Title: Forget-Me-Not

Author: greenphoenix85

Short Summary: After being brutally attacked by an enemy ninja, Sakura finds herself rescued by the most unlikable person, Deidara of the Akatsuki. Problem is, she doesn't remember a thing about herself or where she's from.

Pairings: Sakura/Deidara, Sakura/Akatsuki (but more like friendly like)

Warning: Rated M, for very strong language, violence, scenes of rape, and more adult themes

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or any of its characters.

Chapter 2:


Startled, the Fifth Hokage of the Konohagakure, Tsunade, a beautiful long blonde haired woman looked down at her sake bottle.

Since late that evening, she had managed to sneak some of her secret stash of sake out from under Shizune's watchful eyes and snuck a few drinks while she was doing some of her paper work. She knew that if she didn't get at least some work done, she would never hear the end of it from her assistant. It made the beautiful blonde sweat drop as she thought about who was suppose to be the boss around there. She was exceptionally bored though, of her work.

But when she heard the echoing crack and she looked down at her bottle after writing down some stuff on one of the scrolls. Her amber/brown eyes widened a little in alarm as she stared at the curved break in her bottle. She didn't know what could have made it. There was no explanation. Except for one thing.

"An evil omen." The Fifth whispered before her head jerked up sharply. "Shizune!!" She yelled as loud as she could.

There was a thud from outside her office before the door open and Shizune came in, looking composed until she saw the sake bottle. Her mouth fell open a little with surprise and agitation, she then gave Tsunade a stern look. "Lady Tsunade! Where did you get that?! I thought I hid all of your.....eeep!!" She cried out in unease from the evil look her teacher gave her and drew back a little. "Eh, eh?!"

Tsunade shook her head as she shoved herself up to stand, her hands slamming against the wood of her desk. She looked Shizune sharply, deciding not to reprimand her assistant for trying to hide her sake from her again. Right now wasn't the time, she realized. She knew something was amiss somewhere and something bad had happened to one of her ninja out on a mission. Because of the crack, it made her think that something was wrong. "Shizune! Go to Ibiki right now and order out some ANBU into the field! They are to look up all of the missions we have going on right now and then head out to the positions our Shinobi is in to check up on them! I want to make sure every single one is all right!"

"Eh.....Tsunade-shishou, is everything all......?" Shizune asked with concern.

"GO! NOW!" Tsunade screamed at her assistant.

Jumping nearly five feet up into the air, Shizune bowed quickly before racing out of the room. She knew better than to not question Tsunade when she was in these types of moods. She remembered the last time did that it hadn't ended very pretty. It had taken Sakura......for some reason, thinking of the pink haired Kunoichi made a cold shiver run up Shizune's back and she slowed down with a look of surprise. 'Sakura? Why did I suddenly think of her just now?' She thought before she felt a wave of fear roll over her. 'That must be why Tsunade is in a bad mood. Something's wrong.' She quickened her speed and ran down the hall to the ANBU Headquarters.

With Tsunade, the blonde Hokage was biting her thumb nail, something she did when she was worried or anxious about. She knew something was wrong. She could feel it within her heart. But who was hurt? Who was it that she was having this bad feeling for?

Standing up, she went to the window and looked out at the night sky, eyeing the full moon with worry. 'Please, please don't let it be Sakura.' She thought. But for some reason, she felt as if she had just struck the right cord and it made her heart twist with worry. She could only hope that Sakura was all right. If anything were to happen to her student, she didn't know what she or any one else could do.

Namely, Naruto.

She felt really achy as she stirred but a little better than she had the night before. She heard light rain outside the window as well as the normal sounds of the daily activities of a village and she frowned slightly as she turned her head towards the window. Her eyes flickered open into slits, for she was still too tired to awaken fully. She watched the window for a few moments before rolling onto her side, only to yelp in pain and throw herself back onto her back. Rolling over had caused her wound on her arm to open up a little and she knew it was bleeding a little.

"That looked like it hurt, yeah?"

Yelping in surprise and fear, she sat up sharply and looked wildly around, only to feel excruciating pain in her chest and she fell back against the headboard. She pressed her hand over the hidden wound before looking through her blurry, wet vision at who was sitting right next to her bed, looking dully at her as he leaned his head against one of his fists. It was the blonde man from the night before. She recognized him and remembered what had happened. The man's long blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail with only a thick strand of bangs hanging over his left eye. He was wearing a black net shirt under a dark gray muscle shirt and dark gray pants. He was really good looking, truth be told. Even though, he could have been mistaken as a girl from behind.

