Hello!!!! Ok so I wrote this story cuz I got bored. So tell me what you think! :D

Full Summary: Alice lives with her parents and brother, Emmett. Bella is her best friend. Alice works at her mom's diner that she owns and helps her mom with her new decoration projects for houses. Jasper is the popular jock. Everyone loves him because he is on the football team and one of the hottest jocks. They meet in a chat room on a school day. Will that change there lives forever?

Chat names;;; (couldn't think of any so I just came up with random ones :D)

Alice- shopaholic93


p.s. Alice doesn't like the color pink in this story.

I don't own anything


"Alice, breakfast is ready!"

"I'll be down in a minute." Alice replied while grabbing her cell and putting it in her back pocket.

When Alice walked into the kitchen her mom looked at her outfit.

"Sweetie, why aren't you wearing that pink top I bought you?" her mother asked while handing her a water bottle and toast.

"Because it's hot pink and people will notice me."


Honk. Honk.

"Bella's here. Bye!" and with that Alice was out the door and getting into the old truck Bella loved.

Once they arrived at school, Bella, Alice and Emmett walked through the hallways before first period started.

On the other end of the hallway, Jasper, Edward and James were running through the hallway. As they ran past, James ran passed Alice and knocked her over. Jasper stopped to help her up, but Edward shouted, "Dude, come on!"

Emmett and Bella grabbed Alice's hands and pulled her up from the ground.

"What jerks" Emmett said as he watched them turn the corner.

"You should know you play football with them." Alice mumbled while rubbing her elbow. Emmett shot her a look.

"Well, James is a jerk, but Edward and Jasper aren't that bad" Bella pointed out.

"They're better than James. I'd appreciate it if you guys-"Emmett started but got cut off by Alice's phone beeping. Bella smirked, "I wonder who that could be."

Alice smiled "I'll see you guys later."

Alice pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket as she walked out of the school and over to a bench.

Soldierboy4: it's been 4ever since we talked

Shopaholic93: we talked yesterday

Soldierboy4: too long 4 me

Alice smiled.

Soldierboy4: so how are you feeling?

Shopaholic93: out of place

Soldierboy4: y???

Shopaholic93: cheerleaders, jocks…everyone

Soldierboy4: U got me

Shopaholic93: true

Soldierboy4: when can we meet?

Shopaholic93: soon

The ball rang as Alice hit send. She shut her phone, grabbed her bag and walked towards the school.

Later that day lunchtime came around. Alice and Bella were sitting at their usual table and Emmett just walked over. "Hey guys, how was your day?"

"Lame" Alice said as she watched the cheerleaders and jocks come in.

"Same" Bella agreed.

"Em, why don't you sit with the other jocks and cheerleaders?" Alice questioned, playing with her food.

"Because they're all show. And you're my baby sis." Emmett replied.

Alice watched as Maria, the head cheerleader/captain, walked over to Jasper and try to give him a kiss, but he moved away. Maria yelled something at him and stormed out of the cafeteria.

FREE PERIOD-Forks High Chat room

Shopaholic93: So how has your day been?

Soldierboy4: boring, but it just got better.

Alice smiled.

Shopaholic93: So how are your mom and dad?

Soldierboy4: mom's good I guess. Still thinking of new ideas for food. Dad's still controlling.

Shopaholic93: that sucks

Soldierboy4: tell me about it. What about you, how are your mom and dad?

Shopaholic93: dad's still busy at the hospital. My mom's thinking of new ideas for houses and trying to make me wear bright colors to get noticed.

Soldierboy4: so the same?

Shopaholic93: pretty much

Soldierboy4: U hear about the Halloween dance

Shopaholic93: how could I not?

Soldierboy4: U going?

Shopaholic93: maybe….


Everybody pushed back there chairs and headed for the door to get to their next classes. As Alice walked through the door so did Jasper. They bumped into each other. Jasper knocked Alice's bag to the ground.

"Sorry" the both said

Alice and Jasper locked eyes for a couple minutes. Alice could feel her cheeks start to get red. She grabbed her bag, stood up and walked through the doors. Jasper smiled and shook his head then walked to his locker.

Later at the diner

Alice had been working at the diner for about two hours and already wanted to go home. Don't get her wrong, she loves the diner and the people that come in. They're all very nice and some are just jerks. Some of the jerks are coming in right now.

James walked through the door followed by Edward and Jasper. The three shuffled into a booth.

Alice argued with herself if she should go over there or not, but Bella and Emmett were dealing with other customers.

Alice took a deep breath and walked over to them

"What can I get you guys?" Alice asked, holding the pad and pen in her hand.

"Aren't you in my 6th period?" James said, pointing at her.

"Yes. Now are you going to order or not?" she said, getting annoyed.

"I'll have a coke" Edward said, cutting in.

"Make that two diner girl and try working on your attitude" James said.

"What'd you call me?" Alice hissed

"Diner Girl" James smiled

"Hmm…funny how things work out. My mom owns this place and I'm sure I could get you kicked out" Alice smirked.

James glared at her.

Edward just stared at James and Jasper shot her an apologetic look. Alice walked away to get there order.

James shrugged it off. "So are you and Maria going to the dance together?"

Jasper shrugged, "I might go with someone else."

Edward and James looked at him. "Who?"

"I don't know" he said, honestly.

"Well I'm getting out of here" James said, sliding out of the booth. Edward followed him which left Jasper thinking he should follow, too.

As Alice came back with their drinks, James said "Later Diner Girl."

Jasper pulled some money out of his pocket and held it out to her.

"Forget about it. It's on the house." Alice said, walking away. Jasper set the money on the counter and left.

Later that night

Soldierboy4: so how was the rest of your day?

Shopaholic93: Err…id rather not talk about it.

Soldierboy4: so not so good then?

Shopaholic93: nope. What about you?

Soldierboy4: not much. Just my friend being a jerk again

Shopaholic93: oh sad. I G2G TTYL

Soldierboy4: sweet dreams darling

Alice smiled

Shopaholic93: you too


So what'd you think?

5 or more reviews and I'll have the next one up tonight or tomorrow morning :)

