Heyya. This is Kat, an writer who writes naruto, teen titans, and prince of tennis fanfics. I decided to try pokemon (I like a variety of stories) this time, though.

Any of my readers from Naruto: Jealousy Starts With A Song, 1 Week, Sakura White and the Seven Genin, and Replaced are on Hiatus. Sorry.

This is gonna be a GARYxOC thing. You might catch a glimpse of the other trainers, but this starts in Hoenn. Sorry, guys! I wanted it to start in Hoenn, cuz the OC wants to start there, and she'll be going to Kanto and Johto in other chapters.

Soo… let's start!


Of Falling In Love

When people look at me, they take me as the normal trainer. Only I'm fourteen years of age, and some things at home kept me from leaving town for my journey the previous years.

But they're wrong.

I decided to take a different path. I don't start with (according to others) the relatively easy regions, wherein most starter trainers go to start on their first journey. Also known as Kanto. But I want to start backwards. See, my grandparents own the daycare near Verdanturf. I've practically been surrounded by pokemon since I was born. Despite this, I come from the small town of Oldale, and believe me, walking to Verdanturf is HARD.

Luckily, my dad's already a good pokemon raiser/breeder, so he lets me borrow Swellow, so that we can fly to Verdanturf whenever we want to!

Back to what I said, I took a different path. But before I go, it's off to Professor Birch's…

"Ahh! Finally, Samantha Garret comes! Welcome!" Proffersor Birch greeted me as I stepped in the lab.

I grinned back at him. "Just Sam, Prof. Just Sam." Yes, that was me. Samantha Daniela Garret. I have long black hair up to my waist, bangs died purple pinned to the side, purple-rimmed glasses, and, well, purple eyes. Blame genetics for that. I have no idea where I got PURPLE eyes from. Anyway, it's my best feature.

He laughed. "Still as feisty as always, eh?" he grinned and walked towards me. "How's Matthew?"

"Dad's fine, Prof." My dad and the professor have been friends since forever.

"And Daniela? Is she doing fine, also?" he asked, referring to my mother, who participated in Pokemon contests every now and then.


"Well, anyway. You're going to start your journey today, I presume?" he smiled as he led me to the back.

"Oh yeah! I am sooooo pumped!" I grinned. "Can I pick a Pokemon now?"

"Of course, Sam." He smiled. "From your experiences, I can guess that you know the three starter Pokemon?"

"Torchic, Mudkip, and Treecko." I said immediately.

"Good! Have you decided which one you'd like?"

"Well, Prof, I guess it depends on the Pokemon. Heck, I want a Torchic, but I don't want one that's mean to me, or doesn't like me."

His eyes sparkled with glee. "I couldn't have expected nothing else from the only daughter of the great pokemon breeder!" he paused, taking a serious tone. "But yes, my dear, you're right. Shall we see the Pokemon?"

He pressed a button, and three pokeballs on a table appeared. "Pick one. Take your time, I'm not in any hurry."

I selected the Pokeball to the right most, and pressed the button. After a flash of red, a Mudkip went out.

"Mud. Mudkip mud."

"Awww! Isn't that a cute little thi-"


A water gun hit me square in the face, leaving me soaked. Meekly, I pressed the button on the Pokeball, and in another flash of light, Mudkip disappeared. "Definitely not that one." I picked the one next to it, the one in the center.

A flash of red, and thus appeared my dream Pokemon – a Torchic. "Whee!" I grinned, and cautiously approached it. First, the bird stared at me, then opened its mouth-

"KYAAAAH!" I yelled. "I'm on fire!" Okay, officially, I so do not want a Torchic. Professor Birch tried to hide back a smile.

"They don't seem to like you."

"And I just figured that out now. Great." I sighed sarcastically. Professor put the now submissive Torchic back in its ball. "Guess I'm stuck with Treecko." I stared silently at the last Pokeball.

But before I could reach it –

"Hey, Prof! Gramps wanted me to give you something!" a boy with brownish hair came in, wearing a purple long sleeved shirt, an Umbreon following him. He carried a package in his hands, and handed it to Professor Birch.

"Hello, Gary. Oh, this must be the new High-tech Pokedex." The Prof grinned as he unwrapped it, revealing a shiny red thing which looked like a gameboy. "Hold on a bit, Gary. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

Whoa. He was gonna introduce me to him?

"Hm?" he turned around, raising his eyebrow at me. Umbreon looked at me curiously, and lazily closed its eyes as it slumped to the floor in a deep slumber.

