Goku comes running into the house, throwing letters all over the kitchen, holding one envelope out.

"Chi Chi! The mail just came, it did, it did!" he shouts holding the letter in front of her face. Chi Chi turns around from the dishes in the sink and gazes at the letters strewn about on the floor.

"I can tell, Goku," she says, hardly amused.

"But guess what came for me!"

"What came Goku?" She replies.

"Guess, Chi Chi!"

"I'm not in the mood Goku, just tell me." Chi Chi says sternly.

"Guess dammit!" He says, holding his hand in front of her face, in it an energy ball growing in size.

"Uh… the electric bill?"

"No silly!" Goku says patting her on the back, accidentally letting go of the energy ball, which slams Chi Chi into the wall. He doesn't notice and goes on rambling. "It says I won a contest and I got two tickets to go to some natural spring in China. I wonder who could go with me…" Chi Chi gets up and is about to say something when a gloved hand covers her mouth and shoves her into the sink.

"I'll go Kakkarot!" Vegeta says, landing with a small thud.

"Alright, pack your bags, Vegeta! We're leaving tomorrow."


The next morning, Vegeta got up early and packed his bags, dressing in normal human clothes for a change. He flew over to Goku's house, catching the Saiyajin just as he sat down to breakfast. Half an hour later…

"Dammit Kakkarot, when the hell are you gonna finish?!" Vegeta says angrily.

"Just one… more… pancake," Goku says tossing the last one into his mouth. He pats his stomach, "I think I'm gonna be sick. Chi Chi? Do we have any tummy medicine?"

"Why of course Goku," she says walking over to him with a bottle of pills.

"Thanky- *BURRRRRRRRRRRRP*" Goku's belch sends Chi Chi into the wall, the bottles of pills exploding on impact, and they rain down on Chi Chi. "All better!" Goku says giving his classic smile and thumbs up.

"It's about damn time!" Vegeta says as he slams down the paper. It doesn't slam down so he tries it again, then again. "Ah screw it," Vegeta says balling up the paper and throwing it over his shoulder. The two Saiyajin warriors step outside and fly into the air.


Later… in China…

"Hey Vegeta, are you sure this is the way?" Goku says, looking at his map which conveniently came with his tickets. Vegeta turns to him, a sour expression on his face and flips the map over.

"Oh! I knew we weren't going to anihC!" Goku says looking the map over.

"What the hell is this place called anyway?" Vegeta says, looking around.

"Uh… the tickets say it's called You Sent Dough, must be a bakery! Mmm… bakery." Goku says, his eyes glazing over and drool dripping from the side of his mouth.

"Give me that!" Vegeta says as he snatches the map. After looking over for a few minutes he says, "This map shows that the natural spring is somewhere in that direction," he points south. "Let's go!" The two Saiyajins fly southward.


"I told you Kakkarot! It isn't a bakery." Vegeta says pointing to the entrance to the springs.

"Aw…" Goku says, suddenly disappointed.

"Besides, it's called Jusenkyo, not You Sent Dough!" Vegeta says, as they walk through into the springs. An attendant walks up to the two Saiyajins.

"Sirs, if you would prefer, I'll take your bags to your room."

"Sure, why the hell not?" Vegeta comments throwing his bag to the guy. The attendant catches it and promptly falls backward due to the immense weight.

"What did you bring, Vegeta?" Goku asks as the attendant struggles to get the bag off of his chest so he can breath.

"Just a couple of pairs of Saiyajin armor, some blue spandex suits, some weights to train with, and some stupid human clothes that Bulma made me pack!" Vegeta says, looking down at his clothes.

"Let's go to the room and order a movie!" Goku says, picking up a brochure showing the movies that are available to guests. "Look at this Vegeta! They have the new James Bond movie!" Goku shows the little picture of the movie's title to Vegeta.

"Really Kakkarot! You prefer that kind of crap to Shanghai Noon, the new Jackie Chan movie?" Vegeta says, snatching the movie guide away from Goku. He and Goku go to their room.


The next day…

Goku goes Super Saiyajin and rushes at Vegeta. Vegeta counters with a roundhouse to Goku's chest. Goku backhands Vegeta. Vegeta grabs Goku's neck, Goku grabs Vegeta's neck. The two Saiyajins endlessly wrestle in the air, not noticing that they are falling towards the ground like a rock. Vegeta kicks Goku away and turns his head, seeing the scenery go by, his eyes grow wide as he hits the water, followed by Goku, who lands on top of him. They disappear into the water and the surface of the spring becomes calm. Both of them suddenly break the surface, gasping for air. They swim to the shore and get out. Goku shakes off much like a dog and Vegeta takes off his Saiyajin armor, squeezing and shaking it to get the water out. Goku finishes shaking and looks at Vegeta, suddenly puzzled.

