
Chapter 8

How long had Albus been able to think about it? How long had Albus hated himself like this? He watched Scorpius so carefully now. After a month of ignoring the boy, how could he not watch Scorpius?

The blonde barely ate. When he did, it was to please the person beside him. But usually, if someone pressured him to eat, he'd just leave the Great Hall. Eventually, he stopped coming to meals entirely.

Scorpius was called after classes time and time again, no doubt, the teachers were worried about his well-being. Why wouldn't they be concerned once they noticed the constant falling asleep in class and the dark rings under his eyes?

The roles had been reversed. It was Albus nearly stalking Scorpius, and it was Scorpius avoiding Albus. Though really, Albus couldn't say he put up an effort to talk to Scorpius. He simply watched.

Days passed quickly, and Albus found his life continuing all right without Scorpius. Rose had begun to talk to him. The topic of love was a forbidden one. They never broached the area in their conversations. Albus was satiated with their nervous and hesitant interaction with each other.

It was easy to do the impossible. He thought now that it was so silly that he was once dependant on a relationship. He was sixteen. What did he know about love? He had a life to live. He didn't want to complicate things again by being held down by a relationship. He wasn't sure why he wanted to start out with.

Three months gone, and it seemed Scorpius felt the same way. They didn't talk. They didn't look at each other. They couldn't forget the other was there all the time though. They ended up near each other because of the mutual friendship with Rose. They had to be around each in class. When something as such would occur, there'd be an awkward silence. Then they'd go on as if they were never close to start out with.

Albus smiled as he stared at the book he was supposed to be reading. He was all right. He was just getting through Hogwarts then he'd enter adulthood and work with frenzy. He wanted to go live his life. He didn't need an old friendship to do it. It was funny, not funny funny, but weird funny, knowing that Scorpius wouldn't be in his future.

His wounds had healed, as if he'd never been hurt. And Scorpius laughed almost daily and told joke to others he hung out with. Albus knew Scorpius wasn't hurt anymore either. It made him feel good to watch as Scorpius healed. They weren't lovers. They weren't friends. They weren't even acquaintances. And it didn't phase either of them.

After so long, Albus had to wonder. Were they really that close at one time? There were so many memories. But they seemed like a myth. The greatest legend of lovers and best friends. One he'd never lived.

Albus threw himself largely into planning James's graduation party. First the one held in the common room at school, then the one the family had at home. He bought great gifts he knew his older brother would love.

He didn't do it to butter his brother up. He knew James and everyone else would never forgive him for what he did to Scorpius. He didn't mind. His parents didn't know the story, but that was fine with him. He and James had a good relationship for two brothers still, but it was a tentative one. James would forever see Albus has a bitch. Albus didn't ask for forgiveness from anyone. He didn't want it.

In return for the graduation party, Albus found himself facing a huge birthday party. He was finally seventeen. It was awesome fun. He nearly broke his new watch trying to snap it onto his wrist. Half the people at the party were drunk, and the best part of the night was laughing as they fell over themselves.

Albus had hurt Scorpius, but Scorpius didn't feel the pain anymore. In fact, he couldn't even remember what the pain was supposed to feel like. He remembered though, when it did stop hurting.

A month and a half after accepting he'd never be with Albus again, he met a boy through his grandmother. The young man was working for her. He handled the Narcissa's account at Borgin & Burkes. He always alerted her immediately when the store came into possession of something he thought she might be interested in. She invited him to dinner during one of Scorpius's breaks.

Scorpius didn't like the twenty-year-old at first. Borgin & Burkes would give anyone a bad reputation. Once he got to know Perry Johnson, though, he found the man was really sweet. He was humorous and longed to travel. The man was definitely the smartest Scorpius knew. He didn't know why Perry ended up working at such a dark place. It was a mismatch by far.

Perry and Scorpius lasted for three months. Sometimes it was awkward, when Scorpius was overcome with his old feelings for Albus. Perry helped him deal with the overwhelming memories kindly. Scorpius was eternally grateful for it.

At one point, Perry told Scorpius he didn't want to be with him if he continued to hurt himself by dwelling on the past relationship. It hurt Perry too. So Scorpius forgot Albus. It didn't work out between Perry and Scorpius anyway. Scorpius inspired Perry to follow his dreams. They broke up just before Perry left to work in foreign exchange for the Japanese ministry. They kept in touch though, and Perry was easily Scorpius's best friend.

Scorpius missed Albus sometimes. He angered himself when he missed the boy. He could've had Albus back, he knew, after Albus realized he had never cheated. He chose to cut Albus out of his life as Albus had done to him. But when he snuck out at night with his new boyfriend, he couldn't help but think of Albus. It was more entertaining to sneak around with Albus than with this boy.

The younger boy didn't last as long as Perry, maybe a month at the most. He was rambunctious and wild, with a love of getting in trouble. Indeed it was the propaganda Scorpius created that sparked Tyler's interest in him. Scorpius assumed Tyler's main attraction was the thought that he might get a little article in the Prophet. Scorpius got tired of working around Tyler's detentions, though, and ended it without a thought.

By the time the end of his sixth year rolled around, Scorpius barely even thought of Albus anymore. His memories faded, and he couldn't recall the strong emotions he once had toward Albus. He knew he still loved the black headed boy in some part of his chest, but it was a suppressed feeling that was never acted upon.

He could talk to Albus and never feel a thing. It was inevitable that he had to be around the boy. Between the relationships both had around them, it was like something were trying to force them to be around each other. But a few quick words would be passed, and it would never go further. He realized he didn't even know who Albus was anymore.

