What Draco Malfoy Did On His 29th Birthday

Follow Draco Malfoy as he posts updates on his Twitter account throughout his 29th Birthday on the 5th of June, 2009. (Note: These are not real tweets, obviously. This is not a transcript of the Harry Potter RPG on Twitter. Paste the URLs into your web browser to see accompanying pictures.)


Name: Draco Malfoy

Location: Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, UK

Bio: It hurts to be this beautiful.

Following 11 Followers 9260


MalfoyMILF LusciousLucius AstoriaLurvesDraco AmazingBlaise GMoney DontCallMePans Chosen1 LOLCatsMillieB GreenieD Tom_Felton R_Pats

AlphaDraconis Fuck you, screeching albino peacocks, for waking me. Fuck me, for forgetting to cast Muffliato b4 bed.

6:02 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Going back 2 sleep.

6:03 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Where are you, love? You werent in bed when I woke up. Youre not answering your i-Magimobile. Do you know what today is?

8:12 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Im still in bed by the way ; )

8:13 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Shes in MY bed, bee-och! Kidding. Happy Birthday, you little ferret.

8:15 AM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Fuck you, Potter.

8:16 AM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to Chosen1

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Seriously, Astoria. Where the hell are you?

8:16 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

MalfoyMILF AlphaDraconis Happy Birthday, my sweet darling boy! Can you come over to our wing of the Manor today for cake? I got your favourite – devils food cake.

8:17 AM on June 5th from TweeterOwl

AlphaDraconis MalfoyMILF Thanks mum. Cake sounds lovely. Have you seen Astoria this morning? Shes not picking up her i-Magimobile.

8:20 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to MalfoyMILF

MalfoyMILF AlphaDraconis No sweetums, I havent. Perhaps shes in the bath.

8:25 AM on June 5th from TweeterOwl in reply to AlphaDraconis

MalfoyMILF AlphaDraconis By the way, Scorpius is spending the day with Father and me.

8:26 AM on June 5th from TweeterOwl in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Of course. The bath. *face palm*

8:27 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Id just like to say that I fucking love my wife. Really fucking hard.

9:34 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

DontCallMePans AlphaDraconis Too much information. Eww.

9:45 AM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to HairOfSltherin

Chosen1 DontCallMePans AlphaDraconis My sentiments exactly, Pans.

9:56 AM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to DontCallMePans

AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis I love you too, sweetheart. Especially your uncanny ability to make my morning bath the antithesis of clean. ; )

10:01 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco I dont know what youre talking about. ; )

10:05 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

LuciousLucius AlphaDraconis Might I remind you, son, everyone can see your Tweets, including the your employers at the Ministry?

10:07 AM on June 5th from AccioTweets

Chosen1 AstoriaLurvesDraco Your husband AlphaDraconis is too blond to understand big words like antithesis.

10:09 AM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

DontCallMePans AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco I think I just may vomit.

10:15 AM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

AstoriaLurvesDraco DontCallMePans AlphaDraconis OK Pans, but dont expect me to hold back your hair while you do it. (Ah, childhood memories . . .)

10:17 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to DontCallMePans

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Fuck you Potter.

10:21 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

AlphaDraconis #FollowFriday AstoriaLurvesDraco MalfoyMILF LusciousLucius AmazingBlaise GMoney LOLCatsMillieB GreenieD

11:03 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Having a leisurely, al fresco brunch on the terrace with AstoriaLurvesDraco. Were drinking Bloody Barons. /6o7g6

11:05 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Oh god, the things you can do with strawberries and whipped cream!

11:20 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Did I mention I fucking love my wife?

11:22 AM on June 5th from i-Magitext

MalfoyMILF AlphaDraconis Sweetums, I know I live on the opposite end of the Manor, but I would appreciate a warning notice next time you and Astoria decide to use the terrace that way.

11:23 AM on June 5th from TweeterOwl

LOLCatsMillie AlphaDraconis I know! Strawberry shortcake, strawberry ladyfingers, strawberry cobbler. Theyre so versatile.

11:37 AM on June 5th from AccioTweets in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis LOLCatsMillie Millicent, you should know after all these years that I do not bake.

11:59 AM on June 5th from i-Magitexts in reply to LOLCatsMillie

AlphaDraconis Shopping in Paris with AstoriaLurvesDraco. Nothing like spending an obscene amount of money to celebrate ones birthday.

1:22 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis For the record, my hairline is not receding.

1:39 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis No, your forehead is advancing.

1:45 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Fuck you Potter.

1:49 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

AlphaDraconis Astoria picked out this shirt for me. I think its god awful. What do you think?


1:50 PM on June 5th from i-Magimobile Tweetdeck

GMoney AlphaDraconis You look great in everything, mate. Birthday drinks tonight?

