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An Uneventful Reunion


Lady Time is such a fickle fragile creature with her dress of ebony that embraces the night sky and distant rainbow embers that wink and glow as far as the eye can see. She flows in one direction, a rippling, endless stream that cascades around all of us from the tiniest microbe to planets and stars where only massive black holes that gobble all light near their turbulent bodies can dare to escape her delicate touch. But it is known among few that events that were once the deemed path for her can be drastically changed, that they can and have been altered beyond recognition with one choice made by a person who had a seemingly minor part to play in this tale of history and life.

A single choice.

That is all it takes to twist Lady Time's path into a multitude of other unknown paths that lead to more choices and more divergences. Spilling off and mirroring the Great Tree of Life, a white tree, with each branch containing another version within the fleshy rings beneath. Who knows where each one leads? Do even the fates? Who knows what will happen when the old known events that once followed this worn story in the great rings of truth disappear and fade, lost and forgotten in the expanse of time and space.


What was known is replaced with what is unknown. Mysterious and dark. Each new branched universe could be only slightly different or things can be radically different with new faces, places and events. Yet, if you look into each story you will find the resemblances of the same people and actions. A pattern in the chaos. A chosen few who will always be, or some actions that will always happen.

This. This and the events that lie herein are only one such branch in Lady Time's glorious White Tree and her sparkling gown of ebony. A story of how two souls and the people around them were altered by one choice. A choice made by a man the fates deemed for death at the hand of a monstrous Tyrant. This is a story of how no matter what separated them, these people together would conquer all the odds that were stacked against them to find each other and fulfill their destinies.

Fulfill past destinies. And fulfill new darker destinies, consequences created by this lone choice that could be the end of Lady Time and the Great White Tree of life itself.


In the vastness of space a small sphere, a silvery one-manned ship slips silently through the barrage of stars that streaks past the darkened window of glass. It's course... unplanned. A mere fluke of a bloody disfigured hand as it smashed against the control keys. The single inhabitant, unconscious. Not from the drugs meant to keep him asleep in stasis during his long journey, but for a wholly different reason entirely.

A faint grunt escapes his dry, blood encrusted cracked lips. His head sways from the weight, unable to keep it up. His eyes open slightly, vision blurry as he takes in the swirling stars and the crimson stained prints on the white control panel. Closing his eyes, he drifts in-and-out of his mind, unable to comprehend what lay before him or how his life would come to change from this. His body is battered and broken, memories of a high pitched laugh and searing white-hot pain flash in his head. Haunting horrors of what he left behind refusing to leave him even as he gives into a troubled, restless slumber.


Bulma sighed heavily, tucking a strand of her silky shoulder-length blue hair behind her ear as she waded through the sea at Master Roshi's island. Melancholy thoughts clung tight to her in spite of the picturesque surroundings, and if those thoughts were able to manifest into the physical world would have shown as a dark storm hovering around her, rain pouring down and drenching her as wind lashed her hair against her face. A metaphysical mirror to the current world inside her heart and mind. But no matter how much her life felt like a comedic children's cartoon on an endless rollercoaster that climbed higher and higher before giving out without warning -constantly she might add- life was never as simple as a rollercoaster. No, the grownup world she found herself dealing with more and more as of late had money impediments, project issues, governmental people to please and strained relationships.

She couldn't afford her childlike tendencies and dreams of the past anymore. She had responsibilities and people to oversee, not to mention mountains of paperwork and boring board meetings to attend to. This was the real first break she had in years and she had come here hoping to take full advantage of the tranquility to be found here. All the same her worries wouldn't let her find peace.

Growing up sucks, she thought with a frown, Sucks more when others refuse to do it with you.

Closing her eyes she tilted her head to face the sun as she stood more than wading in the water in her bright green string bikini, hands outstretched and fingertips playing in the waves. Along with the gulls flying above and their distant squawks, the tiny island's lone palm tree swayed back and forth, at times lightly tapping the roof of the pink Kame house. The water licked her thighs as the surf rose and fell around the golden sands and with a deep breath the salty tang of the ocean filled her nose and the soft ocean breeze brushed her tan skin.

It's so calm here... and I'm wasting it.

