Disclaimer: I think SquareEnix won this round...

A Legend's Journey

Chapter 34

Auron was laying flat on his back on soft grass when he opened his eyes. Sky. He sat up, looked around. Didn't recognize a thing and not another soul in sight.

He got to his feet and stood on a smooth path that was about six feet in width, about twenty feet long and bordered on each side by thick, green grass that extended as far as he could see in both directions. He could see wildflowers growing in random patches here and there, nodding their heads in the passing breeze.

Behind him he saw what appeared to be a very dense forest. Couldn't really see more than that. He noticed that the path ended at the edge of the forest. Strange! Normally a path would show the way through.

He walked to the edge of the forest and peered into the darkness. Couldn't see a thing! He walked a few steps into the dim interior and, from what he could see, realized that it would be folly to try to go deeper. He would wander endlessly inside that trackless place. He stepped out onto the path again.

Before him was a sturdy, wooden bridge, about the same width as the path, that crossed over a rather wide river. There was a mist that obscured whatever was on the other side of the bridge.

The strip of grass and wildflowers between the forest and the riverbank was only about twenty feet wide. What is this place? Where is this place?

There seemed to be something just on the edge of his memory but he couldn't quite bring it to focus. It nagged at him, aggravating him. He shook his head at the frustration of not being to remember whatever it was.

He looked at the bridge again. Cross it? Hmm. Not sure. Not yet, anyway. Got to figure out a few things.

He finally sat on the soft grass, released the jug from his belt and uncapped it. Taking a big gulp of the strong liquid, he recapped it and reattached it to his belt.

The familiar burn of the sake felt good as he swallowed. He looked up into the incredibly clear, blue sky. He couldn't ever remember seeing it look like that!

What is this place? He wasn't afraid, just confused. Had he been transported?

What he didn't like was not knowing where Raine was!

Where is she? Is she all right? He took consolation in knowing that if Marin was anywhere around and still breathing, he would take care of her. He had certainly been right in his assessment of the honest and honorable man he had chosen to mentor and he knew with certainty that the trust he had placed in him would never be broken.

That triggered thoughts of the Academy. A superb, truly excellent group of people had taken his vision and had made it their own. The new breed of Guardian would endure, thanks to them!

His thoughts returned to Marin. He truly was a Guardian. A Guardian of much and of many. Modest, intelligent, courageous, sincere, kind-hearted, so very capable! At times, he thought he could see a touch of Braska in him.

He thought of Marin's dedication to the ideals of The Academy, his devotion to Raine. Auron knew that Marin had held him in the highest esteem and he sensed that Marin felt that he was the younger brother that Auron had never had. It was certainly true.

Though he was only about ten years older than Raine and Marin, the harshness of his first nearly four decades had made him feel so much older than they. Their light-heartedness and playful banter with each other had been a balm to his soul, as if it helped erase some of the brutality through which he had lived. Through them, he was living a part of life that had been denied to him.

He was puzzled at himself. Why did he have these thoughts now? Why not while he had still been –

That thought stopped short! Why not while he had still been – what?

Auron stood up, needing to be in motion. He wandered along the wide strip of grass between the river and the forest. His mind was trying to go to a place that badly unsettled him! After walking a ways and seeing nothing new or different, he turned and went back to the path that led to the bridge.

He looked up into the sky. He didn't know what time had passed, but the day was just as bright now as it was when he first found himself here. This was most unusual. What is this place?

Again he sat on the grass, elbows on his knees. A frown furrowed his brow as he thought, fingers absently rubbing his temple.

He again looked at the dense forest. Then he looked at the bridge. He reached for the jug and took another big swig, enjoying its burn down his throat.

'OK, Auron, what are you going to do?'

Somehow, he just wasn't ready to cross the bridge yet. He sensed something final about it and he wasn't ready for whatever that might be.

He laid back on the thick grass, his laced fingers behind his head, and just looked up at the brilliant, unchanging sky above him.

He closed his eyes and released his mind to just drift. Soon images seemed to be forming as he fell into something like a semi-sleeping state.

