A/N: Set some time in Season 1. R&R.

"I asked for a cookie, yeah," Chris said. "Not a hazardous missile thrown straight at my head. Do you want me dead or something?"

Jal rolled her eyes at Chris's behaviour. She flopped down on the sofa next to him and said, "Shut it, you."

Chris looked indignant.

Jal ruffled his hair. She cracked a smile at his expression. Chris tried to flatten his hair again but it looked like a wild haystack.

"You," he told her, "are trouble."

Jal shoved another cookie in his mouth and laughed when he tried to object. The cookie muffled his words nicely. Unfortunately it also had him spewing spit everywhere.

"Eew, Chris," she complained, shuffling backwards.

"Don't blame this on me, Miss Priss. You put it in there!"

"I wouldn't have thought something so small would make a difference."

Chris waved the rest of the cookie at her – slobber and all – and said, "That is not small. It is enormous. Biggest you've ever seen."

Jal thought of the birthday cake cookies she'd seen once.

"Yeah, right," she scoffed.

There was a knock on the door and Maxxie peeked around it.

"All right?" he asked. Then, teasingly, he added, "I think I caught the wrong end of that conversation."

Maxxie then had to duck, laughing, as Jal and Chris threw the remaining cookies at him. They missed him but one of them hit Sid in the nose as he walked in behind the blond.

"Ow," he said, clutching his glasses.

Jal could see the thoughts in Sid's head running clearly across his face. Everything always happened to him.

"What's this?" Tony demanded as he walked in. "Better pick these up before Cassie comes. She might have a fit."

"Shut up, Tone," Sid said disapprovingly.

Tony ignored him. He had his arm around Michelle and they sat at the other end of the long sofa.

"What are we doing here anyway?" he asked.

"Biding time before the party?" Maxxie suggested.

"Well what are we going to do in that time?" Tony asked. "Because I've got much better things to be doing than sitting around with you losers."

"Tony," Michelle reprimanded, elbowing him in the side.

Tony smirked and kissed her. Her protest was long forgotten as they deepened the kiss and began to grope. Jal groaned. Couldn't they keep their hands off each other for more than a minute? She glanced at Chris and grinned. They picked up some cookies from the floor and threw them at the couple.

"Ow!" Michelle cried. "My eye!"

The couple broke apart. Michelle picked up one of the cookies. It was half eaten and soggy.

"Eew!" she shouted.

Jal sniggered. Chris called something about her loving his salvia really.

"Morons," Tony muttered.

Anwar skidded through the door, holding up DVDs.

"I got it."

"You got what exactly?" Tony asked.

Anwar looked at Tony as if he was stupid.

"DVDs for the drinking game, man! Where have you been?!"

He threw them down on the table.

"Let's get started!"