A blonde girl with large glasses is standing on a stage. Pushing on the bridge of her glasses with a finger, she picks up a microphone and starts to speak.

"Hi there, all! I'm GrimMoody, author of Okkusenman! And welcome to my show, Bonus Features! Here I'm going to interview the Mega Man robots, as interpreted by the story. Here you'll get to hear not only from them, but also see some deleted or bonus scenes that I couldn't otherwise fit into the story! Well, the good ones, anyway. So everybody please welcome Mega Man, Roll, Bass, and Crystal Bot!"

The sound of canned applause rings out as the aforementioned robots enter the stage and sit down at four different red chairs.

"What, you couldn't get in a real, live audience?" Bass snorted.

"Quiet, you. This is a reading format, and you can't exactly have a live audience for it." GrimMoody answered. "Okay, before we get started, let me discuss the rules. First of all, since reader participation is technically against the guidelines, I won't be taking reviewer questions. Sorry! Possibly I might answer your questions in the future through out my next story in the between classic and X series, How Many People Love You?, so you can post them anyway...hmmm, that's technically against the guidelines, isn't it?"

Mega Man spoke up. "Don't worry about it. I mean, technically any review could have some affect on the story whether you request it or not."

"And didn't you break that rule when you asked people to suggest an alternate name for me?" Crystal Bot put in. "And when you asked them to guess what cheosang hamnida means?"

GrimMoody pauses a moment and thinks about it. "Aw, crap...oops...well, I'll try to be good from now on."

"Why do you care?" Bass remarked. "It's not like the mods here actually do anything."

"That's enough, don't get me in trouble, okay? Now let me finish these rules." Grimm pulls out a card. "Okay, so no reviewer participation, and um, this is a non-canon interview for the characters, so they're not going to remember any of this for the actual story. I'm going to ask them several questions about whatever topic I feel like, and they are required to answer. Okay, so first some introductory questions just to get things started. For everyone, what is your favorite color?

Mega Man answered, "Ah, blue, definitely."

"I like red." said Roll.

"Gold." Bass answered disinterestedly. "Green's okay."

"Pink!" Crystal Bot squealed. "And shiny!"

"Shiny isn't a color." Mega Man pointed out.

"Shut up, dweeb! It is if I say it is!" she stuck her tounge out at him.

"Chill out, Crystal." Grimm went on to the next question. "Alright, if you had to name one person, who would be your hero?"

Bass scoffed. "What a lame question. I'm my own hero."

Crystal Bot thought a moment. "Hey Forte-kun, Rock saved your life. Doesn't that make him your hero?"

Bass glared evily at Crystal until she turned away, giggling nervously.

Mega Man smiled. "I really can't say anyone but Dr. Light. He's really important to me, and he's always been so wise."

"I choose Dr. Light too." Roll answered.

"I, uh, change my answer." Bass reluctantly spoke. "It's Dr. Light."

"Forte-kun!" Crystal Bot gleefully exclaimed.

"Okay, so this next question is for the guys. Out of all the robots, who has been your the most fun to fight?"

Mega Man thought about this for a moment. "Well, I don't fight for the fun of it, but I'd definitely have to say Gravity Man, because not only was he an interesting opponent, but his level was really different and interesting. But I like rescuing people better than fighting."

Bass too thought this was a harder question. "You're expecting me to say Rock, right? Eh, fighting him at first was fun but...he kept getting lucky, so it just got more annoying after that. All the other robots I've ever fought were lame and no challenge at all. I'm going to say Proto Man because I haven't fought him before, and it could be interesting to see how easy he is to defeat."

Mega Man stared at him with horror. "You wouldn't!"

"Did I say I was going to kill him? Relax, you moron. Then again..."

"Alright, I know you're just trying to mess with my head." Mega Man said confidently. "So I'm going to trust in your good nature and not believe that you'll hurt Blues."

"Think whatever you want, Rock. Whatever makes you feel better."

Mega Man cringed with worry as Grimm went on to the next question. "Alright, this question is for Crystal Bot. What exactly do you remember about Crystal Man?"