She knew she should try harder and let all her thoughts and worries go. Simply give into the bliss of this fleeting peace and the beautiful sight of the oceans clear blue waters. But that was a difficult task to ask from the world's richest heiress and leading scientist, even if she wasn't in the throes of heartache as she was now. Not even the sun shining brightly overhead, gulls cheerfully crying as they swopped overhead on air currents, and the prospect of seeing Goku was helping her turbulent thoughts. She couldn't stop thinking. And that was the problem wasn't it? Thinking. She never stopped thinking. Not even when she slept. Her mind was always running and running, trying to figure out that next equation before her.

The equation on her mind this time wasn't even a mathematical one -or remotely scientific- but with the way her mind was grinding over it one would think it was. No, this question was about men, while her thoughts as a whole (as well as her heart) were focused mostly on one man in particular. Yamcha, you are such a childish fool sometimes. Shaking her head she opened her eyes, looking out at the crystal blue expanse with white frothy caps that dipped over the horizon. She couldn't stop thinking about her on and off again boyfriend of nearly ten years, or how he was connected with her woes with relationships in general. Strictly significant male relationships.

She should forget it all. Should let her now ex boyfriend -again- and what he had done... go. This place was too tranquil and peaceful for such thoughts (ignoring, of course, the fact that Roshi often had dirty thoughts as he read those nasty mags of his), and had she not come here to relax and forget about him? And yet here she was with these thoughts and questions eating at her like a bothersome fly at a picnic buzz, buzz, buzzing around in her mind.

Frowning, she curled her fingers into fists and crossed her arms. Holding grudges was childish right? Especially when he hadn't exactly done anything wrong with that blonde reporter woman. It had been only a harmless dinner at West City's most famous bachelors' pick-up restaurant, Scarlet's. Or so he said -yeah right!- Bulma was not born yesterday and while she had never caught him cheating she knew better than anyone how he could get in over his head and let his hormones get the best of him. The fact that hurt so much was not the prospect of him cheating -though it did hurt- it was that he lied so much to her. And not just about things like other women... little things. If he didn't want to hang out with her why couldn't he just come out and say it? Why did he have to come up with excuses?

Sure, she was not no innocent either. There had been a time or two when she sought solace in the arms of another. She and Yamcha were so fickle that sometimes it was difficult to know when they were supposed to be in a "committed" relationship or not, and she may or may not have cheated on him once. And then with how hectic and busy her life was these days... any free time she got off was rare and she sometimes didn't want to deal with him so she too would make up little white lies to get out of seeing him. But never did she only seek him out to gain something from him. She wanted to be with him because he was her friend and really did want his company. The fact of the matter was: Bulma was trying to grow up. She was trying to think about her future and starting the process of settling down, and Yamcha was only getting wilder.

When they were younger they had talked about their future and perhaps marriage. Who didn't? But both had been perfectly happy experimenting and enjoying life in the moment that such ideas were like shooting stars, too distant and hard to grasp that they didn't matter. At twenty-six (and a lot of pressure from her mother), Bulma was starting to realize that she was not getting any younger and life did come with a time limit. She didn't want to settle down this second with a man and start popping out kids but she also didn't want to end up like her Aunt Lilly, old, hiding her wrinkles with plastic surgery, and so very alone.

Bulma's thoughts paused as she watched a rainbow fish daringly swim close to her legs only to dart away. Something about the fish only served to remind her, yet again, of Yamcha. He would come around her needing something, but any other time he was nowhere to be found and she was left alone trying to fill this emptiness she felt without him. Was she already Aunt Lilly and didn't even realize it? Biting her lip, she rubbed her arms, practically hugging herself. No, it wasn't just that she was lonely. Or that she was trying to settle down and Yamcha wasn't willing to. No, it was so much more than that... And maybe that was why she was so mad this time. Why she was so hurt.

More and more these days she only got his answering machine, which by itself was only a small issue and nothing to be this upset about. But when she only saw him publically at high-end restaurants or celebrity events he needed her to gain access to... He was using her. Her eyes started to water, threatening to spill and she blinked, horrified where her thoughts had taken her as her stomach sank. But it was hard to ignore the truth that was slapping her in the face. And if there was one thing she disliked most in this world it was being used.