The Seventh year graduation party was something of a surprise. Scorpius found himself in the presence of both Rose and Albus. Before the night was over, Rose had left them to spend time with a boy she was talking to. Scorpius had no one else to talk to, and he found he wasn't trying to get away from Albus.

They laughed together the whole night about random things. They spoke casually to each other about the world, and the amazing prospect of Albus's upcoming trip to Greece this summer. Scorpius confessed he was rather interested in visiting Japan's Ministry of Magic and exploring that country. He admitted he knew he was going to be able to, most likely, during the summer as well. Though he knew Albus was completely bewildered at the lack of explanation, he didn't say any more.

Later the two went to the middle of the floor and danced. They ignored every eye on them, and it was as if they never were apart. It was ruined by the many stares they received. Scorpius felt uncomfortable, like he'd done something wrong. However, something inside him told him he was doing nothing wrong. They were staring at Scorpius and Albus because the two were finally giving in and doing something right.

Scorpius could feel it. They didn't turn away from each other anymore. They didn't hate each other, though they didn't love each other either. They talked when they were around each other. They were just acting like classmates should when they didn't hang out together. But Scorpius could feel that it would be easy to fall into a friendship (possibly more) with Albus. He knew Albus felt it too.

It was October of their Seventh year when they gave in temptation. How shocking it was for Scorpius when Albus crawled into his bed with him at one o'clock in the morning. He looked down at the boy curled into his chest in surprise.

Albus looked up at him. "I had a bad dream. I need someone to hold me. I used to have someone. He's not there anymore. I don't really know you, but I was hoping you could fill his place tonight."

Scorpius nodded. He wrapped his arms tight around Albus and pulled him close. He rested his head on Albus's head and inhaled the sweet scent of his former lover. "I know you," he whispered to the boy. "You're the kid who is always showing up in the newspapers. They just can't get enough of you, it seems. You get a lot of publicity."

Albus hummed. "Is that so? I wasn't aware… I don't read the papers. They lie."

Scorpius froze for a second, but forced himself to become animate again. "I think so. I don't really like publicity, you see?"

Albus nodded. "Then you shouldn't be seen with me. That's what you'll get."

Scorpius's heart was beating hard in his chest. Albus would be able to hear it for sure. He questioned how the other boy was faring in this position. "Sometimes I look through those papers, and I think I know you. I think I could like you. I feel like I do like you, maybe even love you. I think I could deal with publicity for you, Albus Severus Potter."

Albus turned his head up, pulling back slightly, to look at Scorpius. "I've been watching you Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. I think I love you too."

Scorpius watched in amazement as Albus's eyebrows knitted together, his lips beginning to frown. Albus would cry soon if they kept this up, but he surprised Scorpius again by pressing their lips together. Albus spent the night there in Scorpius's bed. They shared tears and kisses and gentle touches.

Two days later, as they ate breakfast together, Lily shoved the Daily Prophet in their faces. (It was easier to feel comfortable with all the stares now. So many congratulations they had received.) Scorpius blinked at the magazine. Albus snatched from her hand and with a muttered "Incendio," set it on fire. It turned into ashes before their eyes.

"I don't care what it says," Albus told her. "I don't even want to hear it or know it. Get it out of my face."

Scorpius smiled at his boyfriend. Perry was angry with Scorpius for going back to the potential hurt. But Scorpius knew Perry was happy for him too because Scorpius was now with the person he was meant to be with. And Perry had told him a few times that Albus very well may be the only person for Scorpius.

Perry was coming back to visit with his grandmother in the next few weeks, and Scorpius eagerly awaited the opportunity to introduce him to Albus. He could predict how that meeting would go already.

He had faith that Albus and Perry would get along great. And he knew Perry and Rose would share many interests in politics and worldly issues and travel. The two would get in a debate about something or other. While they were discussing Japan's advancement in transfiguration or whatever they ended up talking about, Albus and he would sneak off to Honeyduke's basement for a little fun of their own.

Things were going to go back to normal, Scorpius knew, with the exception of one added person. He couldn't be happier. The ring on his finger which Albus had given him to go with a promise of a life of devotion was just another reason to smile about.

My English teacher likes to comment on her seventh graders' want to put "The End" on any paper they write. She hates it. She says we know it's the end, thank you very much. If it wasn't the end, there'd be more. Obviously, there's not.

But I feel like I didn't lead into this ending very well. And based on some of the reviews, I've gotten, I feel like not all of you were expecting this to be the last chapter. So… In case you didn't know:

The End

By the way, I imagine Albus has a matching ring. There may or may not be a epilogue. I'm glad I finished this now. It hasn't really hit me yet, though, I don't think. I probably should be thrilled that I've finished my first chapter fic, but relief would suit me better.

What made me decide to write this entire chapter today and finish this? I was brainstorming on a good idea. And I was like, "Ooh! I'd like to write that!" :o "But I won't post it until after I've finished writing it." :O "Damn it all! I have to finish Publicity!" I'd already had this ending planned out, so I hope it didn't sound rushed.

There was a girl who offered to edit this story for me in PM, but I hadn't checked my messages in a while. When I went to reply to the PM, it told me her PM was blocked. I was going to take her up on that offer for this last chapter. (Elitestar1234, which I've just found out is two people, thank you for the offer and I apoligize if you think I've just ignored you.) Again, I'm sorry this isn't beta'd. My internet is messed up. I brought my laptop to my grandmother's house and figured I should probably update while I've got connection.

Now, I hope you've all enjoyed this. It doesn't really meet my own expectations and standards, but whatever. Please review and tell me what you think about the whole thing.