Daddy's Not So Little Princess

Chapter 14

It had been five years in Tree Hill. Life had its ups and downs but through it all the Scotts always had each other.

Brooke and Lucas were still happily married raising their four kids together. Well Anna was already raised, but she still came to them when she needed them. Sawyer and Lizzie were a handful. Lizzie was now a teenager and she was more like Brooke than anyone could have ever expected. Sawyer was just a boy who liked to get in trouble. He liked to test his limits as far as he possibly could.

Brooke had also given birth to a beautiful baby girl on Peyton's birthday. The pair talked it over and thought that she should be named Peyton Karen Scott. She was now four years old and more beautiful than ever. She had dark brown hair and big blue eyes, but the best part about her were her amazing curls. They would always have a little piece of Peyton with them no matter what.

As for Anna she had gone to college and majored in art design and taken a huge interest in fashion. Once she graduated she opened up her own art studio with the help of Brooke. Andrew had gone to be a lawyer and was now working on his law degree. The two were still madly in love with each other. They always had their ups and downs, but they managed to get through them. They had broken up a couple of times to date other people, but no one was ever good enough for them. The last time they broke up and got back together Andrew vowed that it would be the last, and he had proposed to her shortly after, and of course she said yes.

That was the moment that had led them to this day, the happiest day of Anna's life.

She sat in the Bride's room waiting for her time to walk down the aisle. Lucas walked in holding a video tape. "I thought you might want to see your mom today."

"Yeah," she smiled with tears in her eyes. "She always seems to be there when I need her the most."

"She promised she always would be." He put the tape in the player, and they were both happy to see Peyton's face. She had gotten them through a lot of the hard moments in their lives. Without her they wouldn't be the people they were today.

"Hey baby girl…If you are watching this video it means that it is your big day. I can't believe my little girl is getting married. And I really hope your dad didn't let you pull a Naley because seventeen is just too young, but if he did then he must really think that you are in love." Peyton smiled.

Lucas touched his daughter's shoulder. He knew that she was really in love with Andrew. She always had been from the moment he saved her.

"I hope that you have found someone that makes you so happy that you wouldn't know what you would do without him. That's how I feel about your father. I also hope that you have found someone that we'll take care of you and be your hero when you need one. Your dad was always mine. He always saved me."

Peyton had tears in her eyes. "I hate that I'm not there to share this day with you, but I want you to know that I love you, and I know I would be proud of you. And just remember that no matter what you will always be daddy's little princess. I love you."

Anna hugged her dad. "She's right baby girl. You will always be my little princess."

"Thanks dad for always being there for me."

"I always will be…forever." He reminded her.

"Hey guys it's time…" Brooke walked in and smiled. "You look amazing Anna."

"Thanks mom," she had started calling Brooke that shortly after they got married. She had feeling her mom wouldn't care.

Lucas and Brooke each got on one side of Anna and led her out of the room.

They all felt that everything that ever happened in their lives happened for a reason, and that through it all they were always supposed to end up as a family with Peyton watching over them every step of the way.

The End

Okay so that is the end. I want to thank all of you for reviewing. They all mean so much to me. I know this kind of ended quickly, but this story just did not turn out like I wanted it too, but I don't think it was too bad.

Thanks again...

And if you guys want to check out my other stories if you already haven't...they are with the future lies the past and In Love with His Best Friend (This will be updated tomorrow. I promise.)