Crystal answered somberly. "Well, if it weren't for what he had put on Jewel Man's hard drive, I wouldn't remember much at all. Dr. Wily deleted a lot of his memories before letting me have them so that I would think I was the original, but Dad was able to hide some of his memories along with my spare AI, so there's a little something there. Mostly it's just mechanical stuff, so I always ask people for memories of him when I get a chance. Apparently he didn't talk to other people a lot...so, yeah...I keep hoping that somehow I'll find some back ups and be able to rebuild him. I don't think I'll ever be able to though."

"Wow, that's sad." Grimm mentioned. "Fun fact: Crystal Man is my favorite character from the Mega Man series because his music is so awesome. Next question, for Bass. Crystal Bot wasn't Wily's idea, so she doesn't really count in this regard, so why are all of Wily's robots male?"

"Uh, he hates women because he could never get any?" Bass guessed. "Eh, he always was trying, and failing, to build the best robots ever, and I guess he doesn't think a girl-bot would count as ultimate. Considering how lame his robots turned out to be, maybe he should have tried it. But I don't really know for sure."

"Hee hee, imagine Forte-kun as a girl!" Crystal Bot squealed. "so cute!"

"NO." Bass grimaced. "Never say that again!"

"Well, as it so happens," Grimm winked. "I have Dr. Wily on the camera phone from prison. Why don't we ask him?"

Bass groaned as a screen behind all four robots turned on, and Wily in a orange jumpsuit appeared, not looking very happy.

"What do you want?" Wily muttered.

"Hi there, Wily." GrimMoody cheerfully greeted him. "We here on the Bonus Feature show were just wondering why you never made any girl-bots."

"Oh, that." Wily wrinkled his nose as he answered. "Because I'm not a pervert, that's why! Do you know how many rumors went around about Thomas just because he built Roll? I'm an evil villain, and I can't have ridiculous notions getting out about me. I have my reputation to consider! The only reason I allowed Crystal Bot to stay was because she was almost never involved in the public part of my schemes, and most people didn't even know she worked for me."

Crystal Bot was confused. "Uh, what rumors do you mean? And what's a pervert? I don't get it..."

"And I also made her incapable of understanding anything of that nature." Wily added.

"Ah, good move." GrimMoody changed her card, then addressed the cameras. "Okay, it's about time for a deleted scene! Auto! Pull out clip number one!"

-From Chapter 6:

"Does the old man know about this?"

"Oh, he's still asleep. I'll tell him when he wakes up." Crystal handed him his new helmet. "Besides, of course he wants me to upgrade you. You're his favorite robot."

"Now that's a lie."

"No, no, it's totally true." Her expression was completely honest. "It's why he's so hard on you, and that's why he's programmed you with a lot more freedom than his other robots. You're capable of a lot that the rest of us aren't. I know Dad expects a lot from you, but that's because he's put his heart and soul into making you the best robot there is. You're even better than Zero."

Bass' eyes widened. "You know about Zero?"

"Sure, Dad does little I don't know about. Zero is mostly just to counter Megaman X, whenever that guy shows up. I've seen Zero's scematics, and let me tell you, that guy is a lot of firepower, but terribly mediocre battle AI. It's all about the mind, Forte! A little kid with a pencil can beat the deadliest, most well-armed robot, if he's got a brain in him. You're totally superior to Zero. Especially in looks. I think Dad made Zero so goofy and girly looking just to mock Dr. Light." Crystal Bot shrugged. "But anyway, of course Dad likes you. You're just like him."

That gave Bass pause. The thought that they were anything alike disturbed him. Who would want to be like a crazed evil scientist?

From the look on Bass' face, Crystal guessed what he was thinking. "Think about it. You and Megaman are just like him and Dr. Light. You're both totally cooler than Megaman and Light, and you're hardcore rivals. Though with one key difference: Dr. Light is definitely way smarter than Dad. I've seen his work. It's pretty undeniable. But nothing says you can't be better than Megaman. Blue boy isn't that much of a fighter, especially since he doesn't ever fight unless he has to, and he drops all of the weapons he gains as soon as he defeats a group of robot masters. Such a waste."

"If Light's so much better than Wily, why don't you go work for him?" Bass sneered.

"Please." Crystal Bot rolled her eyes. "If I was a Light-bot I'd get stuck doing something stupid like making cars. Dad makes cool stuff like bombs and Armoroids. I can always steal what I want from Light. Besides, Wily's my dad.

