Disclaimer: Don't own YGO…

Summary: Joey and Mai invite Téa and Yugi to go to a night club, only to run into Yugi's rival, Kaiba. Tempers flare between Kaiba and Téa before they go separate ways. Thinking that she'd no longer have to see the stuck up rich boy, she finds that life just isn't going her way. Will the two ever get along?

AlienDemon: Hey, everyone. It's been a while since I wrote a Yu-Gi-Oh fic. Well, I'm back with a new story upon a small request from a good friend of mine, Kaida Hime. A few notes: Sorry that the summary is really crappy. Still kind of in the midst of figuring out the plot; I only have a few scene ideas at the moment, but things'll come together. So, I hope you enjoy it. And remember, reviews are always helpful and welcomed.

Sapphire Dream

Chapter One: Generic Prologue

The bright rays of the sun slipped pass the cracks in the dark blue curtains and shone down onto Téa's face. For a brief moment, the light had almost gone unnoticed to the sleeping girl. That was until her face began to grow a little warm and everything in her dream became a little more than blinding. She tried to shift, holding on to the dream that was slowly fading from view and memory. It took no more than 11 seconds before her eyes opened and her arm came to rest just above her cerulean pools. A sigh of frustration slipped past her lips as she glanced over at her alarm clock. It was only 6:45. Those fifteen extra minutes of sleep were now forever lost. Téa sat up for a moment, running her pale hand through her short chestnut locks. Her blankets pooled around her waist before they were flung aside as she stood up and stretched her muscles.

"Better get ready," She mumbled to herself, more than annoyed with the thought of having to get ready for school. Téa walked over to her closet and quickly grabbed her school uniform, hanging it on a small hook, before heading down the hall and into the bathroom. She quickly removed her PJs and discarded them into the hamper before setting up her shower. Once the hot water was cascading down as if to mock rain, she stepped in, greeting it welcomingly. It was enough to fully wake her and set her in a better mood. The moment she finished with the simple shower, Téa wrapped a towel around her body before brushing her teeth. Then it was back to her room where she got dressed.

"Téa, Yugi's here!" Her mother shouted from somewhere downstairs.

"I'll be down in a sec!" She called back as she gathered her needed textbooks off her desk and hurriedly shoved them in to her school bag. She rushed back through the same hall and headed down the stairs, a small smile plastered itself to her face as she saw her childhood friend standing before her.

"Morning, Téa! I hope I wasn't too early or anything. I thought it'd be fun to take more time walking than having to hurry," he stated with a now sheepish grin. Téa couldn't help but give a small laugh at his behavior. Light footsteps caused her to turn around.

"Téa, your father and I are leaving for that trip before you get home from school. We left you some money that should last for two weeks. I also left you numbers that you can use to get in touch with us if you need anything." Her mother pulled her into a warm embrace. "I want you to behave yourself, and it's okay if your friends come over, just no-"

Téa rolled her eyes. "Yes, mom; don't worry, I'll be fine. You and Dad have a good trip. Tell him bye for me and give him a hug! I'll be leaving now!" Téa smiled at her mother and gave her one last hug before heading out the door and into the warm spring day. Her smile broadened upon seeing the blue sky, practically cloudless.

"It's a really nice day, isn't?" Yugi asked while only half taking in the usual scenery. It was too hard to look away from the young women beside him; after all, he was in love and couldn't help but to admire her beauty.

"Yeah… It's too bad that we have school today. It would have been nice to just go on a picnic or something. At least we don't have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, it is too bad…" Silence fell between the two as they continued heading towards the last place they'd ever want to be.

"Hey, Yug, Téa!" Both teens looked up in time to see Joey running towards the two, waving and grinning.

"Hey, Joey, you're here early," Yugi said once Joey had finally reached them.

"Yeah, well, Mai forced me to come early or she wouldn't hang out with me later…" He pouted slightly before cheering right up. The trio began to walk inside and to their classroom. "She's going to take me to this new night club she's been wanting to go to.

