Well hello everyone! ^o^ After so very long, I'm happy to be able to post this progress on what was my very first fanfic! The hard part is over, and now I'm wrapping things up the way I want them to be. I do apologize for allowing it to take so long, but when you know A and C but have no idea how to get there, well, yeah...

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the twists and turns this chapter will take, and since I've past the majority of the bumps in the road, I'll hopefully have up the very last chapter soon. Thank you once again to all of my wonderful readers who have waited so patiently for me. I love you all, and hope you enjoy the ride! ^_^

Chapter 14 - A Fractured Soul

"Hey Dad, Welcome home."

"Sousuke, I see you made it home in one piece. And thankfully so did my SUV." The tall man who had entered through the door ruffled her boyfriend's hair, a smile on his face despite the playfully condescending tone in his voice. He was taller than Sousuke, maybe by two inches at least, but the resemblance was incredible. It was almost as if by seeing this man, Kaname was seeing how Sousuke would look when he was older. Though his eyes were dark enough to be black, their faces were almost identical, and if it wasn't for the height difference and the far more peppered hair, she would have been certain that they were brothers instead of Father and son. Still a little nervous, Kaname moved to slightly stand behind Sousuke, hiding herself until she would be presented.

"Dad, come on. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Normally you tell me this right before you need to have something stitched or bandaged up. Planning anything destructive later that I should know about ahead of time?"


"Prove me wrong and I'll take it back." Even from behind him, it was obvious that Sousuke had just rolled his eyes at the challenge, and Kaname just couldn't keep from giggling at the action. She doubted the Sousuke she had once known even had the ability to roll his eyes at anyone, much less someone who he viewed as a superior in any way. The small sound attracting his attention, Kaname shied away a moment, her hand tightening on her boyfriend's as her other came up to lightly grip his shoulder. "And who, may I ask, is this lovely young lady?"

"Ah, uh Dad, this is Kaname Chidori...my girlfriend." Carefully edging out from behind him, Kaname bowed to the man, repeating the introduction she had given to his mother not long ago.

"I'm pleased to meet you sir, Sousuke has told me nothing but good things about you."

"I could same of my wife about you Miss Chidori. So far it seems those assessments are all correct, though I would love the opportunity to find such answers for myself." Standing straight again, Kaname tucked some stray hair behind her ear as she felt herself blush. Though formal, he seemed like a nice enough man, and she really wanted him to like her. Offering her his hand, she was a bit thrown off by his strong grip, but smiled once her composure was regained. "Well Sousuke, it appears you have wonderful taste in women. No doubt you get that from me."


"Now dear, leave him be. Both of you just got home, so why not take a minute to relax?"

"Aww, but Yuki, he hasn't been around for me to tease him in ages."

"Somehow I think you'll survive dear. Now shoes off, briefcase down, and why haven't I gotten my kiss yet?" Moving further in the house to properly greet his wife, Kaname turned when she heard a quiet knocking coming from the still open doorway. A girl with short reddish hair stood quietly with her hands folded in front of her, a kind smile on her face as she waited to be acknowledged. Kaname was just about to ask Sousuke who she was, when her aforementioned boyfriend rushed by her to give the other girl a hug, spinning her around for a moment before setting her back down.

"Sarah! You cut your hair! What's the deal? I thought you were still doing the foreign exchange thing in Italy? What are you doing back so soon?"

"I came back to see my Grandfather and I ran into your Mom at the store. She said you would be home soon, so I got permission to stay a little bit longer." As soon as Kaname heard the name he had called, the jealousy that had been building seeing him hug another girl was instantly dissipated. So this was the Sarah that he had been dance partners with before he had moved to Tokyo. Feeling better after her little revelation, Kaname jumped slightly when their attention immediately switched over to her. "Oh, who's this Sousuke? Is she a friend from Tokyo?"

"You could say that, yeah. Sarah, this is my girlfriend Kaname Chidori, Kaname, this is my partner from Dance Club, Sarah Miller. She was the one from the video that my mom left with me."

"Oh so this is her! Kaname I've heard so much about you from his e-mails! It's great to finally meet you! I'm sorry if I maybe gave the wrong impression at all, but I hope we can be friends too." Sarah's excitement was contagious, and despite her original hesitation, Kaname felt herself eager to also get to know the other girl. She'd had a feeling that Sousuke wouldn't really waste his time with snobby or mean spirited people anyway, but it was always a possibility that someone had had feelings for him before she had come along.

"I hope so too Sarah, I-"

"Excuse me?"

