Mable: Hey, finally finished chapter one to the sequel of Super Bokkun Sunshine. This is dedicated to my dear friend Meowth's Toon Dragon who has helped me a lot to write this, this first chapter is dedicated to him on his birthday, which is today. I don't own Sonic…. Enjoy! Everyone, I present to you….

Bokkun's Mansion

Chapter one: A new adventure

A soft ticking noise barely sounded through the orange bedroom. Cream opened her eyes and stretched, "Good morning Cheese." She whispered to her small Chao. "Chao chao!" It whispered in excitement. Cream then got out of bed and tiptoed to the door, a smile appearing after seeing the still sleeping figure on the floor, "Good morning Bokkun." She mouthed while shutting the door.

The memories of yesterday and the day before were still fresh in her mind as she walked into the kitchen, "Good morning Mother, Good morning Mr. Josh." "Oh Cream did you sleep well?" "Yes Mother." Cream sat with Vanilla at the table, Josh cooked over the stove, "Did you sleep well, Mr. Josh." Josh paused as if something was on his mind, "Y-Yeah, I slept fine. Hey where's Bokkun?" "He's asleep. Oh I wonder if I left the alarm….."

RING…… "Ahhhhhh!"…….RING……..THUD……"Stupid alarm clock!"……… RING………BAM…….. CREAK…….. "Oww! Dang door!"

Bokkun slowly walked into the kitchen, "Hey guys!" Nobody moved, "Umm you okay?" "Why?" "Never mind." Josh said turning back to the stove. Cream smiled, "How did you sleep?" "Great! I had a dream that I had a bag of tootsie rolls!" Vanilla smiled and walked over to the cabinet, "What a quincidence, this is a late birthday present." Bokkun's eyes widened at the bag of tootsie rolls, and he immediately started to eat them.

Vanilla chuckled lightly while watching him until answering the phone that suddenly started to ring, "Hello? Oh good morning Tails…..What?.....Oh that's great!.....When?......All right four o'clock sounds lovely…Bye Tails." Vanilla hung the phone up, "Tails won a mansion in a contest. He's invited us to come with him to stay with him for a while."

"I love mansions! Like I love tootsie rolls, amusement parks, chocolate, ice cream…." Bokkun continued his 'love list' leaving nothing but his secret out, then started to eat the rest of the bag of tootsie rolls as Vanilla and Cream laughed. Out of nowhere, Josh suddenly started retching over the sink, "Josh are you okay?" Bokkun asked. Josh stopped retching and took some deep breaths, as the others crowed around him in concern.

After he'd felt the feeling pass, he'd turned towards Vanilla and, seeing her arms opened in a comforting way, allowed her to hug him close and cried into her shoulder. "Josh are you alright?" she asked, Josh felt more tears come as he was about to say something, "Maybe It's the drug Charmy used on you and Espio." Josh paused, and then nodded. "I…I-I have to go by the Chaotix to pick up something. I'll be back before four o'clock." And without another word Josh turned and walked to the door, leaving the house.

Cream sighed, "I hope Mr. Josh will be alright. Bokkun, would you like to help me pack?" Bokkun leaped up, leaving the empty tootsie roll bag on the table, "Sure!"


Joshua sighed as he walked towards the Chaotix, "I thought I was over this."

I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known

"I thought I was going to get a new life, start over, and not have to remember this anymore. I think that drug… I think it gave me back memories…"

Don't know where it goes
but its home to me and I walk alone

"Now they are in all of my dreams. I can't stop thinking about what happened! … I got to get over this… Tails won a mansion, that just cries out something to make me forget."

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

"What am I going to do if these dreams, more like nightmares, stay forever? All everyone wants is to help me… Nobody knows what happened… I almost got away from it to before…"

Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

"I got to get over this, for Bokkun, for Cream…………….For Lisa." Josh wiped a few stray tears from his eyes and knocked on the door of the Chaotix. Espio answered, "Good morning Josh. What do you need?" "I need the number for the hotel we were at, I was hoping to get my stuff back. I don't have anything other then this shirt and swimming trunks."

