-1Captive Heart

Chapter Two

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The tapping of pencil on paper resonated throughout the study. Riku narrowed his eyes at his current progress report, trying to doc everything that he had covered today. This thing was damn annoying to write. Being a private police detective, it was ridiculous that the department couldn't just be satisfied with "I'm working on it" or "the case with be solved soon". They would always ask when? Or why? Or the other stupidest, simplest questions that took hours to answer.

The only reason he became a detective anyways was to avoid staying up late and spend all night working on police reports. Of course he knew there would be all niters researching and discovering cool, new helpful things --that was why he became one-- but this… this was ridiculous. He sighed, throwing his pencil half-heartedly somewhere on the mess of his desk, leaning back in his chair and staring at the ceiling.

Tomorrow he would give Sky a check up, and hopefully Cloud would call him with test results on what exactly he would be feeding the brunet every so often. Maybe even get a few words out of the poor boy. During dinner, he didn't say a word, and barely ate. He was definitely not malnourished, for he had the glow of sun kissed skin, but he could only have eaten maybe twice every other day while in the back of Red Kisses, and maybe even never while in the brothel.

Riku looked over to the pills he had kept for Sky, scowling at them as if that would just make them disappear. He didn't want them in his home. They were drugs, unknown illegal substances. Aphrodisiac, heroin, and so many other things his imagination went wild. Riku quickly looked away, remembering the sad blue eyes. Sighing once more, he pushed himself from the seat, deciding to check on his guest.

He ambled through the long stretch of the hallway, connecting all the rooms of his apartment together and eventually leading out to the kitchen and dinning area. He paused his journey through his house as he waited outside Sky's room, closing the distance between his ear and the door. He heard gasps. Riku promptly flushed, knowing what kind of mewls of pleasure those were. He couldn't bring himself to feel awkward while listening, especially since he knew Sky must have endured at least two orgasms daily, most likely even more. He couldn't blame the poor boy for need to release. Riku pitied him, though he was sure the brown haired teen wouldn't want him to. Riku waited patiently for the mewls to stop before he knocked quietly on the door. The was no response.

The silver haired male walked in, opening the door slowly. He looked around the dark room, seeing the bed unmade, and the silk pajamas tossed around on the floor. He was quiet, hearing small, breathless sobs from his right. He looked over, seeing the closet doors shut poorly. He sauntered over, hesitating before pulling one of the doors open. His aquamarine eyes widened as he discovered the sobbing brunet, curled into a small ball in the very back of the closet, limbs shaking as blue eyes dripped with tears. He was naked again. Riku smiled sadly, reaching into the small space to scoop the small teenager into his arms.

"You must not like clothes, ne?" He asked, trying not to sound humored. He looked back to Sky's temporary bedroom, and frowned slightly. Then his eyes traveled to the shaking being in his arms, scared to death, crying. "Come on, you sleep with me tonight. The bed is comfier, and bigger. I don't want you crying all night, so if you need me, I'm right there next to you, okay?" Sky said nothing, nor moved. He only trembled as his tears became smaller droplets, his shaking simmering down to a small trembling.

Riku looked ahead, pursing his lips. What could he possibly do to get this kid to at least talk? Though he was disappointed in himself that he wished to rush the boy so much. He understood how frightened Sky was, how unfamiliar everything seemed. He almost wanted to kick himself for expecting so much in such little time. As he entered his bedroom with the smaller male in tow, he gently placed Sky down onto his bed when he noticed the small erection the boy held. Riku stood up straight, looking at him, tilting his head to the side. When he realized what the older male was looking at, Sky flushed a deep red, moving his hands to cover himself as he began to cry again.

"Disgusting, disgusting… so disgusting," He murmured softly. "So filthy, so dirty, so disgusting." Without a word, as the angel before him tormented himself, Riku climbed up next to the brown haired beauty, placing one hand on top of where the younger was covering. Blue eyes grew wide as he stared off to the right, not daring to look up. Riku swallowed, biting his lower lip nervously.

