Disclaimer: This is just getting wierd now, the dream where I own Naruto and all it's characters, it's becoming too real for my liking. I could end up in anime jail or something for trying to steal them. GAH Masashi Kishimoto, this isn't over yet! They will be mine! All mine! Nyahahaha! xD

Naruto just narrowly avoided multiple kunais from hitting his leg. The jounin jumped from building to building trying to escape all the weapons that were being aimed in his direction.

"What the hell do you want here?" He screamed at the man who was trying desperately to capture him. Naruto could already tell what these men might want with him due to their cloaks.

"Why Naruto-kun, all the Jinchuuriki are now ours and it's finally your turn!" The man replied the blonde's question smirking at the look of disbelief that crossed the teenager's features.

"You have all the bijuu, it's only been a few months since you got Gaara's!" The blonde couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'There's no way even Akatsuki could capture all the Jinchuuriki in such a short amount of time.' Naruto's body shook with rage as he continued to run in the direction where his friends were desperately trying to protect the citizens of Suna.

"Correction Naruto-kun; we have all the Jinchuuriki but one. Can you guess who that one is?" The smirk on the orange haired man's face was starting to grate on Naruto's nerves. His eyes widened when he realised that he was the only Jinchuuriki left, he had lost his unknown family, the family of people who knew the hate and pain he grew up with. Naruto's body tensed when he saw the man suddenly appear before him, his body relaxed like the blonde wouldn't even be able to put up a fight. Naruto had improved himself past jounin level, he had endured gruesome years with Jiraiya-sensei in order to become stronger and protect all the people he loved. He used is kage bunshin no jutsu to summon a shadow clone who would help create his rasengan. Not to the blonde's surprise, Pein side stepped the attack which allowed the blonde to use the opportunity and take his final steps to come into the clearing where all his friends and comrades were busying themselves with fending off Akatsuki members.

"Naruto, I was worried about you, what's going on here? I thought Akatsuki already attacked Suna. What could they possibly want this time?" Sakura knew a little about Akatsuki and the Jinchuurikis. She knew her beloved friend was one of the hosts carrying the curse of the bijuu within them.

"Sakura, I can't believe it but Akatsuki already have all the bijuu and they're after me. I have to get out of here because I'm putting everyone in danger and I don't want that." The blonde said to his friend who punched another ninja in the gut with her brute strength.

"Naruto you baka, you can't go on your own, they'll over power you. I know you're strong but almost every living Akatsuki member is here and even you are going to have trouble fending them all off." The pink haired Kunoichi protested her friend's decision. There was no way she Haruno Sakura would let Uzumaki Naruto fight a battle on his own. They had become close friends since Sasuke had left for Sound and the medical ninja promised she would fight with Naruto till the very end. She had gained a high level of respect for the obnoxious ninja.

"But Sakura-chan, innocent people are getting hurt. They have nothing to do with me; I can't just let them fall by the hand of Akatsuki?" Most people would say Naruto was a determined and caring person, but not Sakura, she called him a stubborn idiot for always putting everyone else's safety before his own. She figured that was also partly the reason she respected him so much.

"Sakura-chan, look out!" Naruto yelled at his friend who's mind didn't seem to be on the battle field they were currently in.

The pink haired ninja turned around to find a rather large man looming over her ready to strike, before she knew it a kunai came in contact with the ninja's throat causing him to stumble backwards and fall limply as blood poured out of the wound on his Adam's apple.

"Thank you Naruto!" She replied as her friend summoned a vast majority of shadow clones to deal with the missing ninja Akatsuki had hired for their ambush. Sakura thought it rather strange that Akatsuki knew about Naruto's new power because they normally wouldn't have sent all their members to retrieve their target.

"Sakura-chan, pay attention, this place is swimming with ninjas!"

The battle continued and Naruto summoned more shadow clones whom busied themselves with the missing ninja. The real Naruto continued to fight his way through all the shinobi attacking him before his eyes fell on Sasuke and Neji who seemed to be struggling with the Akatsuki members they were fighting.