"Gary, this is Sam Garret. She's a new trainer, even though she's one year younger than you." Prof turned to me. "Sam, this is Gary Oak, grandson of Professor Oak."

"Hey." He gave me a little half-smirk. "Nice to meet you."

I grinned, and smiled at him. "Nice to meet you too."

He stiffened as he looked into my eyes (I mean, really, really, REALLY look at me) and shrugged it off. He shook my hand, coming closer. "I like your eyes." He grinned.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"They're weird." He said, smirking, not nicely, but arrogantly. "I haven't seen anyone with weird eyes like yours."

My face turned red with anger. "Oh shut up! It's not like you don't like purple! Just look at your gay-looking shirt!"

"May I ask who you're calling gay, lady?"

"At least I have an excuse to wear purple!" I turned around, tossing my hair to the side. "I'm not a guy!"

Meanwhile, Professor Birch was looking at a note hidden under the Pokedex. He noticed us looking at him and smiled. "I have an announcement."

"Yea?" I asked.

"Sam, you're just starting your Pokemon journey, correct?" I nodded. "And Gary, according to your grandfather, you're just starting in Hoenn?" he nodded. "Professor Oak wants you, Sam, to accompany Gary, since the loss of his cheerleaders takes away his self-confidence." Gary turned red with embarassment and fury. "What? I'm just reading the note."

"There is no way, in this pure world, that I am going to travel with him." I said scathingly.

"Too bad, purple." Gary said sullenly. "When Gramps wants something, it's done. No questions asked. Even if it IS against my will." He said, shooting a look in my direction.

I, in return, shot a look at him.

"Come on, you two. This is just a small journey –"

"Which will take months on end." I interrupted Professor.

Gary sighed. "I'll go. But I swear, I'm only doing this out of pity." He said, kneeling down on the ground to wake Umbreon.

I opened my mouth to protest, then closed it. "Hmph." I reached for Treecko's Pokeball, and clicked it open. Treecko rose an eyebrow at me, and it reminded me SO much of Gary I'm-too-good-for-you Oak, that I burst out laughing. "I like this one."

Treecko's hard eyes melted at my laugh, and then twinkled. "Treecko tree." He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my leg.

"YAY!" I laughed. "My first Pokemon!"

A loud yawn interrupted my joy. I scowled and turned around to face Gary, who had lounged out on Prof's couch, Umbreon yawning soundlessly next to him. "Couldja at least be a bit more happy for me?"

"Nope." He smirked, making a popping sound at the p.

Professor Birch sighed. "Anyway, here's your Pokedex. I'm sure you know what it does…"


"Well, then, I wish you good luck-"

Gary cut off Professor by whirling me out the door, (I have no idea how he got up from the couch so fast) by pulling my arm. Before we exited, I yelled, "Bye, Prof! Thanks for everything!"

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, OAK?!" I yelled the minute he dragged me out the door.

"I was in a hurry. You, being a girl, would hang around to chat, so I wanted to get started right away." He yawned.

I smacked him at the back of his head.

"The HELL?" he yelled.

Ignoring him, I continued. "I have to pick up some stuff from my house. Come with me." I said, making it sound more like a command than a request.

Begrudgingly, he followed me.

We reached my home in Oldale soon, since it was just a five-minute walk. Gary taught me how to battle a wild Zigzagoon, (I never told him I knew how to battle already) and then we entered Oldale.

My house wasn't a fabulous place, but it wasn't horrible, either. It had a simple garden (where there would always be some Pokemon from every region hanging around), and a simple two-storey house.

"Well? You coming in?" I gestured towards the gate. Without a word, he pushed me aside and opened the gate, without waiting for me to follow.

Grumbling, I followed him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an Arcanine went and charged Gary. "Ohmigod! Are you okaaaaay, Oak?" I rushed towards him, where Arcanine had pinned his arms to the ground with her paws, and was standing on top of him.

"Get…It…Off…" he mumbled.

"Arcanine…" I murmured gently in her ear. "Gary's my acquaintance… it's okay." Arcanine turned her head towards me, as if asking if I was sure. I laughed. "I don't like him, but that doesn't give you the right to bite his head off."

From underneath Arcanine, Gary grumbled, annoyed. Arcanine turned her attention to the fifteen-year-old in front of her, and started licking him from head to toe.

"Hey-! Get off- H-Hey!"