Still, she was afraid and cringed a little away from him. She remembered that he had saved her, so he obviously didn't mean her harm. But it was the fact that she saw the forehead protector around his forehead. It had the same symbol as her attackers; the Rock imprint. Only it had a slash across it.

"What, you getting shy now?" The blonde asked smirking at her when he saw her cringing away. "You weren't so shy of me last night when you were clinging onto me, yeah."

Slowly, she shook her head, a whimper escaping her throat. She looked down at herself remembering she had been naked other than the bandages so she was surprised when she saw that she was now wearing a short loose black tank top over her chest. Shivering, she looked back at into the blonde's sky blue eyes. "That....that silver plate. It's the....the same as those men's......" She whimpered.

The blonde frowned and wrinkled his nose before lifting his eyes and trying to look at the forehead protector he had tied around his forehead. He realized that she meant his ninja headband. "What, that? Don't worry about my headband, yeah. I'm not one of those freaks anymore. I used to be a ninja from the same village, but not anymore, yeah. You know that, Sakura." He said, now playing his cards, smirking at her.

"Sak....Sakura?" The young woman whispered with a confused frown. She obviously didn't remember her name.

The blonde feinted surprise before he rolled his eyes and lightly smacked his head as if cursing himself. "Oh, right! You're under amnesia. You can't remember anything, yeah?" He then smiled at her and offered his hand to her. He stopped for a second, when she cringed away from it. "It's okay, Sakura. It's me, your old pal, Deidara, yeah. You don't remember because of what happened to you. But we're really close friends, babe. Have been for years. We're just from different ninja villages and that's what got us in trouble."

Sakura blinked a few times in surprise before she slowly reached up and touched her now aching head with her cool fingers. "Ninja villages? We're.....we're ninja?" She asked carefully.

"That's right, yeah. I'm from Iwakagakure, the Hidden Village in the Rocks. And you....." Deidara hesitated at this part. He knew he had to be careful of what he said now. He knew that anything could jumpstart Sakura's memory. "You're from Konohagakure, the Hidden Village in the Leaves." He informed her, now waiting and watching carefully.

There was a pause as Sakura took in his words and stared at him through confused eyes but then a light flickered in her eyes as she saw a flash of memory before her eyes. She saw a very beautiful village surrounded large green trees and a large mountain with five different faces carved on it, but that was all she got. She couldn't remember anything else. Frowning, she met Deidara's sky blue eyes, who were watching her very carefully, as if expecting some kind of reaction. But she shook her head.

"If I'm from Konohagakure, why am I not there now? I mean, am I? Am I there? Where are we?" She asked looking around now, her eyes stopping on the window.

Smirking once again, Deidara shook his head. He knew it was safe for now. But with a shrug, he looked down at his hip pouch at his waist before reaching down and opening it up. He pulled something out; another forehead protector. "Well, that's kind of a hard one to explain, yeah. You see, Sakura, we're not apart of our villages anymore. We left our villages. We've both been branded as enemies of the village, criminals." He nodded when she looked surprised. "Yeah, I know it's hard to accept, but it's true. See?" He held up the forehead protect to reveal a dirty metal plate much like his but this one had a Leaf imprint. There was a deep gash over the leaf, though. "This is what marks us as Missing Ninja. We're criminals to our villages and have been for a while now, yeah."

With a shaky hand, Sakura reached over and slowly took her forehead protector from Deidara. She stared at her blurry reflection, noting how she had shoulder length pink hair, which was quite the mess right now and emerald green eyes staring wide eyed back at her. Gently, she ran her thumb over the gash. "Wh....what did we do....to become enemies of our villages?" She asked uneasily, almost afraid to know.

Deidara just shrugged as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back in the chair he was seated in. This was one thing he had to think about carefully. He had thought about it earlier and had come up with a passable story with Sasori. "Well, we were branded enemies for two very different things, yeah. I became a Missing Ninja for trying to blow up the Rock Village, yeah." He said slyly grinning at her.

"What?" Sakura asked blinking at him in surprise. "Why did you try to blow up your own village?"

Dryly, yet smiling, Deidara shook his head at her. "You met some of the bastards last night, babe. Take a wild guess why I tried to blow up my village? Iwagakure, the Hidden Rock Village has some of the roughest and toughest bastards in the entire Ninja world. They are merciless, cold and have rock hard attitudes, yeah. And they like to fight. They don't care who it is that gets hurt, even their selves. They just like to fight and destroy. It's friggen annoying, yeah." He then grinned with a shrug. "Well, there was that and these." he told her as he held up his hands and stuck out his tongues at her.