"Naruto, what are you doing here? You know they're after you!" Neji shouted at his lover as he aimed a kick at the man he was fighting. The man seemed rather strange, he reminded the brunette so much of his red head lover. The unknown man also seemed to control puppets just like Kankuro but his knowledge about the jutsu was far superior to the Kazekage's brother.

"Neji, I can't hide while innocent people are dying because of me. This is ridiculous!" Naruto screamed as the Akatsuki member with orange hair once more appeared before him.

"How clever of you Naruto-kun, you know you can spare these people's life by just coming with us freely. I swear we'll make the process as painless as we possibly can." Pein smirk grew in magnitude as he saw Naruto actually considering his offer.

"Dobe don't be fucking ridiculous. You never give up! Now fight back with all your might!" The raven snapped Naruto out of his thinking state. The young Uchiha himself was fighting an Akatsuki member with long blonde hair and blue eyes. The physical resemblance with Naruto was apparent but Sasuke knew his lover's sun kissed golden hair and wouldn't settle for any less. There was also the matter of the ninja having a maniacal glint in his deep blue orbs.

"Shut up brat un; I'll use my art to blast you into a new dimension un. You and your brother, you really piss me off, I suppose I should be nice to you because you killed him but I hate you because I can't have my revenge now un. You'll pay un!" The ninja with blonde hair replied as he made multiple clay bugs using the mouth in his hand. He threw the creatures at Sasuke using a jutsu which caused them all to explode. Sasuke saw the attack coming with his Sharingan and flew into the sky activating the second stage of his curse seal.

"Deidara, be careful with this one, he's a lot stronger than he looks!" The ninja fighting Neji shouted at his blonde comrade. They'd always gone on missions together and the silent red head had grown to enjoy the other's presence and company though he would never openly admit it to anyone.

"Hai Sasori-senpai un! I won't get myself hurt by such a prick un. You don't worry and finish your fight with your opponent un." The ninja now known as Deidara used his clay bombs to create flying creatures which were sent after the Uchiha.

"Yeah I suppose you're right Deidara, I'll finish this quickly. Pein-sama, I'm going to use that technique." Sasori unleashed the power of his best and most powerful jutsu and summoned the previous Kazekage of Suna whom had the ability to control magnetic rock and sand. Neji eyes grew wide with fear as several metal boulders created by the special sand and rock flew in his direction. He managed to dodge the once that were coming in his direction, but unbeknownst to Neji, the ninja known as Sasori knew about the blind spot of the Byakugan.

"NO NEJI! BEHING YOU!" HE heard Naruto screaming desperately in the background, his voice drowned in regret, sorrow and despair. The brunette looked behind him to see what his lover was yelling at. It was too late. Everything fell quiet. Naruto eyes grew with terror as he saw his lover's blood splatter as the spear like weapon went straight through his head.

"NEJI!" Naruto yelled out but couldn't hear the words he was speaking. He knew his lips were moving but no sound was coming out. He fell to the floor as his body was being enveloped in the red chakra shrouding him in the fox's demon's cloak.

The blonde growled animalistically. His eyes turned into burning red slits, his claws grew in size as he bared his fangs to the slowly retreating Akatsuki member. He turned around to find the orange haired member looking unfazed at him.

"See what you did Naruto-kun? Because of you, your comrade just died a gruesome death. He could have grown to be such a promising ninja with a family of his own. You had to let him die. His future has now been brutally ripped apart. How do you feel about this Naruto?" Pein asked smirking. He knew his words were sinking into the boy's mind.

Naruto growled his heart out as Pein's words started to settle in his head. Blood tears spilled out of those crimson stained eyes. Naruto could feel the fox roar inside him as the cloak seeped and dissipated into the night's sky.