"Hm?" All four teenagers turned back toward the door at the small sound, yet another ghost from a world now so far away made its way back into Kaname's life. Three of them to be exact, and it was the last of them that had her blood running cold. Even Sousuke was a bit nervous as they entered, though he at least had somewhat good reason to in this time. Despite what he had told her long before their arrival, it was her own secret memories that had her more on edge about the silver-blonde twins that had just walked into the entryway.

"It's good to see you again, Sousuke. You've been well I hope?"

"Uh, yeah I-I've been good, thanks Tessa."

"You're slouching Sousuke. Stand up straight. Men stand tall, not hunched over like frogs."

"Uh, yes! Sorry sir."

"Uncle, please! He's not a child! He can do as he wants!"

"Teletha, stop pestering Uncle Richard. He saw something wrong and fixed it. He just performed a necessary service. I for one, thank you for doing so Uncle Richard."

"And I would thank you to not speak of my son so rudely while visiting his home Leonard." So distracted by all the company coming through the front door, nobody had noticed that Yuki had come back to say her own hellos, arriving just in time for Leonard's barbs. Her arms were crossed, and the once warm grey eyes that Kaname had constantly seen were now cold as steel. There was certainly no denying where Sousuke got his eyes from now, especially since she too had once seen those eyes far too often when she had met him. Coming up to stand in front of them, Yuki looked at all three of them, her long hair blowing slightly with the breeze coming in from the still open door. "Leonard, you have so far been a welcome guest in my home, but talk down about my son, or anyone else in my family, and that welcome will be immediately revoked. Do I make myself clear?"

"You misunderstand Mrs. Sagara. I was just-"

"Don't think for one second that I buy any of that Leonard. I'm a mother. I have a built-in bullshit detector. Now you will apologize, or you are welcome to walk right out that door and keep going." Yuki hadn't raised her voice as she spoke, but even so, her words had been cold as ice. Kaname had to restrain herself from cheering the woman on and putting Leonard in his place. If she had known something like this was going to happen, she would have made sure to have some cheerleading pom-poms handy so she could do so properly, though for the time being she supposed it was enough to visibly withhold her laughter.

Finally folding to the steel gaze, Leonard looked away for a moment, a quiet sigh of defeat coming from him before looking back up at Yuki once more. "I apologize for my rudeness Mrs. Sagara. It was unwarranted for me to make such rude remarks." Holding her icy stare for a moment longer to make sure he wasn't trying to pull anything, Yuki relented. Even she could tell that Leonard had not sincerely meant his apology, but she would much rather spend the short amount of time her son was home with him rather than trying to squeeze blood from the preverbal stone.

"Thank you Leonard. Now would you three like to come in and join us tonight?"

"Actually Yuki, I was hoping to speak to-"

"Ah, I thought I heard a few extra familiar voices. How have you been Dick? Did the Eastern Coastal acquisitions go over well?"

"Yes, they did. And you should know that I still don't appreciate you calling me that."

"Then when it stops being true, you'll go back to being 'Richard'. Until then, what is it you wanted to talk about, Dick?"

"Alright, everyone out of my foyer already! Either come in the house or I'm tossing you all out on the driveway and running you over with every vehicle I can find!"

"But sweetheart, that sounds painful..."


Raucous laughter sounded from the teenagers grouped around the fire pit, the waves crashing on the beach only a few yards away. The small fire pit had been set up by the boys as soon as everyone had finished dinner, and now, all but one of them was busy laughing hard as Issei retold the story of his last birthday party. "So my buddy Steve, he hands me some of the punch, and...hahaha!...when I ask him why it tasted funny, he said he put half a bottle of Vodka in the bowl!"

"Oh god no!"

"Oh man!"

"I know right? So then I'm like, 'holy crap, where's Sousuke?', and I look over to find him comin' over with some kid's skateboard!"

"Dude, Issei shut up!"

"No way man, this is the best part! So I tell him to put the board down, and he decides to try grinding it on the pier railing! Next thing I know, I see my favorite cousin fall face-freaking-first off the other side and into the waves!" Another round of laughter roared up as each one of the teenagers present could only imagine what a sight it had been to see their friend drunk off his ass. Even the boy in question seemed to enjoy reminiscing about how stupid he had been, in between playfully punching his cousin of course.

Things had seemed to calm down a bit after everyone had gotten settled, and Kaname found herself extremely grateful that Leonard tended to spend more time around the adults rather than those his own age. 'Geez, even in this world he's a self-righteous jerk...' Reaching down into the cooler for another soda, Kaname found that instead of being able to retrieve another drink, her hand was just momentarily submerged in icy water for a few moments. "Aw, we're all out of soda..."