His beautiful Raine! The dark blue eyes he loved. He could feel her arms around him, his around her. How he loved her!! Somehow he had to find his way back to her.

Then a memory of The Academy floated before his mind's eye. A class. Yes, he was going to the Academy. He, Raine and Marin taught Advanced Swords every morning. He saw the image of Raine and himself in their room laughing together over something as they readied themselves to leave their home.

The memory of her wonderful bubbling laugh made a smile creep across his face. That wonderful, precious woman! He would love her for all eternity.

His mind drifted to the many nights they had danced on the roof in each other's arms under the bright, sparkling stars. A chuckle escaped him at the memory of going upstairs some mornings to retrieve their clothing from the rooftop floor. Their life together defied description. They had total, complete delight in each other in every way!

He HAD to find a way back! He just HAD to! He simply refused to live in this place or anywhere else without her. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he would!

Then his mind began to take another turn.

Something.... What was it? A sudden blinding pain!! Not being able to breathe!

Raine's beautiful face so close to his, her blue eyes terrified.... He remembered saying, "I love you..."

Then nothing until he woke up in this place. He jerked himself upright, breathing raggedly, heart racing! Another huge swig of sake.

He felt anger building inside. Anger for not being able to go to the woman he loved with every fiber of his being! Anger at whatever it was that was happening! Anger at his helplessness to change anything he was seeing in his mind!

In spite of the drink, his throat felt dry, his brow was deeply furrowed. His elbows returned to his knees, the fingers of one hand resumed absently rubbing his temple as he thought. 'Did I die?!'

He looked down at himself. 'This is definitely a solid body, these are my clothes, I'm breathing, I can see, I can feel my heart beating, I can feel this grass I'm sitting on, I can feel the burn of the sake.'

Auron had no idea what to make of this. He again looked at the bridge. Were there any answers on the other side of that bridge? Was there any way that he could get back to Raine?

He sat thinking for a long time but could reach no conclusions.

Then he became aware that someone was standing on the path. Startled, he looked up to see a boy of eight or nine, hands clasped behind his back, silently observing him.

"Who are you?" Auron asked rather abruptly.

The child responded softly, "I have many names."

Auron's voice roughened as he growled, "Boy, tell me your name!"

The child smiled. "'Boy.' That will do fine. You may call me 'Boy'."

Auron's eyes narrowed as his deep voice demanded. "Give me a straight answer! Who are you?"

Still wearing the small smile, Boy responded, "I'm a Watcher."

"A Watcher? What is that?"

The child answered in his gentle voice, "We watch the worlds."

Auron's anger and confusion was evident in the tone of his voice. "Worlds? What are you talking about? Speak plainly!"

Boy's voice never changed from the soft, gentle tones he had been using. "There are many worlds. We are responsible for watching over them."

"Who is 'we'?"

"We are the Watchers. We are many."

Auron growled to himself. Obviously he wasn't going to get a better answer from him! He 'Hmmph-ed' to himself. How old is this kid anyway? He asked.

The child smiled. "No one knows. We have always existed. We have always watched."

"Seems to me you haven't been doing a very good job! Where is this place?"

Boy smiled. "We do the best we can, but sometimes people behave erratically, in unexpected ways and it causes problems." Gesturing toward the bridge, he added, "This place is your next world."

"My next world?! I want to go back to the last one!"

"You can never go back to a past world. You can only go to a future world."

Auron had the thought, 'Is that how Raine came forward to the future?'

Boy smiled and said, "Yes."

Startled, Auron looked at Boy sharply. "You can read my thoughts?"

The child nodded. "Usually. Well, sometime."

"Why did you bring my – my wife to my world?"

"We had watched. We knew your heart. We knew your deeds. She was always supposed to be in your world, but through the unexpected behavior of a human, she was born into a different one. When she was free of her obligations there, we brought her to you."

Auron's eyes dropped to the grass beside him as he considered Boy's words. Raine was always supposed to have been his! He knew that was true without a doubt!

"I want to go back to her! I don't want to be here without her."

"You can never return to a past world. Life and events in that world have continued without you. You cannot return."

That chill returned to Auron's inner being. Very softly he said, "Then I – I really did – die, then."