"N-Neji." Naruto called his lover's name repeatedly hoping the other would just get up and hug him and tell him everything would be okay. More red streaks ran down his scarred cheeks as he watched the pouring rain wash away Neji's blood. Naruto vaguely tried to remember when the rain had so steadily started to pour down.

Sasuke felt the demon's chakra and looked down from his fight to see that Neji had fallen by the hands of the Akatsuki member they called Sasori. His eyes travelled to where he felt Naruto's demon's chakra leaking out and saw his friend crying on the floor, the rain attempting to wash out those blood filled tears but in vain as they poured out continuously.

"Naruto." Sasuke muttered inside his breath when he felt something explode behind his back causing him to scream in agonising pain.

"You're fighting me un. Don't get distracted or you'll die un!" Deidara commented as he smirked at the man he looked up to. He knew his senpai was only dragging out the fight; he could have killed the long haired brunette the instant the fight begun.

"Don't take me lightly you bastard!" Sasuke willed snakes to come out of every angle in his body and sent them towards the blonde Akatsuki member he was fighting.

"You and your friend will pay for hurting Naruto." The snakes grew larger and larger and they surrounded Deidara choking the life out of him. Sasuke was certain that he was going to kill the Akatsuki member as his skin turned bluer than that shark guy who followed Itachi around. He was proven wrong when metal boulder split his snaked in half and freed the ninja he was strangling to death.

More of those metal looking boulders were sent upwards attempting to crush Sasuke. The raven easily avoided the boulders. As he was occupied with evading the attacks, he failed to notice the Akatsuki member with orange hair pick Naruto up and slung him over his shoulder. When the boulders stopped coming, he looked down to find the ninja he was about to kill summon a big bird. Sasuke instantly froze when he saw the mass of golden hair slung over someone's shoulder. Naruto was being laid down on the bird and they were going to escape with him. Sasuke couldn't will his body to move. He heard Sakura scream in the distance and her shrill cry snapped him out of his daze; he collected chakra in his hands as he formed one of his most deadly attacks. Chidori. He was about to attack the ninja's kidnapping his ex lover when he felt an agonizing pain shoot up his right arm. He looked to his right to see his wing had been crushed and shattered by two huge boulders. He screamed out in pain when the heavy things started to pull him down towards the floor. As he fell, another boulder came towards him and crushed his other wing. The boulders dissipated back into the magnetic shattered rock and sand. It was too late, the raven couldn't make use of his wings to break his fall; he crashed down with a large thud and screamed in pain.

Before he's mind slipped into unconsciousness, he saw one of the Akatsuki members pick up Neji's limp body and hurl him onto the bird. The remaining Akatsuki took off on the large white bird which was occupying his one and only love as they disappeared into the dusk.

The rain poured down with a vengeance perfectly emphasizing the painful event that had just occurred.

I woke up in a white room and figured that I was in a hospital. My head played the happenings what had happened and I couldn't help but cry when I thought of the possibility of never seeing my Naruto again; never seeing that wide grin again. Grief struck me as I thought about the progress we had started to make. I heard a shuffling noise in the corner of the room and immediately wiped the tears away from my face. After calming down, I leaned back into the pillow defeated as I waited for Sakura to come closer.

"You're finally awake Sasuke." Sakura had dropped the honorific in my name since I returned to the village. It made me happier to know that she had grown out of her childish obsession. It gave me reason to finally acknowledge and respect her as a person. If it was any other moment, I would be relieved and happy but right now nothing could sooth the dull ache and relight the bright flame that had been quenched in my heart.

What Sakura had said finally registered in my head and I gave her a questioning look. "What do you mean, 'you're finally awake Sasuke?' How long have I been unconscious?"

"Umm about three days. Your wings were crushed and you lost a lot of blood and chakra." She replied me as she came to sit on the couch next to my bed. It took a while to notice what she had once again said. When it did, my mind snapped and I began to panic.