I giggled when Arcanine finished, seeing a drenched Gary Oak on the ground. "Don't worry, we have towels inside." I offered my hand, and he took it. As I helped him up, I lost my balance and fell backward. Arcanine yelped as I landed on the ground.

My eyes opened wide as I realized our position, with Gary putting one hand on either side of my head, so as not to fall on me, and his knees on either side of my waist. Not only that, his head was this close to mine, our foreheads almost touching.

Paralyzed, I blinked once, twice. Arcanine seemed to notice my uncomfort, and gently nudged Gary off me, seeming to remember that he was my 'acquaintance'. Gary, after a few seconds, snapped out of his reverie, and stood up. I stood up too, dusting my white skirt, which had a few dirt marks on it. I turned to Gary, who was blushing deeply and staring at the ground. "You getting what you need, or what?" he yelled.

"I'm going, I'm going. Sheesh. Immature brat." I stuck my toungue out at him.

"Who's being immature now?" He smirked.

Ignoring him, I brushed by him into the house, and into my room. "Ma! I'm home! Dad!"

"Hello, dear!" My mom's voice floated towards me from downstairs.

"Ma, I have a friend over, he'll explain everything, I just have to get some stuff." I yelled down. I grabbed a purple and blue backpack form the shelves, and stuffed some clothes in it. On my journey, I'd buy more clothes, but the ones I had were good for about three days. And if we ran into a river, I could just wash my clothes. I also brought my copy of Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, a love-hate story between two totally different people, and one of my favorite stories. Not forgetting the essentials, I brought shampoo, soap, and deodorant. Finally, I found my black and purple checkered belt-bag (you know, it's like, strapped around your waist, and it's a bag, get it?) and put in about 10 pokeballs, potion, paralyze heal, pokeblocks, pokefood, and bandages. Whew. Finally, I changed into: A black short-sleeved hoodie, white tank top underneath, and jeans. Of course, I put on sneakers, the durable kind. I pulled my hair back into two ponytails, and went downstairs, towing my light backpack (yeah, it was light.) and my belt-bag.

"Oh, you're the grandson of Professor Oak?" My mother's voice asked.

"Yeah…" Gary replied, pride swelling in his voice. I squinted my eyes angrilly. This guy was too FULL of himself.

"Hey mom, Oak." I said, practically spitting the last name out. "Ma, this is my Pokemon, Treecko." I took out Treecko's pokeball, and pressed the button.

The minute Treecko stepped out, my mom squealed. "Oh, he's adoooorable!" she leaned down to pat his head, Treecko obliged. "Honey… just remember this advice." She turned towards me, a smile in her eyes. "You will fall, you will trip… but you will never lose it all. No matter what happens, you'll always have someone there to help you. There will be someone who cares, someone who will help you up." She stood up and hugged me. "Good luck."

I grinned, and my eyes wandered to Gary.

The latter was looking at my mom with a sad look on his face, clouding his eyes with the saddest look I had ever seen. He closed his eyes as if to compose himself, and when he opened them, looked arrogant and selfish. Aw, and I was enjoying that.

Suddenly, my mom whispered in my ear. "Good luck with Gary, okay? He's cute!"

I turned deep scarlet, and whispered fiercly. "MOM!"

Gary turned his head to look at me, and smirked.

"He is, dear! And besides, you'll be spending months on END with him!" she giggled and whispered again. "Did I ever tell you how I met your father?"

I shook my head.

"We travelled together. It was just the two of us, me doing my contests, him on his infamous journey to become the greatest pokemon master… and eventually, we fell in love." She smiled dreamilly. "If only you and Gary-"

I broke from her grip, at the same time, putting Treecko back in his pokeball. This mother-daughter talk would have to wait. Maybe when the said boy wasn't in the same room?! "Bye mom! Don't want to keep dear Gary waiting, don't you? Bye!!!" I yelled, and grabbed Gary's arm as we disappeared out the door.

I could still hear my mom laugh as she closed the door behind us.

That's the first chapter. -_- Thank goodness I finished it. Wooh.

Was it okay?

Please click that little button under here… haha… okay?






"Arrogant bastard."

Gary and I glared at each other. Underneath us, Treecko and Umbreon rolled their eyes. I turned my back to him. "You are being SO impossible right now, OAK."

"I would've left you YESTERDAY if I had the chance."

"Then leave!"

"You know I can't do that."

"Do. It."

Gary glared at me one last time. "Fine."

--end of preview--