AN: Welcome to my missing moments series from Season 3. I know I said it would be one of the things I would work on when I finished Accidents Happen but this came to me last night and I couldn't help but post it. That's another thing, don't expect them to be in order (and don't expect this to become regular until I do finish Accidents Happen). I will tell you the episode the particular moment is correlating to at the beginning of each chapter. That being said…

From the episode: Miley Killed (Hurt the Feelings of) the Radio Star.

Chapter summary: "And last week, Charlie let me hit the wing-ding-ding button."

Charlie Listens In On The Radio Star

"That was just me, Miley, pretending to be a pretty girl named Lilly," He smiled as the blonde girl squirmed, putting her on the air instead of another girl had been a great idea. "POSSOM!" She yelled suddenly, sending a pleading look at her floppy haired friend. He seriously didn't know where the station picked up these kids, they were like poster children for accidents and embarrassment. It. was. AWESOME.

Floppy boy sat down in the chair next to her, still sending her death glares. Huh, wonder why he didn't find it funny. "Hey, you're listening with Smoken Oken and his special guest co-host…" He paused, giving her another look. "Lilly of the Valley." Charlie saw her smile slightly before returning to her look of sheer terror. "We're gonna take a couple calls now, so feel free to call in if you want to talk to the hottest guy in Malibu. Ya'know what I'm saying?"

She was glaring at him now, "You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm not the one who called myself the "grawesomest girl at Seaview High."" He said flatly.

"Two words for you. Chick. Magnet." She shot back smugly.

"That was one time, Lilly!" He argued, "Will you just let it go?"

"I will when you admit I was right," She hissed.

"So, when hell freezes over," He grumbled, crossing his arms over his sweatshirt.

Charlie wiped his free hand to the voiceover button, "You can't say that on the air," He said frantically into his own mic.

"Oh shit…ake mushrooms," Oliver laughed nervously. "So, callers right." He pushed the first button, "Hello, your on with Smoken Oken here on the K-Teen Morning Zoo."

"More like, Ol-loser," He heard Amber Addison's voice on the other end. "And Lilly of Death Valley. Can't wait to see Gabe reject you Monday at school."

Oliver quickly switched the line as Lilly started hyperventilating, "Or another caller. Hey you, you're here with the K-Teen morning crew."

"Hi, um, this is my first time calling," A girl's voice mumbled quietly on the other end.

"Well don't be shy, we're all here for you at the K-Teen Morning Zoo," He said in his announcers voice.

"Okay. Well, I like this boy…" Charlie rolled his eyes, this was how half the calls started at K-Teen studio. Girls calling to bubble over about their latest crush. And Oliver's response was always the same, "Quit whining and ask him out already."

"Lemme guess, doesn't know you exist? Likes another girl? Only sees you as a friend? He's the reason for the Teardrops on Your Guitar?" Oliver sighed, "Well, I think you've gotta-"

"Actually, no. He just asked me out yesterday," She muttered into the phone.

Oliver looked surprised and Lilly leaned into her own mic, "Um, then what exactly is your problem?"

"He wants me to go to the skate park with him," Caller 2 hissed as if it was the equivalent of swimming with sharks. "And I really like him but…seriously, skateboarding? Can't we just go to the movies or something? I mean, I'm a girl."

Oliver's face went blank, and Lilly's went red, "Excuse me?" She spat out. "What is so wrong with a girl who skateboards?"

"Nothing," She said quickly. "I guess. Maybe you wouldn't understand. I mean, I heard like all people on the radio are ugly-"

"Whoa-uh-oh," Oliver laughed into his mic, scooting his chair around a little. "Now, there are a lot of ugly radio personalities out there but Lilly is not one of them. The girl isn't named after a flower for no reason, okay Little Miss Bitter? She's pretty."

"Oh," The girl said in surprise. "And she skates? And gets all sweaty and gross around guys?"

"She skates better than me," She shot him a look. "Like ten times better," She smiled in agreement and nodded at him to go on. "And trust me, you being a beginning skater are going to smell a lot better than him."

"It's true," Lilly nodded. "You won't even to be able to smell your own stink over the reek of his pits. It's basically more falling down and skinned knees."

"Oh cool, I guess I'll go then," Charlie could practically here the girl smile on the other end.

"Good luck," Oliver grinned, giving Lilly a big thumbs up. "Now here's waking up in Vegas by Katy Perry." He pulled off his headphones, flipping his hair. Stupid floppy hair. "That was a pretty decent save."

