A/N: Hey there! Ok I keep on doing these stories but I must admit, I enjoy it! Anyway I usually make chapter 1 short just to see how it gets on but guys if you like it please review and ill put up the next chapter which I will try to make longer, CHEERS!

Chapter 1

I knew this feeling was wrong but yet it felt so right. I loved him, I loved Jacob Black, I was in love with Jacob Black but deep down I knew he didn't and wouldn't feel the same way, I just had to keep these feelings buried up inside of me.

I knew how much he loved Bella and how much he adored her. I saw the way he looked at her and he even told me how he felt about her. I just listened and gave him hope that maybe someday she would return his feelings.

I made a decision with myself last night that I would never ever tell Jacob how I felt. It would only confuse things between us and he might not want be my friend anymore and I couldn't live like that, not now, not ever.

I've known Jacob for quite a while now, about a year or so. I remember before I moved to La Push, I was living in Forks. I'd seen him in Forks a few times along with his friends (also mine now) Quil and Embry.

I also saw him once with Bella outside her house while my mom was driving by with me in the back. I always thought he was handsome and I loved his smile, he was the perfect guy.

Bella was new to our school while I was living there and she was dating that Cullen guy Edward. I always thought The Cullen's were a little weird, very pale and kept to themselves. Yes they were beautiful but just not the beautiful that attracted me.

When It was getting nearer to the end of the school year, my mom made the decision to move to La Push because she couldn't afford to pay the rent for the house we were living in and also because her great grandfather was a native from La Push. Of course I didn't take it well, I didn't want to leave Forks, Forks High and my friends there. Me and my mom were always moving houses and my mom was always struggling with money. It was hard on my mom since my dad walked out on us, but I couldn't really complain, he left when I was six months old so I never really knew him.

After all my complaining about moving, I was eventually made go.


My hair was whipping into my face as I stared out the open window of the car. I was so upset about leaving and wasn't looking forward to moving to La Push.

"Eva don't be like that, I'm sorry that we have to do this but there's nothing I can do to help you, I'm trying my best honey," my mom told me, stress evident in her voice.

I felt a twinge of guilt rush through me as she said that. I knew I was making this hard on her but I couldn't help feeling like this, I was sick of moving.

I turned to look at her and pursed my lips, trying to hold in my tears, tears of sadness and anger, "Mom, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at how our life is, how we keep on moving and are always struggling with money, I'm sick and tired of it and even though I never knew him, I'm mad at dad for leaving us to live like this," I told her as a tear fell down my cheek.

Mom just nodded and looked like she was holding her tears in as well. She never spoke if she was on the verge of crying, she just nodded or shook her head.

I turned my head back to the open window and we were driving by a few stores now. There was an internet café, a florist, a gas station, a- There he was, Jacob along with his two friends heading into the small grocery store. I suddenly forgot how angry and sad I was and just focused on the beautiful figure entering the store.

But it ended too quickly, we were way past it now and making a right turn onto a little neighborhood. I guessed this was where I would be living now and knowing that Jacob lived around here just made things that little bit better.

End of Flashback

I smiled to myself as I remembered that day. Everything seemed so hard and yet here I am loving where my new home is and loving the new friends I made. I actually met Jacob at La Push High. He was in my English and Math class and I was lucky enough on my first day to sit next to him in both classes. He was so welcoming and friendly and after that we just hung out.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mom calling up to me downstairs, "EVA JAKE'S HERE,".

I jumped up off of my bed and took a quick glance at myself in the mirror before going down to him. My brown eyes looked a little dazed, my even lips looked a little dry but I didn't have time for lip balm right now. My chocolate brown hair was tied up in a high ponytail which slung from side to side every time I moved. My bronze shirt and faded jeans along with my black and white converse looked presentable and so I practically ran down the stairs.

"Hey Jake," I said breathlessly as I made it to the door. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked; he wore a black t-shirt along with a pair of worn jeans and his hair was tied back. It seemed that everything he wore seemed to look nice with his russet colored skin and black shiny hair.

He was smiling his smile at me which always made my knees weak, "Hey Eva, wanna go for a walk or something?," he asked me, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Sure," I said without thinking and called over my shoulder to my mom, "Mom I'll be back by ten,".

"Ok honey, see you later, oh and don't forget to stop at the grocery store for flour," she called back. I rolled my eyes and walked out, shutting the door behind me. Mom had her 'baking a cake day' sometimes and I guessed that would be tomorrow.

Jake chuckled as we started walking, "Mom's baking a cake eh?," he asked but it really wasn't a question because he already knew the answer but I answered him anyway.

"Yep, I guess so, sure when does she ever stop?," I answered him giggling.

"Hmm… never," he said laughing, "Oh I wanna show you something," he said suddenly, grabbing my hand.

I frowned, what did he want to show me now? But I smiled at the heat radiating from his hand into mine as he pulled me towards his house, I never wanted to let go.

"What is it Jake?," I asked him, curious as to what he was so excited about.