"Okay," Grimm started. "I'm a little sad I cut this scene, but I felt I had to do it because the conversation was going on longer than I wanted, and it really felt like I'd be shoehorning it into the plot unnecesarily. However, I do like the idea of Bass first considering how similar to Wily he might be, because it would start his character down the path to his conclusion in Okkusenman. If I could have fit that idea into the plot somehow differently, I would have, but yeah, there it is. Guys, your reactions?"

"WE'RE NOTHING ALIKE!" Bass and Dr. Wily immediately exclaim at the same time, then turn to each other and continue. "SHUT UP! STOP DOING THAT!"

The other robots burst out laughing.

"That robot was a mistake, and nothing more!" Dr. Wily snarled. "He's a complete failure, not a successful genius such as myself!"

"Yeah, and that's why you're the one in prison." Bass remarked with sarcasm before turning to the other robots. "Seriously, I'm not like this idiot, right?"

"Uh..." Mega Man reluctantly began, trying to not smile. "Do you want me to be honest or nice?"

"WHAT? Sonata, tell me that Rock's wrong."

Crystal Bot giggled. "Oh, why are you so worried? You only got his good qualities."


"Well, you're determined and you're smart, and you're funny!"

Bass slumped in his chair with aggravation, burying his face in his hands.

"You guys are so mean." Roll put in. "Bass, you're well...nicer than Wily. A little. Sort of. Well, you're a good guy now, so you must be...I think."

"I take it back. I'm killing Rock." Bass hissed. "I'm killing all of you."

"Nope, you're not. Chill, Bass." GrimMoody humorously continued. "Okay, Wily, before we let you go, any last comments for anyone here?"

"Yes. Mega Man, I hope you die a horrible and miserable death. Crystal Bot, I will never forgive you for betraying me and I'm glad I killed Crystal Man. Roll...eh, whatever. And Bass, you're nothing like me because you are the most miserable robot I have had the lack of sense to build, and you are a complete and utter failure, you pointless mother fu-"

GrimMoody turned the screen off. "Aaaand that's the end of that. Auto, throw on another couple of deleted scenes, okay?"

- From Chapter 7

guessing that Dr. Wily was awake. "Good morning, Dad!"

The monitoring system, while still malfunctioning for communicating outside of the fortress, was fortunately almost perfect for talking from room to room inside the fortress itself. A wavery image of Dr. Wily appeared on the screen.

"Good morning, Crystal Bot." Dr. Wily was always cheerful talking to her. "What's your status?"

"Well, I've got the last of the robots going right now, but I've been researching a new anti-virus on the web, and I'd like to see what a little Wily-brand engineering can do to improve it. So can I go out today?" Crystal asked in her cutest voice. "Please?"

Wily laughed. Crystal Bot could get whatever she wanted, and she knew it. "Alright, but be safe.

-Still Chapter 7

Echelon Man had put himself back together, sans several chunks of his armor, though the remaining wedges seemed to have distributed themselves fairly evenly.

"Wily-bot sighted." Echelon Man's boring voice droned. "Targeting."

"Aigoo!" Crystal Bot rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this nonsense."

She pulled out a pink crystal, growing it into a proper size. As she expected, Megaman again went after Echelon Man, distracting him long enough for her to get a nice length for the perfect instant death spike. The trouble was, however, that she should be unable to move while the death spike was stabilized; if she moved, it would just be an energy crystal.

But seeing as Echelon Man was after her, he did his best to distract Megaman with two of his pieces before going after her

-Again, Chapter 7 (sheesh, what's with this chapter?)

Fire Man, come in."

After a moment, a perfectly clear image of two of his six robots appeared. Fire Man and Ice Man were in the city, running towards the shopping district.

"Fire Man, report."

"Nothing much has been happening until just a minute ago." Fire Man said. "Another Cain-bot appeared, and he and Megaman are fighting in the middle of the city. Orders?"

"Don't let Megaman destroy him. We need to figure out what Dr. Cain is doing next, and how close he is to finding our base." Wily replied.

"We'll do what we can!" the ever determined Ice Man answered.

Wily shut down the audio communication, but left the visuals on screen for a moment, before seeming to change his mind.