Now, Bulma was a respected scientist known throughout the world not only through her father but by her own merit. The only thing to rival this intelligence was the beauty she had inherited from her mother, her own fame, and her daddy's money. Yes, she knew she was vain. Knew she could also be overbearing at times and rather demanding. But still! That didn't give others any right to abuse her. To treat her little more than a stepping stool time and time again, uncaring of her feelings. Which was what people did time and time again. More times than she liked to admit even to herself. And most times it was prospective lovers who got through all her protective barriers and were able to hurt her the most. Never in all these years she had been with Yamcha did she think he would be just like everyone else.

Taking a shaky breath in and out, she tried to calm her wayward thoughts and emotions. Last thing she wanted or needed was to break down and cry here with the others inside. But the ache persisted, festering in her chest and in her mind. Why couldn't she find a man who treated her with respect and decency? One who didn't use her and liked her for who she was?

She had given up a long time ago on finding that prince charming who was ruggedly handsome and strong, but with a soft spot and who knew what to say and when to say it... would give her foot rubs (among other things) and be able to stand up to her amazing intelligence with his own. All of which she knew was laughable and impossible. It was a child's dream. Nothing more. And through the years she kept cutting more and more of that dream man away... Until now there was nothing left but tarnished dreams of a naive little girl who only wanted that one mind-blowing, over-the-stars, I-will-never-love-again type of relationship with a man who only had eyes for her and worshiped the ground she walked on.

Where had such a dream come from? Who knew, really? When she was really little all she wanted was for the other children to stop calling her names and pulling her strange blue hair. Something had changed as she grew though, seeing movies and real life couples around her as a pre-teen, and wanting to know what love felt like. Only to get an older boy who played this naive wish like a fiddle as he took his trophy of "Bulma Briefs virginity" daring to wear it as a badge for the world to see. That had not ended well for either party involved and to this day that man turned tail and ran if ever they happen to meet each other in passing.

With a pitiful sigh, Bulma turned from the ocean and started back for the tiny golden beach and the pink Kame house and that one palm tree lightly tapping the roof, running a hand through her damp cerulean hair as she went. That boy had only been the first in a string of others to toy with her heart. To the point that when she turned sixteen she decided enough was enough and set out to find her prince charming. If there was none out there she would wish for the perfect boyfriend damnit!

Her feet sunk into the sand as she neared the plastic forest green chair and snatched the pink towel from it to dab her face and dry the rest of her body before wrapping it around her thin waist. With a huff she blew a few strands of hair from her face and sat down, elbows propped up on her knees and chin in her hands as she thought bitterly, Look how well that turned out, Bulma. Sighing again, her lower lip protruded out as she began to pout. I am going to end up like Aunt Lilly, I just know it.

"Hey... Are you okay, Bulma?" Krillin asked suddenly, startling her from her chaotic thoughts and she turned to find the short bald monk in his orange gi standing on the porch of the house. His round face and normally open gray eyes were pinched with concern as he started stepping down the stairs to the beach.

Bulma turned back to the ocean view and snapped, "Yes."

He cringed at the tone but said nothing as he walked over to her even as she did her best to ignore him. The sand shifted beneath his bare feet, warm but thankfully not scorching when he finally came to a stop next to her. She glanced sideways at him as his own gaze remained out over the surf and seagulls flying above, a slight smile on his lips. Looking down, she buried her toes within the golden sanctuary of warm rocky particles and together they remained like this, in the silence of the island as gulls cried and waves washed onto the shores, for a few long minutes. Neither saying a word, and yet, it wasn't an awkward silence. It was... oddly peaceful and reassuring.

Suddenly he nudged her gently, breaking the tranquility that surrounded them. "Don't worry, Bulma. I'm sure he will call you by the end of this week groveling, saying how much a fool he is... for doing whatever he did this time. And if not, then it's not the end of the world. I'm sure Kami is looking out for you..." he hesitated and then chuckled, "You know, since we kind of know him."

She had been frowning until the joke about Kami and with it gave her own light hearted chuckle. Finally feeling herself relax, she tilted her head to look again at the very short man who only as she sat become eye-height with her. He was right of course. She did kind of know the Guardian of Earth... or at least knew him through Goku. Maybe he was looking out for her? I wonder if I could ask him for help...? She pushed the thought from her head, knowing it was a silly thought. But it helped nonetheless.

"Thanks, Krillin."

He beamed back at her. "What are friends for?"

