AHHH!!! I am so sorry that I keep making everybody all crazy and OOC I really have to stop reading all these fanfics that are REALLY crazy with the OOC lol there was one where Naruto was obsessed with Elmo LOL it was hilarious… but anyway sorry about all of the OOC and I will try to make it better and start making my chapters longer :). Thank you to all of my reviewers, without you I wouldn't have published this lol. Hopefully this fanfic will be over in like 10 to 20 chapters so that I can make everybody as crazy as I want in my next one, but until then I will try to keep them normal and all that. OH I ALMOST FORGOT SINCE MICHEAL JACKSON DIED ON JUNE 25 I WOULD LIKE TO HONOR HIM, SO R.I.P MICHEAL R.I.P!!! AND I WOULD LIKE TO DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO HIM :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor will I ever, because no matter how many times I plea Mom and Dad won't let me go to Japan. Lol

Trapped with Idiots: Chapter 7: Perverts never change!

'I have to disguise myself, before Sasuke and Naruto find me' Jiraiya thought to himself. "Hehe maybe I should change into an innocent woman and go to the hot springs; it would be a great chance to get some pictures for my latest volume of Icha Icha Paradise not to mention it would be a great chance to peep without them screaming that I'm a perv." The white haired lecher pat himself on the back, and wondered why he never thought of this before.

"Ninja Centerfold!" Jiraiya said as he walked into the women's hot spring. (It's kinda hard trying to think of Jiraiya as a girl isn't it lol.)

'Oh crap I think I feel a nosebleed coming on…'He said as he stared at all the women in the spring. "Yes!! I have finally made into the women's hot spring without being pummeled!!" Jiraiya said excitedly.

"What are you talking about? You are a woman after all… unless you're some ninja in disguise that wants to peep at women and hide from enemies at the same time ha-ha!!!" A random lady said to him.

"Hehe, yeah no man would ever dare do that…" Jiraiya said nervously as he stepped into the hot water. He was enjoying himself… for now hehe

Meanwhile with Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto…

"Ugh, we can't find Jiraiya anywhere, and Kakashi disappeared so that he could read that pervy book!!!" Screamed Sakura furiously. She had just about enough of this and was very tempted to just give up and go back to that stupid cabin, but then what would she tell Ino and everyone if they saw that photo…she had no idea, so it was back to searching.

"Hey dobe, you're Jiraiya's student, if he needed to get away from somebody quickly, where would he go?" Sasuke questioned.

"Hmm, I don't know, but if it was me I would go to the ramen stand!!" Naruto replied ramen bowls circling in his eyes. -Sweat drop-

"And you wonder how we always find you when you're "hiding" from Jiraiya so that you won't have to read his manuscripts" Sasuke muttered to himself. He was getting impatient with Naruto, as usual, and he really wanted to just go to the cabin and tune him out for the rest of his life, but some dreams just aren't possible to obtain and this was one of them. You can only ignore a loud blond for so long.

"Naruto can you please use your brain for once in your lifetime?" Sakura asked annoyed.

"Hn. I'm sure he would if he could, but the dobe doesn't have one" Sasuke told her. If Naruto didn't think of something really quickly Sasuke might just snap, and everybody could just say goodbye to him once and for all.

"Wait, Pervy Sage LOVES spying on girls in the hot spring, so he might be there…" Naruto explained to Sasuke and Sakura. They were both shocked that Naruto actually said something logical.

"Ahh, this is the life, hot girls that I can take pictures of for Icha Icha Paradise, and they aren't even attacking me!!!" Jiraiya said happily; this was defiantly his time to shine. He held up the camera to take a picture of someone getting out of the hot spring when…

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY JIRAIYA!!!" a pissed off looking Tsunade growled in someone's ear. She couldn't believe that Jiraiya had actually disguised himself as a girl was talking about taking pictures for that disgusting book of his. It just had to be him; he was that author of Icha Icha Paradise, so it was him she yelled at right? Wrong.

"Umm can I help you Tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked turning around, confused. "Oh, you must have had too much sake again, come on lets get you home…"

'Wow, I'm lucky Tsunade didn't find me or else I would have been pounded all the way down to a puddle' thought Jiraiya nervously.

"No!! I know Jiraiya is here somewhere!!! That pervert!!!" Tsunade told Shizune.

"Tsunade-sama, how many bottles of sake did you have today after I left the office?" the black haired nurse asked her boss.

"I dunno…" She mumbled back…. 'Maybe,' she thought, 'I did have too much sake Jiraiya wouldn't dare come into the women's hot spring after all ha-ha'

"Okay Shizune, I'll go home, I guess I did have too many bottles of sake again….." Tsunade said slurring in every word.

"Wow Naruto, I never thought you would say something that had so much…. Logic in it, I guess you're actually starting to think now… weird" Sakura told Naruto as she stared at him curiously.

"Well you should be happy about it… so happy that you're going to buy me RAMEN!!!!" Naruto yelled excitedly. Only to get a cold stare from Sasuke; which wasn't anything new, but it still sent chills through Naruto's back.

"Dobe, we are NEVER going to buy you ramen. I mean really, you eat like 12 bowls a serving, and why would we waste the money?" Sasuke questioned.

"Okay guys, let's just try and find Jiraiya okay?" Sakura AKA the peacemaker told them.

"Fine, after all I can't let Hinata-chan see me with Kakashi-sensei…" Naruto said shuddering at the mere thought of what Hinata might do if she saw that picture, no more hanging out with Hinata… probably no more ramen buddy, and worst of all no more free ramen!!!!