"Yes. Now you go to this world."

Then Auron's anger returned. "Then why didn't you bring both of us? You said we belonged together! Why rip us apart?" He felt the sting of tears trying to come to his eyes. He swallowed.

"Each has his own time. It was your time. You should cross the bridge."

"She will come to this place?"


"Then I will wait here."

"You should cross."

Auron's voice, hard and harsh, said, "I said I will wait here!"

Boy sighed.

Auron was lost in his thoughts for a time. Longing and sadness in his voice, he asked, "When will she come?"

No answer. Auron looked up. Boy was nowhere to be seen.

Unsettled, confused, angry, Auron got up and walked again. 'I died. Raine is still there and I can't go back. Marin is there so I know he'll take care of her.'

He paced back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

'If I died, how do I still have a body? What is this next world about, anyway?'

Back and forth. Back and forth.

'If Raine will come here, I'm not moving! I don't care how long it takes, I'm not moving!'

'Raine, I love you! I love you so very much!'

Raine felt like lead inside. How could she get through even one more day without Auron?

She was just going through the motions of living. She died when Auron did. This was only her shell.

It was so sudden, so unexpected! They were getting ready to go to The Academy, laughing together, when his breath caught and he collapsed. Looking into her eyes, he had whispered "I love you" - and he was gone.

Marin tried so hard to take care of her, always urging her to eat, to do this, to do that. She gave her best effort simply because she loved him and knew he was still, as always, watching out for her. He was Big Brother, her rock through so many years!

Auron was in her thoughts every minute of the day and in her dreams at night. At times, she could actually feel his love surrounding her. It was an real, palpable force. She knew his love would never die. Wherever he was, he still loved her!

Could she ever find him again? Would she ever see him again, hold him again, hear that wonderful deep voice again? Somehow, she just had to! She just had to!

Auron looked at the sky again. It was still as bright and clear as when he had first looked at it. He had no idea of what time had passed since he had found himself here though he knew it had to have been many, many hours, but the sky remained exactly the same. Very odd!

Looking at the trees of the forest bordering the grass, he saw one tree trunk that looked smoother than the others so he sat on the grass and leaned against it. He sighed. If there was one thing that he knew how to do, it was how to wait - patiently or not!

His thoughts drifted back to his early days, to the unrelenting drills and training the Monks had put him through. As hard as it had been, it had served him well in the ensuing years. He had survived when so many hadn't. The first half of his adult life had been brutal, bloody years of horrifying death, destruction and misery! He quickly slammed the door shut to the memories of those years.

He turned his thoughts to the second half of his life – the wonderful, happy years of love with Raine. He kept thinking back to what Boy had told him - "we brought her to you." If they did it once, why couldn't they do it again?

Then he thought, 'That isn't fair. There is no reason for her life to be shortened just because mine was!'

Not knowing what time had passed since he left, he wondered what her life was like without him. He knew she would miss him because he had no doubts about the depth of her love. Would she ever love someone else? Remarry? She was still a relatively young woman in her forties, as slim, beautiful and vibrant as ever. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

No! She loved only him and he knew it! They belonged wholly to each other for all eternity!

He felt eyes on him and looked toward the path. There stood Boy just as he had before.

"You should cross."

Auron just looked at him with his Auron stare.

Boy waited for a few moments, then sighed and shrugged his small shoulders. He vanished so quickly that Auron blinked. Where did he go?!

'Maybe I've just gone crazy!' No other people - unless you count Boy. No sounds other than the gentle passing of the breeze and a slight murmur from the river. An unchanging sky above him. It sure didn't make a whole lot of sense!

He looked the bridge again. No, he was going nowhere until Raine arrived! He didn't care how long it took. He wasn't moving!

His thought about his son. Would he see AJ in this next world? He would ask Boy if he came back again.

He thought about friends and companions who had died before him. Would they be there? What about his parents? They wouldn't even know him!

He just stared at the bridge. He would probably find the answers to these questions on the other side, yes, but there was one thing that he knew for certain: Raine was not there. She was still in the world he had just left.