"Yeah, because there's an upside to social suicide," She muttered, turning away, but he couldn't help but notice Mophead was still smiling at her

- - -

Two hours later the phones were ringing nonstop, and Lilly of the Valley and Smoken Oken were currently talking to a boy who had an unfortunate accident with his dog peeing on his best friend. "Ignore the Ollie Trolley over there," Lilly snorted at Oliver's suggestion that he just pretend it never happen. "Just get him an air freshener as a joke or something. He realizes it's not your fault, but it'll probably help you laugh about it a little sooner."

"But I'm like…broke. I used up the last of my paycheck buying minutes on my cell," He muttered.

Lilly rolled her eyes, "You do realize if you didn't spend pointless time like this on the phone, you wouldn't need a phone card."

"Oh," The guy mumbled.

"Lils! Our calls are not pointless!" He hissed, shooting daggers at her.

"You're right, Oliver. You could better spend it on…say, a chick magnet t-shirt!" She shot and he narrowed his eyes even further. It was kind of funny actually, they almost looked like they were closed.

"It was one time! Let it go!" He shouted at her.

"Uh no, remember when you wore it to my family reunion? And my Uncle Josh kept making the innuendos about us?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah," He chuckled. "Boy can he make one hell of a 'That's What She Said' joke."

"Yeah," She mumbled, swirling her chair to face the mic again. "So Todd, you're gonna wanna buy Coop that air freshener next week." There was no response. "Todd?" Cricket. "Todd?" She sighed, "Probably saw a squirrel. Idiot." She looked at Oliver, "Next caller."

He pushed another line. "Hello, you're on K-Teen, the lean, mean, radio machine."

"Hi, is this Smoken Oken?" The girl asked.

"Yep, can I ask who's calling?" He smirked, and Lilly rolled her eyes. Charlie had to agree, it was kind of annoying how excited he got when girls called him that.

"Um…can you just call me…u-uh, Jill?" She stuttered nervously.

"Sure thing, Jill, whassup?" He mumbled, shoving the last of complimentary doughnut into his mouth.

"Um, nothing much. Just hanging out." She laughed, "Oh god, I'm such a moron, I shouldn't have even called."

"No, come on," Lilly smiled into her mike. "I mean, you can't be any worse than Oliver to talk to ."

"I resent that," He hissed, the remains of chocolate frosting hanging on his mouth.

"God, you two are hilarious together," 'Jill' laughed, and Charlie smiled at them through the glass. They were pretty funny. "Is this gonna be a regular thing now?"

"Um," Oliver muttered, meeting the eyes of his blonde friend. "I don't know. You'll have to turn in next week to see."

"Alright," Jill said. "So you two are, like, best friends, right?"

"Yeah," Oliver smirked. "Since preschool. Lilly had the hots for me back then."

"I only held your hand for the crayons, Oken!" She objected, holding her fist out threateningly.

"Wow," Jill giggled, "My question is actually about my best friend."

"Well, so long as it's not on manners Lilly can probably answer it," He deadpanned, shooting her a look.

"I don't even know how to phrase it," She mumbled, Charlie could hear the windshield wipers of her car go. "The thing is…" She sighed, "It's just…I guess I've known him forever, right? We met when we were, like, six. It was summertime and I heard the ice cream man going buy so basically I begged my parents for money an ran out to meet it. Our neighborhood is pretty big and I had to basically kill myself on my bike to get up the hill at the end of it and catch up with the truck. And just as I got off my bike, it drove off. So I'm sitting there, and I start bawling my eyes out. And this gangly little kid who already has his strawberry shortcake bolts after it screaming and banging on the back until it finally slows down and then he waves me over. And pays for my Choco Taco."

"Wow," Lilly mumbled, clearly stunned by her story. "You remember all that about when you were six?"

"Do you remember the first time you met Oliver?" Jill challenged.

"Um…yeah," She blushed, deliberately not returning her friend's stare. "I was mad because it was supposed to be my turn on the toy cash register. And so I stormed over and demanded he let me let me use his 64-pack…with the sharpener-"

"Or you would punch me," Oliver laughed, and she turned even redder. "And you were so mad that you had to hold my hand that you deliberately broke my Robin's Egg Blue crayon."

"I always like mac and cheese orange," She laughed, shaking her head. "And you should have known better when I'd just threatened to beat you up."

"See?" Jill teased. "You guys are just as sappy as I am," They were silent, avoiding each other's gazes.

Finally Oliver cleared his throat uncomfortably, "So, are you guys in a fight or something?"

"Um, no," She muttered into her end. "Actually, everything's kind of oddly perfect. We bicker and everything, but it's just normal stuff for us. The problem is…lately I feel so… different about him."

