The Heir of the Phoenix

by: Adaeze Mermaid


Hermione is the human daughter of Fawks and his dead mate. Hermione learns the truth just as her 7th year begins thanks to death eaters attacking her. With her new knowledge of who she is Hermione must continue to keep her heritage secret as well as her new powers as well as try and master them before the final battle. All while keeping her feelings for her Potions Master secret.

What a final year.

Chapter 1

Sitting alone a young woman sat by herself in a compartment on the large red steam engine as she watched the country side roll on pass her window. So engrossed in the landscape the woman never heard a group of young adults sitting down till she heard her name being called.....


she still didn't answer. The messy black haired man with glasses that held shining green emerald eyes yelled to get the woman's attention and it worked.


she snapped her head around and gasped

"oh Harry i didn't hear you come in. How was your summer?" Hermione Granger asked.

Her Bushy hair had as if over night decided to die completely and start to lighten to almost a dirty blond. And her once brown chocolate eyes were now becoming lighter as well and changing colors.

Ron Weasley with red hair freckles and blue eyes looked at his friend and felt jealousy over her new looks. "So Mione, whats with the new look?"

Hearing the anger in his undertone Hermione sighed "I didn't do this on purpose Ron, i woke up one day over summer and my hair was becoming a lighter color and same with my eyes. I kinda like my new look. although I think I'm adopted."

the compartment filled a pregnant silence. finally Ginny Weasley laughed "well I think you look sexy and any boy at Hogwarts will drool over you."

Hermione smiled at her best friend. "I can always count on you Ginny to make me laugh."

Ron was still being an idiot. "well I liked you the other way. change back…."

Hermione sighed "Ron I won't change back….."

And then he said the most stupid thing he could think of.

"But the other way you were ugly and no one wanted to your friend and I could ask you to do anything….."

Suddenly the compartment began to heat up and Hermione was glowing as her hands fisted and she became beyond angry at what Ron had just said about her.

Harry suddenly looked up when Fawks suddenly appeared in a flash of bright white light and landed on Hermione's shoulder causing the heat to lower and Hermione to fall to sleep after she calmed down.

Looking at Fawks watching over the passed out Hermione Harry thought to himself.

Wow that's weird; Hermione's body looked like it was on fire for a second there before fawks appeared.

Harry got up "Come on Ron I'm getting you out of here before you say something truly stupid and end up at the end of one of Hermione's spells."

With that said he pulled Ron by neck of his robes out of the compartment leaving Ginny to be with Hermione while fawks sat by Hermione's sleeping head.


Flames danced around her as she stood in the middel of a valcano without being touched by the heat or the boiling lava.

Looking aorund she came to find a throne before her.

Sitting in the throne were a man and woman.

The woman's eyes were violet and her hair was black and atop her head held in place with a crown that had diamonds in it's headset.

The man's eyes were blue and his hair was black as well and cut to his neck while he wore a simple crown on his head with emeralds and diamonds.

They were dressed in matching outfits fit for royalty Wizards.

The woman smiled and held out her hand as she stood up.

"Come to me darling."

Walking to the woman who looked so familar is was wierd Hermione went without a thought.

The man smiled when Hermione was before him.

"Do you know who i am Hermione?"

with a shake of her head the man laughed.

"oh but you do my dear you know me as the phoenix within the headmasters office at hogwarts."

"Fawks?" she gasped as the simularities came to her mind.

"but you're human."

he chuckled as he took hold of his wife's hand.

"yes i am i just choose to be in my animagus form. Now then do you know you're here?"

Again she shook her head. The woman smiled and pulled her to sit next to her on a small thorn in between the two of them.

"Hermione child, we." He motioned to his wife and himself.

"We are you birth paretns my dear you are the daughter of two phoenix royalty."

suddenly it all clicked in her mind.

"that;s why i was glowing just a few minutes ago when Malfoy made me so pissed?"

nodding her head the woman smiled.

"yes my dear. my name is Senka Ombra your father's name is not Fawks that was given to him in his animagus form his name is Itzal Ombra, and your birth name we gave you when you were born is Zilla. I know our names mean shadows, but for some reason it's what we were named."

Hermione was shocked to learn who she really was.

"So is that why i'm so powerful? i'm a phoenix and a pureblood?"

Fawks shook his head.

"what does it matter if you're a pureblood or not. You are still Hermione Zilla Ombra Granger."

Looking at her paretns she sighed as she tought of something.

"I can not tell anyone about this can i?"

They nodded their heads and hermione sighed.

"Ok i won't i promise mom and dad i promise i won't tell anyone who i really am. And i'll try and keep my anger under control."

Itzal smiled and kissed her head. Senka smiled and pulled off her pendent and placed it around her neck. engraved on the pendent was a phoneix with an "O" over lapping.

"Keep it safe and keep it hidden. we love and your father shall be with you always."

"what about you mom, can't you come visit me as well?"

Itzal sighed.

"Zilla your mother is dead, she died giving birth to you, her soul can only come visit you when you sleep. But i can come visit you becasue i am still alive."

Nodding hermione hugged her mother one last time and kissed her father's cheek as she felt herself being woken.

~end dream~