"Whoa!" Sakura gasped in surprise. There were mouths in the middle of his palms. She didn't know how she missed those. She had never seen anything like that before, at least she was sure she hadn't. Slowly, she held out a hand towards Deidara. "Can.....can I see them?" She asked in interesting.

Grinning, Deidara placed his right hand into hers, palm up. His hand's mouth had pulled back its tongue back to his mouth and were grinning the same grin up at Sakura. "Careful, babe. They sometimes bite, yeah." He warned her grinning. Sakura spared him her own sly smile before turning her attention onto the mouth in his palm. She studied the thin lines for a mouth before careful placing a finger on the corner. She slowly and carefully ran her finger across the lips which opened and the long tongue lashed out, licking her hand. She let out a quiet gasp but laughed as she wiped her hand. Laughing, Deidara pulled his hand back away from her. "Well, at least it didn't bite you, yeah?"

Sakura had to smile faintly at him but shook her head as she eyed his hands. "I still don't get it. You've become an enemy because of your hands? Have you always had them?" She asked, tilting her head.

Deidara grinned at her as he leaned back in his chair and then propped his feet up onto the end of the bed, near her own. "Yep! I was born with them and I got ridiculed for 'em. To the other kids in the Rock Village, I was a freak, yeah? A freak with three mouths. I'm an outlaw from Iwa because I wouldn't throw my loyalties to the Tsuchikage and that god forsaken village, yeah. I mean, who wants to be apart of a village when all they do is fight and destroy all of the time and love dying doing it." His eyes grew wide with a little sarcasm. "No thank you, un! I'd rather live and blow things up with my art!" He said before opening his left palm to reveal a small bird which he threw up into the air and it exploded like a spark.

Sakura just smiled and shook her head as she watched him but then her eyes lit up as something washed over her. She realized she was remembering something that dealt with what he was saying. "So, your mouths are a Kekkai Genkai? A blood line technique? Something that's in your family traits?"

The blonde raised an eyebrow at her before shaking his head. "Nope. I'm the first of this line. That's why the Tsuchikage wanted me to lead some army into another Country and destroy all of their enemies. Fire Country, actually. Your village, yeah." he admitted, and Sakura's eyes lit up with surprise. "Yeah. Iwagakure has a big grudge against Konohagakure, Sakura. They've been dying to destroy the Leaf Village for ages. And because I was friends with you," He said grinning slyly. "I refused to do it, yeah. So that's why I'm in trouble with Iwa. And that's why Akatsuki's dragged me into their little party."

"Akatsuki?" Sakura asked curiously.

Deidara blinked only once before grinning his arrogant smile again. "Yeah. We're apart of an Organization that's trying to change everything in the world. We're trying to end the wars that's been going on and stop all of the pain and suffering that the wars are putting everyone through, yeah. We're the Akatsuki, the Dawn of a new age." He told her, smirking. "We're criminals and yet, we're trying to change the world."

Slowly, Sakura nodded as she took in the information. "So....how did I get mixed up in all of this?" She asked, frowning.

Deidara met her eyes, now looking serious. He knew it was here that he had to be very careful. If he said the wrong thing, it might ruin everything that the Leader had planned so far. "Like I said, we met when we were kids. We didn't get along at first, yeah, because we were from enemy villages and they really hated each other. But....it didn't really stop us from getting to know each other and becoming friends, yeah. Even after I left my village and was taken in by the Akatsuki. You, however, stuck with yours for a while until they found out that you were hanging out with an S class Missing Ninja and then they turned their backs on you, calling you a traitor." His eyes went pretty hard as if the memory was pissing him off. "All because you liked being friends with someone like me, yeah. So when a bunch of Leaf Ninja tried to kill you for being a 'traitor', I came to your defense and pulled you into Akatsuki, too." He told her.

Sakura only looked at him but then hissed softly as she reached up and touched the gash in her chest. It was causing her pain again. Her breathing sped up a little but she shook her head as she looked into Deidara's eyes, biting her lip with worry. "And this? Why did.....why did those....."