"These here are just a bunch of tidbits that didn't really add anything to the story." GrimMoody mentioned. "I was just adding them for personality, so that the story was less dry. However, for the first I realized it would be better if Crystal just left instead of trying to convince Wily it was a good idea. For the second, I didn't feel like including Crystal in a fight scene with Echelon Man and Rock, because I don't really like writing fight scenes, most of the time. For the third, that was going to be the transition of how Wily found out what Crystal was doing. But really, it was just more dramatic that the reader just suddenly found out Wily was listening rather than otherwise. Reactions from y'all?"

Crystal Bot spoke quietly. "Can we not show any scenes where I call Wily 'dad'? He's not my real dad, and I don't like him."

Mega Man spoke up as well. "Hey, why did you make it so I didn't get Echelon Man's power? Or any Cain-bot powers for that matter? I'm the one that has to finish the rest of them off, and it would be good to have something other than my buster."

GrimMoody grinned like a cheshire cat. "Fun fact: Bass is my second favorite character."

"Hey wait," Bass noticed. "If Crystal Man is your favorite, but you killed him off, then what stops you from killing me?"

GrimMoody smiled even bigger.

"Great...we're all screwed."

"Actually, Bass, you were anyway." the author pointed out. "None of you...well, I'll let y'all see what happens. Okay, more questions. How do you guys feel about your Mega Man Network Transmission equivalents?"

"Well, I don't have any complaints about mine." Mega Man happily answered. "He's fun, powerful, kind, and he has a great NetOp. I wish I could visit him. It would be a lot of fun!"

"Mine is cool, though it's sort of weird I'm not Rock's sister in that one." Roll answered. "And also...what's wrong with her wardrobe? I would never wear anything like that! And what are those things on her head? But I'm glad that she's brave. She's way braver than I am."

"Ugh..." Bass cringed. "Mine is...tolerable, the one from the games, that is. But he's too much like Proto Man is in this universe. He's way too much of an emo, and he still hasn't defeated Rock, except for that one time. At least he doesn't suck too bad, and it's good that he wasn't created by Wily. And he's not hideous like two-thirds of the net universe. The anime version, though...what kind of crack were the writers smoking when they came up with that guy? Not only is he more emo, but he's the remainsof some other program that looks and acts completely different? How is that supposed to make sense?"

"Well, I'm just an OC, so I don't have an NT equivalent," Crystal Bot shrugged. "But what I don't understand is why my dad has no navi. Meanies! He'd be a great character!"

"This next question is for all of you again, or whoever wants to answer. Do you have any comments for our reviewers? Please be nice, we want these people to come back, okay?"

Roll shifted uncomfortably. "Uh...none of the reviewers mentioned me. Don't I have any fans out there?"

"No." Bass answered. "You suck."

Roll glared at him.

"And you're a nag. And you're ugly."

Rock couldn't let him go on. "Hey, stop it. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

"That won't work." Bass scoffed. "Moody over here won't let me leave."

"Look, just don't talk that way about my sister, okay? You don't have to be so grumpy all the time." Mega Man shook his head and turned back to the camera. "Well, I'd like to say thanks for reviewing! I love to hear from all of you! And also, don't worry, I'll continue to protect you from any robot that threatens the community."

"Forte won't let me read the reviews for some reason." Crystal Bot remarked with irritation. "I'm not sure why."

"Just trust me on that, okay? And Distant Moon...you're wrong. Completely. We're robots. And even if we weren't she'd be my niece!"

"Uh...okay..." a very confused Crystal went on. "I did get to read one review before Forte caught me, so I'm going to ask MungoJerry a question. Mungo, are you a monkey? Because if I had a pet monkey, I would totally name him after you. It's a really great monkey name."

The others stare at Crystal Bot.

"Eh...hee hee? It's a joke...yeah...what I really meant to ask was um, um, what's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Uh, yeah, that was it...hehe..."

"And there's another reason right there why Distant Moon is so completely wrong." Bass added. "Tylterra, however, is cool. I think maybe a little obsessed, but yeah, still cool. I bet Top Man does smoke weed."

"How is that even possible?" Rock asked.

"I'm sure he'd find a way."

"I'd also like to thank Anmynous, Lalalei, and the dude who went by the smilie face for their reviews. Auto, go ahead and throw those next deleted scenes on up there." GrimMoody said cheerfully. "Let's get this crowd back to business."

