Harry Potter: The-Boy-Who-Lived, The Chosen One, and the Dark Lord's conqueror himself, crouched behind a large rock contemplating just how important his next move was going to be. He'd been in situations like this before. Indeed, during the second Wizarding War, he'd been thrown in the path of peril more times than he cared to count. Throughout his shining career as an Auror he'd cornered, and on occasion been cornered by, countless Dark Wizards. However, he'd never had trouble selecting an appropriate spell before. He began to worry if he was letting this duel get to him. Surely, he wasn't losing touch, was he?

Over and over again, he ran his options through his head, trying to nail down one specific spell as his best course of action.

Expelliarmus? Perhaps. Levicorpus? Possibly. Pertrificus Totalus? Probably not – it would take too long to shout the incantation. Impedimentia? It would certainly work, that's for sure. Stupefy? No, Stupefy definitely lacked subtly and finesse. He was Harry Potter, after all.

He was totally at a loss as to which spell to use. He certainly didn't want to hurt his target – that was for sure. He most certainly didn't want, or need, that. Sitting here hiding behind to rock surely wasn't helping the situation either: he was almost certain that while he dithered, his quarry would be doing their best to stalk him in turn. Resigned to the fact that if he didn't do something soon, he'd end up finding himself caught in an ambush, Harry decided that the most direct course of action was probably best. That'd work, he was sure – just jump right out from behind the rock and fling whatever spell came to mind.

Or it would backfire terribly.

Steeling himself, he tensed his legs and shifted his wand carefully in his hand to make sure he had it properly in his grip. Sometimes, ever so occasionally, he lamented his decision to not keep the Elder Wand with him. It would've surely come in handy here – given him the edge he needed. He knew quite well that his quarry was quite well known for her duelling prowess, hexes in particular. Having the Elder Wand would surely have granted him an edge both magically and psychologically.

Holding himself entirely still, he listened carefully for any sounds of movement. Nothing but quiet graced his ears for perhaps half a minute until – there! – he heard the quietest rustle of dry leaves shifting underfoot off to his left. His initial suspicious had been correct. While he'd been taking cover, his opponent had been carefully making her way around to flank him.

Crafty little thing. He mused quietly, tensing himself ready to spring. As she took another step, fast as lightning, he sprang, swirling as he rose from cover to face his opponent.

"Expelli..." She started to shout – but he was faster.

"Levicorpus!" He cried, his wand finding his target with practiced ease. Almost faster than he had cast the spell, she rose up as if caught in an invisible rope trap around her leg, her wand clattering to the ground as it slipped from her hand. Harry smiled – as usual; he was again the victor.

"Harry, you bastard! Let me down, right this minute or I swear, I'll... I'll..." she cried, her shouts losing volume as she struggled to find something to threaten him with. Striding confidantly towards her, Harry merely laughed as he savoured another victory.

He continued to approached his opponent carefully – just because she was disarmed didn't mean she wasn't dangerous – until he was almost in arms reach.

"Harry! Harry! You do not want to make me angry, Potter! Did you not hear me? I... I swear, if you don't let me down now..."

Grabbing her by the arm (which was admittedly a bit awkward because she was hanging upside down in the air) Harry spun his incapacitated victim around until she hung face to face with him, and smiling broadly, pressed his lips to hers. From underneath their kiss, Harry could have sworn he heard the words 'let me down' and 'bastard', but they sounded more or less like: "Mfffph Mff Mmm. Mffdph." when he ignored what he expected she was saying.

Despite himself, he smiled. Eventually, as interesting as the sensation of kissing somebody upside down was, both of them needed air, and Harry broke away, stepping back a little to ensure that he wouldn't find himself caught in any sort of flailing.

And flailing did ensue.

"Harry James Potter!" She cried. "If you do not let me down this minute you will never get to do that again, upside down or no!"

"Ginny?" asked Harry – suddenly struck with an impulse he felt he might end up regretting in a few short moments. All he knew was that hanging there flustered and angry had somehow managed to capture Ginny's beauty perfectly in Harry's mind.

"What!?" she screamed, her flailing increasing in intensity. "What could you possibly want right now, while I hang here upside down with blood rushing in my ears?"

Harry gulped. He was about to cross the point of no return. Some disjointed part of his brain realised that in the back of his head he was screaming at himself, What on earth do you think you're doing?, but he carried on nonetheless.

"Ginerva?" He mumbled, a nervous smile breaking out on his face as his mind attempted to derail this most foolish of plans. She's upside down, for God's sake! It called, but he ignored everything he was thinking, ploughing on regardless. Later, Harry would reflect that the moment had just seemed right.

"Ginerva Molly Weasley? Would you..." he faltered, every fibre of his soul committed and every node of his brain screaming No! Fool! "would you marry me?" Blushing awkwardly, Harry fumbled clumsily with the pouch around his neck, withdrawing from the old and worn moleskin a ring he'd been keeping with him for some time now – ever since a few short weeks ago, when, quite sheepishly, he'd asked Arthur Weasley for permission to marry his daughter. He knew that if she saw the ring, then perhaps she'd know he'd at the very least thought about the proposal, that it wasn't just some throwaway gesture.

Once he'd freed the ring that had once belonged to his mother, he held it out to the woman hanging upside down before him, deciding to forgo the traditional kneeling to ensure they were more or less eye to eye.

Even upside down, Ginny managed to look appropriately shocked.

"Harry, I'd just like to check something first." She spoke softly, almost whispering. Beginning to panic, all Harry could manage was a simple dumb nod.

"You didn't just propose to me while I was hanging upside down because of a Levicorpus jinx you yourself cast, did you?"

No longer in the preliminary stages of panic, Harry could barely manage to even nod this time. Ginny is right, Harry thought, what was I thinking?

"That has to be the stupidest excuse for a proposal I've ever heard." Ginny cried, waving her arms in a frantic attempt to impart emphasis. Crestfallen at her apparent rejection, Harry's shoulders slumped.

"And yes," she shouted, "of course I will."

Author's Note: My first (published) Fanfic, although I do have a few others I'm working on in various stages of incompleteness. It's a (kinda) little oneshot I dreamed up while trying to imagine the stupidest way you could propose to somebody. I figured while you had them suspended upside down would work, and, hey presto: Harry Potter fanfiction.

I'm thinking I might take a shot at writing some other proposals. Writing this gave me some ideas. There may or may not be a Ron/Hermione proposal in the works sometime tomorrow.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. Reviews would be nice, I guess.