"I'm… I've never done this before," Riku whispered softly, trying not to scare the boy. "I… refuse to hurt you. I just… don't want you to suffer, okay? You can… you can tell me to stop…" As he spoke, he wiggled his hand around the tanned ones, finding his destination as cool fingers wrapped around the hot appendage. The silveret gulped, closing his eyes slowly, he added a small amount of pressure. Sky gasped, one hand frantically making it's way between his teeth and he bit down, hard. Riku, squeezing his eyes shut, moving his fisted hand upwards and then proceeding to move down as he added small squeezes throughout his journey

Soon as bottled up whimpers escalated, Riku moved his hand faster. Up and down, up and down. A squeeze here, add pressure there. He flicked the tip of the small boy's arousal, getting the brunet underneath him to full out moan. But he kept his eyes shut, kept his self control, and refused to allow himself to imagine what was actually going on in front of him. He was not attracted to this boy, for he was not attracted to anyone. He could not crush, or like, or love. This was work. This was what happened when he pitied victims of his cases. This was-

"Ah-!" Riku's eyes opened, suddenly fearing he had hurt the boy, but instead, his eyes were greeted with a sweaty, blushing boy with the look of utter pleasure across his face. Sky's thin legs were spread open, his eyes narrowed in lust, his mouth opened slightly to breathe in more air. Back arched, hips raised, Riku suddenly fisted his erection, pounding the boy away, hearing more cries of, "agh! and "uhn!" Sky's hands reached out - anywhere, searching for something to grab onto. One landed on Riku's knee, the feeling of being grabbed in such a needy way sending shivers up the man's spine. The brunet's other hand gripping a handful of sheets, and with one last cry and arch of his back, white, creamy liquid spurt out in thin ribbons, all over Riku's hand and Sky's chest.

This was- …sexy.

They were both breathing heavily, trying to catch their breaths. Slowly, the silveret claimed his hand back, never leaving the gaze of the smaller boy beneath him. Sky closed his eyes, leaning his head back as tears started to prickle against his eyelids. Hesitantly, Riku leaned forward, and pressed a small peck on the boy's plush cheek. His lips felt on fire, and he realized, as he bent over, the incredibly hard object between his legs. Leaning back, he watched black eyelashes flutter open, and pink, rounded cheeks darken. Riku nodded, standing up and headed towards the bathroom within his room. Wetting a rag, he looked at himself in the mirror, frowning.

He didn't see the man he wanted to see. He saw a hungry, lust filled and lonely man. Not the composed and self-controlled man he wanted to be. He looked through the door, seeing the small brunet starting to curl up in a small ball. He sighed as he washed off his hand, and brought the towel to the small boy to wash off his stomach. Keeping the bathroom light on, he climbed into the large bed, making sure the boy was as comfortable as possible before he stared at the wall, and began willing away the hard need between his legs.

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The dawn breaking through the parted curtains of the bedroom awoke him, shimmering yellow and golden light dancing on his bare skin. Riku moaned slightly, wincing at the light upon his shut eyelids. He didn't want to wake up, he was having such a wonderful dream of sliding down rainbows and waltzing with Sora, and the brunet would actually laugh and talk and be happy. They snuggled under fireworks and they-

The silveret promptly woke up, realizing the thoughts swimming around in his head. He sighed, scrunching his nose to get rid of the tickling feeling. When that didn't work, his eyes slid open, seeing a smooth neck and brown hair curling around it, his nose pressed against the chocolate locks. Riku closed his eyes, trying to remember why Sora was sleeping in his bed. He had no excruciating headache, so it wasn't a drunk night of lust… The silveret rolled his eyes at his thought process. Well duh, he doesn't get horny when he was…

Sky stirred, turning around to face the older man. His right hand was curled under his nose, his long black eyelashes tickling his plush, pink cheeks. Riku wanted to cry, just knowing what this precious boy had been through. As he stared at the angel before him, he remembered of last night, just before he had fallen asleep. He frowned slightly, pushing a few strands of hair from Sky's eyes. Blue crystals suddenly fluttered, hazy with tiredness of the morning. He focused on Riku, and promptly sat up, nearly falling off of the bed as he scrambled off. Sky tripped over his own feet, his bare body on the floor.