He felt no hunger, no real thirst. He checked the sake level in his jug. It was just as full as when he first opened it! How can that be? It should be pretty low by now.

He leaned back against the tree, thinking for a very long time, and eventually dozed off.

In his dream, he and Raine were dancing under the stars as a sphere played her music. How they enjoyed that! Their kisses and caresses, their intimate times. A smile was on his lips.

Boy watched the big man as he slept and enjoyed his memories in his dreams. A stubborn one, he was!

After a time, Auron awoke and stretched to the full extent of his large frame. He sat up and was reaching for his jug when he saw Boy standing on the path quietly observing him.

"Do you always stare at people when they are asleep?" he asked gruffly.

"I'm a Watcher. I didn't mean to cause you discomfort. I apologize."

"Hmph." Then Auron remembered. "Will I see my son in this next world?"

Boy's eyes dropped before he responded. "No. I'm sorry. He never lived in the world, so he went back to the place where he was before he was conceived. I'm sorry."

Auron frowned. "What place is that?"

"A special place. You were there before you were conceived. You just don't remember it."

Auron's voice rose. "Do you mean that my son could be born as the son of someone else?!"

"Oh, no! He can only be your son."

Auron stared at Boy, eyes narrowed. This would definitely take more thought!

Then he asked, "What about Raine? When is she coming?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Each has his own time that he moves to his next world. I don't know the times."

"Is there someone who does?"


"Can you go ask that person?"


"Why not?!"

"Because only he is to know that. No one else. We aren't told until it is time."

Auron was exasperated no end!

Boy was quiet a few minutes, then he said, "You should cross now."

The only thing he got was a repeat of the stare he'd gotten the last time. He sighed again and vanished.

Auron leaned back against the tree and resumed his thoughts.

Months had gone by and Raine could still feel Auron close to her. She felt his love, alive and warm and comforting. She knew he was thinking about her. She could feel it!

She wanted to join him so badly! Without him, her life on this earth was meaningless and empty. It seemed to take more effort and energy than she could gather just to keep breathing. Auron was the thread that held the tapestry of her life together.

She was resting on her side on the comfortable old couch in the living area, just letting her thoughts wander wherever they wanted.

She thought of old Julan. She could see those mischievous, sparkling gray eyes now! If he was here, he would pour potions down her throat and convince her to spill her entire heart to him as he gently patted her hand. She could hear that little "hm?" now. What a dear, kind person he was! She had loved him and missed him badly.

Marin. That sweet, wonderful man! She was so thankful to have had him in her life all these years. Her Big Brother. Even now he was devoted to taking the best care of her that he could. He would be here any moment now, badgering her to eat, to have something to drink. She smiled as his handsome face filled her mind's eye. She loved him dearly!

She missed their rides on Dan and Daisy. Those lovable birds were gone now but she would never forget them and the very special relationship the four of them had shared. She would love to take Daisy out to the lake once again. She and Dan so enjoyed the soft, lush grasses there!

And those wonderful evenings on the roof when they continually challenged each other in their exhilarating matches under Auron's watchful eye!

She thought of Auron's Academy. Though she hadn't been there since – he died, she knew that it would continue without ceasing, under the dedicated leadership of Marin, Sten and others. Her husband's Legacy would always be carried forward.

Her thoughts returned to Marin. She knew that he loved her as only he could, as her devoted Big Brother. Auron had left everything to her and she was leaving everything to Marin. She knew that his brother had moved away many years ago and Marin really had no one else. She hoped that he would find a good wife who deserved him and have a happy life in this wonderful old villa. There was certainly no lack of females who would be thrilled to have that opportunity! She had seen the many looks sent his way!

She looked at the big piano. What on earth would become of it? She smiled. Maybe someone would one day figure it out.

She heard the outer door open and knew who it would be. No one else entered without ringing the bells. Marin appeared at the inner door, smiling as he saw her.

"Hello, Baby Girl! How are you doing?"

"Hello, Big Brother! Fine, thank you. Just resting a bit."


Raine smiled. How many times over the years has this gentle man tried to feed her?! "Yes, a little." She didn't want even one bite, but she would try just to please him.

