
"My dimples will be yours forever" The memory of this statement washed over Noah Mayer as he lay in his hospital bed. It was this statement that made him want to fight to stay alive at the hands of their kidnappers Zac and Zoe ( or whatever she called her self)

Slowly and painfully he opened his eyes. As he did he found the owner of those dimples tenderly and lovingly looking back at him. Luke He whispered hoarsely as he gently touched the face. His fingers caressed and traced the dimple.

Luke leaned contently into the touch. He kissed the palm of the man who had his heart and who he so adored , He smiled as he spoke " Hi you." Noah again smiled as his fingers continued their caressed of Luke's face, He spoke weakly "Mine"

Luke kissed the palm again " Yes Noah, these dimples are your FOREVER. I told you . No I promised you that once we were rescued and you were taken to the hospital . That my dimples would be yours forever,"

He then carefully eased himself onto the bed beside Noah. He put his arms around Noah's shoulder, Luke then curled himself around his boyfriend's body. He took care not to cause Noah any more pain or bump his arm.

Noah leaned in to the warmth of Luke's body and sighed contently. There they lay, Face to face. Noses touching. They smiled lovingly at each other. Each falling deeper in love with the other. Blue eyes met brown and almost at the same time they spoke, "Mine" They kissed , filling the void that had been between their lips, Soon they fell into a deep yet peaceful slumber on that tiny hospital bed

And that is where Doctor Bob Hughes found them when he came to see how his patient was doing.

The end