Disclaimer: Don't and never will own Naruto...

Title: Transcendent Love
Pairings: Sasuke/Naruto (main), others
Rating: M (aw, you know why!)
Plot Summary: SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN LOVE. Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are madly in love with each other. But, is their love strong enough to overcome all obstacles that come their way? Will they make it through, even if it's against all odds?

I know it's late.... AND I'M SOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!! :)

Anyway, on with the fic. XP

Naruto's POV

"Sit still, Sasuke!" I said as I held my paint palette on one hand and the brush on the other. "You're making it more difficult for me to paint you."

"It's a picture of both of us… I need you here with me to really get into modeling. And besides, you can paint me even if I don't model for you. So why do you still ask me to do this for you?"

"Just shut up and play along. I want to stare at your beautiful face for a long time… Is that bad?" I said, sticking my tongue out

"Oh ho… Since when did you learn how to speak like a lover boy, hmm?"

"Since I got stuck for two weeks looking at only your face and this painting of yours… Now sit still… I'm almost done…" I said, smiling as I added the finishing touch on my greatest artwork

"Done yet? I want to do that sexy ass of yours."

"There." I finally said, wiping my brows with the back of my hand. "I'm finally finished!"

I set my palette down before taking a few steps back and adoring my finished work. Honestly, I really think that it is the best work I have made in my entire life. Sasuke was holding me with his two strong hands as his pristine white wings spread wide. His clothes were also pure white, matching his wings and contrasting his hair and eyes. He kept me close to his body. My black clothes blended perfectly with his outfit even thought it clashed with my hair and eyes. It was perfect. Simply perfect. The clashing of colors, the contrast of black and white and the expression of our faces tell the whole story. It was the story of our everlasting love.

"It's good. No… Good's not the right work. It's perfect! Even beyond perfect!" Sasuke said as he walked behind me and wrapped his hands on my waist.

"Think so? Do you think they would give me the first honor?"

"I don't think so… I know so…" He whispered to my ear, making the hairs at the back of my neck stand. He kissed my neck, tracing the vein that was pulsating hard and fast. "I'm sorry, Naruto… I just can't hold it in…"

"Sasuke…" I mewled. "This isn't really a good place to… you know…"

It was really not a good place. We were in my school and it was only 5:30 in the afternoon. Students were still having their clubs or they are just loitering around the campus. I just asked Sasuke to drop by after he's done with his classes. Well, I didn't even really know if he finished his classes because right after I messaged, it took him under ten minutes to get here and model for me. When I asked him if he's already done, he just smiled and told me that his professor let him out early because he's the smartest student in the entire class. The last part I believe. But the whole 'prof-let-him-out-because-he's-smart'… That may be a big lie.

"But Naru…" He begged, using his damn sexy voice.

Damn it! How could I resist such sexiness? His words flowed out like silk – so smooth and deep. I am tantalized by just merely listening to it. I then released his grasp on my waist, walking to the door to check if anyone was there, eavesdropping. But, somehow… I didn't know how… The door suddenly closed before I could reach it and I ended up being pinned on it. I looked back and pouted. But Sasuke just smiled. Suddenly, he held my hands above my head and used his weight to 'crush' me underneath him.

"I want you now, my Naruto…" He said with his face so close to mine.


Before I could even argue, he locked his lips with mine, pinning me further as he deepened the kiss. He pulled out and then turned me around. From the outside, my head was the only thing that people may see from the little window of the wooden door. I was a bit worried about the bystanders. But, as soon as Sasuke pulled down my pants along with my boxers and swiftly but smoothly entered me, every little doubt that ran in my head suddenly flew away.

"Sasuke…" I mewled as he pushed in my with all his might.

"Shh… I'm doing this as quickly as I can…" He whispered under his breath.

I was in pure bliss. Even though we are aiming for a quikie, the full pleasure was still there. We're connected, flesh against flesh, skin against skin. Our moans and groans were the only ones heard and echoed around the room filled by art works and supplies. I held on the door tight as I felt my strength slowly slipping away. My mouth was already hung open as Sasuke started to hit that sweet spot over and over again. But, the minute my eyes laid on the view outside the room, horror and panic struck me in the head.

"Sasuke… ah… we have to… stop…" I said, turning my head around and pleaded to him


But, the minute I was about to answer, I accidentally held on the knob and opened the door causing me to stumble forward towards the floor with Sasuke still screwing my backside. I greeted my visitors who had set their eyes on our… unusual position. Sasuke paused as the eyes turned to him. I then looked at his reaction. I was hoping that he'd explain why and what we were doing. But, he just ran a hand on his hair and greeted the two with a nod. I had no choice. I had to break the silence or else… something may go wrong. Way wrong.

