Alice and Bella

Bella's pov

Right after playing baseball with the Cullens I always felt exhausted. Edward always took me home and just stayed with me till I fell asleep, but today was different. I knew he needed to hunt because of the color of his eyes. Black, pitch black, and it kind of scared me a little on the inside.

"Bella" he finally said "I need to hunt babe, would you mind if Alice took you home instead of me today?" "no, I don't mind, you just go hunt and I'll see you tomorrow at school" I said." Okay ill go let Alice know you just wait in the car" he said and started to walk towards Alice. I headed in the opposite direction to Alice's Porsche. I opened the door and turn to find the pixie-like-vampire already there. Damm there super speed and me being the only slowpoke. "Ready to go Bella" she said with a huge smile on her. "Sure" I mumble because of my tiredness. But I knew she was able to hear it. Alice pulled out of the baseball field and onto the road.

We were at my place in exactly 7 minutes and that was just Alice taking her time. Suddenly I noticed she had been very quiet during the whole ride and was surprised since Alice always liked to talk. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Sure" she said "I'm just you know thinking". "Umm okay then" I said "would you like to come up since Charlie isn't here yet?" "Sure, I'll keep you company" she said and I saw the wonderful smile that always made me smile when I saw it. I headed upstairs while Alice waited in the living room while I changed.

When I finally came down I saw that Alice was having a vision, a good one I though since I saw her smiling, but when I stepped into the living room I saw her shake her head and the smiled faded away. "Bella, I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer" she started "I just can't do that to Edward". "Do what?" I asked. "just forget it I need to go but I'll see you tomorrow" she quickly replied." Umm okay" I said and watched Alice leave the house and soon heard the engine of her car down the street. She was certainly acting weird today but then again that vision could have been anything. I tried to shake of my thoughts and headed upstairs to go to bed.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about Alice, I knew something was troubling her and then I remember her words. "I just can't do that to Edward". What couldn't she do, did she had a vision of turning me or biting me? I couldn't come up with an answer but I promised myself to get to the bottom of this by tomorrow. I let my worries down and decided to get some rest. Tomorrow I would find out what was wrong with Alice.