Nodding with agreement, something red moved in her peripheral vision and she looked finding a crab as it crawled in the sand, pinchers held high in the air and spit bubbling from its mouth. She couldn't help but smile at it before looking back out over the water. What would she do without Krillin? She glanced sideways at her friend, this time with an appraising glint in her sapphire eyes. While he was shy more often than not when it came down to it he always knew the right thing to say to make her feel better. She stiffened, eyes widening briefly as realization hit her. That was one of the points on my list... Maybe I could -Nah, what am I thinking? There is no way I would ever date him. She could already see the tabloids now, "Bulma Briefs, Out with the Yamster and in with... Shortstuff?" Kami only knew what sort of nicknames they would come up with them as a couple. She wasn't that desperate. Yet. And even if she ever got there she simply couldn't see herself having to bend over to kiss someone. You had to admit, there wasn't much romantic appeal in that.

Wrinkling her nose, she shook her head and looked away. Krillin caught the look and motion on her face and gave her a wide-eyed puzzled look. "What?

Bulma kicked up sand as she pulled her feet from it, leaning back on her arms as she looked up at the big puffy clouds above. "Oh, nothing..."

Unsure of what to do, Krillin frowned as he studied her. Luckily for her a few seconds later he felt a familiar ki signature flash across his mind. His head snapped to the left and stared intently at the sky. Seeing it, she sat up and asked, "What is it?"

What if it's Yamcha? What was she going to do? She was an emotional wreck and didn't want to see him yet. What was he doing coming so soon? As a general rule it took him as three days for him to come to his senses. Not that I can forgive him this time...

Before her thoughts could go back to those darker paths, a huge goofy grin appeared on Krillin's lips. "It's Goku."

Following his gaze towards the sky, all her thoughts and worries flew away from her mind as excitement at seeing her oldest friend, her best friend and brother, surged forward and she brought her hand up to block the sun, trying to get a better look. After a few seconds she found the small speck. Sure enough, there he was flying on Nimbus. Smiling she jumped to her feet and took a few steps forward before she began to wave her hands above her head. It's goku! She was going to see him in -how long had it been? Five Years?- and nothing else mattered at that point. She started waving her arms more frantically as he got closer, calling out to him. She knew she must have looked like a wild person screaming and jumping as she was, but she didn't care. She was too happy to let appearances get in the way. This was way she was here anyway, to see her friends, especially Goku, her first true friend. He was practically her little brother for Kami sake! Not having seen him at least once these past years had been hard on her and honestly troubled her considering how much time they used to spend together growing up.

"GOKU!" she screeched with joy, her voice echoing out across the water and he laughed waving back.

No. Instead of gaining the perfect boyfriend I gained friends. Good friends. And a little brother that I wouldn't trade anything for. As she let that thought settle over her and warm the place that had been cold and hollow just seconds before, Roshi and Oolong called out from the front porch before making their way down to her and Krillin.


After her tall spiky haired friend wearing that same old orange gi landed and greetings were shared as well as introductions to his son, Gohan, were made, the gang headed into the pink house with Turtle carrying the child on his back. The conversation inside ranged from ChiChi and how the married life was treating Goku to Bulma's new projects and Master Roshi's dirty magazines. They ate a meal of steaming fish and crab, and drank beer and wine, slipping into recounts of all the good times they had and friends not there. Minutes and then hours trickled by and before they knew it the sun was starting to set on their little island.

All Bulma knew was that she didn't want it to end. She hadn't been this happy in... She wasn't sure how long! And that meant something big. Just to have Goku, Krillin -and yes Master Roshi and Oolong- all there chatting and laughing like old times. It felt good. Real good. Those dark thoughts long forgotten, chased away by their presence. So it startled her when she glanced out the window to find the sun was sinking over the waves lighting the sky in rays of rosy pink, and most of all saddening. Their time had come to an end and she knew that Goku and his young son would have to leave soon, made all the more apparent when she noticed Gohan had fallen asleep on top of Turtle's shell.

Why did it always feel like she was saying goodbye these days?

Goku sighed getting a look out the window himself and set his empty beer bottle down. "Sorry guys, we really need to get going. ChiChi will be fuming if I get home with Gohan too late."

The mood in the room instantly flattened and Krillin glanced at Gohan. "Yeah, I guess it is getting late... Sorry if we get you into trouble, Goku."

