A/N: All right, so I had an amazing epilogue written for this, one I was quite satisfied with to tell you the truth, BUT then, just my luck, I LOST MY FLASH DRIVE!!! And for those of you, that are also following History Repeats Itself, my second and third chapters were also on there. I know it's a lame excuse but it really did happen…and I'm sorry, so I will try to replicate that, but I highly doubt it will be as nice as what I had written earlier…here we go. The promised epilogue…

Lily couldn't help the grin on her face as Sebastian knelt down...she knew it was coming. Sebastian had told Scorpius earlier that he intended on proposing soon…and here it was her proposal, her dream proposal at that. Sebastian was down on one knee, and…tying his shoe? What the hell? And why didn't he just use his wand?

"Umm, Sebastian, love. Are you sure there's nothing you have to say to me? Err, ask me?"

Sebastian scratched his head. He pretended to think for a minute.

"No. I don't think so. Oh wait, I do-did you enjoy the trout at dinner?"

"Yes, Sebastian. I enjoyed the trout very much." Lily replied, struggling to keep her cool. It had been five years since that day at the station. The day he stopped her from leaving, asking for a chance, and since then, they had been together. Sebastian grinned as he saw Lily's inner struggle play out on her face. He knew she knew, because Scorpius told Rose everything, and of course, Rose told Lily. He had expected that, but that didn't mean he wouldn't have a little fun with her. He still remembered the day he told her he loved her.

Sebastian couldn't help look at Lily as she had fallen asleep in his arms. Her serene beauty, her simplicity, her…just being perfect. And it was time Sebastian admitted how he felt about her. He nudged her cheek with his nose. Her eyes fluttered, causing his heart to do so as well. She smiled that smile of hers, the one that was only reserved for him.

"You're beautiful, you know?" He said.

Lily just blushed and turned away, shaking her head.

He leaned closer to her, and Lily didn't know where she ended and he began, whispering,

"And I love you for that."

Lily reached up and closed the distance between them.

Lily glared at her so-called boyfriend. He had been in a daze, and Lily desperately wanted to know what he was thinking about. She just stuck her nose in the air, and walked ahead. One would think it was such a lovely evening, a walk in the park, followed by a lovely dinner at a muggle Italian restaurant, and now they were walking their way back to the flat. Sebastian had insisted they walk, and when Lily went to take a right, Sebastian grabbed her arm.

"I have to show you something. Come here." Lily couldn't contain the smile on her face, and literally jumped in the direction Sebastian was leading them. She gasped at the sight. It was an amusement park, all lit up, and empty, clearly reserved for them. Lily turned to throw her arms around her boyfriend, who was hanging off the ferris wheel…

"Sebastian!! What are you doing up there?"

"I'm just hanging out…"

"Seb." Lily said in a warning tone.

"So, Lils. Tell me, do I look as hot from up here, or do I look hotter?"

"CAPRICORNUS SEBASTIAN MALFOY!! I'm leaving this instant if you don't get down from there!! What is bloody wrong with you? You're acting like a lunatic!"

"That's because I'm in love with one." Sebastian replied cheekily. He still enjoyed irking her after all these years, because she was still most beautiful when mad.

"You know what? You can stay here, and I'm leaving."

As Lily turned, huffing, she heard something in the sky. It was fireworks, and there was something was being written with each blast.

All my life, I waited for the one who would hold the key to my heart and unlock the sea of emotion within. All my life, all I've ever wanted to hold that one girl's hand who I know would never let go. All my life, I had her right under my nose. All my life, I've waited for you, Lily Luna Potter. And I can't wait anymore. So will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? Not because you need me, but because I don't know how to live without you. Not because you love me, but because I don't know how to love anyone else. Well, and no one else would put up with me the way you do.

"I love you, Lily. I always have, since the time I was nine. I guess, I just never realized it. So, what do you say?" Sebastian said, down on one knee.

Lily smiled through her tears. She nodded and held out her hand so he could put the ring on her finger. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. He buried his face in her neck,

"Merlin, I love you so much, Lily. So much."

"I love you too, Sebastian. More than anything or anyone in the world."

"I think we ought to go back to our flat and celebrate, yes?"

"What are you waiting for?" Lily said.

"I swear, if you touch me again, I will fucking pluck your eyes out and feed them to the bloody birds!"

"ME!! What the hell? You're the one who always wears those bloody lacy, tiny, clothes, trying to seduce me!! And you're always begging for more, Lily. Don't deny it."

"SEBASTIAN!!! Just get the hell away from me!!! I'm in this pain because of YOU!!!" Lily said, clutching his shirt.

"Well, you have to let go of me for that!!" Sebastian said, rolling his eyes.

"Seb, it's not the best time to mess with her. Although, she's not as bad as Rose, I must say." Scorpius declared. "Ow! Rose, love, I was just kidding! You make an excellent pregnant woman."

"Oh, Merlin. I think he's coming! Sebastian, sweetheart, I didn't mean any of that. I need you, please hold my hand."

"Oh, Lilylove, I got you, don't worry. You'll be all right, the baby will be all right, and I hope I'll be all right."


"That's right, Lily. Just keep pushing, Lily. You're doing very well. Just keep on going. Good job. Yes, that's like a good girl."

Lily collapsed as she heard the cry of a baby. Sebastian couldn't believe his eyes. It was his child. His own flesh and blood, and representation of his love for Lily and her love for him. He had never seen anything so beautiful.

"I want to hold him." Lily said, reaching her arms out, and Sebastian handed her their son. "He's beautiful. He looks just like you."

"But he has your brown eyes." Sebastian said, kissing Lily on the forehead. His wife and child in his arms, there couldn't have been a more perfect moment.

A/N: All right, so I know, the epilogue, yeah more like epic fail. I liked the first I wrote much better, because it was more spontaneous as far as dialogue goes, and much more detailed. Also I had been in an amazingly romantic mood at the time, so the proposal was much better written, and the birth of their child scene was also better. I don't like this, but it's all I can come up with, and I do think I have made you guys wait enough. Thank you for all your support, and this epilogue is dedicated to each and every one of you. Thank you so much! For those of you that are following History Repeats Itself, it will be updated hopefully this week!! Thank you, and please don't forget to vote on the poll on my profile! It deals with what story you guys want to read next as far as the other NextGen characters go. So please let me know! And if you're into Twilight, please check out my fic, History Repeats Itself! Thank you so much, I love you guys, so, so, so much! THANK YOU!!! And that's a wrap, folks!