- From Chapter 9

Wave Man and his remaining team members were behind them, watching the fight. Star Man, Gravity Man and Wave Man both observed the fight with cautious curiousity, watching the violence continue without a word. Napalm Man, though usually eager to both watch and participate in fights, held back, nervously uncertain of what he should do. Charge Man, however, was basically chomping at the bit to run in, though like Napalm he wasn't sure which side to fight for. He looked with impatience at Wave Man, waiting for some sort of order.

"I found Gyro and Stone." Star Man commented. "From what I've recovered from their hard drives, it looks like Gyro managed to convince Stone to help Forte destroy Crystal."

"Stone Man always was gullible." Gravity Man spitefully added. "And I guess Gyro Man's had enough."

"Haven't we all?" Wave Man's attitude was more melancholy than that of the other Team 5 robots. "I am disappointed that Gyro Man wasn't able to wait for my orders."

Napalm Man approached, more nervous than ever. "Uh, Wave Man...we aren't going to fight Wily, are we? It just doesn't seem right...maybe if we fight Bass and Megaman, he'll forgive us and we won't be reprogrammed."

"Or maybe we'll all be destroyed fighting them, and the end result would be basically the same." Wave Man replied smoothly. "We don't have the battle AI for such a task."

"But we can't fight Wily!" Gravity Man exclaimed. "We'll self-destruct!"

"What do you think, Star Man?" Wave Man asked.

"We should not involve ourselves. My space station is a safe alternative to battle."

"No good." Gravity Man objected. "The only people who can reach us are Light and Wily, the two people who can cause us the most trouble."

"And that still leaves us with what we will do next." agreed Wave Man. "Besides that, we won't last long without

- From Chapter 13:

Jewel Man wandered into the back room of the lab, wondering what he was hearing. If he had been human, he would have described the tune as haunting and beautiful, but as it was, he could only call it odd. He opened the door to the lounge, a spacious room with long, plush sofas and huge windows that displayed the yard and woods outside, as it on the side of the house facing away from the city. Upon entering, he noticed the girl-bots there; Roll on her keyboard, Crystal Bot on her guitar, and Splash Woman on her ocarina. Not wanting to interrupt them, Jewel Man just quietly entered and listened as they finished their tune.

"Oh wonderful, just wonderful!" Splash Woman applauded the others in a matronly fashion. "I never knew that there were such talented young lady-bots out there. Bravo!"

Crystal Bot giggled. "Oh, Splash Woman, me and Roll were talking the other day, and we think that we should make a girl-bot only band, and we were going to call it The Digital Sweethearts."

Roll was surprised. "I thought you were just joking about that."

"Oh no, not at all. Besides, you came up with such a great name!"

Splash Woman smiled, but shook her head. "No, I'm afraid that my job of protecting the seas is more important. Pirate Man wasn't destroyed in the battle, and though I know he prefers to fight Dive Man, but that doesn't mean I won't see him again. And that's besides shipwrecks and oil spills."

"Yeah, and I have to take care of Dr. Light, anyway." Roll also declined.

"Poo!" Crystal Bot complained with a grin. "Ah well, I suppose Team 5 needs me anyway."

Wave Man entered the room, pleasantly greeting the ladies before turning to Jewel Man. "You know, when I asked you to look for Crystal Bot, I was sort of hoping that you would send her out to meet us."

"Ooh! We're leaving now?" Crystal immediately put down her guitar, then reached down to make sure that her gun was still there.

"It's my fault, and I apologize, Wave Man." Splash Woman spoke. "I just wanted to take a little time to gauge the talent of these girls."

"Apology accepted." Wave Man nodded and then gestured to Crystal Bot. "Come on now, let's not keep everyone else waiting any longer."

"Yes, Wave Man!" she answered her leader obediently. "Let's play some more when I get back, okay you guys?"

Again Splash Woman shook her head. "I'm afraid that I have to be going soon."

"Don't worry, we can still practice." Roll offered.

"Okay, I'm holding you to it!"

- From Chapter 13 again:

The girl-bot stared at him, then turned her gaze to the floor, stuttering a barely audible, "Thank you". For just one brief moment she looked back up at Dr. Light, but found herself unable to look at him. She ran out of the room, leaving the other six in the lounge confused.

"What was that?" Megaman asked, astounded. "Is she alright?"

"That may have been one of the glitches I was talking about." Dr. Light mentioned sadly. "It's very hard for her to have a greater emotional range when she doesn't have the ability to comprehend emotions."

