I know you all are expecting the sequel to the last drabble, but I'm considering on
making that into a short story! So, I'll keep you guys updated on that :)

Hope you all enjoy!

Please review :)

Fortune Cookie

Word Count: 277

"What does it say, Serena?"

The young blonde grinned as she tore open the package and cracked her fortune cookie. She always took these things seriously and they have never failed her in the past. Yanking out the small white paper held within the cookie she unfolded it and took a breath. "It says 'Open your heart the next time you run into true love'."

Molly looked puzzled. "Well that's certainly a weird way to put it. It makes it sound like it happens every day!"

Serena smirked. "Maybe it's the whole Chinese-to-English translation thing or something. 'Cuz one thing is definitely for sure: I do not run into my true love every day!" The girls gathered their bags and walked out of the Chinese restaurant. As they exited the doors, however, Serena collided with a very tall wall and found herself on the ground.

"Aw, hey Meatball Head! I was wondering if I would have to come up with some reason to make fun of you when I saw you today but, as usual, you just make it too easy on me."

Serena brushed off her bottom as Molly helped her up. Glaring at her sworn enemy, she crossed her arms. "You know, Darien, maybe I keep running into you because you're just obnoxiously large and take up too much space!" Ignoring Darien's laughter, she turned around and stormed off down the sidewalk.

When Molly finally caught up to her, Serena slowed her pace and shook off the encounter with Darien. "ANYway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, there's no way I wouldn't recognize my true love; especially if I saw him every day!" Serena sighed whimsically. "When I see my true love, my heart will know immediately. I'm sure of it."

Ha! Shows how much Serena knows!

Again, please review! :)