"Why did a bunch Rock Ninja attack you and fuck you?" Deidara asked, raising his eyebrow. He ignored the fact that she flinched from the nasty word. He only shook his head as he folded his arms and leaned forward to look at her squarely. "Because they were a bunch of sick bastards, babe. They think they can do whatever they want, when they want and to who they want, un?" He shook his head again as he shifted himself in his chair. "You and I were on a mission on the borders of Earth, Rain and Grass Country, Sakura. We were keeping our eyes on them for the Akatsuki. We both split up to do some rounds and I told you to be careful, yeah. But you obviously didn't listen to me and went and got yourself jumped by some enemy. We're wanted criminals to everyone in this world. To them, we're not even worth living space, yeah." He told her dryly. "But you went and underestimated them and they jumped you. If I didn't come looking for you, you'd been killed. And then the Leader would have killed me for letting you die. You're really important to the Akatsuki, Sakura. You're the medical ninja in the group, yeah."

Surprised, Sakura looked at him, blinking a few times. "I'm a what? I'm.....I'm a medic?"


Yelping in alarm at the new voice, Sakura looked up sharply only to see the red haired man from the night before, the one she remembered to be called Sasori. He had entered the room without even alerting the two. It made the pink haired girl uneasy to think he had managed to enter without at least making any noise at all. More or less, being a room with two men.

Sasori, however, just walked in, sharing a dry look with Deidara before turning his lazy stare onto the young Kunoichi in the bed, who cowered a little. He was carrying some clothes in his arms and a small bag full of something, but Sakura couldn't tell what it was. "Forgive me for startling you, Sakura. I thought it best to bring you some new clothes and new bandages." He told her in a soft tone. "You don't need to be afraid of me."

Deidara snorted before leaning closer to her. "Be very afraid, yeah. Sasori makes puppets out of dead bodies." He told her in a low voice.

"Deidara!" Sasori said sharply.

For some reason, Sakura didn't feel as scared as she should have been. She actually felt like laughing and even did so. It was probably because Deidara had said it so lightly that she didn't feel the need to be scared. She had to admit it, these two were interesting. Deidara noticed her laughing and grinned as he pointed at her. "Hey, it worked! I made her laugh, yeah!" He said brightly. Sasori glared at him while Sakura laughed again and shook her head. She was feeling a lot better than before and her nerves had certainly been soothed. Still grinning, Deidara leaned his head against his fist again, looking at her. "Nah, Sasori's cool. He's one of the few that both of us can stand in this place, yeah. Both of you are sort of the medics around here."

Sasori nodded as he looked at Sakura. "Yes. Deidara is correct. You are the medic of the Akatsuki. If you wanted to, you could heal yourself completely right now. You are healing faster than you realize now, but there are some scars that will remain. You have the techniques to do it." He told her moving over slowly and setting the new spare of clothes down on the foot of the bed near her feet.

"I do?" Sakura asked frowning again, a little uneasy that he came close but not so much as before.

Sasori nodded again with a slow lazy smile on his face. He seemed to have guessed as much that she had a little doubt. But with a shrug, he held up a hand. "Ah, yes. You do not remember. Don't worry. It will come back to you in time. Why don't I help you remember?" He asked before forming a hand sign with one hand and then lashing out his other hand towards Deidara with a senbon he had hidden in his hand. The tip sliced the back of the blonde's hand, cutting a little deep.

"OW! Danna!!" Deidara yelped as he yanked his hand out of reach of the red head. "Why'd you have to cut me?! Can't you do it to yourself?!"

Sasori ignored him as he looked directly at a surprised Sakura as she eyed the cut on Deidara's hand. He smirked as he watched her stare at the small trickle of blood began to form out of the cut. Without the two noticing, he mouthed something and Sakura's eyes lit up. She seemed to have remembered something. She saw a flash of a memory within and she saw herself placing her hands onto someone's chest, pushing green energy and light into them. She couldn't see that person's face but she saw the deep gash in the chest starting to heal up.

Before she knew what she was actually doing, Sakura reached out and grabbed Deidara's hand, surprising him. But she didn't pay any attention. She just placed one hand over the cut and concentrated. It only seemed like a natural thing for her to do. Almost, she realized, a second nature to her. She felt herself concentrate on the cut and push some energy towards her hand into Deidara's and was surprised to see a light green energy surround both of their hands and slowly, the cut healed. It felt more like a tingling sensation through her hand though as she healed the small cut on his hand like it was nothing. She couldn't believe it as it was. It all came back to her. She remembered how to use her Chakra to heal wounds.

"Wow......I.....I'm a healer."

Both Sasori and Deidara smirked slyly as they watched her grow excited as she quickly placed a hand onto her arm where the gash was and do the very same thing. Like before, her hand began to glow a dim green light. After a second, Sakura grabbed at the bandages covering it and pulled them off to reveal only a small scar, too light to even notice. But nonetheless, the wound was healed. Excited, Sakura placed her hand over the gash right over her left side of her chest and did the same. This, however, was a little harder. She felt pretty tired half way.