Bass facepalmed, thoroughly embarrassed by her behavior. He began to wonder if it was a good idea to let Crystal Bot meet Dr. Light in the first place. "Ugh, I'll get her."

"Okay, that first scene there I sort of like, as it shows the nature of Team 5 dynamics." Grimm explained. "But the problem is, it weighed down an action chapter without adding enough to the plot. That, and it was just simpler to have Team 5 come in and then explain their actions later. For the second, I really wanted to show all of the girl-bots interacting together, but the scene was just too darn corny, and it was an unnecessary plot delay. I did, however, like how Splash Woman was very matronly over the others, despite the fact that Roll is way older than her. You'll probably see Splash Woman at some point during the series, but I can't say when, because I'm not sure. As for the third, well, I was going to have Crystal Bot freak out at the sight of Dr. Light's condition, but I really didn't like having to hurt Dr. Light. That and I like her motives being mysterious for a bit, so that you might think that Bass was right and Crystal was stealing stuff. Reactions from y'all?"

"I'm really glad you didn't have her make a scene like that." Bass said. "She was embarrassing enough just running away."

"Aw, I miss not having the band." Roll smiled. "I would love to start something like that."

"I know!" Crystal Bot exclaimed. "But all of us are just so busy!

"The Digital Sweethearts?" Mega Man asked. "That's a cute name. What kind of music would you play?"

"Heavy metal!" Crystal Bot squealed.

"No way." Roll snorted jovially. "Maybe pop rock. Or alternative. Or maybe we'd just do a lot of genres, whatever we felt like."

"Alright then." GrimMoody went on. "Next question, for anyone who wants to answer. How do you feel about the end of Okkusenman? Hopes for the next story?"

"I like it a lot." Mega Man answered. "Except I'm sort of sad that Bass left. It would be nice to have some help defeating Cain."

"Whine about it, why don't you?" Bass scoffed.

Mega Man rolled his eyes and continued. "I'm not too worried about it, though. For the next story, I just hope everything gets resolved quickly, and I'm glad we're going to see more of Proto Man in the plot. I haven't seen him in a long time."

"I liked the plot." Roll answered. "I just hope I get to do more in the next story...and that Dr. Light somehow lives."

"I don't like it at all." Crystal Bot complained. "Well, I like working for Forte-kun and knowing the truth about Crystal Man, but...but can't you make him come back? Please?"

"Eh, the story is alright...I like not answering to Wily..." Bass answered, his voice becoming more sinister. "Did you really have to make it so that Rock rescues me? Do you have any clue how humiliating that is?"

"Sure do." Grimm replied coolly. "Why do you think I did it?"

"I can't believe this...just make it so I don't do anything stupid in the next story."

"I promise nothing."

"I hate you."

"I can live with that." GrimMoody turned back to the camera. "Okay, we're running out of time here on the Bonus Feature show, so I have here one last clip. Unlike the others, it's not a deleted scene, but rather a scene that just had no place in the story, but I really like it, so y'all are going to get to see it. This should properly go between chapters 11 and 12.

"Annie, we've got a problem..."

A small blonde, one of the nurses who worked in Monstropolis Peace Street Hospital, looked concerned as she went over to her supervisor. The petite woman nervously called over a taller Hispanic woman, the nurse in charge and apparently Anita.

"What's going on, Hannah?" Anita said, her voice instantly reminding everyone in the waiting room of a mother.

"It's the robot from yesterday. You know, the one that broke in here."

Anita frowned. In her opinion, the hospital was almost a sacred place, and she didn't want anyone disturbing her patients. If she hadn't had the previous day off, she believed that none of that nonsense would have happened. "Here, come out to the hall. Okay, you mean that robot Bass, right?"

"That's the one. He's here right now, and instead of breaking in, he actually wants to sign in."

"Who is he looking for?"

"It's the same as yesterday: Dr. Light!"

Anita shook her head. She was liking this less and less. "I know what was on the news, but no. He might say he's a good guy now, but we don't know that for sure. Especially since a young man came in yesterday claiming that Bass had attacked him. The boy had severe front skull fracturing! I don't want that robot in my hospital until I know for sure that he's safe. Which probably won't be for a long time."

Nurse Hannah cringed a moment, but nodded, agreeing. "Okay, but um, could you be the one to tell him? He's...kind of scary."

