I have this story saved on my pc for a long time, I decided to write based on this song and in one fic that I read a very, very long time ago (I can't remember the name of it)... Just now I decided to post it, and work on the next chapter. Go easy on me, please lol it's my first story, and my english it's not very good.

I don't own DBZ.

"It would be better for you

if you don't try to forget me.

For a long time in your life, I will be alive…

It was dark; he was sitting at the hill, looking to the ocean. The cold of loneliness invade his soul. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him… She was supposed to love him!!! To be with him for the rest of their life. For eternity. Concentrating his mind, he closed the mental bond that still connected their minds.

Why? He couldn't understand why she betrayed him like that… she could have done anything that he would forgive her… but get married with that moron!? That was something that he wouldn't allow it, his pride wouldn't allow it. He knew she was mad, but he thought that she will get over it, like she always did.

The small details about us,

Are so much important to forget,

And all the time they will be there,

You will see…

He needed to get stronger, and forget these stupid feeling that made him a weak, and so vulnerable. So this way he could come back for his revenge and his son. He wouldn't let that stupid human raise his child.

He thought about that day that she married…and how she humiliate him in front of everybody when he tried to stop her doing it…

"The prince of saiyans will not be humiliate and do nothing... I'm going to make them pay for make me a fool"

If you see another hairy on the street,

And that makes you remember me…

It's your entire fault…

With that he flew back to the only place he knew he would find a space ship. He didn't want to go back there, but he really didn't have a choice.

Arriving to that place, he concentrating his mind to find Dr. Briefs ki. He could feel the ki of that stupid woman. Just the idea of them together made him feel sick.

He was so distracted imagining how to make that scar face feel pain that he didn't realize that the man he was looking for was in front of him.

"I knew you would come back" said the scientist invading Vegeta to enter in the room next to them. "She miss you and she regret.."

"I don't care what she feels. I just came here so you can give me a space ship. I'm leaving this planet". He saw how that face of the man in front of him changed… disappoint... maybe…

"What about Trunks?"

"I will come back for him… when I'm ready". With that, Dr. Briefs walked to his closet and took a capsule that was the space ship. Vegeta grabbed it and look at the doctor eyes, he wanted to ask about his son… but at the same time, he didn't want him to know how much he care. "He is sleeping in his room" said the doc.

Vegeta walked out of the room to see his heir and say good bye to him.

The noise of your car,

That old pant,

Or things like these.

Immediately you will.. you will remember me.

I know that another man,

Must be whispering in your ear…

Passionate words like once I did… but I doubt…

He walk out of his son's room to find a crying blond woman standing in front of him.

"Handsome Vegeta… I'm going to miss you so much…you have to come back because… I still want to take you out for dinner…"

Crazy woman.. "We will see about that". And left decided to find the Doctor.

I doubt that he has so much love,

And even those mistakes of my bad English.

And at this time you will..

You will remember me…

She couldn't sleep. For some strange reason, she had the felling that he was next to her. Closing her eyes, she wished that her prince was the man laid next to her in bed.

When she couldn't take it anymore she get up and decide to take a walk. The felling of guilt invades her body, but her pride was trying to convince her that she was right and have nothing to fell regret of. Trying not to cry, because she still loved him, but the memories of the last time she saw him came to her mind.

She was in front of the Lord's Table, getting married to that man that put her in so much pain. But her pride, her stupid woman's pride couldn't stop her from doing it. Later, when she walks out of the church she saw him, crying…like a child in front of the building crying hard, in a way that she would never expect him to do. Just in this moment she realized her foolishness. She missed him... his voice.. his smile... everything about him..

Her attention was brought back to earth when she saw the figure of her crying mother.

"Mom.. what's going on? What happened?"

"Oh… nothing honey.. I was searching something for you father". The woman left, leaving her daughter worried. What's going on here...? she decided to investigate.

At night alone in your room

Before you go sleep, you search for my picture.

But on the picture it's not me who is smiling to you,

But even then you see my smile on it.

