The Secrets in the Spam

Disclaimer: 'Bones' is not mine. I'm just borrowing it. Ok?

A/N: This is an edited version of my story (The Spam in the Email) But this will have multiple chapters to resolve a plotline.

From: Angela Montenegro

To: Temperance Brennan

Subject: (A-Z) Things you should know about me…

A – Are you available?
B – What is your best sport?
C – Who is your crush?
D – What is your dog's name?
E – Who is the person you find easiest to talk to?
F – What is you favourite colour?
G – Do you prefer gummy worms or gummy bears?
H – Where is your hometown?
I – Do you play an instrument?
J – What is your favourite flavour of juice?
K – What is your favourite kind of music?
L – What is the length of your longest car ride?
M – What is your favourite flavour of milk?
N - What number of siblings do you have?
O - If you could have one wish what would it be?
P – Do you have any phobias or fears?
Q – What is one of your favourite quotations?

R – What is one reason that you laugh?
S – What is the last song you heard?
T - What time did you wake up today?
U – List one unknown fact about yourself:
V – What is one vegetable you dislike?
W – What is one of your worst habits?
X – Have you had any X-Rays?
Y – What do you consider 'Yummy' food?
Z – What is your sign of the Zodiac?

Okay Bren, fill in your answers and send it back to me. I know, pointless, but I'm curious. We hardly ever talk anymore!


From: Temperance Brennan

To: Angela Montenegro

Subject: (A-Z) Things you should know about me…

A – Are you available?
I am not an object in a store that can be 'available'. I am a human being. In terms of my relationship status, however, I am currently seeing someone. He is very kind to me, and I care for him alot.

B – What is your best sport?
Booth has managed to get me to play basketball, tennis and hockey when Parker comes over, but I still prefer a good novel to running around like a mad person. My favourite sport is archery, I have quite an impressive sot.

C – Who is your crush?
I don't have a 'crush' on anyone. As I have stated, I have a boyfriend, and I don't have a crush on him. The term crush is somewhat infantile, almost as if I don't know how to feel. I know what I feel (For once!).

D – What is your dog's name?
I don't own a dog. I have Jasper, the Pig. Booth gave him to me years ago, and he still sits proudly on my bookcase, watching over me, as Booth likes to say.

E – Who is the person you find easiest to talk to?
Booth and I will talk about anything, but I have been opening up to my father and brother again. You're pretty easy to talk to as well, Angela, but you tend to be a bit like Sweets… Overanalysing what I say. Booth takes what I say at face value.

F – What is you favourite colour?
I like deep, dark, chocolate brown. It's warm, comforting, and whenever I see it, it makes me feel safe. I even brought a jacket that is the exact tone I love. I wear it when I need a shoulder to cry on.

G – Do you prefer gummy worms or gummy bears?
I prefer gummy worms. Parker sometimes sticks bears down the seats of the couch when he visits. I think Booth prefers the worms too. He likes the sour ones, I prefer the sweet ones. Always opposites, aren't we?

H – Where is your hometown?
My home is here, in DC. I've lived here longer than anywhere else I've lived in my life. I'm happy in the house I live in, and my apartment is a great place to turn to when I need to get away.

I – Do you play an instrument?
I play the flute, violin, piano; the classical instruments. I can also play a type of African drum. I learnt when I was in Africa identifying remains. Booth has been teaching me to play guitar. He is actually quite good at it. You should ask him to play for you sometime.

J – What is your favourite flavour of juice?
Tomato juice- it's so much healthier than the fruit juice. Booth laughs at that, claiming that tomatoes are a fruit, but I don't bother arguing. He's right, but no one considers tomatoes to be a fruit any way.

K – What is your favourite kind of music?
I like rap. Booth laughs at me when I listen to my throat-singers, but I listen to those a lot as well. Somehow, Booth's rock and roll music keeps finding it's way into my stereo. Of course, I take it out and hide it. That'll teach Booth…

L – What is the length of your longest car ride?
I don't remember. It would have had to be when I was in Russia, and drove for nearly three days straight. Nowadays, Booth does all the driving. I don't mind so much anymore. I have more time to concentrate on the case when I don't have to focus on the road. Booth's a good driver, well, except for when he was in England, but I don't think that counts

M – What is your favourite flavour of milk?
Plain milk is much better for you. For the prevention of osteoporosis, a high calcium intake is recommended especially for women. It is recommended that a daily intake of low fat milk or skim milk with 2 glasses per day can give women sufficient levels of calcium.

N - What number of siblings do you have?
This question is worded awfully. It should be: How many siblings do you have, if any? I have a brother, Russ, but everyone at the lab is like family to me. More so then my actual family was anyway. I have booth to thank for showing me that.

O - If you could have one wish what would it be?
I wish that the line had been erased a long time ago, instead of when it was. That probably doesn't mean anything to you, Ange, but it means a lot to me and my boyfriend.

P – Do you have any phobias or fears?
Ophidiophobia or ophiophobia refers to the fear of snakes. Fear of snakes is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles. It is one of the most common zoophobias (animal phobias). Booth suffers from coulrophobia. Coulrophobia is abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns.

Q – What is one of your favourite quotations?
"Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know."
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night.
There's something about Shakespeare that seems to ring true to all.

R – What is one reason that you laugh?
Somehow Booth always seems to know what to say to make me feel better about my self. Often he makes me laugh, especially when I am under a lot of pressure. I am thankful for that.

S – What is the last song you heard?
Hot Blooded by Foreigner. Booth had the Foreigner CD playing on my stereo when I was getting ready this morning/

T - What time did you wake up today?
7:38am. Booth let me sleep in for once, instead of dragging me out to a crime scene or to do paperwork. Although, he slept in to. Parker was over last night.

U – List one unknown fact about yourself:
I brought a house last Wednesday and I just moved into it with my boyfriend and his son (When he's allowed to stay. Custody battles are difficult). We've been looking for a while, but we found the perfect house. It's not to far from either of our workplaces, and the diner is just down the road.

V – What is one vegetable you dislike?
I'm a vegetarian. I only eat vegetables. I like vegetables. When I was younger, I used to hate spinach. Now I eat it often. I make a good spinach and ricotta salad. Pretty much every vegetable is a good vegetable in my books. Booth hopes that my diet will influence Parkers. I hope the same.

W – What is one of your worst habits?
Ask Booth to name some. He can be so much more objective about this than me… If I had to choose one though it would be y tendency to overwork myself, and stress on the little things. My writing has helped this a lot.

X – Have you had any X-Rays?
Yes, many times. I've been x-rayed at airports (although you were probably to busy flashing the security guy to see it), at hospitals, at doctors surgeries, at the Jeffersonian and at the Hoover. The last time I was x-rayed was when I came back from my (very) brief trip to china.

Y – What do you consider 'Yummy' food?
Pie. I'll admit it, Booth got me to try it, and I love it! After all those years of denying it, I can now finally say that Booth was right! He'll go crazy if he ever finds out I said he was right though, so Ange, be a dear and don't share that bit with him, please? Actually, don't share any of this with him…

Z – What is your Zodiac sign?
I'm a Libra. My mother was a Libra too. I know a girl who is a Libra most years but a Virgo every leap year, because of the extra day in February pushing the dates back a day. She was born on the first day of Libra.

I hope that was thorough enough for you, Angela. Now I have to get to work.

-Temperance Brennan, PhD-