1:51 PM on June 5th from NitTwit in reply to AlphaDraconis

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Rule of thumb: Never let your wife pick your clothes. Especially when shes a Greengrass.

1:52 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

GreenieD AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Hey! I saw that! :(

1:54 PM on June 5th from TweeterOwl in reply to AmazingBlaise

AlphaDraconis AmazingBlaise Rule of thumb: Disputing your wifes fashion sense will get you nowhere. Humoring your wife will get you everywhere. And I do mean EVERYWHERE.

1:56 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AmazingBlaise

DontCallMePans AlphaDraconis I wouldnt be caught dead wearing anything Astoria chose.

2:01 on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis AmazingBlaise DontCallMePans Ill have you know, thats from the Dior spring collection. Bold patterns are the new black.

2:05 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AstoriaLurvesDraco GreenieD Its a good thing our husbands AmazingBlaise and AlphaDraconis are rich.

2:06 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AstoriaLurvesDraco GreenieD If all AmazingBlaise and AlphaDraconis had

were their good looks, we wouldnt put up with their insolent mouths.

2:07 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis AmazingBlaise Our wives are getting awfully cheeky today.

2:10 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Indeed. Its time to break out the paddle.

2:12 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis Ive been a bad girl and need to be punished.

2:13 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Get your sexy little self into this dressing room so I can punish you with my wand.

2:14 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Fucking hell, I love my wife.

2:34 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis This ones more my style. /6oecl

2:35 PM on June 5th from i-Magimobile Tweetdeck

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis The monochromatic look suits your monochromatic personality.

2:46 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Let me beat you to the punch. Fuck you Potter. There. No need to reply now.

2:47 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Go fuck yourself Potter.

2:49 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Oooh. A slight varation. Youre starting to get creative now.

2:55 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 I could devastate you with a few words, but I just havent got time to waste.

2:58 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Devastate? Dont flatter yourself Malfoy.

3:03 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 I dont need to flatter myself. I have minions to do that for me.

3:08 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Your mum, your wife, and Gregory Goyle hardly constitute a minion.

3:13 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 I have over 9,000 followers on Twitter and nearly 10,000 friends on Facebook. What do you have, Potter?

3:16 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis What do I have? Better things to do with my time than fishing for friends on the Wizarding World Web.

3:19 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Like what? Polishing your wand?

3:24 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Gotta keep it nice and shiny.

3:25 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Would you two shut up and just fuck each other already?

3:27 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis AmazingBlase How bout I kick your face in?

3:29 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AmazingBlaise

AlphaDraconis Got bored with French couture. Being fitted for a new suit in Milan. But first, a cappuccino.

4:41 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Stupid tailor stuck me with a pin. So I bitch slapped him.

4:54 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

GMoney AlphaDraconis Do you need me to beat his arse? Because I can skip out of work and do it. Then we can have birthday drinks.

4:55 PM on June 5th from NitTwit in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Shopping was a bust. I only managed to spend 2100 Galleons.

5:24 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Dinner with MalfoyMILF LuciousLucius AstoriaLurvesDraco and Scorpius at Malfoy Manor. Seared mermaid with pomegranate coulis.

6:02 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

GMoney AlphaDraconis So are we meeting for drinks after dinner?

6:05 PM on June 5th from NitTwit in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Devils food cake was certainly created using the Dark Arts. Best birthday cake ever.

6:52 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis I concur. I daresay it is better than sex.

6:54 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Im highly offended.

6:56 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

DontCallMePans AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis Considering youre comparing it to Draco, that cake is probably only mediocre at best.

6:57 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

LusciousLucius AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco Stop twittering on your i-Magimobile phones under the dinner table. Its quite rude.

6:57 PM on June 5th from AccioTweets in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis LusciousLucius Ill stop when you stop downloading porn on yours.

6:58 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to LusciousLucius

AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis Care to prove me wrong, darling?

7:00 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco I knew you were just baiting me.

7:01 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AstoriaLurvesDraco

AstoriaLurvesDraco AlphaDraconis Of course. Nothings better than you. After you open your presents lets go to bed.

7:02 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Goblin hewn gold watch encrusted with diamonds from LusciousLucius (a little too ostentatious for my taste).

7:11 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Little Scorpius decorated a card for me using feathers he yanked off the peacocks. No wonder they were screeching so much this morning.

7:12 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Subscription to Cake of the Month Club from MalfoyMILF (because my metabolism is still astonishingly fast for a 29 year old).

7:17 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Bottle of elf-made cabernet sovignon from LOLCatsMillie and GMoney. Also a bag of Canabis sativa from Goyle. (I swear its for a medical condition!)

7:24 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Fruit basket from AmazingBlaise and GreenieD (probably more from Daphne than from Blaise).

7:28 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Strip-o-Gram card from AmazingBlaise (would have been amusing had it not been a naked man in the picture).

