I didn't want to tell her, I really didn't. This wouldn't have happened if she had been awake. This wouldn't be a problem, but because she had to go get hit, it is. Damn, she's going to be so mad.

"That whore!" she screeched.

"Bella, I think your overreacting," I said slowly, I knew she wasn't.

"No, I am not, that gold digging bitch!"

"Hey that's a little harsh,"

"You shut up, this is not your problem,"

"Well it kinda is,"

Bella grabbed my phone off the table next to her bed, where the poor thing was trying to charge.

Her face screwed up in the most adorable scowl as she hurriedly punched in a number. Oh god, this is not good.

"Hello? Yeah, it's Bella. I know great, we can do this later. I was just reading something about- shut-up James! My god, you knew I would be mad! You knew it and you still did it! Do you think Victoria would have married you if you didn't have money? Do you? I hope to god you signed a prenup because I will kill her if you didn't. Did you really think it would last? I bet she's fucking the pool boy right now!"

"Bella, maybe your overreacting?" I suggested. Bad idea.

"You stay out of this, you should have stopped it in the first place." Bella hissed. She turned her attention back to the phone. "I don't care how hot she is, she's a walking disease incubator! God knows what the hell she has! God knows what you have! Fine, you know what? We'll talk about this when I get home, but for now, I am very mad at you,"

"How'd it go?" I said, trying at a little comic relief.

"Oh just peachy. I can't believe him. And one of the Volturi whores too."

"I told him you'd be mad."

"What'd he say?"

"Tried to convince me that you weren't waking up and that I should move on,"

"You should have,"

"I didn't want to, ever,"

"That's nice of you,"

"I should probably go get your doctor,"

"Yeah, probably,"


Some things never get resolved. I've learned that in my life. I've learned that life is rarely fair and never, never works out perfect. Close to perfect maybe, but never really perfect. Another thing, people who are supposed to love you will burn you if they get the chance. I've found exceptions to this rule. The other ones are different, there's absolute. This one isn't. Or I just haven't given them enough time.

"And we are home!" Edward said enthusiastically as we pulled into the Cullen driveway.

A week. A fucking weeks worth of tests after I'd woken up. A week. I could have been out enjoying things but I'm stuck in a hospital room eating Snack Packs and watching crappy cable movies from the eighties. Not my idea of fun. A week of people going ape shit over me being awake and I still found I didn't care. After people came out of shock things got really normal, really fast.

"Finally," I mumbled.

"No kidding,"

"We're going to be alright, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, looking over and taking my hand in his as we scaled the treacherous path of death known simply as 'that damn driveway'.

I had to believe, I really did, that things would work out. I might not like James marrying Victoria, mostly because she's a gold digging slut, but I could live with it. I missed out on little Miss Annabelle Hale, but I could deal with it. Hopefully. And I could deal with missing out on two years of my life that I wouldn't have done much with anyway. I just needed four more credits to graduate, and I could easily get that in a semester. Edward and me could get our own place and we can all live happily ever after. The end.

I suck at writing endings and I'm sure you all will be pissed I ended it here. But you know what? Fuck you! In a nice way. I'll actually write a sequel. Not like my other stories where I said I'd write a sequel while never intending to. Sorry. This one I can actually see me writing more on. I kinda tried to tie things up and didn't do a great job, but I kinda don't care. Anyhoo, someone left a great review on Spotlight. I wanted to reply to then but it was an anonymous review. So, if u submitted a review to Spotlight under the name 'Chloe' and this is your review:

"ok so i loved the story..but wtf? 11 chapters? You skipped super important

details like how nessie wus carryinq the baby,how seth and becca fell in

love..this story is ridiculos.I think if you cant write more than 11 chapters

of a story,then you arent that good of a writer are you?"

Then I would like to thank you for reviewing. The bitchyness was great. I like it when people are honest. If readers give sugarcoated reviews there's no point in reviewing. Readers aren't there to boost the writer's self-esteem; they're there to tell the writer what they did wrong. And if you don't know how Renesmee was carringing the baby I think you should ask your parents about the birds and bees. And no, I'm not that good a writer.