"A night club? Aren't you a bit too young to get in? How's that even going to work out?" Yugi questioned as they finally arrived into the room.

"Well, she has a friend that's tight with the manager. I can even get drinks. Hey, you two should come too! The more the merrier!" He looked between Yugi and Téa with much enthusiasm. The two shared a small glance at one another.

"Sure, I'm not really doing anything later anyways. Yugi?"

The shortest of the group couldn't help but grin at the mental imagery of Téa that passed through his mind. It wasn't hard to figure out his answer.

"Of course! That should be a lot of fun!"

"Yeah! Heh, maybe we could have a drunken duel! I bet I'd beat you then!" Joey challenged. A flicker of uncertainty flashed across Yugi's face. But whatever hesitant thought it was that he had had no real effect on him as he nodded his approval.

"Are you guys serious? I mean, can't we just go through one day without you two having a duel?" Téa's voice rang with a hint of annoyance as she flopped down into her seat. She lazily opened her bag and began to empty its contents into her desk. "Besides, Joey, won't Mai be a bit too distracting for you anyways?" Téa cocked an eyebrow as she paused for a brief moment to look up at her blonde friend.

"W-well, no… not really…" He paused for a moment as some flashback flickered across his mind causing his cheeks to turn a bright red. "Okay, yeah, you're right… but still! Uh, if you distract Mai, then Yugi and I should be able to duel, no prob!" He gave a thumbs up to Téa who just shook her head in return.

"Whatever you say, Joey, whatever you say…"

"Hey, what time are we going to be meeting up? And, Mai's not driving… is she?" Yugi still felt a little terrified after riding in a car that was under Mai's control. The woman was just an inch away from being on the reckless side.

"Of course she is, Yug! I mean, how else we gonna get there?" He laughed at the reluctant expression that crossed his friends face. "It'll be fine. Anyways, we're thinking of meeting up at six thirty, for dinner then heading out." Before any more words could be exchanged, their first period teacher, an angry little woman that could hardly stand half the students in her class, walked in.

"Alright, class, let's begin our lesson. The sooner, the better; I don't want any lip from you!" Six hours and fifty-four more hours to go until they were free.


Téa let out another sigh for the umpteenth time as she flung aside yet another outfit. It was already crawling on to six-fifteen, leaving her with little time. She rested her hands on her hips as her brows furrowed in frustration.

"Nothing looks good…" She mumbled. Téa shifted so that her hands were now folded across her chest. She closed her eyes for a minute as she racked her brain for any more possibilities. Then it came to her. She just barely adjusted her towel before rushing over to her rather small closet and began digging through the contents. After a few minutes into her search, Téa came across a rectangular cardboard box. She smiled atthe gift, a two piece outfit, given to her from Mai for her 17th birthday. She had only worn it once, never finding an appropriate occasion that would allow something like it. The apparel consisted of a navy blue halter top and skirt. The front of the shirt was a low v-cut that stopped just below her breasts. As for the back, there wasn't much fabric; the material was only an inch or two above where her lower back started. The bottom of the tank rested on her waist, showing a bit of skin above the top part of her bottoms.

Téa stared at the top for a full two minutes, her cheeks already burning at the thought of her wearing something so revealing. But at this point in time, it'd have to do. She placed the top above the large pile on her bed and finally turned her attention to the accompanying skirt. The skirt, starting low on her waist, was simple and almost form fitting, save for the few pleats to help give it a little something extra. There was a mock belt that wrapped around the top with a small, silver buckle. The hem of the clothing stopped around mid thigh, showing off plenty of leg, something she was a little familiar with. She laid the skirt on top of her shirt and began to dress. She slipped on some sheer black hosiery before putting on her skirt and shirt. She self-consciously stepped towards her full length mirror and examined herself. She did have to admit that, while wearing something so daring, she still looked good.