7:30 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis B-day presents: Floral arrangement of pale yellow roses from DontCallMePans (quite lovely but Im allergic to them and she damn well knows this).

7:32 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis And my present from my dear AstoriaLurvesDraco? Im about to find out.

7:33 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

GMoney AlphaDraconis I see you received your birthday package. That herb is the best shit from Jamaica. So are we going out for drinks or what, mate?

7:33 PM on June 5th from NitTwit

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Ginny and I sent you some of her homemade raspberry tart. But I guess were not important enough to mention.

7:33 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 I wouldnt dare put anything in my mouth that was touched by a Weasley.

7:34 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to Chosen1

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Did Chosen1 ask you to suck him off again?

7:35 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis I cant explain Astorias birthday gift in 140 characters.

9:45 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Did I mention I love my wife?

9:46 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

DontCallMePans AlphaDraconis You did. About fifty times today.

9:47 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis My wife made it quite apparent that she really fucking loves me. Oh god, she loves me so fucking hard!

9:47 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Bloody hell. If thats what AstoriaLurvesDraco does for my 29th birthday, what will she do for my 30th?

9:48 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Would you tell the world what Astoria did for your birthday already? You know you like to over-share with your minion of 9000 followers.

9:50 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis AmazingBlaise Astoria would kill me if I told the world. All I can say is that it involved polyjuice potion.

9:52 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AmazingBlaise

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Will you at least tell us whose hair was in the polyjuice potion?

9:53 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis AmazingBlaise Mine

9:54 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AmazingBlaise

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis Merlins pants! Youre one kinky narcissistic bastard!

9:55 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Regarding the rude remark about my wifes cooking, Id retort with a hearty go fuck yourself, but it seems youve already done that.

9:57 PM on June 5th from wizardweb in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis Getting dressed to go dancing in London with AstoriaLurvesDraco AmazingBlaise and GreenieD. My outfit for tonight: /6pynp

10:44 PM on June 5th from i-Magimobile Tweetdeck

GMoney AlphaDraconis Am I not invited? WTF?

10:45 PM on June 5th from NitTwit

AlphaDraconis AmazingBlaise Fine. You can come.

10:49 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext in reply to AmazingBlaise

AlphaDraconis Anybody who wants to party with me, were going to The Dungeon. Though I doubt you lot are important enough to get in.

10:50 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis VIP lounge, bitches! Poppin bottles of Crystal like Im a fucking pimp!

11:21 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis With AstoriaLurvesDraco AmazingBlaise GreenieD DontCallMePans and Theo Nott.

11:22 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

GMoney AlphaDraconis I cant get into the club. Can you come out and talk to the bouncer?

11:25 PM on June 5th from NitTwit

AlphaDraconis Im so fucking lit right now. GMoney was right – this is some good shit. Woo!

11:46 PM on June 5th from i-Magitext

GMoney AlphaDraconis Seriously. Let me in, mate.

11:48 PM on June 5th from NitTwit in reply to AlphaDraconis

AlphaDraconis We all just dropped Ecstasy courtesy of AmazingBlaise. As if this evening werent entertaining enough.

12:03 PM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis I probably shouldnt mix alcohol, cannabis, and Ecstasy. But I just did. Oh well. . . . .

12:07 PM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis OMFG! I just watched my wife snog my ex girlfriend after they both gave me a lap dance. Ecstasy FTW!

12:32 PM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Fuck. Potters here. Alone. Stalker!

12:46 PM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis LOL! AmazingBlaise and Theodore are dry-humping each other on the dance floor to Love Game by Lady GaGa. GreenieD is not amused.

1:07 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Lets have some fun. This beat is sick. I wanna take a ride on your broom stick.

1:08 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Chosen1 Quit staring at me from the bar and come here.

2:06 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis Pansy just sicked up in the champagne bucket while Astoria held back her hair. Just like old times.

2:07 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis I shouldnt be tweeting this, but fuck it. I just snogged Harry Fucking Potter.

2:41 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco I got a strand of Potters hair. 30th birthday? ; )

2:43 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Theres more if you want. Meet me in the cloak room.

2:45 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis That didnt happen. Im hallucinating. I didnt just . . . FUCKING HELL!

3:03 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis With Potter, no less. Fucking Hell.

3:04 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

Chosen1 AlphaDraconis Come off it, Malfoy. You wanted it. And you liked it. A LOT.

3:06 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AlphaDraconis In bed with my wife, as it should be. Going to sleep. Gnight tweeps.

4:45 AM on June 6th from i-Magitext

AmazingBlaise AlphaDraconis AstoriaLurvesDraco GreenieD DontCallMePans Chosen1 Guess what? That wasnt Ecstasy. It was paracetamol. SUCKERS!!!

11:39 AM on June 6th from wizardweb