"Oh we are? I can grab us some more. Miss Kaname, would you mind giving me a hand?" Feeling a bit apprehensive at Tessa's suggestion, Kaname decided that it was simply because she had been dreading their meeting since she had learned that she and Sousuke had a slightly more intimate history than the first time she had met them. 'It's strange how I know I'm in the same world, but it almost feels like it was on a whole other planet or something.' "Miss Kaname?"

"Oh! Uh yeah, sure thing Tessa."

"Shall we go then?"

"Yeah. We'll try and hurry back ok guys?" Picking up the mostly empty cooler, Kaname quietly walked a few steps behind Tessa, her thoughts lost on exactly how one was supposed to handle a situation like this. This was double what it should have been, that's for sure. For one thing, how should a current girlfriend act toward the previous one? It was obvious that though things seemed a bit strained between Tessa and Sousuke, that there weren't any hard feelings over their break-up. But then, in addition to that, Kaname was also faced once again with another friend that she had thought for a while might not even exist anymore, thanks to the TARTOROS machine and Sophia. Why did everything had to be so damn complicated for her?

Things were fairly quiet between the two girls during their trip back to the house. Tessa had replaced most of the melted ice inside the cooler, and Kaname had gone to the garage to retrieve more sodas. When it came time to load it back up, both of them kneeling in front of the cooler, Kaname decided to try breaking the somewhat thick atmosphere. "So, uh...you and Sousuke were together for a while before he moved then huh?"

"You don't have to push yourself to speak with me about anything Kaname."

"Eh, w-what do you mean Tessa?"

"Before we go back to everyone, I believe we should speak privately." Her face was more somber and serious than it had been before, and the look was making Kaname nervous the longer Tessa held it. Nodding despite the uneasy feeling building in her gut, Kaname stood and followed Tessa around to the side of the house, out of view of those on the beach, and anyone who might be inside the house.

"So...uh, what's up Tessa?"

"You don't have to pretend around me Kaname."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You remember everything as well, don't you?" The look on Kaname's face must have been all the answer Tessa needed, though with how loudly it felt like her heart was racing Kaname would have just as easily blamed that.

"Y-You mean..."

"Yes. I also remember another time, and another world, where you and I were among those known as the 'Whispered'."

For as fast as her heart had been beating before, Kaname felt it skip a beat at the label that had once been such a familiar thing for the two girls. How any of this was possible was absolutely mind boggling! Not only did Kaname somehow recall everything, it seemed that somehow Tessa was able to as well! 'But then, if she knew, then why didn't she...'

"I suppose you're wondering why I hadn't bothered to contact you before now if I had truly remembered everything, am I right?"

"Uh, well..."

"Hm, it's good to see you haven't really changed much Kaname. I must admit, the possibility of such an occurrence had me worried." So many things were flying through her mind so fast. Everything that had happened, everything that everyone had been through, all the pain and fear that had been caused...then that horrid machine that Leonard had built. Sure, it had taken away all the painful memories and occurrences for everyone else in the world...but what good was the damned thing if there were still those who hadn't had that luxury?

For so long Kaname had believed that she was the only one who had been left to suffer with the memories and uncertainties regarding those who had given everything of themselves in vain. Now, knowing that she wasn't so alone in that respect, the relief was overwhelming. She didn't even realize that she had begun crying until she felt Tessa embrace her. "Please, don't cry Kaname. I had a feeling you might also be able to remember what had happened, but can you understand why I hadn't tried to contact you before now?"

Nodding slightly, Kaname returned Tessa's hug, the comfort in realizing she was not alone in her curse causing her tears to fall harder. "Kaname, you should know that I still do not trust my brother Leonard. I have no solid proof as of yet, but the memories from this new life have not changed who he once was. The morning I woke up, and realized what had happened, I had to make sure of whether or not I was the only one."

"What? You mean he remembers too?"

"He has not said anything, nor has he gone out of his way to find out if I also held my memories as well, but since that first morning, Leonard's personality has changed. He feels far more dangerous now than he had been before." Tessa's warning sent a chill down Kaname's spine, sending the hair on the back of her neck on end. The relief she had felt just moments before was long gone, replaced by an intense fear and anger that history could possibly repeat itself if Leonard truly did remember everything that had happened. If that was true, then he could very well try to reset the world yet again, or as many times as it took to make it how he wanted it to be. He might even succeed in making it so she could never again see Sousuke, or never even allow him to exist! Like hell she would just let that happen though!

