A/N: Sooo, I seem to have disappeared for over 5 years. My bad! I know I really slacked off on this story, and I don't expect any of you to still be keeping up with it. I found this file (Chapter 50) on my laptop and I've decided to post it, even though it's unfinished. I just thought I owed it to some of you to know what would've happened if I had kept writing this story. I'm a very different person now than I was 5 years ago, so I don't have the motivation to keep writing. I apologize – enjoy this last bit of Seth and Alicia!

Summer passed quickly; before I knew it, October was here. And with October came even more rain, unfortunately. Rain still depressed me, even with Seth's warmth to keep my spirits up. And since our summer had been so nice, I was sad to see the returning clouds.

I was staring out the window above the kitchen sink, feeling a slight sense of anxiety. My mind had been racing all day long…I just couldn't calm myself down. The tops of the pine trees were bent by the wind, and rain splattered the window in short bursts. I sighed and returned to washing the dishes, my hands shaking slightly. Seth had just finished a huge meal of steak and potatoes, with a pint of ice cream for dessert. I'd had a much smaller portion, but it still left me with plenty of dishes to wash since our dishwasher had broken about a week ago. Oh joy.

I felt Seth's strong arms wrap around my waist, and I gasped with surprise. I still hadn't gotten used to his silent movements. His warmth felt good on my stomach, and I managed a small smile.

"You look so sad. Are the dishes that depressing?" he teased me, gently gliding his fingers across my stomach.

"It's raining." I pouted, trying to clear my head of other thoughts that might distract me.

"Aw, I'm sorry." he crooned, kissing the top of my head.

I set the last plate aside and leaned back into Seth's warm embrace. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Do you know what today is?" he asked me quietly.

"Um...the seventh?" I said, fumbling for the date. All I knew is that today was a very special day. Then it hit me. Today was our anniversary. Our very first anniversary. "Oh!" I said aloud, smiling. I was thinking of other reasons why today was special.

Seth chuckled. "You're so slow sometimes, but I still love you."

Still smiling, I opened my eyes. I turned around and gave him a big hug, breathing in his wonderful scent as I pressed my face against his chest. "I love you too. So how are we gonna celebrate?"

He shrugged, rubbing my back. "It's up to you, baby."

"I just wanna relax. Popcorn and a movie in bed sound good to me." I just wanted to lie down and rest with him; be close to him. Talk to him…

He grinned. "Anything in bed sounds good to me."

I giggled, letting go of him to start making the popcorn. "Do you mind if we watch a girly movie?" I asked him sweetly, feeling less anxious.

"I guess not." he laughed, sitting down at the bar and watching me with adoration in his eyes as I moved about the kitchen. "I can't believe you've been mine for a year."

I smiled. "Technically I was yours even before we got married."

"But it wasn't official. And our honeymoon really made you mine." he grinned wolfishly.

I hid my blush, pulling the first bag of popcorn out of the microwave and pouring it into a bowl. Then I grabbed a second bag and began popping it. Seth would eat a bag and a half, and I'd eat the other half.

We carried the popcorn and sodas upstairs to our room, setting them down on our nightstand. I picked out the movie Made of Honor and put the disc into the DVD player. I loved this movie, it was so sweet. And funny too.

I crawled over next to Seth on our bed and settled myself under his arm, grabbing the remote to press "play".

"How many times have we watched this movie now?" Seth asked me, rubbing my shoulder.

"I lost count at eleven."

He laughed, eating a handful of popcorn. Then he looked down at me mischievously. "I gotta fix this." he said, unbuttoning the first three buttons of my shirt.

I swatted his hand away. "Come on now, we're watching a movie." I scolded lovingly.

"I'm not watching the movie. I'm watching you." he replied smoothly.

I smiled to myself, blushing again. "Then watch me quietly." I whispered, still smiling.

And so he did, gazing upon me silently for fifteen minutes straight. I was starting to worry again. Was there something wrong? Was he scrutinizing my body? No, of course not; this was Seth. He loved me, no matter what I looked like. I finally gave in. "What do you want from me?" I asked, covering my face to shield myself from his eyes.

He chuckled, removing my hands gently. "I don't want anything, baby."

I raised an eyebrow, staring him down.

"I'm serious!" he said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I'm just admiring your beautiful body, that's all. You know, reflecting on this past year and stuff." He gave me his irresistible smile that made my heart melt.

I sighed, crawled on top of him, and folded my arms over his chest. "Tell me what you've reflected on so far." I said, laying my chin down on my arms.

He grinned. "Well, for one thing, if I'd done that with your shirt a year ago you would've nearly died of embarrassment."