He smiled at me, "You'll see," and leaded me over to his garage. "Here it is, a job well done," he said excitedly as he gestured toward HIS RABBIT!

"OH MY GOD JAKE!," I squealed and ran over to it. He had spent so much time on this and now it was ready and it looked as good as new.

"You like it?," he asked me, leaning against the wall, flashing a smile, revealing his perfect pearl white teeth.

"Like it? LOVE IT!," I told him smiling to myself as I checked the car out. I knew how proud he must be about himself and I was proud of him too. No other guy I knew could fix up a car like this.

I looked over at him and he was still smiling. I left the car and went over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist as he pulled me into one of those bear hugs of his, "I'm so proud of you Jake, the Rabbit is looking great!," I said into his chest. I loved being wrapped in his arms like this, it was the closest I would ever get to him.

"Thanks Eva, I'm glad you like it, I knew you would," he said into my hair then pulled away.

"So are you going to take it out?," I asked him excitedly, I knew he couldn't wait.

His smile got wider as I asked him, "Well tomorrow me and Bella … and Mike are going to the cinema, so I thought I'd take it with me there," he told me.

As soon as those words were out of his mouth, it felt like I was being stabbed in the heart a thousand times. He was taking the Rabbit with him TOMORROW when he was going to the cinema with BELLA? Well that was a good one, after all the time me and Quil (Embry stopped talking to us ever since he started hanging around Sam and his gang) spent watching him fix it up and listened to him ramble on about it, he decides the first time he would take it out with him and his beloved BELLA.

I swallowed hard and put on my fake smile, "Oh… well eh that's great Jake, I'm sure Bella will just love it," I told him without any enthusiasm in my voice, "Well eh… I better go now anyway, I need to buy a few things and stuff," I told him and turned away, heading towards the entrance of the garage.

"EVA WAIT!," he called and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to look at him. I couldn't look into his eyes though, I knew he'd see the hurt in them and knowing me I'd probably start crying with the hurt right in front of him.

"Look at me Eva, please," he begged as he tried tilting my chin up but it was no use, I wouldn't look at him.

"I really need to get going Jake…," I told him pursing my lips, holding back my tears.

His hand slid down my arm, sending waves of heat through me and he took hold of my hand, playing with my fingers, "Eva I swear I never meant to hurt you, I just thought that I'd like to remember driving my Rabbit for the first time with Bella, you know how I feel about her," he told me, sounding sorry.

"Yeah… well I hope someday you remember that you have two friends that care about you as much as Bella does and don't deserve to be treated any different," I said sounding a little pissed off, I looked up at him and stared him right in the eye, he looked hurt and right now I didn't care, I kept going, "And you know what's so silly of you Jake? Bella isn't even your girlfriend, if she was I guess it wouldn't hurt me as much but she's just your friend like me and Quil and you don't seem to acknowledge that," I told him and pulled my hand out of his, making my way out of the garage.

This time he didn't call me back or grab my arm, he just stood there with hurt in his eyes. As much as I hated hurting him, I couldn't keep the words in, I had to tell him how much it hurt and he had to be hurt in the process.


The next day was uneventful. I felt guilty about what I had said to Jacob but knew I wasn't the one to apologize. He hurt me too and I'm sure he hurt Quil as well.

I just sat around the house, eating ice cream or anything that consisted of sugar. My mom seemed to notice I was down and sat beside me on the sofa.

"Honey are you alright, did something happen between you and Jake?," she asked me, sounding concerned.

"No mom, I'm just having one of those days," I told her, I wasn't in the mood of explaining to her what happened.

"Alright well there's some apple pie in the kitchen if you want some, its fresh from the oven," she said and got up, heading towards the hall, "I'm just heading down to the internet café, ill be back in a while," she called out to me and headed out.

I sighed and decided I'd go up for a nap. I was feeling too depressed about yesterday and what made matters worse was that I saw Jacob's Rabbit drive by, obviously going out for a good time with Bella.

When I woke up, I turned on my side to see what time it was on my alarm clock: 12:00am. I gasped, "Twelve?," I'd obviously slept for way too long.

I jumped up out of bed and tip toed down the stairs. I knew mom was probably in bed and I didn't want to wake her. I decided to sit outside on the porch and get some fresh air.

I shivered as I headed outside and closed the door over. I sat down on the porch steps and looked over at Jake's house, his Rabbit was nowhere to be seen. I frowned, twelve and he's not back yet? Maybe he got caught up in traffic or something.

I hadn't realized that I was sitting out there lost in thought for three hours until I looked at my watch. But it wasn't that it was three o'clock in the morning that bothered me, it was the fact that Jake never made it home and to be honest, I was feeling a little worried, what if something happened to him? What if-

I was cut off by a loud howl coming from the woods near Jake's house, I practically jumped up and ran into my house, closing the door behind me, panting from the fright. What on earth was that? I thought terrified, it sounded like a wolf. What were wolves doing in La Push, near my house? And most importantly, where was Jake?

A/N: Okay so how was it? Did u like it? If you did please review! And omg did you see the new moon trailer (I'm sure you did) it was AWESOME!