"Iruka-sensei… Kakashi-sensei… Long time no see…" I said with nervousness hinted on my voice.

"This will be quick." Sasuke said, winking and closing the door on them.

He pinned me back on the door and sent me back to moaning and withering under him. Sasuke was indeed true to his words. A few more thrusts and he climaxed inside me. It was ecstatic. But, the feeling of being in cloud nine was nothing like the danger and murderous intent that was being channeled from the other side of the door. My heart was beating so fast. What will they do? What will they say?


Uh oh… We're in big and deep trouble…

"What the heck were you doing? What would you do if you get caught?" Iruka-sensei glowered down on us as Sasuke and I sat in one of the empty classrooms

"Relax, Iruka… We won't get caught…" Sasuke said, crossing his arms and legs. "Besides, I will take full responsibility for whatever may happen to us…"

"Let them go, Ruka. They are not doing it out in the open anyway." Kakashi-sensei butted in as he tried to coo the overheating professor

"But this is the open. In school? Ugh… Forget it. Just don't do it again." Iruka-sensei finally surrendered.

"Ne, ne… Iruka-sensei… What brings you here?" I quickly changed the topic, bouncing up and down my chair like a child

"Well, since it's your graduation, I decided to come over and check on you guys. It's been years after all."

"What's up with you and Kakashi, hmm?" Sasuke said playfully, leaning forward and resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

"We're acquaintances… Common students…"

"Right… Like Kakashi would come all the way to Paris with an acquaintance. You're more than that, aren't you? You're going out!" Sasuke smirked, narrowing his eyes on the older pair

"Well, he did want to see the both of you…" Iruka-sensei laughed nervously

"Really, Iruka-sensei??? You're going out with Kakashi-sensei…. That's totally awesome!" I exclaimed

"Ano…" Iruka tried to argue with the both of us

"Come on, Ruka. We can tell them. After all, if they spread the news about us, we can always rat them out to the school administration… Having sex in one of the classrooms… Imagine what they would do…" Kakashi-sensei bit back, staring and smirking equally sly at Sasuke

"Hn. Whatever, Kakashi… But, whether you tell me or not, I still know." Sasuke frowned and crossed his arms. However, his frown disappeared and changed into a smile. "But, I am happy… for the both of you…"

"I'm not used to you being so… mushy, Sasuke…" Kakashi scratched the back of his head. "Ah, forget it…"

"You're going somewhere, Sasuke?" Iruka asked as Sasuke stood up from his seat

"Yeah, I have something to do…" Sasuke replied. "It's been fun seeing the two of you…"

Sasuke bowed to our two visitors before facing me and giving me a kiss. Mind you, it's not the normal good bye kiss. No, this was different. I think he intentionally did it in front of my two teachers. With a free hand, he pulled me closer to his body, deepening the kiss more. From the corner of my eye, I saw the death glare Iruka-sensei was giving us and how Kakashi-sensei was trying so hard to stop his lover from breaking us and tearing our lips apart. He broke the kiss and smiled as he saw how flushed my face was.

"I'll see you later then, my love."

"I swear I'm going to kill that Uchiha bastard someday…" Iruka-sensei murmured under his breath as Sasuke left the classroom. This however made me laugh nervously.

I may not have my parents, but Iruka-sensei could sure be a father figure to me…

Sasuke's POV

I don't have much time left. Naruto's graduation is fast approaching. I also have to think of a way to deal with Iruka and Kakashi. Not that I don't want them here. It's just that… Ugh… I quickly nudged my steering wheel to the right. Damn it. I have to focus more on driving whenever I'm behind the wheels. I dug my foot to the gas pedal as I speeded through the traffic. I have to get to the office on time before she leaves. And by she, I meant my boss, Anko and definitely not that pink haired maniac, Haruno.

"Hey, Anko!" I rolled my window down and bellowed as I drove up the curb of our building. She was about to hop in her car before I called her.

"Well, if it isn't Sasuke… You're always AWOL, you know." Anko said as she approached my car

"Sorry… Been busy with stuff."

"Hn… And forgetting you sweet, sweet boss?"

I think sweet is an understatement for you…

"Of course I didn't forget you… Actually, I'm here to pick you up."


"Don't be shy… We're going on a date." I smirked and stepped out of my car, grabbed her hand and half dragged her into my car

"Hey, hey… Wait! What the! Let go of me, Uchiha Sasuke!" She tried to fight as I opened the passenger's side door and pushed her in, closing it before she could even react. "This is kidnap… No, boss-nap… Ugh… UCHIHA SASUKE!"

"Hai, hai…" I just shrugged my shoulders and stepped on the gas, speeding off to our destination.

What do you think?

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It really keeps me coming!


Domo... :D