A smirk crossed her lips as she headed into her bathroom. Téa clipped up her hair in a small twist, a few strands falling loose and framing her face. She reached for her makeup and pulled out metallic green eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and mascara. Téa applied the makeup before checking it completely in the mirror. Her cerulean eyes definitely stood out more than usual. She topped everything with a bit of lip gloss, adding the right shimmer. Téa went back into her room and put on a pair of long silver dangling earrings. They were triangular with three sapphires embedded. A matching necklace adorned her neck.

Her eyes wondered over to the clock just as her cell began to ring. She quickly unburied the electronic device.

"Hello?" Téa glanced about the room and found exactly what it was she was looking for; her black, lace-up platform boots. She rested the phone between her head and shoulder.

"Hey, Téa, it's Yugi!" She could practically see the excitement written all over his face.

"Hey, Yugi, what's up?" After grabbing the knee-high shoes, she sat on the edge of her bed and shoved her left, then right, foot into them and began to lace the boots up.

"We should be there in the next minute or so, so be ready! Can't wait to see you!" Yugi chirped.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting outside. See ya!"

"Bye!" After she hung up, she quickly scoured her room for her purse. Upon finding it, she checked to make sure she had her wallet and added her phone. She grabbed her keys from her nightstand and hurried to the front door. Just as she stepped outside into the warm night air, she heard a honking horn. She glanced over at Mai's parking car and offered a small wave before locking the door and heading over.

"Damn, don't you look sexy, Téa!" Mai exclaimed and shared a grin with her. "I thought I'd never see you in that outfit."

"Hey, I did wear it last year at that party you dragged me to… But I didn't have much else to wear. Never realized it looked alright on me." Téa giggled as she took her seat next to Yugi in the back.

"Damn, I'm definitely going to have my work cut out with keeping all those creeps away from you AND Mai…" Joey muttered. He could already feel the fire burning in his veins at the mere thought of some guy dare looking at one of the girls in a wrong way.

"Don't worry, you have me to back you up, Joey. We can just challenge them to a duel. It worked good with that Johnny Steps guy a while back." Yugi smiled and patted the small bulge in his pocket where his cards must have been.

"You seriously brought them?" Téa let out an exasperated sigh as she shook her head. "You and Joey aren't seriously going to attempt to duel drunk, are you?"

"Of course we are! Who knows when another opportunity is going to arise?" Joey replied before laughing a bit.

"Joseph Wheeler! What did I say about dueling while out with me?" Mai glared over at her boyfriend for a moment before returning her eyes to the road. Her foot pressed down a little harder on the gas. Yugi gulped slightly as he held on to the car door handle.

"B-but Mai, come one, babe! Just one duel…. Please?" Joey attempted to give her his infamous pout. "Besides, it's not like any harm would come from it."

"Joey… don't test my patience. You know what will happen if you do." She smirked, causing Joey to cower just a bit in his seat.

"Okay, okay, you win, Mai..." He turned his attention out the window.

"So uh, where are we going for dinner, anyways?" Téa asked, trying to keep any silence from invading the car.

"Burger World!" Joey and Yugi shouted in unison. Both were smiling with childish delight as Mai gave a small shake of her head.

"Sorry Téa, but those two wouldn't stop pestering me until I gave in. I would have rather gone somewhere fancier, but… this'll have to do…." Mai stated reluctantly. She made a sharp turn into the parking lot and slammed on the break after pulling into a parking space. Joey and Yugi were both quick in getting out of the car. They were almost more excited about eating burgers than the going to the club. Téa couldn't help but smile at the two boys as she and Mai followed them inside.

Nothing much had changed in the years Téa had worked there, giving her a chance to see what it was the others were wearing. Yugi was wearing his usual black tank top and leather pants. His two belts and choker didn't go unforgotten. As for Joey, the tall male wore a pair of slightly baggy black jeans and loose shirt. The shirt was also black, but had an intricate design revealing the thrills of gambling. Téa knew that Mai had something to do with his outfit.

