Authors Notes: some things here I'm not sure if everyone knows so I put the meanings at the top. Not proof-read sadly... =(

** go-go girls/boys are dancers hired at a strip club.

** lolita complex is an attraction to young girls while a shota complex is an attraction to young boys.

Now, Onto the story.

CRASH! Cloud, who had been sleeping peacfully in his room, woke with a start from the loud noise from downstairs. He looked at his alarm clock. It was 4am. Only 2 hours until he had to get ready for school. But that didn't matter now. He was more interested in the crash downstairs. 'What on earth was that?' He thought as he crept slowly down the stairs. He could hear laughter and more clatering in what seemed to be the kitchen. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he turned into the kitchen and flicked on the lights.

"God! Make enough noise? I don't think the neighborhood heard you."

"Shuddap! I tripped alright?"

"Ya sure you did."

"Whoever put this damn skateboard here should be punched."

All Cloud could do was stand there and try to keep his laughter at bay, which he was failing miserably at. It turned out that the clatter he heard downstairs was only his brother and his friend coming home from wherever they were. Cloud didn't want to know.

"Zack, that's YOUR skateboard and you left it there when we came home from school."

"Oh. Well then." Zack muttered to himself. "You could at least help me up ya know, Reno."

"And WHY should I do that?" Reno smirked down at Zack.

"Because I bought the drinks after you supposedly 'forgot your wallet at home'."

"Ah, well when you put it that way," Reno grunted as he lifted Zack on his feet "I supposed I can help you up."

As Cloud watched Reno pull Zack up from the floor, he shook his head slowly from side to side in a mannor that just screamed 'Idiots'. He walked over to the counter and grabbed a glass. "So," He stated while filling his glass with water," How was Seventh Heaven tonight?" He tured around, looking at the two while sipping his water.

"Oh we didn't go to Seventh Heaven. Reno wanted to check this new club out." Zack glared at Reno. Reno just smirked and opened the refrigerator, looking for something to eat.

"I see." Cloud looked over at Reno. "And how was it?"

"Oh it was good until we walked inside. Then everything went wrong."

Reno pulled out half of a sandwich from the refrigerator. "It turns out the club was a---"

"Reno! He's my little brother for God sake! He doesn't need to know about that! It isn't right!"

"Oh relax! He's what? Two years your junior? He probably already knows about it already!" Reno looked over to Cloud with the sandwich he was munching on in his mouth. "Hey, Cloud. You know what a Dyke bar is?"

"Reno! What did I tell you! He shouldn't be exposed to this type of thing!"

As Cloud watched Reno and Zack bicker over what he should and should not be exposed to, he finished his glass of water and put it in the dish washer. 'I wish zack wouldn't be so protective over me. Especially when he's so oblivious to everything arounf him.' He snaped out of his thought and looked over to Reno and Zack again. He suddenly had a delightfully fun idea.

"Ok well since he shouldn't be 'exposed' to anything homosexual, I'll put it in different terms." Reno turned to Cloud. "They wern't specilized in go-go GIRLS**, the were specialized in go-go BOYS."

"That's not any better,Reno! You know how I feel about Cloud---"

Cloud stopped listening to them argue. Instead, he just started saying random things, testing his brother's obliviousness for his entertainment.

"I'm gay, I dress in drag, I fuck anyone who wants me, I drink their blood while fucking them, I cut my wrists, I'm EMO, I have a lolita and a shota complex,** I think gothic music is cool because they dress drag like me, I'm getting piercings all over my body, I think being popular is everything, I do drugs, I smoke 5 packs a day, I make meth and sell it to children, I think of stabbing people in my sleep, and I drink heavely everyday."

"And another thing---,"Zack started to say but stopped and looked at Cloud." What?"

"What?" Cloud just looked at Zack, putting on the 'I have no idea of what you're talking about' face.

"Oh I thought you said something. Anyway, I think that---"

Cloud just sighed and started to head back up stairs to take a shower before school. His brother was so oblivious. Maybe if he was less focused on protecting cloud and more focused on how he felt, then they could be closer. Like they were when they were younger. Cloud flashed back to when they were younger, before their dad took off, leaving them and their Mother alone.

"Zack...I'm hungry."

"I know, Cloud, I am too. but there isn't anything in the house to eat. Not until mom comes home anyway."

Cloud sniffed and wiped at his eyes. "But I'm hungry NOW..."

Zack sighed. He knew that they had nothing in the house. They didn't have any money to buy grocerys at the moment. so they would have to do without food until their mother got paid the next day.

"I'm sorry Cloud. There is nothing. How about we go play outside. That might help you forget about food."

That day, Zack played with Cloud until dark. And when it was time to go inside for the night, he brought cloud in and tucked him into bed.