Shrugging his shoulders, he scratched the back of his head and laughed. "It's okay. I was glad I came..."

Bulma rose to her feet, refusing to let her disappointment show as she walked over to and gently picked up the sleeping child, trying not to wake him. Though it seemed to be a mute point because the child was out to the world as she passed him over to his father. Goku smiled fondly at her and her heart squeezed. Gohan looked so much like his father that it was bring back the memories all over again. Smiling back she went for the door, and continued the small talk with the others out of the house.

Standing in a circle around Goku, they all fell silent and he sighed. "Well, I guess this is goodbye until next time we meet."

"Let's not make it too long Goku," Bulma muttered softly, trying not to cry. She didn't want to wait another five years to see this man who had become family in so many ways.

"Yeah, too many years have passed," Krillin agreed, nodding. "Let's have some kind of get together every year, in the least. I want to see that son of yours grow up." He smiled as he patted his friend on his lower back, unable to reach higher.

"Sure!" Goku replied happily, "And if you guys ever need anything give me a call or something."

"You bet!" Bulma punched him lightly in the arm. "Goodbye, Goku..."

"See ya. Krillin. Master Roshi. Oolong. Bulma..." With one last look at her and a squeeze of her upper arm, he took off into the night sky.

"Bye, Goku!" she called out after him.

Watching Goku leave with his sleeping son... It had been hard. Her little snot nose, naive little friend who she had practically raised was now a father. It was only another painful reminder of the fact that she would probably never find the perfect guy -because if she was being at all honest with herself no one could really beat Goku. She shook her head, but Goku was too much like her brother to count, right? Sighing she ran her fingers through her hair. It didn't matter. It was a hopeless cause, to find a man who loved her for her, and to have a family with... ChiChi didn't know how good she had it.

After a few seconds Bulma crossed her arms and looked at the others. "Well, I guess I better get going too..." A sudden loneliness started taking root in her heart once more, the dark thoughts returning.

Krillin whined slightly as his gaze focused on her, "Oh... do you really?"

"You can sleep here if you want, Bulma," Roshi said in his 'fake' grandfatherly tone as he straightened his back and leaned lightly on his cane. It didn't fool her for a second. She could see those lecherous eyes ogling her even under those tinted glasses of his.

"Kami no... not with you, you old pervert!" He gave her an innocent look as she walked over to the beach chair to collect her things. It didn't matter what either said, she was not staying. She had long lost count how many times the buffoon had tried to pull something with her there. He always had. He always would. It was him and nothing was going to change the disgusting old perv.

Groaning with understanding, Krillin shook his head as he gave Master Roshi a displeased look. "Okay, Bulma. Keep in touch, will you? You're just as bad as Goku too, sometimes, you know...?"

Sliding the white sun dress that she had worn there over her head, she chuckled lightly. "Fine. I'll call you every week, Krillin." After putting her towel in her bag and putting the bag over her shoulder she turned back to them, giving Krillin a hug before going over to her yellow aircraft.

Opening the door, she threw her bag in the front passenger seat and hauled herself up. Sitting in the pilot seat she proceeded to push buttons and flick switches, starting the engines before waving back at them as the old man, her short friend, and the pig stood waiting by the door of the little pink house. "Goodbye guys."

"Bye, Bulma!"

Bulma took a hold of the controls and shot straight up into the air before the yellow aircraft started speeding across the sky, moving quickly towards her home in West City. As the ocean first past underneath, giving way to land and blurs of greens and browns, her mind that she had been fighting to keep quiet finally rebelled and all the troubled thoughts from earlier returned. Was there honestly no guy out there for her? Was there something wrong with her? Well, besides the obvious? Over and over she poured over these thoughts and the pain she felt. And in all honesty it had turned into a regular old Bulma-pity-party.

Sometimes she really hated her life. But never before had it been this bad. She disliked how vain it made her sound, but seriously, being drop-dead-gorgeous, smart and insanely rich was not all that it cracked up to be and came with its own set of problems. Problems that for some reason a genius like her simply couldn't grasp in the first place, let alone solve. Sure, she could always find a man who would love her for her assets (and she meant more than looks here), but she didn't want that. All she had ever yearned for was one of those rock-your-world romances that movies so often illustrated.