Sasori only shook his head as he watched her frown. "You've been healing yourself slowly while you were sleeping, Sakura. Major healing like that one takes a lot of Chakra to use. You will tire yourself out if you use too much too fast." He warned her.

Nodding, Sakura stopped for now. She would take his word for it. He seemed to know what he was talking about. At least he remembered his own life, unlike her. Her eyes lowering to her lap, she stared at the comforter that covered her for a moment. "Those men.....the men who....."

"They will be punished, Sakura." Sasori said quietly, his face growing serious again. "The Leader is not happy with what happened to you. And when he's not happy, there is trouble. Normally, the members of Akatsuki are suppose to be very strong and take care of their selves." He shook his head when Sakura looked down, looking a little ashamed of herself. "You're still our newest addition to the Akatsuki, so don't be ashamed of yourself. You're still adjusting to the idea of being one of the most powerful and dangerous Shinobi the world has to offer. Just remember that you are an S ranked criminal, Sakura. Like all of us, you are being hunted by barbarians, low life ninja who can't seem to stand the fact that we want peace and not blood shed. The world of Ninja lives in blood shed and war. The Akatsuki is trying to change all of that. And the Hidden Villages don't like it." He explained to her. "But you, Sakura, are the medical ninja of the Akatsuki. A very powerful asset to us. We need your techniques because you are the best so far."

Frowning, Sakura looked directly into his eyes. "And if you didn't need me...? What then?" She asked, feeling pretty uneasy.

Both Sasori and Deidara glanced at one another, knowing that the answer she was seeking was a pleasant one. They knew very well what would happen to her if she stopped being useful. Especially when it was her. The blonde Akatsuki just shook his head with a forced grin. "Just make sure you stay useful, yeah. You stop being useful, you won't be living too long."

Startled, Sakura drew back away from them both, looking afraid again. Sasori shook his head as he spared a sharp glance at his former partner before looking back at her. "It's a dangerous and dark world we live in, Sakura. There are a number of people out there, ninja who would hurt you just like those men did the other night. There are so many people out in the world that is exactly like them. We, the Akatsuki, are different from them. We despise people like that. We are all you have and we are who will protect you from the cruelty of the world, if you hadn't seen it enough." He shook his head again. "As long as you be who you're suppose to be, the medic, you will always be useful to us. Nothing will happen to you. You have surpassed the best of the best medics in the world, Sakura. You are the best there is in the world."

"And.....Konohagakure......?" Sakura asked a little painfully.

Shaking his head, Sasori let out a low sigh. "You may not remember anything, and maybe it's better that way, but your old comrades of the Hidden Leaf turned their backs on you, Sakura. They treated you like a common criminal when all you did was befriend another from a different Hidden Village and tried to change a so called criminal." His amber/red eyes flickered over to Deidara, who took the cue to look a little grave and sympathetic for Sakura. "The Akatsuki, however, found you before your so called friends could kill you, welcoming you with open arms. We protected you and helped you become one of the most powerful ninja. We're somewhat like a dysfunctional family here. But like I said, together we will change the world into a better place full of peace and prosperity." He told her in a sincere tone.

Slowly, Sakura nodded as she took in the information. She wasn't entirely sure if she believed him but she liked his words enough. She still felt as if something was wrong. But she wasn't sure what it was. But, again, they were the closest people to her memories so she had to believe them for now.

As if reading her mind, Sasori nodded and turned away from her, heading towards the door. He stopped before reaching it though. "You must be hungry, Sakura." He smirked when there came a loud affirmation from Sakura's stomach. She was starving, actually. "I think you are well enough to be giving a tour around the Akatsuki compound. Deidara and I will leave you to wash up and Konan will probably be in to help you with your wounds. She has been the one, other than Deidara, that has been watching over you. Use the bathroom to wash up." He told her pointing at another door in the room.

However, Deidara sat right where was as if he was going to stay. It seemed that was his intentions because he didn't move and just grinned. But impatiently, Sasori flicked his hand over his shoulders, quickly emitting long blue strings from his fingers, which connected with the blonde's body. Controlling him like a puppet, the red haired Akatsuki member forced him to stand up. "Hey, hey, hey!! Sasori-danna!! I'm just going to help her take a shower!!" Deidara protested, while Sakura blushed hot red. Sasori ignored him as he controlled Deidara to walk out of Sakura's room, leaving the pink haired girl to be by herself.