All Human, slightly OOC, but pretty much IC

Disclaimer: I'm definitely not Stephenie Meyer, she's amazing. And I don't own any of her characters. I just wanted to use the Twilight characters in my story. Thought I'd put this here and get it over with.

Enjoy and PLEASE review :)

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I never thought I'd find myself here, of all places. After all, summers in Washington were the bane of my childhood. And yet here I was, Seattle, Washington.

Maybe I needed a change of scenery. Maybe I wanted to grow up. Maybe I needed to escape. Whatever the reason may be, I finished college, got a huge job opportunity in Seattle, and moved away from warm and sunny Arizona. There was nothing there for me anymore. I was done with school, my mom and her husband Phil had moved to Florida, I didn't have very many close friends anyway (pathetic), and it didn't hurt that my long distance boyfriend lived in Washington.

Seven years ago I would've considered myself crazy moving to Seattle. But now, I'm 24, mature, and I'm ready to face new challenges.

Sure the move was hard, but I get to see my dad Charlie who lives near by, although the visits are usually awkward (I really do love that man though). And I suppose my new boss is a rare kind of crazy, but I've made some new friends and I have my loving boyfriend by my side. What more could a girl ask for? I actually like it here—I think.

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"Alice, I don't know what's going on with him lately."

I sighed to my best friend who was most likely already at the office and just as chipper as ever. Ever since I moved to Seattle she was my go-to girl. We were quite the opposites, for example I hated mornings and she was always a ball of energy—always, but we were still the best of friends. "Bellaaaaa! You're not giving me details!" Alice whined over the phone.

I was already late and I still needed to get some coffee. I was in serious need of caffeine. "Listen, I'm almost there I just need to stop by Starbucks or something. Can't you be patient for once?" I laughed exasperated.

"Only if you get me an iced latte with double shots, I already finished my first. And if you spare me one fact, I need something to keep me thinking until you get here." She replied with—I could only imagine—a smirk on her face.

"You crazy… you know I hate driving and talking on the phone," I muttered as I jerked my steering wheel, both proving my point and avoiding hitting the curb, "I'm uncoordinated as it is. Okay, one fact. Remember how we were supposed to meet for dinner last night? For our anniversary…"

"Yes, yes, go on," Alice urged me.

"Well, the jerk stood me up." I gritted my teeth angrily at the memory.

"He what!?" Alice shrieked into my ear.

"Yeah! I-" and at that moment I looked up but it was too late. There was no stopping. I was already headed to the car right in front of me. But I slammed on the brakes anyway, reflex reaction. The definite sound of my tires squealing and metal hitting metal wrung in my ears. "Dammit…" I groaned as I dropped my phone.

I got out of the car to observe the damage. My old Jetta wasn't too bad, just a dent and a few scratches. The silver Volvo I had hit had a minor dent, hardly noticeable but still something. Stupid shiny Volvo owner…

The owner stepped out and I was temporarily stunned. He was tall, not bulky but definitely muscled with chiseled features, and untidy bronze hair. He looked too professional to be a model or movie star, but he sure had the looks. His lips were pressed in a thin line of annoyance and that set off my mood again. Who does he think he is?

"Hey asshole, are you crazy? Why did you stop all of the sudden?" I walked up to him angrily.

He stopped short and pulled one side of his mouth up in a crooked grin. Damn him! I thought vigorously. Did I have to hit someone so gorgeous? "What? What are you smirking for?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows in attempt to seem intimidating.

He took off his sunglasses and I was struck by stunning green eyes. I flinched slightly but recovered quickly. He looked at his bumper once and then back up at me. I blinked once waiting for his response. He laughed short and gestured to the light, which was red. My jaw dropped as I gaped up at the light, away from him, away from those piercing green eyes, afraid he could see right through me.

"Oh, no…" I groaned and covered my face. It was too late. My cheeks were already burning. I could feel the heat radiating from me from the embarrassment. Why do these things always happen to me? I glanced at my watch; it was already 8:32. Les is going to kill me…

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't realize it was… Oh gosh… I" I stuttered looking frantically around at anywhere but his face.

He glanced down at his watch as well, "Look, I don't have time, I'm sorry. Do you have a business card?" his voice was stern yet silky like honey—it made me want to melt.

"My—sorry?" was my genius response. Great. He wanted my info. Now what? I'm still trying to pay off my loans and now this…

"I said your-" He started but the ring of my phone cut him off. Eager for an escape, I glanced back at my open car door and went to grab my phone. Glancing at the caller ID I saw it was an office number. I cringed and turned away from mystery man. I much preferred the wrath of Les than dealing with Mr. Gorgeous at the moment. I needed to think about the situation.

"Hello?" I answered reluctantly.

"Bella? Jeez, you'll pick up if I call from the office," I was both relieved and horrified to hear Alice's chiming voice, "What was that! You can't tell me your boyfriend stood you up on your anniversary and hang up on me!" Alice's voice blared through my speaker phone. I quickly turned down the volume, almost dropping my phone twice. Mystery man groaned and threw up his hands in frustration.

"Look Alice, now's not the time. I'm sort of in a situation. Can I call you back?" I asked turning my back to mystery man.

"Now's not the time? Come on Bella. Is this some kind of joke?" Alice laughed.

"No look I'll-" I started but got cut off. My phone was now out of my hand and I instinctively looked at the ground, thinking I dropped it. Hesitantly I turned around and sure enough mystery man was programming my number into his phone. "Hey look," I said reaching for my phone but he pulled away too quickly.

"Give me my phone!" I whined childishly. He smirked again and snapped a picture of me with his phone. "Wh-what was that for? I said give me my phone back now! Please."

Seriously, who was this guy? I went back to my car and fumbled through my purse to pull out a business card from my wallet, anything to get him to delete that picture. I was the opposite of photogenic. I sighed handing him my card, "Here, my business card."

He put his phone away and handed me my phone back, trading for my card. He glanced at it once and his smirk turned into a full blown gorgeous crooked smile. I resisted the urge to punch out those pretty straight white teeth. "Now can you please, please, just delete that picture? You have my cell number, work number, e-mail. What would you possibly need that picture for anyway?" I laughed uneasily.

"Nice meeting you Ms. Swan," He flashed a smile at me and put on his sunglasses, turning back to climb into his car.

"Hey, hey wait a minute! Come back!" I exclaimed but his car sped off with a quiet purr.

I stood there in the street, shocked, dazzled, but mostly angry. "Jerk," I muttered climbing back into my car.