouldn't dress up for this. I'm assisting this guy, so he's going to see me when I'm extremely beautiful and when I'm covered in grease.' I nodded, agreeing with myself, and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Zim was sitting at the table and looked up when I came in.

"Ah, Jinx there you are! Come, sit. Gir is making dinner." He nodded to a little robot standing at the stove who was singing a song about monkeys and tacos. A little, robotic moose floated next to the robot named Gir, squeaking along. I raised an eyebrow and sat down.

"So what exactly is the plan?" I asked as I sat down.

"Well, right now I'm observing the STINKING CHILDREN of the school. You'll be joining me. You already look enough like the stinking meat bags, so we won't worry about a disguise. Now, we shall observe everything we see, and see how we can use it to take over this scummy planet." He said while slamming his fists against the table.

"You sound like you hate this planet." I said while watching his fists hit the table.

"Yes, I hate it! But I must conquer it!" He said while an evil laugh.

"DINNER!" Gir screamed while he threw some weird concoction on the table in front of me. Zim immediately dug in. I poked it with my spoon.

"Uh, what exactly is this?" I asked while poking it some more.

"It's cake batter soup!" Gir exclaimed as he dug in. I had never had cake, but from what I understood, it was some sort of sugary food. I tentatively took a spoonful and put it on my mouth. My eyes widened as I swallowed the food.

"This is delicious." I said as I ate more and more of it. By the end of dinner, Gir and I had eaten the whole pot of cake batter soup. Zim only ate one bowl, the little moose ate nothing. I learned the little moose was named Mini Moose.

After dinner, Zim advised me to sleep so I would be well rested for out observing tomorrow so I walked into my room to find a bed, side table, lamp, desk, chair, and dresser. 'Thank you dad!' I thought as I changed and got in bed.

It was a wild chase through the woods. "I have you now alien scum!" Someone was yelling behind us. Zim was running ahead of me, "Come on Jinx! We need to get away NOW!" He yelled as we ran faster. "It's no use Zim! You can't get away now!" The yelling can again. Zim and I hid behind a cluster of trees. "Zim? What's going on!?" I whispered as we huddled. "They're on to us! More than just him! We're going to die!" Zim whimpered as we huddled, shaking. Out of no where a gun shot rang. "Zim!" I screamed before everything went black.

I shot up from bed and looked at the time. The alarm clock was blinking two-thirty in the morning. I sighed and laid back down when the door creaked open and Gir poked his head in.

"Aw! You got this room! Now master will throw me back on the couch!" He said and he turned around.

"Gir?" I asked as I sat up and the little robot turned back around.

"Why don't you come sit with me for a while? First nights anywhere is kind of creepy for me." I said as I looked around. Gir smiled and jumped up next to me.

"Master never allows me in his room." Gir said as he sat next to me. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

"Jinx?" Gir asked as I was about to fall asleep.

"Yes Gir?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

"Are you going to stay here forever?" Gir asked with a hopeful looked as I opened my eyes.

"Yes, I'm going to stay here and away from my home planet forever and ever." I said with a smile.

"Yay! That means you can be my best friend!" Gir yelled at he hugged me. At first I stiffened, but then hugged him. I don't know exactly when I fell asleep, but I did because next thing I knew it was six and my alarm was going off.