Removing his uniform tunic, he said, "Great! Give me a few minutes to put something together. I'll be right back."

She listened as he rattled around in the kitchen. Through the years, he had actually learned a lot about cooking from Auron and become quite good at preparing a meal.

She smiled again thinking of her beloved husband. He truly did enjoy putting together a good meal! He was an excellent cook.

Soon her thoughts were interrupted by the appearance before her of a large, outstretched hand. She looked up at her Big Brother, smiled and took his hand. He had also gotten Auron's knack for doing a lot with food in a short amount of time!

Sitting at the familiar kitchen table, Marin ate well and Raine had just barely enough to keep him from fussing with her. She saw him looking at the food left in her plate and knew he wasn't happy with what he saw and, though he didn't say anything, she saw concern in his brown eyes.

Marin poured a cup of coffee for her, then he cleared the table and finished the cleanup before rejoining her at the table with a cup of his own.

Raine was lost in her thoughts so Marin just stayed quiet, sipping his coffee.

Finally, she smiled. "Do you realize that the entire Academy and its future was planned right here at this table?"

He nodded and smiled. "Yes, I remember."

"You, Sten, Kimahri, Alsa – and Auron." She was quiet again for a bit then she asked, "How is Sten?"

Marin smiled. "He's quite well! Marriage agrees with him. His boys are growing quickly. He says he's raising three more Guardians - and that wouldn't surprise me in the least! He has already begun their weapons training! Dena says he talks to them nonstop about the code of The Guardian."

She smiled and nodded. "He's a very good man."

Marin's low voice responded, "Yes, he is that! I don't know what I would have done without him. He is absolutely without ego. He amazes me!"

Raine's soft voice said, "The two of you make the perfect team. Auron saw what was in both of you even in the very beginning. He never had the first doubt about putting the Academy into your hands."

He noticed that Raine looked tired. "Why don't you come rest on the couch? We can talk in there."

She nodded. "I don't have much energy today."

He sat at one end of the couch holding her as she lay across his chest, his arms supporting her upper body, her lower body on the couch. They talked a little more but soon her breathing became softly regular as she fell asleep.

He just sat quietly, holding her, listening to her breathing as his thoughts drifted back over the last twenty years – their lively matches on the roof, their rides together, the laughter shared, working together at Sir Auron's Academy.

He smiled as he thought of the young hearts he saw flip-flop as the beautiful Instructor walked by in her sharp Academy staff uniform. It didn't take long before she had their total respect for her skills with her blade and in teaching!

He was truly happy to have had a place in her life all this time. She was so very special but was totally unaware of it. She and Sir Auron were truly a perfect match; they simply belonged together!

While Marin was thinking his thoughts, Raine slipped into a dream of Auron. It seemed so real! She didn't know where he was, but he was waiting for her. She couldn't really see him, but she knew he was there. Waiting!

But where was he? Could she possibly ever find him? She would spent eternity trying!

At some point, she was surprised to see another person enter the haze of her dream – a young boy. No, it wasn't AJ - this child appeared to be around nine or so. He was just standing there smiling at her.

Now she was confused. She was looking for Auron, not a child! Who was this? Why was he in her dream? Then she realized that the child was saying something.

"Come with me."

No! She would continue looking for Auron. She turned away from the child, but then she felt a small hand gently catch her elbow.

She looked back to see the boy standing beside her, still smiling. He pointed to a place somewhere in the distance and said, "Come."

She told him, "No! I'm looking for Auron."

Again the child said, "Come!"

She studied him for a moment then asked, "Do you know where Auron is?"

His smile grew larger. "Come!"

He would take her to Auron?! Yes! Yes, she would follow this boy!

But – but first –

She slowly broke free from the images she had seen in her dream and opened her eyes to see Marin looking at her with his soft brown eyes.

Her lips smiled gently as she softly told him one last time, "I love you, Big Brother!"

The smile still on her lips, her dark blue eyes closed as she took the hand of the young boy.

Auron would sit for a while, walk for a while, doze for a while, wake up, take a big swig from his now-bottomless jug (he had to grin about that one!), and repeat the whole cycle. Waiting. Waiting.