And all of it will make you,

Remember me…

She walked through the door her mother just left. Where she was, she could see the ship that her fathers build. Why is it here? Then, she saw him… right in front of her; talking with her father… she missed him so much!!!

"Vegeta!!" said as she ran to him side. He ignored her presence. But she needed to know what he was doing here? Did he came back for her and their son?? "What are you doing here"?

Vegeta didn't turn to see her, he remained still. He didn't want to see her, he wasn't ready for it… "I didn't come here to see you", he said trying to keep his tone as cold as he could, to hide his sadness.

"Then…why are you here?" the woman asked fearing his answer.

"I came here, to pick this ship with your father… I'm leaving this fucking planet …"

Leaving?! He was going to leave her here.. "But… why?", at the same time she regret her question.

"Why?! And you still ask me that? How dare you?! I have nothing to do with this planet anymore. You ruined everything for me"

"What about Trunks?" she started to cry, she couldn't believe that he was leaving, and part of this was her own fault.

" What about it?? Come on! You were the one that denied me from seen him… you said that you didn't want me to be his father"

"But a made a mistake, I didn't mean it… I was mad and…".

"Too late, I'm leaving"

"But… he need you... you will be back… right?" she asked fearing his answer.

".. it depends of my hate"

"Wha… what did you said?" she whispered.. For one moment their eyes meet… for what seams to be an eternity... all their felling was there... the hurt… the worries… the love.

"Onna… I.. I still lov…"

"What are YOU doing here?" Yamcha interrupt them "You have no right to be here… tell him Bulma..."

If someone touches you body like I did,

Don't say anything.

Be careful, and don't go saying my name

For the wrong person

Believing that you have love in this moment,

Desperate you try until the end,

And even at this moment, you will…

You will remember me…

"Humph... this is interesting… this Trunks will not have a father... you were so afraid fro raise him alone woman... and you will do it." Vegeta laugh.

This comment made Bulma angry, she look to Yamcha back to Vegeta and decided to reply "You wrong! Yamcha can do it… he will take care of Trunks, like you never did it… you never cared about him anyway…"

"SHUT UP" Vegeta cut her "You don't know anything. I was the one that took care of him when he was sick weeks ago... and where were you at that time? uhn? Don't speak what you don't know.."

She remain in silence, her mother told her about it, but it was before her wedding she was on a business trip and she thought her mother was making it up because she knows how much her mother likes Vegeta, and how she wanted them to be together again. At this time, she regretted all her action.

"I will be back for him" said Vegeta "and when I do… I will kill everyone that humiliate me" saying with rage in his voice.

"Leave Vegeta" yelled Yamcha.

"Humph... silly human.. she will never give herself to you like she did to me…".

"Vegeta.. don't.." whispered the woman.

"Bulma…" he softer his voice "you know what I feel for you…" but soon in his eyes was all about hate "but I will never forget what you did to me…"

He walked inside the ship. Pressed the button and left.

"Well done... asshole... let's go inside Bulma.

I know that these details will be gone with time,

The same time that transforms all the love, in almost nothing.

But "almost" it's also one more detail.

One great love can not die like this.

And that's why,

Some times you will…

You will remember me.

When Vegeta closed the door of the ship, his rage took care of him, he keyed in some coordinates on computer, don't really bothering to thing about some specific place… he couldn't bare the pain no more, his knees were weak, and he fell on the ground.

He knew the cause of this. Was the bond between Bulma and him. He could feel the need to be with her getting stronger.

But he couldn't. Not after what happened.

Maybe if I forget about her I will not feel so miserable anymore.

It would be better for you,

If you don't try to forget me.

For a long, long, long time in your life, I will be alive…

It would be better for you,

don't try to forget me.

The song it's an adaptation of the song "Detalhes" from Roberto Carlos. You can listen it here; http: // www. / watch?v=0LQnsm88tBI

Tell me what you think... I'm working on the next chapter.. if you want it I will post it.