I had to laugh. "Very true, you could've killed me many times by now because of your stupid hormones."

"And a year ago you weren't so comfortable climbing on top of me." he smirked.

"True." I agreed easily as he ran his warm hands under my shirt and along my lower back, massaging my tense muscles. I was such a wreck today…

"A year ago you were still a virgin."

"So were you." I countered, poking his nose.

"A year ago you couldn't even dream of having a baby." he said softly.

"I dreamed...I just didn't speak." I said, looking away nervously. What was he getting at?

"Really?" he asked.

"Of course. Almost every girl in the world dreams about having kids one day...I was just a little more cautious about it than some others. I didn't think I could handle it. I still don't." I admitted, frowning.

His face had a look of thoughtfulness, and then he smiled. "You know, I used to talk with Edward about it. For some reason I had this idea that you didn't want to have a baby with me because you were afraid it would be...I dunno...a monster or something."

I gasped. "What? Never!" I assured him, clinging to his chest and wrapping my legs around his waist. "Did I freak you out that badly?" I asked, slightly saddened. I was on edge today, and he was only making me feel worse…unintentionally, of course.

He chuckled. "It's okay, no worries." He removed his hands from under my shirt to stroke the side of my face. "Guys can have insecurities too, you know."

I smiled again. "I know, but still...if I had to have a baby with anyone in the whole world it would be you." I crawled forward to kiss him softly, but he pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. I tangled my fingers into his hair and kissed him passionately, letting go of all my fears and worries of the day. This was Seth. My Seth. My amazing, understanding, wonderful Seth.

He gently rolled us both over so that he was on top, and we continued kissing. He unbuttoned the rest of my shirt and tried to start on my pants, but I stopped him. I held his hands and shook my head, feeling very self-conscious at the moment. It was so hot in the room…or was it just me?

He frowned, a little hurt by the rejection. "Baby?" he asked softly.

I bit my lip, feeling terrible. "I'm sorry, it's just that…well…" I didn't know how to phrase it.

He backed off, being courteous, but I could tell he was disappointed. I usually only stopped him if I was really bothered by something or if I was PMSing… He laid down next to me, folding his arms behind his head.

"Seth, I…" I started, feeling worse by the second. At that second, I wished he was Edward so he could read my mind and understand everything…


I smiled sadly. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings…"

"You didn't. It's fine." he said bluntly.

"Seth, it's not that I don't wanna do anything…" I said a bit seductively, cuddling up against him. "I just need to talk to you. Without anything to distract you." I said, kissing his cheek.

"What do you wanna talk about? It's our anniversary. We're supposed to celebrate." he said, frowning slightly due to irritation and disappointment.

I huffed, wishing so badly that he could read my mind. "Baby, please listen. Today is a very special day. And you're right, a year ago I was a virgin and never dreamed of having a baby. I still don't dream of it."

His eyes were wide, but he masked most of his shock. "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked quietly. "You don't want…?"

I shook my head vigorously, grabbing his hands. "No, baby. Please let me finish."

He rolled his eyes, expecting the worse.

"I don't dream of it anymore. 'Cause it's real life now. It's part of my life now. Our life." I said softly, looking deep into his eyes.

He looked back at me, and suddenly he understood. "You mean…?" His eyes were bright with anticipation.

I nodded, suddenly feeling the urge to cry. "I'm having a baby. I'm having your baby." A tear slid down my cheek. "I'm having our baby."

I'll never forget the look of pure happiness that radiated from his eyes at that moment. My earlier rejection was forgiven, and he pulled me into a tight hug as more silent tears escaped from my eyes.

"I'm sorry I was so…rude." he whispered, stroking my hair. "Now I know why you've been so tense today. But why?"

I looked up, feeling embarrassed now. "I dunno…I didn't know how to say it. I didn't know how you'd react. But I was stupid…I knew all along that you'd be fine with it."

He chuckled, kissing me softly all over. "I'm more than fine with it. I'm so happy, you have no idea. To be honest, I still had a little bit of doubt…I thought you really didn't want a baby. More specifically, my baby." he confessed sheepishly.

I kissed along his neck and cuddled into his chest. "It's the only baby I'd ever want to have." I reassured him.

We spent the next half hour smiling at each other and holding each other; just being with each other. I was entirely relaxed now, and that in turn made Seth feel so much better. He suddenly felt the need to be especially careful when he touched my stomach, and the look in his eyes was so affectionate that it made me blush. He really was happy.

"So, are you sure you're ready for me to get fat and moody?" I asked, smiling as he traced his fingers over my bare stomach.

"Bring it on." he grinned, kissing my cheek.