Occasionally, Boy would show up, look at him and receive the Auron stare until he again vanished.

The sky never changed. He thought of Raine. He waited.

He smiled as he thought of many, many moments in their lives together. He chuckled as he thought of the times she was so funny – even when she didn't intend to be. He always enjoyed recalling her encounter with 'the lizard at the door'!

A gentle smile played across his lips as he recalled her singing in her beautiful, low voice. He could have spent unnumbered hours just listening. Some of those melodies played in his mind now, especially one.

He recalled the countless hours of sword instruction in which she had proved to be an exceptional student. He was extremely proud of her accomplishments with her blade! She and Marin were exceptional in the matches they fought at the Academy, constantly inspiring others to try to reach that level of expertise themselves. The Trainees and staff never tired of watching them. And she was an excellent Instructor, very highly respected.

The ritual workout. She had been right. And he was glad she had made him realize it. He couldn't resist her pleading eyes, in any case!

Those eyes. He had fallen in love with her from the very first moment he had looked into those dark blue portals to her soul. He missed her so bad, it physically hurt!

His eyes screwed tightly shut, lips clamped tightly together, a very deep breath and exhale. Somehow! Somewhere! At some point in time, they had to be reunited! Just had to be!!

And if that kid thought he was going to move an inch from this place, he had another 'think' coming!

Sitting with elbows on his knees, still absently rubbing that temple and staring at the ground, out of the corner of his eye, Auron caught sight of Boy's small shoes nearby. He sighed. Without even looking at him, he growled, "You don't give up, do you?"

A soft voice answered, "No, I don't!"

Auron's heart jumped into his throat and he leaped to his feet, chills running all over his body!


She had been standing just behind Boy, but she flew to him and into the strong arms that caught her and swung her around and around and around!

They laughed and cried and kissed and held onto each other as tightly as possible! They finally fell in a heap on the thick grass just looking at each other, huge smiles on their faces.

Deep, gentle kisses, soft caresses, holding each other closely. Neither knew or cared about anything except they were together again!

In time, they began to talk. Auron was shocked to find that he had been in this place between the forest and the river for nearly eight months in earth time! She told him of events that had happened after he left and of Marin's care of her.

She said softly, "I left everything to him. I hope that's all right."

The deep rumble she loved answered, "It is only right that it should go to him. He was a very important part of us and our lives."

Raine said, "I hope he'll find the right woman and have a happy marriage. I don't know why he's waited so long. There were sure enough women always trying to catch his attention!"

Auron just nodded. He understood Marin's reason and understood the man's deep sense of honor. He knew that Marin would forever very carefully remain in his role as Big Brother and Raine would never know.

They talked as hands large and small caressed the bodies they knew so well and had missed so terribly. Finally, in a state of disheveled disarray, Raine laughed and said, "We're right out here in the middle of the day! What if someone comes by?"

Auron rumbled his laugh and said, "I've been here for eight months and the only other person I've seen in all that time has been Boy. And if he hasn't got sense enough to stay away after my beautiful wife finally gets here, he'll just have to deal with the consequences!"

Raine's bubbling laugh filled the air and Auron's heart.

Auron and Raine were totally immersed in each other, with each other. As far as they were concerned, they could remain right where they were!

Who knows how much time actually passed – it could have been days, months or years.

Auron awoke holding Raine close to him, her hair across his face and mouth. He smiled at that, loving the familiarity of it. They were wrapped in his red coat, their clothing scattered about.

Then he became aware of Boy standing on the path and he frowned and growled, "What do you want?"

Boy said, with his gentle smile, "You should cross now."


"You should cross."

Receiving the expected Auron stare, Boy gave his small shrug and disappeared.

Raine stirred and asked sleepily, "Who are you talking to?"


"What did he want?"

"He wants us to cross the bridge."

She considered that. "What's over there?"

"He said it was our next world."

"Our next world?"


"Do we have to?"

He rolled over above her and wrapped both arms around her and rumbled, "Don't know. I think it's pretty nice right where we are!"

Blue eyes sparkled up at him as she put her arms around his neck. "I think so, too!"

Boy had to stay away for a while again.