Pre-Comment: This Chapter was brought to you by Potential, because not everybody grows up to be an astronaut.

Chapter Eight: So You—Erm, Just How Old Are You Again?

Name: Anya Alstreim

Objective: —

Skill Sets: Knightmare, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr, LiveJournal, YouTube, and Myspace.

Past Employment: Pilot, Knight of Six, Host.

References: *illegible scribbles*


Nakuru stretched herself out on her chair after finally finishing the morning report that just needed signatures. Switching back to eBay she browsed for more full-sized posters of a certain dark-haired young man, who had a way with children's card games on motorcycles, with a sexy voice that made her swoon.

Finally finding one, she sighed in awe of it, imagining how well it would look pinned up in her room next to the other one when she noticed someone standing by her desk. Quickly flipping back to another screen she regarded the woman—er—girl, really—in front.

With bubble-gum pink hair.

The girl didn't smile and just stared at her blankly. Feeling nervous for some reason, Nakuru smiled pleasantly to her. She looked so young. "Is there something I can help you with, Little Miss? Are you, uh, lost?" Nakuru glanced around the empty store and then back to the girl. "Did you perhaps lose your parents somewhere?"

Without directly answering her, the girl slid a resume on the table. "Interview."

The secretary's eyes widened in disbelief. And then she checked the schedule for the day.



Nakuru buzzed Lydic and informed him.

"Mr Verell's office is just down that way."

The girl nodded and took the resume back before quietly walking down to the office.

It was only after she heard the door shut that Nakuru sighed.

"How adorable~"


My hand will surely fall off, Lydic thought as he downright scribbled on the signature line for the last document to pass his desk for the moment. For the past week he had been experimenting with how sloppy a signature Head Office would let him get away with. So far they only rejected the checkmark and loop-de-loops, but okayed the loop-de-loops that started with something that barely resembled an L.

He was seriously considering hiring a child to help.

The knock on the door made him sigh as he said "Come in!" loudly.

Ask and you shall receive.

With cotton-candy pink hair too.

"You must be Anya. Please, have a seat," he said, motioning to the chair in front of his desk.

The little girl looked at him blankly before gazing back down at her pink phone with a bunny cell strap on it. Without giving him another glance, she sat down on the chair and pushed the resume across the desk to him.

Lydic looked it over, only slightly miffed that this kid not only looked like she would get him in trouble for child labour laws, but was straight up ignoring him.

To put it bluntly, her resume was garbage. It was the equivalent of every other socially-adept pre-teen out there who spent way too much time on the computer and not enough time outside.

He glanced up at her again, and this time she was looking right at him. A slight shiver went down his spine from the directness of her stare. Several Japanese horror films came to mind, and he idly wondered if they would be more terrifying if they had pink hair instead of the traditional black.

But she was cute, as far as kids went—no denying that.

Looking back down at the resume, his brows went up.

"You were the Knight of Six, huh? Tell me more about that."

Anya was silent and still. Lydic wondered if maybe she didn't hear the question or something. When he was about to prod her to talk, she spoke up.

"Mordred. Intercept and eliminate enemy pilots. Kill on sight."

It could've been the cold draft coming in through the window, but Lydic shivered slightly. "Ah… right. So, what was your favourite part of being a pilot?"

She blinked at him blankly for a few times before looking back down at her phone. After a few minutes of silence she turned the phone around to show him a picture of what looked like a half-destroyed library in the background. Anya was wearing a pink heart-shaped hat, taking a self-shot with a large Knightmare in the background. She held up a peace sign and wasn't smiling.

"She told me it was wrong."

Lydic deadpanned. "Don't tell me you did that?"

Anya just nodded. "I took a photo to remember that it was wrong."

He fixed her with a stern look. "Is there… a problem with your memory?"

It wasn't what he really wanted to say, but it was politely close.

Anya looked down at her phone again, as if in thought. And then she looked back up at him. "I don't have any."

Well now he just felt bad.

And she really was quite adorable so he didn't want to upset her. He didn't think his heart was equipped to handle crying girls. Although, taking another look at her, he could hardly imagine it if she smiled, let alone cried.

"I… uh… that might be a problem. For working here."

Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. And then she looked down at her phone.


Feeling as if a thousand arrows had just pierced his heart, Lydic let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think—"

Just then there came a knock on his door. Lydic frowned. Nakuru knew better than to interrupt the interview process. Especially the interview process. But she was waving frantically, looking like a bomb had just gone off, holding a memo up to the glass of the window.

With a sigh, he waved her in. She slid the piece of paper on to his desk in front of him, face down. "It's urgent, from the higher ups," she whispered into his ear before slipping out.

Lydic glanced between the little girl in front of him to the note in front of him. Picking it up gingerly, as if it were coated in acid, he took a peek.

Slamming it back down he grinned widely at Anya.

"Everything is in order! When can you start?" he asked excitedly, clasping his hands together, smiling wider than he ever had in his entire life.

Anya looked up at him like he were no better than the face of a rock and then back down at her pink phone. After a few minutes of silent browsing on her end, when Lydic's smile started to hurt him in more places than his face (like his heart), she looked back up at him.


His eye unintentionally twitched.

"You serve pizza here?"

"Yes! Yes we serve pizza here."


There was another long silence.

And then she got up from her seat to give a slight bow.

"I don't want it."

And then she turned around to leave.

Lydic was in shock.

Minutes later, Nakuru knocked on his door and he numbly turned to look at her as she coughed to gain his attention. "Head Office is on the line for you, Sir," she said as solemnly as possible.

Opening the last drawer on his desk for his—




Annnnyyaaaaaaaa nooooooooo T.T

- Minute Maid

Beverage of Queens.