Pouting, she placed the aircraft on autopilot before tears started trailing down her cheeks and dripping off her chin, disappearing into the white fabric of her summer dress. She tried to slap them away, getting frustrated with herself only to forget them completely as she folded her arms and her pouting deepened. Was having one romantic encounter like that really too much to ask for? Shaking her head, she gritted her teeth as rage over her pity fest consumed her and she shook herself, hands grasping the controls as she forced herself to look up.

"Damnit. Look at yourself, Bulma! You're pathetic... get over it... get over yourse-"

"AHHHH" a startled scream cut off her rant as something big! And white! Flashed inches before her aircraft. Her eyes opened wider, nearly bulging from her skull as she abruptly jerked vehicle to the side (even in spite the fact that it would have done little good), taking it automatically off autopilot.

Seconds after the initial start the aircraft hung there in the night sky, unmoving as she panted heavily, mind frozen and face pale as her heart raced, thumping wildly in her chest. Gradually her mental capacity returned and with it the realization that she almost died. It was interesting how nothing had flashed before her eyes. No images of her life or even a sudden comprehension of something important. All there had been was the shock... nothing more. She was still breathing heavy when her body started to loosen up, breaking free from her frozen position in the seat as she shook her head.

Hands shaking, she ran a hand through her blue hair, trying to get a hold of herself as she wondered out loud, "What in the name of Kami was that?"

All she knew was that it had been big, far bigger than any common meteorite that usually crashed on Earth. And that it had been white. She was also fairly certain meteorites weren't white. Did another plane almost crash into her? Oh, Kami... Without a second thought, she flipped her aircraft around and headed back. Turning on the searchlights, her eyes scanned the ground for the plane. Only, what she found in the huge crater nearly directly below her wasn't a plane. No, what remained in the crater was the debris of what looked to be a space ship of sorts that had once been a sphere, littered everywhere. It was clear from the wreckage that no one would be surviving it, not with the twisted white metal jammed into the rocky ground with fallen trees. The crash site was made more haunting with the ghostly pale moons glow casted down upon it, and her eyes widened with disbelief. Still concerned for whoever had been piloting the thing... and also curious. She started to ease her aircraft into a landing, touching down a few yards from the beginning of the crater. Being sure to grab her emergency capsule case from the center storage console, she got out of her yellow aircraft and rushed to the huge indent. She came to a stop just before, taking the damage in from ground level.

Wow... what a crash. And I almost was part of it!

With a shake of her head, she cleared those thoughts away before starting down the incline of the crater, sliding ever-so-often on the rocky debris and trees that littered ground. The further she came towards the center, the more and more she started to believe there was no one living. She had also come to realize that the ship hadn't been as big as she had initially thought it to be. In fact it looked like it could have only held one person. Nor was this ship made out of any material that she knew of. While there was a lot of debris, she was surprised by how whole and intact some of them were. Who owned this model? It had to be a prototype, it was nothing she had seen before.

There is always the possibility that it came from outer space.

Bulma came to a stop, just before the main wreckage, unable to quell the excitement at the thought that what she was seeing was extraterrestrial. Ever since she was a little girl she had been fascinated with the stars and space. What would she give to have this be a moment of blind luck and have her wildest fantasies of obtaining space travel come true? Anything. She tried to dampen the excitement down, not wanting to get her hopes up -because knowing her luck it would be an Earth made prototype- but also because whoever had been in this ship had to have died. She couldn't see any way they didn't. And she felt guilty being excited over something that meant the death of another.

That guilt didn't last long as she giddily moved forward, nearly tripping as continued making her way towards the center, carefully picking her way through the white and silver pieces of ship that were burnt and charred in some places as they jetted out from the ground. She ignored the pieces that interested her, strange objects that had wires and were still blinking, knowing she could examine them later. Finally reaching the heart of the wreak, she climbed on top of the pile and bent down, starting to clear some of the pieces and dirt away. Her hands sided a laptop sized piece of outer shell when a hand shot out, grabbing her wrist weakly.

Startled, she screamed. The high-pitched wail echoing around her as she yanked her hand away and fell backwards, landing roughly on her ass. After the shock wore off, her eyes widened with the realization that her thoughts of no one living were wrong. Her hand came up to her pounding heart, trying to get a hold of her frantic breaths.

"Oh Kami!"