"NOOOO!!! I can't let Hinata-chan see that photo then I will never get free ramen again, let's go!!" Naruto screamed rejuvenated, because now he had a reason to look; now ramen was on the line, but not for long!

-Sweat drop- "Uhh Naruto I think we already covered that we needed the photo back, so you don't have to tell us.

"Wow, just as soon as I thought Naruto might have an IQ over 10 he does that, yea now I'm thinking his IQ is -15 again, just a little under a piece of bread." Inner Sakura laughed.

'Yea, you know I think we can actually agree…again. You know it's kinda weird agreeing. I'm so used to arguing with you…'

"Yea I have to agree with you, but when we get that picture back so I can stare at it until my eyes dry out, let's go back to fighting deal?

'Deal.' Sakura replied to her Inner. It was time, time to finally find that perv.

'Whew, I thought Tsunade had gotten me after I blurted all of that out a while ago; good Shizune was there to take her home…' The extremely perverted man thought to him self. 'Now I just have to get a couple of good shots…' he said turning his camera.

"Hmm… they look good enough for Icha Icha Paradise" Whispered Jiraiya (he whispered just in case anybody was listening like Tsunade had lol) He loaded his camera with film when...


"Let's get him!!! Show him what it's like when you mess with women!!!" One of the women in the mob that had just formed yelled.

'Oh crap,' thought Jiraiya 'Maybe I should just teleport out of here…No then they will know for sure I am a guy and I won't get my pictures!!! Hmm…'

"Here you go, have fun with the pictures" Jiraiya yelled, tossing the camera to a confused looking teenager. 'Hehe it's a good thing I always have an extra camera!!!' Jiraiya thought to himself, as a swarm of women stampeded towards the poor, innocent teen. It's amazing that one man could get away with this even after being suspected… twice.

"AHH!!! Come on it wasn't even me… please, ouch, no not the hair, NOT THE HAIR!!!!" Screamed the teen, who was being attacked by all sorts of rabid looking women, but all of them had one interesting quality that they all shared, a glint in there eyes that would make even the bravest of men bow down.

It makes you wonder… just how many times this peeping tom has really peeped. One too many times apparently… or maybe a couple thousand… just to be on the safe side.

'Ouch, seeing that innocent kid getting beaten up almost makes me wish I had taken the blame instead…almost.' Thought Jiraiya; wincing as he saw a huge chunk of hair start to fly away from its owner.

"That's what you get for taking pictures of us while we were bathing you PERVERT!!!" One of the women in the mob yelled at the now battered looking girl; she really looked bad, besides the usual bloody and bruised, she was missing a couple teeth, her eyes where both blackened, and her hair, her precise hair that she had fought so hard to protect had bald spots all over it.

"It wasn't even me though…" the girl somehow managed choked out. As she looked into the clear sparkling water horror washed over her… "MY HAIR!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IT… my luscious black locks are no more" she sobbed. Poor kid she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Wait, a guy wouldn't be crying over his hair he'd be crying because we beat him to a pulp… and his pride. What have we done!!!???" the leader of the mob yelled at the sky as she fell to her knees. (Okay this might sound horriblely evil but right now I am laughing hysterically at how dramatic everyone is!!! Hehe…okay sorry about that.)

"We need to get her to an emergency room, STAT!!! Hopefully that hair can be sewed on by some surgeon who is so bored out of their wits that they will agree to help us!!!" Yelled someone hidden in the crowd. "Hurry!!" The former mob picked up the girl, and all the pieces of hair they could find and rushed out of there like there was no tomorrow.

"Whew, I'm finally safe from all of those women and their perfectly manicured and deadly nails." Jiraiya said, completely at harmony with the world; as he slowly sank into the heated water.

"Hehe you're wrong Jiraiya, you are defiantly not safe right now, but you might just live if you hand over that photo of us…now, but I won't make any guarantees after all you really don't want to get me ticked off" The onyx eyed male said while sending Jiraiya a glare that pierced his very soul.

"So, what's you're answer Pervy Sage, cause we can do this the hard way or we can do it the easy way, but either way we're getting that picture back." The sun-kissed blond said venomously as he awaited his Sensei's decision. Time passed and there patience started to grow thin.

"Well, I guess it's the hard way then isn't it." A jade eyed woman cackled at him; cracking her knuckles one by one staring at the frightened perv. He knew that Tsunade's punches hurt like hell, and did not want to experience her apprentices, who was supposedly had the best chakra control Konoha had ever seen.


Mwahaha, now I get to cackle lol, I left it at a cliffy!!!! Hehe yea this chapter was definitely a lot more perverted, but I had to make up for all the times he wasn't there…lol, but anyway I hope you liked this chapter even thought it was mainly about Jiraiya and PLEASE RATE AND REVIEW!!!! The next chapter should be up within a week so don't worry!!! Unless we have another computer crises lol (It's very unlikely hehe) so yup =) Oh, people if I don't get over umm let's say 35 reviews ( not to ridiculous), I might wait a while to publish the next chapter… or I might feel bad for you and publish it a little late… sorry to do this, but I noticed I have over 1500 hits this month and I have 30 reviews total… what's up with that???? So please, if you want the next chapter REVIEW!!!!! Or I might just send the chapter to reviewers… sorry people who haven't made an account, but don't blame it on me, blame it on the people who don't review!!!! Also, check out my other story Stand by my Side =D it's another Sasuke and Sakura story.

Yay, over 2000 words!!! My new record!!! It's a little less then 2500, wait it's 2500 exactly!!!