"Sky!" Riku hurried off the bed, gingerly picking the boy up as he shook. Setting the young teen back onto the bed, he checked to make sure he didn't skin himself from the carpet. Looking up into his eyes after confirming he was okay, the silveret couldn't help but chuckle. "I never thought I would actually get to see what a deer-in-the-headlights-look looked like," he said, covering his smile as Sky looked away, embarrassed. The older's fingers curled around the younger's chin, pulling his face to meet their eyes. "Are you okay?" He breathed, and he didn't mean to make his voice crack, but it happened, and Riku was suddenly wondering why it felt like butterflies were dancing around in his stomach. Their faces seemed to get closer and closer and…

Sky turned his head, glancing away and around the room as he stood up, trying to cover himself. He turned to see Riku with his hand on his forehead. Sky tilted his head to the side, curious. "…I… I am fine. Thank you, master," he muttered in a small voice. Riku looked up, frowning slightly.

"My name is Riku, I am not your master. You do not have a master nor will you ever again. You're free, Sky." The brunet looked away, a frown on his lips. He then looked back up.

"Silly master," He said in his small voice. "A child of Saix's can never be free." Riku's mouth opened slightly as he stood up straight, walking over to the brunet. Sky seemed to flinch when a hand rested on his shoulder, another under his chin.

Riku stared into the boy's eyes, seeing such a sadness in the blue orbs. "Sky, I am not a master, nor do I want to be. I rescued you from that place, and with lots of work, I am going to rescue the others there, and so many other captured people in other stores and brothel houses. After I do this… you can leave. You will be completely free. You can go back to college… start a family, live your life again." Sky looked away, pursing his lips. He looked back up, tilting his head.

"So I am just part of your job, master?" He tried to think of response, but nothing came out of his mouth. Sky looked away, nodding. "I understand, thank you for your hospitality." Riku shook his head, about to turn the brunet around, but he stopped, not knowing what he would say. What was Sky to him? Of course he was part of his work. He needed to buy Sky in order to gain a connection with Saix. But what then? Riku just thought he would shelter the boy until he could let him be free. They weren't friends, nor were they romantically inclined. Sora had to be forced to be here, he couldn't leave since it could in danger their mission… was it really a master and a prisoner relationship?

No… please not that… Riku frowned with distaste, watching as Sky tilted his head down as to bow and he exited the bedroom, probably fleeing to his own. The silver haired man sat down on his bed, the corner of his mouth tugging downward as he stared at his carpet. Sora was… a guest. A guest that would aid him to his work. It was a host-guest relationship. Riku jumped at the sound of his home phone ringing. He cursed to himself, walking over to the end able to answer.

"Takada residence," spoke into the phone, glancing over at the doorway to see Sky curiously look over from the doorframe.

"Hey Riks, has the kid been raped by you yet?"Axel, the bastard. Riku rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to hang up in three seconds if you don't tell me something of interest," he deadpanned, taking a seat on his bed. The red-haired man groaned.

"Okay, okay. Cloud is apparently extremely intrigued about these drugs, and he wants blood samples of the kid.. Do you think you can exam him and get us the basics without making him all hot and dirty?" He frowned. How would Sky respond to Riku taking his blood, and looking at his scars and private parts? He would certainly lose some trust and become scared. But if he were to prolong the examination, who knows what could be in the boy's blood stream, possibly killing him. He pursed his lips, looking to his doorway to see Sora with blank eyes.

Riku adverted his attention back to the phone. "Well, it's not like he's a kinky whore so I doubt there will be any stimulation at all. He's not a masochist like you are, Axel." He heard chuckling.

"So you already know all of his turn on's, do you now? Interesting…" The image of what he had done to excite Sky last night swarmed his mind, clouding his senses. Riku groaned.