"Vegeta how come you never told me you were a girl?"

"What the hell are you talking about Kakkarot?!?!" Vegeta says. Goku points to Vegeta's chest. Vegeta looks down and sees two breasts. "WHAT THE HELL??!!?" He stammers. Goku picks up a sign and scratches his back with it. "Wait a minute!" Vegeta exclaims, lifting up Goku's shirt, revealing two breasts. Vegeta lets Goku's shirt fall back down and grabs the sign. It says 'Cursed Spring of Drowned Girl'. "Uh oh…" Vegeta murmurs. He grabs the back of Goku's gi and drags him along as he runs to the service desk. He rings the bell and a man runs up.

"How may I help you ma'am?"

"You can help me with this!" He says lifting up his armor.

"Ma'am, I'm on the job, I can't…"

"Shut the hell up!" Vegeta snaps. "Why didn't you tell us these springs were cursed?!?"

"You may put your shirt down now ma'am." Vegeta complies. "All guests to Jusenkyo are expected to know this, plus there are signs everywhere." He answers, gesturing towards some signs.

"Well since you have a spring of a drowned girl, do you have one of a drowned boy?"

"Why yes we do! But, it is currently being renovated for repairs." The attendant says with a sigh.

"How can a natural spring be renovated?"

"It just is." The attendant replies as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Then tell me how to reverse the process!"

"You have to come in contact with some hot water, which will turn you back to a male, but if you come in contact with cold water you'll become this." He replies, gesturing toward Goku, who was playing an odd game of peekaboo, looking down his gi then lifting his head giggling, then repeating the process. Goku suddenly stops and looks at Vegeta, suddenly serious.

"How am I gonna explain this to Chi Chi?" Goku murmured. "I mean, she may not notice it and… what about Gohan! He'll have to get therapy!" Goku wipes away tears with the front of his gi, showing his breasts again.

"Will you shut up!" Vegeta snaps as he smacks Goku upside the head. He grabs the back of his gi and drags him back to their room.


Here goes nothing, Vegeta thinks as he turns the sink's hot water knob. The running water begins to steam and he fills a cup with it. He pours the water over his head, letting it run down his neck and breasts. Suddenly they disappear and Vegeta is male again!

"Yes! It works, it works!"

"What works?" Goku says, coming out of the bathroom, completely naked in his female form.

"Put some clothes on already!" Vegeta says throwing a towel at Goku. It lands on his head. "This hot water thing does work, look at me! I'm myself again!" Vegeta says gesturing towards his bare chest.

"Hey your boobs are gone!" Goku exclaims, looking down at his own chest. Vegeta's eyes form slits and he smashes the glass of hot water on Goku's head. "What did you do that for!" Goku says, rubbing his head. "Hey, wait a second." He looks down. "I'm me again!"

"Well, duh!" Vegeta smirks as he slips a shirt on. "Get dressed already! We have to get back home."

"Ok!" Goku says, diving into the closet.


Later, as the two Saiyajins are almost home…

This is gonna be easy, Vegeta muses. All I have to do is always take hot showers, not go to the beach or a pool, and avoid rain… Waitaminute! Rain? He thinks as it thunders over head.

"Oh crap…" Vegeta says softly.

"Did you say something Vegeta?" Goku says, bringing his nose and mouth out of the bag of cookies he was eating. He notices his house in the getting closer and lets out a small cheer. Out of nowhere the wind picks up and it begins to drizzle. Vegeta grabs the back of Goku's gi, causing him to drop his cookies, and dodges the sparse drops. A gust of wind slams the two of them into a tree, ripping off Vegeta's shirt, tearing it to shreds, and ripping the middle part out of Goku's.

"Just great," Vegeta says, hardly amused. The sky bursts forth in a downpour, and Vegeta can do nothing but wait and let the changes happen. He and Goku are suddenly female and topless, continuing to fly to Goku's house. Unfortunately, since their female forms have smaller waists than their male forms, Goku's pants are blown off, and he is just in his boxers. Vegeta's spandex pants are still tightly gripping his body, feeling like a second skin. As they reach Goku's house a strong gust sends them into the roof, and they quickly slide down the now slick surface, but the spandex on Vegeta's left leg is caught. He quickly gets up, ripping the entire left leg off up to the waist band, then slips, dragging Goku down with him. They land with a thud on Goku's doorstep. Goku gets up, opens the door, followed by Vegeta. They discover Chi Chi and Bulma sitting at the table waiting for their men to return. They turn and their eyes open wide with shock as two partially naked women with Goku and Vegeta's hair stand in the doorway.

End of Part One