"Let him try Tessa. I'm not the girl I used to be anymore, and he wants a fight, the he's welcome to try. I refuse to let him keep having his way!"

"But Kaname-"

"Tessa, Sousuke was willing to give his life if it meant I could have the one I had loved so much. If I refuse to do anything less than that just because I'm scared, then I don't deserve to have him love me."

"That is truly touching, my dear Kaname..."


"You maybe think we should check and see what's takin' the girls so long? It was only a few sodas, but maybe they're having trouble carrying it or something."

"I can check on them for us, if you guys want?"

"It's alright Sarah. It's not a problem, you're a guest after all. I'll go and see if they need any help." Standing and brushing off the sand from his cargo shorts, Sousuke began making his way up the beach back toward the house. Before he could set foot on the patio though, Leonard stepped through the sliding glass door, closing it behind him as he made eye contact.


"Yes Leonard? What is it I can do for you?"

"I have a few things I wish to discuss with you. Would you please follow me?" Without even waiting for Sousuke's reply, Leonard walked right past him and off toward the direction of the jetty not far down the beach. Figuring that his parents might be just as well to assist the girls if they needed it, Sousuke turned to follow the silver-haired boy, keeping a few steps behind him as he did so.

He and Leonard had never gotten along very well, even before he and Tessa had dated, and even though neither had ever really done anything to one another. There had always been an air of hostility between them, regardless of whatever was said or done. As time had gone by, Leonard seemed to believe that he was, in a way, superior to Sousuke, and it often caused more tension than necessary whenever the two of them were in the same room. Though, if Leonard had somehow come to the same conclusion that Sousuke had in wanting to simply dispel any bad air between them, then perhaps they could all get along for a change.

Sousuke followed Leonard as they walked along the top of the jagged rocks. The waves crashed heavily against the stones, splashing and spraying everything up to Sousuke's knees. The water was beginning to make his sandals slippery, and he had to wonder just how much farther out Leonard was planning on going. "Leonard, isn't this far enough? Any farther and it could be dangerous for us."

"I'm aware of that Sagara. In fact, I was counting on it." Turning quickly, Leonard brought the gun he had hidden in his jacket pocket and fired at Sousuke's arm. The bullet had just grazed him, but the blood was already seeping into the sleeve of his shirt. Still shocked that Leonard would do something like pull a gun on him, Sousuke used his other hand and put as much pressure as he could over the wound.

"Leonard! What the hell are you-?"

"You are always in my way Sagara. You are just as much a fool now as you were back when you tried to kill me on Merida!"

"What are you talking about? What did I ever do to you? I never tried to kill anyone!"

"You wouldn't remember, because you were just a blood-thirsty imbecile then. Unfortunate that the TARTAROS was unable to make you any smarter when the world was re-made. A minor glitch I'm sure, but this time we'll get it right. This time around, you will cease to exist completely, and all will be right with the world."

"What in the hell are you talking about! And put the gun away! You don't need to do something this rash! I'm sorry if you didn't like that I went out with Tessa and broke up with her, but if the two of us can still be friends, then why-?"

"A Neanderthal like you would never be able to understand Sagara. Now do me a favor and disappear beneath the waves." Firing the gun once more, Sousuke slipped on the sole of his sandals as he tried to dodge it. Time seemed to pass slowly as Sousuke fell, watching as Leonard smiled sadistically, not even making an attempt to help him as the rocks and water drew closer. Falling hard onto one of the sharpened jetty rocks, Sousuke felt his consciousness waver as his body rolled, sending him down into the water.

"You disappoint me Sagara. For such an annoying cockroach, you were fairly easy to dispatch. Perhaps now you will realize which one of us is truly deserved to exist in this world."

The undercurrent was too strong. He had fallen into an alcove near the rocks, and the current of the waves above had turned it into a whirlpool, dragging him farther down the more he tried to fight it. Sousuke had always been a strong swimmer, but the currents he was up against were just too strong, and his lungs were already struggling from lack of breath. 'This is it, isn't it? I'm...I'm really going to die here...aren't I?'

A strong swirl of water slammed his back up against the rocks, forcing most of his breath out as everything began going black. The pain from where the rocks had hit him, as well as the wound from where Leonard had shot him burned from the salt and minerals in the water. 'I...I'm so sorry...Kaname...'

-You need to fight this. You can't give up, not when you have so much to lose now.-

'Huh? W-what?'

-You have bared far greater pain than this, now move before Chidori is lost to you again!-

'A-again? What? Who are you?'