"What do you mean Sakura? Why didn't you just punch me awake or something? Sakura, they're probably already extracting Kyuubi from Naruto. He's going to die Sakura and it's my fault because I couldn't protect him!" I continued to kick and trash on the bed until I felt a palm slap me across my face. I looked stunned at Sakura.

"It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. We were just overpowered by Akatsuki." She stated looking me dead in the eye. I wondered when she got all this courage. She could never speak like that to me before I left for Sound.

"You weren't even there Sakura. I watched them take him away." I couldn't help but blame myself. If I had just been a little stronger, I could have saved Naruto.

She sighed once more at my ignorance and stubbornness before continuing to talk.

"Sasuke, it wasn't just you, none of us could protect Naruto the way we wanted to, but that doesn't give you enough reason to sulk about it, instead get your bastard ass up and go train to become stronger because we're going to rescue Naruto." I was taken aback by what she said, how could we rescue Naruto when it had already been three days, Orochimaru had once told me that it took two days to extract a bijuu from a Jinchuuriki. I had no idea how we were going to rescue Naruto when we didn't even know Akatsuki's whereabouts. I looked up once again to meet her resolute emerald orbs. I couldn't help but believe in the determination they held.

"How can we save him Sakura? They've probably completed tearing apart Kyuubi from Naruto." I would listen to what ever plan they had. If they believed Naruto wasn't dead, then I would risk my life to bring him back home.

"Well Sai sent messages to Lady Tsunade using his ninja art…" I kept quiet waiting for her to continue what she was going to say.

"It turns out, the Jinchuuriki Akatsuki captured was a fake. He had manipulated them and made a copy of his body. They have to seal the tailed beasts in order so they can't seal Naruto until they have the eight tails. Naruto is still alive-…"

"Because the Jinchuuriki needs to be alive for them to extract the Bijuu and Naruto has the strongest one so they can't afford killing him." My eyes sparkled with the same determination as Sakura's as I finished her sentence for her.

"Precisely" she smiled lightly at me before getting off the chair she was sitting on and walked towards the door. She paused and leaned on the doorframe.

"So Sasuke, get your ass up and start training. We're going to get Naruto back!"

"When are we going to rescue him?" I asked; I wanted to do some training so I could get more power, but I also didn't want to waste any time.

"We move in three days, Kakashi discovered where Akatsuki are hiding using Pakkun to trace Naruto's scent. Tsunade said within three days and no one is to argue with the timing." With that said she left the room and left me alone to my thoughts. I had made my resolve; I would bring Naruto back at all cost. His life came before mine and I wouldn't settle for failure. I jumped out of the bed and got dressed. I made my way to the hospital cafeteria to get a descent meal before heading out to training.

"Three days dobe; in three days I'm going to save your ass and nothing is going to stop me!" I shouted out looking at the saffron sky momentarily before resuming my training.

"Gaara, you can't go with them, I know they took away both your lovers but you're still the Kazekage of Suna. You can't act so rash. Think of the danger you'll be putting everyone in the village if you just suddenly abandon us." The Kazekage's hot head sister was trying to argue the red head's decision in going to save his lovers. She continued to talk about how the villagers would stop trusting him because he's deserting them.

"Temari, shut the hell up!" Gaara scowled at his sister causing the blonde woman to clamp her mouth shut. Gaara radiated anger and he had a killing intent surrounding him; the same kind he used to have before he met Naruto.

"Do you know how much they mean to me Temari, how much he means to me? He saved me, on more than one occasion. I don't give a damn about what the village thinks of me. Naruto comes first. If it wasn't for him, the village would have killed me by now." With each word, the Kazekage became angrier. He let out all his raw emotion. He thought about the first time he ever fought Naruto; the blonde had been determined to help Gaara even though the red head was out to kill him. The blonde haired loving ninja thought Gaara the meaning of friendship and love. He thought Gaara the true meaning of strength and how to obtain it.