"Different how?" Oliver croaked out, gulping.

"Well, I find myself thinking, you know, stuff that I shouldn't about him. Like we went swimming the other day, and I couldn't stop looking at his bare chest…and I just wanted to touch him. Or we'll get ice cream, and I'll find myself staring at him while he eats it. And he'll look up, and ask me if he has something on his face, and I just, you know, smile and shake my head." Charlie heard her swallow hard on the other end. "And he had this girl, he was dating her for like sixth months. I hated her, but I mean he seemed to like her so much, so I just tried not to wanna hit her for him. And he just went on and on and on about how great she was, until a couple weeks ago. He just broke up with her, out of nowhere. And when I asked him why. He just said she was too bossy. I don't really believe him though, but he doesn't seem upset…and some really vain part of me thinks it's because of me."

Lilly's face was stark white. And Oliver's was a sick green, he was still barely forming words, "M-maybe…maybe she is bossy. Maybe, she got so…so…so overpowering all the sudden. And he just doesn't want to…you know…be around that, when he could be hanging out with his…his…" He trailed off, staring at the mic. "Maybe she is," He finished.

"I guess…but then there are these moments…we'll just be laughing like we used to and our eyes will meet…and we'll both stop all the sudden. And I'll get these, oh god," She choked a little. "Butterflies," She whispered, and he can hear the tears in her voice. He almost wanted to join her, but it would be a little weird if the sound guy burst into tears in the middle of a segment. "I think…I think I'm falling for him. I'm just so scared, you know? What if I mess it up? What if he decides he still loves that stupid perfect Amy? What if nothing is ever like it was again? What do I do?"

Charlie didn't even think they were paying attention anymore though, instead they're just staring at each other. And everything he'd been seeing and hearing from them in the last week made sense. This was them, they're two people falling in love for the first time who are scared to death of it and what it'll do the friendship that's been there between them since before they could even feel things like it.

"You can't do anything," He was startled by the sound of Lilly's voice. "You can't really risk it can you?" She said softly.

"No," Jill answered quietly. "That's what I keep telling myself at least, but what if that's the reason we got stuck together so early? What if we're supposed to be together?"

Lilly opened her mouth and then closed it again, shaking her head, "I don't know," She mumbled, staring into her lap. "I really don't know."

Oliver snuck a glance at her sideways and then leaned into his microphone, "It'll happen. If it's meant to be, it will be. It has to." Lilly looked up at him again, and Charlie noticed she had blue eyes for the first time. They were bright, as she nodded at Oliver.

"Whatever will be, will be," She agreed, smiling. "I've got a special dedication for you two, okay?"

"Both of us?" Jill laughed, "I doubt he's even listening. He's probably still sleeping this early on a Sunday."

"All the better, then you won't have to deal with any awkward silences between you because of it," She grinned, clicking a button. "For all of you stuck in relationship limbo out there, here's Only Me When I'm With You by Taylor Swift." She clicks off now, and takes off her head phones.

"You aren't going to stick around?" Oliver asked, jumping up only to be yanked back down when he realized he was still attached to his headphones.

"Nah," She smiled, shaking her blond hair left to right. "My mother wants to take me and Dean to Friendly's. Some kind of 'relationship bonding' thing," She rolled her eyes. "Like what I need is bonding." She opened the door, holding up her hand awkwardly, "Maybe I'll join you next Sunday?"

"Yeah," He nodded. "Sure, whenever." She shut the door behind her and mumbled a hurried goodbye to Charlie as she walked past the sound booth.

Charlie was sure of two things as he watched Oliver stare forlornly down at the phone in front of him. He was pretty much knew that 'Jill's' best friend had been the caller who'd been dialing in and out non-stop during the fifteen or so minutes she'd been talking. And he was positive that Lilly would not be coming back next week.

AN: This turned out a lot longer than I'd originally planned it but I just got going. And this came out. It was kind of developing in my head during the end of the episode and last night but it was only supposed to be three pretty brief calls. The constant chick magnet references are a dedication to Camy99's amazing missing moment story about it go read it, and remind her we Lollies miss her and her awesome story writing. And the ice cream story is inspired by Pwnguin's amazing Lacuna. I hope she doesn't mind me using it, but I was on a writing high and it was the first parallel to crayons that popped into my head. Thank you all for reading all this crazyness, you know I love you. And now I am going to work on my schoolwork like I should be.

Next Missing Moment:

The episode: Ready, Set, Don't Drive

From the POV of: Nancy Oken