-Open your eyes and see for yourself.-

'But I'm-'

-I said to open your eyes soldier!-

Cracking open his eyes slowly, the salt burned, but he wasn't in the sea anymore. He still felt nearly weightless, but instead of seeing blurred images of the ocean, what was before him was just darkness. Just as he was about to call out the voice he had heard moments before, a figure appeared in front of him. 'Who..who are you?' The figure turned, and Sousuke found himself shocked to find he was looking into his own eyes. The man before him looked just like him in every way, except that he wore a strange looking suit of some kind. It covered his entire body all the way up to his neck, and had red accents on the shoulders and legs. It almost looked like some kind of weird armor.

-I am Sousuke Sagara, and you and I are one and the same person.-

'What? So...you're really me?'

-Affirmative. I am you, and you are me. Though you are only one of many people I could have been, had circumstances been different.-

'What do you mean?'

-I am the person you were; during a time when the world you know had been in a state of constant war. I am the memories of that world that have been locked away inside you.-

'You're ...my memories?'

-Affirmative. I was also the one who promised my life, and my love, to the woman you now cherish above all others.-

'You mean ...you loved Kaname too?'

-Affirmative. Many times we were willing to give our life to ensure her happiness, but like the kind person she is, she scolded us at the notion that we would so easily give in as such. Unfortunately for us, we realized we loved her too late, and our enemy stole her from us before we could do anything about it. So much time was lost to us because neither we nor Chidori were brave enough to admit our feelings to one another. Now, that man is still determined to keep us apart, and reshape the world into one of his preference.-

'Reshape the world? You aren't talking about Leonard are you?'

-Affirmative. He wants to re-make the world into one of his choosing, and Chidori is the key to making his wish come true.-

'So he wants Kaname? Like hell I'll let him near her after what he tried to do to me! What does he need her for?'

-Our determination is encouraging, but it won't be enough to protect her from him.-

'What? Why?'

-Leonard may be unstable, but he is not stupid. As long as he remains free, he will always remain a threat to Chidori.-

'Dammit! Then what am I supposed to do!'

-In order for us to help her, you must allow us to merge, and absorb the memories that you have kept locked from our consciousness.-

'Allow us to merge? You mean that I would have to absorb the memories of this other world that you have?'


'But then ...what would happen to you?'

-We are of one person, one soul. The fractured consciousness of our mind that I live in would simply become whole once more. By merging our memories, you will gain the knowledge that I possess, the memories that I hold would become yours, and then you would be able to better protect Chidori. The knowledge that we had gathered in both worlds served us well at that time, but with Leonard proving himself a viable threat yet again, we cannot continue as we have.-

'But if I absorb your memories, what will happen to the ones I already have? The ones of my family and friends, the life I've lived up until now?'

-You will still retain all that you have gained, you will simply gain what memories I have as well. Now, will you allow our memories to merge, or will you remain idle in this darkness and die while Chidori is taken from us once again?-

'Are you kidding? If Kaname needs me, then I'll do whatever I have to in order to protect her! There was never a choice needed!'

The apparition of his other self smirked, his eyes closing as he shifted to stand at parade rest before hardening his gaze once more, a fierce look of determination glowing from behind similar grey eyes. -I am glad to see that my spirit has not waned in this 'peaceful' new world. Now, pull yourself out of this god damned ocean, and kick that bastards ass!-

Opening his eyes quickly, Sousuke realized he had drifted to the sandy floor. Forcibly ignoring the burning in his lungs and wounds, he sat up and folded his legs beneath him, extending his arms above his head and jumping upward with all the strength he could muster. Clawing his way up the rocky side of the jetty when the current had begun to fight his ascent, he finally broke through, his emergence punctuated by a loud gasp as his lungs worked to fill themselves again. Pulling himself up onto one of the larger rocks at the jetty's side, Sousuke continued coughing up water as he tried to get his breathing under control. He was so tired, he had cuts all over from his climb up the side of the jetty under the crashing waves, but under the layers of his thick wet hair, cold steel eyes burned with anger and fury.

New memories of a world so like yet un-like the one he knew flooded his mind, and the anger inside him building to new heights at the full realization of who Leonard truly was. Before, they had simply been enemies due to chance, each of them choosing what was right and wrong and fighting for what they believed. Now, Leonard had assaulted him without provocation, and threatened to recreate that endless circle of misery once again. This new world would not approve of him forcing Leonard to pay his penance in blood, but that didn't mean it would leave Sousuke with no way to take his revenge either. Leonard would pay for his crimes, and Sousuke would return to Japan with Kaname by his side.

With a low growl in his throat, Sousuke stood and began making his way back up the jetty toward the shore.