The higher ranking nurse didn't judge Hannah. "Yes, I should do it. If he's any kind of good guy at all, he'll leave without an argument."

As the two went over to the front desk, they were both surprised to find out that Bass was nowhere to be seen. The receptionist, a petite and friendly woman named Aneesha, was calmly speaking to someone over the phone, completely unpeturbed. She finished the call as the nurses approached.

"Aneesha," Anita began. "Wasn't there a robot here that wanted to come in?"

"Oh, you mean Bass?" the receptionist answered without missing a beat. "He's so cool! I even got his autograph!"

Hannah was shocked. "But...you let him in?"

"Sure I did. I mean, there's not much time left in visiting hours, but he really wanted to see Dr. Light. Think we could let him have a little extra time? He is a celebrity and all."

Anita facepalmed.

Bass wasn't sure he wanted to come back to the hospital. Getting in without breaking in had been easy enough, but as he approached Dr. Light's room, he found himself apprehensive. All the same, it was something that had to be done eventually. And Bass did feel sorry for the good doctor, as well as having a lot of questions for him.

As he walked, he noticed that his left arm was somewhat loose. He started to think it would have been better to get repaired from the fight at Skull Island before coming. But he liked it better this way. Mega Man, Team 5, and Team 9 were still on their way back from the island. Most of them had come out moderately damaged, but since Bass himself hadn't fared terribly, he merely teleported out and let Mega Man figure out what to do with everyone. He liked it better that no one would know that he was here.

He entered the hospital room, peeking in first. As he suspected, Dr. Light was asleep. Figuring he had some time, Bass went ahead and sat down. There was a book on the table beside the bed, a rather thick one. It was a book that Bass hadn't heard of before, called The Philosophy Masters: Soren Kirkegaarde. It was apparently a book in a series. Thinking he had nothing better to do for the time being, he picked it up and started reading.

"Don't lose my place."

Bass looked over to see Dr. Light, awake and looking at him with mild surprise. "I wasn't that loud was I?"

"Not at all, I just wasn't very asleep." Dr. Light sat up. "Back so soon? What happened with Rock?"

The dark robot lay the book back where it had been, realizing that Dr. Light wouldn't know the outcome of that fight. He pretended he wasn't nervous as he turned his head away. "Eh...well, thing is...I decided to be merciful, because I'm just that kind of person. After all, Rock protects the city and all that...not that I can't defeat him, of course, but well...he doesn't, um, deserve it. Yeah."

Even though he wasn't looking, Bass could sense the smile in Dr. Light's voice. "So why are you back here then?"

"See...well, a lot of stuff happened today in your lab, and I thought you might want to know about it. That, and I was thinking about it, and Wily is a bastard, so I...made a change in career. The whole 'good guy' thing looks, eh, sort of interesting. I thought I might try it for a while. I was hoping...maybe you'd have some advice for me or something, I don't know. You seem sort of smart. Well, for a guy who created a dweeb like Rock."

Bass glanced at the doctor, gauging his reaction. To his surprise, Dr. Light was beaming.

"I'm so proud of you, Bass."

The former Wily-bot was taken aback. He had no clue that Dr. Light would say something like that, or that it would have such an affect on him. Bass started to think that this had been one of his better ideas.

"Awwwww..." Roll squealed, who was not only surprised but also making the most of the moment to torture the dark robot. "That's so sweet!"

"Why?" Bass acted as if he'd been punched in the gut. "Why did you have to post that? There was a reason I did that in secret."

"What's wrong with that?" Mega Man asked. "It's about time we saw your good side."

"AWWWW!" Crystal Bot joined in. "I always knew Forte-kun was nice! He's such a sweetheart!"

"My reputation is ruined..."

"No way, this makes you look a lot kinder than before." Mega Man tried to make him feel better. "You're a real person, not just a fighter."

"Okay, now I'm going to be sick." Bass glared at the blue bomber before turning to glare also at GrimMoody. "Don't you care about my reputation at all?"

"Nope!" the author exclaimed bluntly. "Alright folks, that's all the time we have for Bonus Features, and thanks for reading! See y'all in the sequel!


Fyi, The Philosophy Masters: Soren Kirkegaarde is not a real book, but Soren Kirkegaarde is a real philosopher, if you're interested in that sort of thing.