Of course things had gotton better now. Their mother had gotton a better job and was now traveling on business. But looking back at that time, Cloud had to admire Zack for his actions. He always tried to make things better, No matter what the situation was. Cloud sighed and stepped into the shower. He flashed back to another time, a few years ago.

Their Mother had just gotten a new job that paid more, but the catch was that they had to move to a large city called Midgar. The apartment that she had rented was very small and had only two bedrooms one bath and a small space that could bearly be called a den. Natually, Zack and Cloud shared one room while their Mother took the other.

Cloud sat on his bed reading a magazine while Zack busied himself with puting their room together. "So, when do you think we will be able to go to school?" Cloud asked Zack.

"I don't know. Whenever mom goes in and submits the paperwork I guess." Zack said as he started putting their CDs on the shelf.

Cloud sighed and set the magazine down to help Zack. He sat down next to Zack and grabbed a handful of CDs from the sat in silence while they worked. once the box was empty Zack stood up and stretched.

"Well I'm glad that is over with. I think I'll go take a shower now." Zack walked out of the room and Cloud could hear the shower start. He climbed back onto the bed and layed there, staring at their new, unfamiliar ceiling. A few minutes later, Zack returned with a towel around his waist.

"Hey, Cloud. Do you know where my clothes are?"

"Ya. I put them in the compartment under your bed."

"Ah, ya I see them. Thanks Cloud."

Zack grabbed the clothes from under the bed and started to change into them. Cloud, who had picked up his magazine again, couldn't help but to stare from the corner of his eye. Zack's body was beautiful. He had stong abs from his daily excercises and a well toned body. Cloud couldn't help but admire it. No, he didn't just admire it, he wanted it. Wanted it to be his, belong to him and him only. But that could never happen, never would happen. Why? Because Zack was his brother. No matter how much he loved his brother in that way, he knew Zack would never return his feelings.

Fortunetly for Cloud, they had moved from that small apartment to a house in Central Midgar. There, they have resided for the last few years.

He leaned against the tile wall, letting the water pour on him. If his brother only knew about his feelings. The feelings he's had for years about his brother. Cloud knew it wasn't right but at the same time, he couldn't just rid himself of such strong feelings. He didn't know what to do about them so he never told Zack about how he felt. He never said a word. And somehow, that was starting to eat at Cloud.

"I'd better get out. It's time to get ready for school."

Cloud stepped out of the shower and headed for his room. When they had moved, Zack and Cloud each got their own room. Which, Cloud guessed, Zack was happy for. Cloud turned on the overhead light only to hear a moan come from his bed. he looked over to see Reno laying on his bed and he looked like he was sleeping.

"What are you doing in my bed Reno. It's time for school. Get your lazy ass up." Cloud grabbed some clothes from his closet and started to change. He finished putting on his pants and started to look for a shirt when he heard Reno speak to him.

"You know, you're be pretty hot. If only you wern't Zack's bro."

Cloud just stared at Reno. After a few seconds of staring Cloud turned away from Reno and sifted through is closet for something that Reno could wear. After finding some of Zack's old clothes in his closet, he handed them to Reno.

"So what would you do if I wern't Zack's brother?" Cloud asked, while gathering his books up and putting them into his backpack.

Reno only smirked. "So you don't deny it then."

"Deny what." Cloud answered matter-of-factly.

"That you have no problems with being gay."

Cloud swung his backpack over his shoulder and turned towards Reno.

"None." was all Cloud said before turning and walking out his bedroom door, leaving Reno with a change of clothes and a confused look on his face.

Once everyone was changed and had breakfast, they left together, walking to school like any normal day.

"So,what do you think we will be doing today." Reno asked, lighting up a cigirette.

"Hey! Reno put that out! I don't want Cloud to be---"

"Exposed to it?!" Cloud yelled as he grabbed the cigirette from Reno's mouth and put it into his, inhaleing deeply. Then, throwing it to the ground, continued walking towards the school as if nothing ever happened.

"Cloud! what the HELL did you do that for! Smoking is bad for you! I don't ever want to see you doing that again!" Zack yelled at him.

Cloud turned around, walked up to his brother and stood right in front of him. "You don't know anything about me. NOTHING!" Cloud screamed at him. "You are so FUCKIN' oblivious to everything around you I bet you never even noticed that I--" He stopped himself.

"That you what?" Zack stared at cloud, dumfounded that his younger brother had just done that.

Cloud just looked down and ran off towards the school.

"Geeze. What's eating him." Reno murmered.

"I..I don't know. And that seems to be the problem..." Zack looked down and then to Reno. "Let's go before we are late. Gotta love Chemistry with Professor Hojo."

And with that, Zack and Reno continued walking towards the school.