Espio eyed Josh for a second, and then moved out of the way, "Please come in." Josh followed Espio through the door. Espio sat on the floor at a small table and gestured at the other side, "Please sit." Espio shut his eyes and was deep in thought for a few seconds, before opening them again, "Something's troubling you." Josh contemplated telling him, "I've been having nightmares. Ever since I came out of that weird comatose state every time I go to sleep I see…" he drifted off. Espio closed his eyes, "Horrible memories?" Josh was shocked, "How did you-?" "The drug Charmy gave me has given me back some of my memories when I sleep."

Espio poured liquid from a small teapot into two cups, "Here, try some green tea. With memories I've been getting headaches and the tea really helps." Josh nodded, "Thanks." Espio once again closed his eyes, "I have memories of my parents that I didn't remember until last night. If you're having nightmares then they must be connected with memories." A small smirk found its way onto his face, "It doesn't take a detective to figure that out."

At the word 'detective' Vector came in the room, "Hey Josh, Whatcha need?" "I was wondering if you had the number to the hotel. I'm still in my swimming trunks and I was wondering if I could get my luggage back." Vector thought, "I had the number on a slip of paper on my desk… So it might take me a few hours to find it. It the mean time I think I have something you could use." He walked out of the room for a few minutes and came back with a pair of jogging pants.

"You can have these; I don't even remember the last time I went jogging." Vector laughed as he exited the room. Josh looked at the pants, wondering why Vector suddenly became the most generous guy on the planet. That's when he noticed the tag on the inside, on it in big crayon letters were, "Happy Birthday Vector, from Charmy." Josh looked over at Espio sadly, "You guys miss him don't you?" Espio nodded, "Even though he choose the wrong path, he was still a little brother to me."

Espio suddenly looked up, "Have you tried meditating?" "Meditating?" "Yes, meditating might help. Would you like to meditate with me?" Josh nodded, "Sure but, I have to go back to Vanilla's in a little while." Espio closed his eyes in thought, "How about you drive with Vector and I? We'll leave a little later than everyone else. Decides, Vanilla's vehicle might be a little full. She's taking Cream, Bokkun, Knuckles, and Sonic I believe. It'll be easier if you drive with me Vector and Cha- Vector." Josh nodded, "I'm going to go call Vanilla then."


Vanilla was packing her stuff when Josh called and told her of the plan, "Oh that's fine Joshua….. Okay, I will…. Good-bye." She hung up, "Bokkun?" Bokkun ran in, "Yes Miss Vanilla?" "Josh is riding with vector and Espio, he told me to remind you not to eat the whole bag of tootsie rolls before we leave." Bokkun's eyes widened, "Umm okay. Uh oh, guess I shouldn't have eaten the whole bag already. I'm going to go help Cream."

Bokkun walked into Cream's room, two suitcases were on her bed, one was bigger and shut, and the other was quite small and Cream was trying to shut it. "Oh hello Bokkun, do you mind helping me? This suit case won't shut." Bokkun blushed a little and nodded, "Of course, anything for you Cream." Which afterwards he regretted because his cheeks were lit aflame.

Bokkun walked over and tried to shut the suitcase, didn't shut. Tried five more times and each try failed, "Okay then I'll just do this." He jumped up and tried to sit on it while shutting it, didn't work. Angrily he backed up for a running start and jumped on it, it shut and he latched it, "There you go, piece of cake." As soon as he said this he sat on the bigger suitcase which unlatched and opened swiftly, launching him out the window and into the bushes.

Two hands helped him out of the bushes, "Bokkun you're supposed to be packing, not jumping out windows into bushes." Sonic said laughing, "It's not funny!" Bokkun cried angrily which made Sonic laugh more.

Less than five minutes later Bokkun was sitting in Vanilla's jeep, in the back seat. To his left was Sonic and to his right was knuckles, and in the passenger seat was Cream. Bokkun was ecstatic from being able to see something he loves and a sugar rush. "Mansion here we come!" he cried before hitting his head on the ceiling.

Mable: And so begins the sequel to Super Bokkun Sunshine, chapter two will be up soon.