A/N: I am not J.K. Rowling and therefore, I do not own any characters. This is my disclaimer for the rest of the story. Also this was inspired by a story I read on hpff, but the story is no longer up. So the idea of Harry's daughter and Draco's second son in a love story goes to phannah17 who is hannah17 on hpff . She is extremely talented and I suggest you look at her writing which can be found here and on hpff . The rest of the plot is mine.

Full Summary: Lily Luna Potter is Harry's youngest daughter. Sebastian Malfoy is Draco's second son, and Scorpius's little brother. She hates him with an unmatched passion, and he considers her the most disgusting, vile thing on the planet. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and Lily and Sebastian form the perfect plan. The problem? It requires them to date each other. Get ready for another roller coaster ride, as Hogwarts faces its most precarious couple yet.

Lily waved one final goodbye to her various relatives from the door of the Hogwarts Express, and then she made her way to the Heads' Compartment. This year she went being a simple prefect to Head Girl. Truth be told, it was slightly expected, Lily was top in her year, excellent in all she did, and when the letter officially came home, she was delighted! She figured if she was Head Girl, then Richard would be Head Boy. It would be the perfect opportunity for her to regard him as more than just a good friend. Over the years, she had grown fond of him, and the two had become great friends. Now she wanted to take it a step further. He had all the qualities she wanted in a boy. But as she walked into the Heads' Compartment she saw,

"Malfoy!!! What the bloody hell are you doing here? This is a Heads' Compartment. And you are-"

"Head Boy, Potter. Perhaps you need to get your eyes checked, eh? See the badge?"

Lily stood agape for quite a long time. Sebastian Malfoy was Head Boy? Sebastian Malfoy? The very bane of her existence? How did that happen? Richard was supposed to be Head Boy, after all he was a prefect. Lily knew that Head Boys weren't necessarily always prefects before becoming Head Boy. Her own grandfather had been proof of that. But surely Richard was more qualified than Malfoy.

It didn't matter that Rose and Scorpius were now engaged. Scorpius was always wonderful, like an additional older brother from the very beginning as he was Albus's best friend. But his younger brother, who just happened to be in her year really just…there were no words to describe how she loathed him.

"Cat got your tongue, Potter? Or are you just mesmerized by my amazingly good looks? Figures, every other in the school worships me, so you're not left out. But too bad I can't say the same for you."

Sebastian knew Potter must have really been shocked because she didn't even retaliate to the insults. He would have been hexed into oblivion by now, but she showed no sign of doing anything. He wasn't really shocked that she was the Head Girl. He gave her a once over. Despite the brash comments he always made on her looks, there no was no denying how attractive she was. Her long red hair, her big brown eyes, her porcelain-like skin, her strong cheekbones, her toned body, all in all made her an attractive girl. A very attractive girl. Her beauty never ceased to make his stomach clench. But they had never gotten along, ever, and neither had anything other than immense dislike for the other in their hearts.

"Well, Malfoy, we have a prefects' meeting to start, and they should be here anytime soon." Potter said, in the stern voice full of disgust that seemed to be reserved only for him.

Then as if on cue, the prefects filed in, and Lily noticed Malfoy eyeing Juniper Quasi, the Ravenclaw seventh year prefect. While her name wouldn't suggest so, Juniper was pretty in her own way it seemed. Lily sometimes thought she was related to Luna, because she was slightly…strange. Lily inwardly shook her head as she saw Malfoy trying to flirt shamelessly with her. Typical Malfoy, she thought. But the way she answered him proved one of two things: either she was really thick, or really sharp, because the things she would say confused the hell out of Malfoy, and Lily was really amused. His brows furrowed in confusion, the blue hint in his gray eyes darkening. She decided she had wasted enough time on Malfoy and his stupid acts and focused on the meeting.

"Welcome to another year. I'm Lily Potter, and I'm Head Girl. Our Head Bo-"

"I can introduce myself, thank you Potter. And it's not like everyone doesn't know me anyway. Now you can continue your incessant rambling that no one cares about."

Lily rolled her eyes. How he had ever managed to get into Gryffindor was beyond her. Scorpius, she could understand, and from what she recalled, they had another little sister who was starting this year. Judging by the way Scorpius talked about her, she would probably be in Gryffindor too. But Sebastian? That was a complete mystery to Lily. She continued the meeting, going over rules and procedures. At the end she said,

"Anything you would like to add, Malfoy?"

"No, I think you've tortured people enough."

She sighed. It was going to be a very long year.

After the meeting, all the prefects left. Even Juniper. While most thought she was pretty, they also thought her peculiar. And Malfoy agreed, but there was something about her that intrigued him. But she hardly dated in all the time he had known her. She seemed different and that was exactly what he wanted. He was tired of conventional girls. He had dated a lot but something was wrong with everyone, he had never found the girl that he dreamt of. Yes, Sebastian Malfor, the Sebastian Malfoy, had a dream girl. In his dreams, she always wore white, and her face was in the shadows. He didn't even really know what she looked like, but he knew she was beautiful. Suddenly, he remembered Syria. He had told her he would be back in her cabin as soon as the meeting was over. He left the Heads' compartment, and went into his little sister's compartment. It was her first year, and he really wanted to take care of her. People still taunted kids whose parents had been on the Dark Side. Personally, Sebastian cared a great deal for his father. He was ashamed of his heritage at first, but when his mother walked out on their family, his father single-handedly raised Scorpius, Sebastian and Syria, all while trying to reestablish the Malfoy family name. He smiled as he stood at the door, watching his little sister talk animatedly. She seemed to have already made some friends. But there was this boy who was adoringly looking at her. Sebastian didn't want to embarrass Syria, but if the little twit of a boy didn't stop making a pass at his sister, he would have to teach the boy a lesson. She was much too young to have a boyfriend. She finally looked his way and yelled,

"Seb!!!" And jumped into her older brother's arms. She grinned from ear to ear. He hugged her back until she began kicking her legs, a sign that she wanted to be on her own feet again, and reluctantly let her go. "I'm having soooo much fun, Sebby!! I already love it."

"Well, it only gets better, and you won't have to wait for long, we're at Hogsmeade. Now get into the boats, and I will see after the Sorting, all right, angel?"

"All right, Seb. " Syria nodded. "I'll see you then, yeah?"

Sebastian smiled and turned to walk out. "Seb?" She called

"Yeah, Syr?"

"Please don't forget me. You won't right?"

"No, I won't sweetheart, I promise." On that note, Sebastian left and made his way to his best mate, Hugo Weasley.

"Malfoy, where ya been mate?"

"Syria, and then Head duties with your insufferable cousin."

"Seb, I think you really shouldn't-"

"Look, mate. I know she is your cousin, basically sister, but mate she's-"

"In the carriage."

"What? I just had to share a compartment with her, and now a carriage?" This was unbelievable, first a compartment, now a carriage, what was next? A ruddy Heads' Dorm?

It was as if the bane of his existence read his mind because she stepped out and said,

"Well, this is nothing, because remember, we have to share a dormitory now, which includes one common room, and one bathroom that we share? I'm not exactly pleased with the situation either, but can you please act your age for once, instead of the immature prat that you normally are?"

She was always like this when she was angry, her hair seemed like fire, her eyes vicious, her whole body exuding a certain vibe that no one else had. Lily Potter was one of a kind, even if she was the most disgusting thing in the universe, Sebastian thought. He got into the carriage, but making sure Hugo went in first.

There was no doubt in his mind, this really was going to be a long year.