HOLY CRAP IS IT REALLY ME? IT IS.... D: I'm sorry for not posting anything here for a while. I dunno, I just stopped writing for Tsubasa. I loved the ending and I'm actually fine with how Kurogane and Fai are. Weird, right? Suprising ending to say the least. Well, here's something for you guys to read. Sorry it's uber short but I didn't feel there was much to add...
Disclaimer: Don't own Tsubasa, nope not me. CLAMP does.

11. mischief managed

Fai slid into the PE room, giggling. Watanuki uneasily followed him. Of all times Yuuko had him follow the science teacher, why today? Said science teacher didn't have class, at the moment, so he dragged Watanuki with him. Said dark-haired boy wished he still had classes to go to, Himawari did! He sighed, stopping and watching his science teacher bend over the desk.

"Aha!" The blonde pulled a disc up, smiling. It was one of the few smiled that Watanuki feared, because it meant that he has managed something mischievous. "Look, Wata-kun!" Fai smiled as he flashed the disc in front of Watanuki's face.

"Yes.." He muttered, irritated. "It's a disc, Sensei."

"No, Wata-kun! Not just a disc. Very important, very important." He shook his finger at the student. "Of course, I can't tell you. Kuro-sensei will question you and if he finds out what exact disc I took…" He tapped his lip, ignoring Watanuki. Watanuki gave up. He just didn't get his science teacher. Fai tucked the disc into his coat pocket. Watanuki reached forward to open the door, jumping back when it swung open.

"Ah." Kurogane stared back at the flailing boy. "Watanuki, what are you doing here?" He flung said boy aside, not letting him reply. His eyes narrowed at Fai. "Oi, idiot."

"Hm.. Referring to me?" Fai pointed innocently at himself, smiling defiantly. "I was just looking for you, of course. Wata-kun just happened to follow me, don't worry, he's not up to anything suspicious." Fai slid over to Kurogane, pressing himself up against the taller man.

"Eh.. I'm just going to just leave now." Watanuki walked calmly out of the room before sprinting down the hall. He leaned against the wall, gasping for air. Yeah, this place was weird.

A few days later, Watanuki walked into Yuuko's office, looking around for his boss. She was nowhere to be seen in the office. He looked over her desk, spotting a letter. His name was scrawled messily across the envelope. He picked it up, opening it. Hey, it was his letter.


Yay! Mischief managed! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You might not see Kuro-tan-sensei for a few days… or myself.


Enclosed inside the letter was the disc that Fai had 'stolen'. He stared at it before deciding to return it to the gym teacher's room.

'Kay so.... I tried to remember how to write Fai and Watanuki. Kuro-chan wasn't so hard since he's an angry little puppy. Er, if you guys still are reading... Review?