Temari couldn't help but feel sympathy for her younger sibling. She knew how close Gaara, Neji and Naruto were. She couldn't even begin to imagine the sorrow her brother must have been feeling. She'd always been grateful to the blonde from saving her sibling from himself.

"Temari, you know we're not going to change his mind. In all honesty, I know where you're coming from but I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I stopped him." Kankuro finally spoke after listening to the words his sister and brother exchanged with each other. He wasn't sure if this was going to be the best decision for the village but he figured the citizens owed Gaara at least this much after all the suffering and pain they caused him.

Sighing Temari just shook her head at her brother's stubbornness but she too understood what Kankuro was trying to say. The village really needed to see how much they needed Gaara. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled brightly at her knuckle head brothers. She exited the room throwing both boys a slight wave of her hand.

"Yeah just make sure you bring him back safe and sound!" The red head smiled at his sister's encouragement knowing that was her way of wishing him good luck.

"So what are you going to do when you get there? I hope you know the Uchiha is also planning to save Blondie with his own two hands." Kankuro couldn't help but feel worried for his younger brother in case Naruto chose the raven over him. He seriously doubted the possessive Uchiha would be willing to share like Neji. As he looked at his brother, he continued to wonder why Akatsuki had also taken Neji with them. He got side tracked when his Kazekage gave him a genuine smile.

"Don't worry about that Kankuro. It doesn't matter if he falls for the Uchiha. I saw them in the garden and I know he won't be mine for long. Though I would love to be with Naruto forever, I just want him to be happy and if he finds happiness with the bastard of an Uchiha, I'll be content with his decision. A relationship with me would be too complicated for him either way because I can't relieve my position and duties as Kazekage and I couldn't possibly make him come and live here because he still has his dream to become Hokage." Kankuro looked shocked at his brother's speech, not necessarily at the boy's words but the fact that his brother was capable of speaking so much in a conversation. He let the shocked feeling waver as he too got up and hugged his brother from behind.

"Just make sure you don't over do it okay and you better come back safely otherwise Temari will find a way to bring you back to life just so she could have the honour of torturing you and killing you herself for making her worry." Kankuro smirked and pulled away from his younger brother when he felt the boy's body tense unnaturally.

Elsewhere, Naruto awoke in a cold cell. It had a tiny window with which he could see the light of the luminescent moon; the light which illuminated one tiny corner in the dark cell. He wondered why he wasn't dead yet. He suddenly wished for death when he thought about everything that happened that night; that gruesome night where his lover had been brutally killed. He felt hot tears make their way down his cheeks. He walked away from the only light source in the dark, cold and empty cell in favour of cradling himself in a lonesome corner.

He heard someone chuckle on the other side of the door and he lifted his head up slightly to examine the figure staring down at him.

"Awh don't you look depressed Naruto-kun." The figure came closer to Naruto until he was leaning directly before the blonde.

"Why you bastard, you killed Neji. N-Neji!" Naruto fought himself to keep the tears that were threatening to spill at bay. He didn't want to accept the fact that Neji had died like that. He was so sure Neji would be able to avoid the attack from hitting him but he was wrong. He felt the tears once more stain his cheeks as he cried silently into his hands.

"Pein-sama, that's enough already." Naruto's ears perked up at the voice. It was so familiar; his head told him it was an illusion but he was so sure it wasn't. He had heard it clearly. The blonde slowly raised his head to look at the other cloaked figure that had entered the room. Deep azure eyes stared in disbelief at the person who had entered the cell; this had to be an illusion.


Mwahaha finally third chapter! Though this one is a lot shorter than the other ones, I did my best in writing it. Sorry that it's so late, I've been really cabbaged (ill) and I had to prepare for my Juniors prom.^^
Either way I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Can anyone guess who Naruto is now looking at? Well, u-huh? Maybe you can; maybe you can't! Find out next chapter.
Thanks for reading!

Review if you liked, hated or have some pieces of information for me. They're always appreciated.
Anyways thanks for reading!

Ja~, Pirate out! [=