"Shut up, it's not like that." He looked back up to the brunet, finding him no where in sight. "I'll get you your samples by five. Be at the lab when I drop them off." He didn't even wait for a 'goodbye' before he hung up, leaving his room in search for the brown haired beauty. Riku found him in his room, curled up on the bed. He cautiously made his way over to the boy, sitting next to him and placing his hand gently on the boy's back. "Sky-?"

He dug his head further into his knees, shaking his head. "Please don't call me that," he whispered in such a desperate voice. Riku stayed quiet, patting the younger boy's bare back soothingly. After a few prolonged moments, he looked up from his knees, his eyes red. "Sky is my… whore name. They told me, once they first kidnapped me in the brothel, that my identity was now lost. They said my name was now sky, and that is what people would scream when they fucked me."

Riku grabbed his shoulders, gingerly pulling him into his chest. The boy made no protest. He aid nothing, hoping the younger would continue with his story. The teenager closed his eyes, breathing in, and exhaling slowly.

"My name… my real name, is Sora Tsukio. Saix has all kinds of connections with police officers and FBI agents, and he is able to get his 'items' existences erased from government files. He told me, after he bought me, that I am now a Nobody. My single purpose in life is to please others however they choose to be pleased. He told me that Sky would be bought, and I would be obedient to my owner, my master." Sora looked up, pleading blue eyes that looked like the sky gazed into aquamarine. "I just… can't get over it… I spent so many days, so many frightening nights crying in the corner with the others, waiting until I was bought, or thrown back into the brothel… I waited to see what kind of person would 'buy' me and… what things he would torture me with but… the only thing you have done was… treat me with kindness and… give me… my freedom… and I can't… I can't figure out why."

Riku stared amazed at the teenager. It was the most he had ever heard from the boy in his arms, his voice so soft, and gentle, and scared. He blinked, leaning back slightly. Biting his lip, he debated on whether or not to confess to this boy. All doubts of Sora's story fled out the window. He couldn't possibly be a snitch to Saix, there was no way to get information out. He was trapped in Riku's apartment complex. There were scars all around his body, pills of aphrodisiac he was forced to take, and he curled up in a ball and cried numerous times. I wouldn't hurt if he confessed to the brunet, would it? It was only fair to tell him why he was there.

He frowned at himself. This was so… unprofessional. Cuddling up with his work, and listening to his life's story? It was even more ridiculous of how much of Riku's desire for this teenager increased every waking moment. For so many years he had claimed he needed no one, no sex or romance. For so long he had confined himself in a little box and controlled his hormones and kept himself in check. And then, suddenly, there was this boy thrust into his life, a boy with probably more knowledge of amazing sex than even Axel. It was like waving a juicy steak in front of a starving man.

"I… don't want to sound heartless but… it was my job to buy an item from Saix, to gain… his trust." Riku started, keeping his thoughts away from the naked boy in his lap and any temptation of throwing him onto the bed. He would confess, and if something bad came of it, then he would turn over the case and make someone else deal with the sexy teenager in his lap and the madman selling captive sex slaves. "It is true, that you are part of my work, but it is also true that you are a human being, no matter what people have told you or treated you as."

Sora looked away, frowning. Riku let him go, standing up and clearing his throat. The brunet looked around, finding the silk pajama that Riku had given him beforehand, and looked up after he had collected them.

"Look, Sora," he stopped, watching the brunet shiver when his name was spoken. He quickly regained himself, and listened attentively. "Uhm, you're right. You are part of my job, but I don't believe that is all of the relationship. You are my guest here, and even though there is no real word to explain of what our acquaintance really is… I… believe we can become friends soon in the future." Blue eyes widened as he stared, rosebud mouth slightly agape. "You're no thing, and no possession of mine. Which is good, because last time I checked I didn't befriend objects." He chuckled, walking to the door. "Oh, he stopped, putting his hand on the doorknob. "I'm sure you'll feel uncomfortable, but we need blood and urine samples, to take to the lab. As well as a check up to make sure there isn't something weird implanted in you or something. You when you're ready to be… examined, please let me know."

Sora nodded slowly, looking down at the clothe in his hands. The door closed, leaving him trapped in a box, suffocating in the thoughts of obedience, or betrayal.

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