What time is it? I wondered while tossing around in my bed. Ahhh… Stupid cramps! Yesterday was such a sleepless night because I had to wake up in the middle of night with cramps as my period started yesterday morning and I was alone because the Cullens went hunting. Edward, he is supposed to be coming today. He might be in my room. I opened my eyes slowly and Edward in the corner of the room, in the rocking chair. Great! I did not want to see him like this, when I am having my worst cramps in two years. What am I going to do? I can't go to his house today; I will torture poor Jasper with my mood swings. Oh, another cramp. I grasped my stomach and lie-down facing the bed.

"Morning love" Edward's velvety voice interrupted my cursing thoughts. I sighed and mumbled "Morning" into my pillow.

"You are early, it is just six. Breakfast time?" Edward asked. "No" I replied quickly. At this minute, eating was the last thing I wanted; I just wanted the cramps to stop. I took the pillow and put it under tummy, hoping it would help.


I saw Bella wincing, it was as if she was in pain. Something is wrong, why is the pillow under her? I swiftly moved towards her bed, "Love, what is wrong?" I asked softly while placing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Nothing" she replied quickly, too quickly. At times like this, I wanted to know what she was thinking, desperately, she is lying. She whined quietly, interrupting my thoughts. I brushed my hand through her hair, she too brave.

Ok, so what can it be? Did I upset her? Alice? Anyone? Or is this just because it is morning? Hmm, not likely. Has she hurt herself, while I was away? Her hand is on her lower abdomen, and dead blood- she is menstruating, got it! "Cramps?" I whispered quietly. I could see blood rushing over to Bella's exposed cheeks, before her head nodded slowly. "That bad?" I wondered. "Is it always this bad?" I added quickly. Was Bella in so much every month? She should have told me, why did not I notice before? I started panicking slightly.

"This is the worst since I have been here," Bella whispered back. I knew she was not keen on talking to me about something bothering her. I sighed and quietly started rubbing her lower back, while thinking classes on the topic. Bella's body froze, have I done anything wrong? "Love?" I asked. "Nothing "she murmured as she started blushing again. "That was quite….nice" I was relived. "Do you want to turn around?" she slowly turned around after moving the pillow she was lying on. She was just beautiful. I could not help but smile at her, I missed her. I bet down slowly and pressed my lips towards hers and she responded as usual, a little excitedly, before I pulled away and whispering "Medical school". I slowly moved her hand that was holding her lower abdomen and started rubbing it gently. "Lay with me?" Bella pleaded. How could I deny her? So, lied and pulled her close with one hand while she buried her head into my chest. At the same time, I rubbed her abdomen in small circles. "Better?" I asked her. "Yes, thank you" she replied, pulling her head to lock her eyes with me. "No problem, anything" I said honestly while kissing her forehead. "You should get some more sleep" I said pulling her closer and singing her lullaby. "Missed you" she muttered as her eyelids dropped.