Her eyes finally rested upon the older woman as they began walking towards their table. Mai had always been bold in the way she normally dressed. Téa wasn't surprised to see that she was wearing a strapless wine-colored mini dress. The dress stopped mid thigh and clung to her curvaceous body perfectly. The dress had a slit on one side stopping almost up to her hip. From what Téa could see as they sat at the table, the front of the dress had a bit of a v-cut that revealed the normal, if not a bit more, amount of cleavage she usually paraded around. Mai wore a light dusting of gold eyeshadow, highlighting her violet eyes. Gold hoop earrings hung from her ears and a thin, black velvet choker adorned her throat. She truly did look amazing.

"Hi, I'll be your waiter…." A young teen stared for Téa to Mai as he drank in their suggestive appearances. A smirk crossed his lips. "Tonight. What can I get for you ladies?" He added a small wink after his question, somehow oblivious to the two boys staring, or in this case glaring at him.

"I'll have a water," Mai replied as she ignored the boy before her. She glanced over at Joey before slipping her hand on his thigh, giving a light squeeze in the process.

"I'll have water also." Téa flipped to the next page of the menu, never once really looking up. Yugi couldn't help but beam at the fact she took no interest in the guy.

"I'll have an iced tea, please," Yugi replied. The waiter finally looked up, a little surprised at the guys, and quickly jotted down Yugi's order.

"A-and for you… sir?" The waiter questioned as he looked into Joey's glaring face.

"A coke. And you can forget about ever getting their numbers or anything…." Joey threatened.

"Joey, be nice," Mai said with a small sigh.

"U-uh I'll go get your drinks now." The waiter quickly rushed off elsewhere.

Mai slapped Joey on the arm once the waiter was out of sight.

"What was that for? I didn't do anything wrong!" Joey defended as he rubbed his arm where it now stung a bit. He received an eye roll from Mai.

"We really need to work on you manners." Mai turned her attention back to the menu in front, signaling that whatever was left of the discussion was officially over. Joey grumbled slightly.

A few minutes later, the waiter came back with their drinks and took the groups order. He was quick to leave the table, not wanting to linger and rub anyone off the wrong way again.

"So, uh, how long are we going to be out for?" Téa looked up at Mai as she spoke, her head cocked to the side ever so slightly.

"Well, I was figuring that we'd hang out till twelve at the latest. We all know that if Joey doesn't get enough sleep, he tends to be on the cranky side." She smiled playfully.

Joey's cheeks grew hot from slight embarrassment from her comment. "That's not true! I'm perfectly fine when I don't have that much sleep. Gees, you make it sound as if I'm a little kid or something." He crossed his arms and turned his head away from her.

"That's exactly what I mean." Everyone chuckled a bit. "So, this'll be you two's first time at a club, right?" Both Yugi and Téa nodded their heads.

"Well, I'm sure the two of you will have fun. But Yugi, do you even know how to dance?" All eyes were now on Yugi for no one had ever seen the King of Card games ever dance. Yugi looked down at the table.

"Well, to be honest, I never tried before…" He replied with a small smile.

"Don't worry about it, Yug! I can teach ya some wicked cool moves!" Joey chimed up as he thrust his thumbs towards himself. Mai cocked an eyebrow.

"Joey, don't get ahead of yourself…" Just at that moment, the water returned with their meal. Silence fell between the four as they ate their meal in peace.

No sooner had they finish day they pay for their check and head back to the car.

"Well, on to the club!" Mai slammed her foot on the gas, be quick with reversing before gearing it into drive and sped off towards the club.

AlienDemon: And that's the end of chapter one. I'm sorry that it seems a bit dry and dull, but I promise that next chapter will pick up. Again, reviews are always loved, whether some constructive criticism or whatever. So, hopefully see you next chapter.