A/N: This is an idea from Tenipuri Facebook of POT, and i give credicts to MiracleAngel for introducing this fanfic to me, so don't get mad=D Aww, if review is nice, i shall make this a continuation of other ccs gangs instead of a oneshot (if i lazy) . Btw, suggests hu you want as next facebook in nxt chapt if u relly relly is determine to make me rite another character. R&R. Thanks~!

Disclaimer: CCS no mine, mine plot, facebook no mine either.


Syaoran Li There is nothing I love best than chocolate *Become a fan

59 minutes ago

View Photos of Syaoran Li (80 albums) [See all]: 24 albums of Syaoran Li in Action waving sword and protecting Sakura tagged by Tomoyo Daidouji, 12 albums of Embarrassing scenes of Syaoran Li tagged by Eriol Hiiragizawa, 5 album of self-photos, 10 albums of Messed Up Syaoran Li (Photoshop) For Kaijuu tagged by Touya Kinomoto, 8 albums of Syaoran in girl costumes tagged by Fuutie, Fanren, Shefa, Feimei Li, 20 albums of Syaoran baby photos include nude by Yelen Li ~ View Comments (269) Imappropriate words omitted


Comments 1-4 of 269 Comments 1 - 20 of 432 Back to Photos of Syaoran Li Syaoran Li's Photo Comments

Syaoran Li wrote at 11:22am on June 2nd , 2009

Mom! **** Don't show that stuff to everyone! That's private!

Yelen Li wrote at 9: 09pm on June 2nd , 2009

Watch your language Xiao Lang. Anyway it is not most of my doing, your sisters hacked into my account and posted 2 albums of you in ballerina costumes. I suspect it is Fanren's work. Don't worry, son, I'll post hers up too.

Sakura Kinomoto wrote at 12: 55pm on June 6th, 2009

*Yawn, what is this onii-chan? I just wake up and find all these photoshopped pictures (Erm, you successfully mutated Syaoran face, that's great computer skills. But onii-chan, I am angry, you better watch your foot today, I am coming down now!). By the way, all of Syaoran-kun's photos Tomoyo take, where did you hide them!?

Touya Kinomoto wrote at 1:05pm on June 6th, 2009

Owww, Kaijuu, I see that you are still sleeping late like a pig and being a monster as usual. There is no need to hit that hard, that gaki deserve it anyway. Oh and don't worry about those pictures, I submitted them to the Brattiest Person Photo Contest. If you wanted to have them back, you better wish that kid wins the first price! XD

View Videos of Syaoran Li (72 videos) [See all] 45 Cardcaptoring Action tagged by Tomoyo Daidouji, 5 Almost-fights-arguments of Syaoran Li with Touya Kinomoto tagged by Yukito Tsukishiro, 13 Humiliating pranks on Syaoran Li recorded by Tomoyo Daidouji carried out by Eriol Hiiragizawa tagged by Eriol Hiiragizawa, 7 KAWAIILovey Dovey scenes with Sakura tagged by Tomoyo Daidouji, 2 Syaoran Sword Training with ME tagged by Meiling Li

Comments 1-4 of 50 Comments 1 - 20 of 432 Back to Videos of Syaoran Li Syaoran Li's Video Comments


Syaoran Li wrote at 11:40am on June 2nd , 2009

-.-Meiling…why the hell did you dress me up in a suit and you in a wedding dress?

Eriol Hiiragizawa wrote at 3:51 on June 4th , 2009

You know, embarrassing you is way too easy, maybe I should do –omit- that next. Mwaha.

Tomoyo Daidouji wrote at 7:40pm on June 4th , 2009

Those video were classic, don't you agree Eriol-san? Sakura-chan looks sooo adorable in my costumes!!! And listen here Syaoran! You two have to stop running off to somewhere else whenever you all do those mushy stuff, be aware that no matter where you all hide, my Sakura radar is always activated to full blast! There is no way I am going to miss my Sakura ultra-cuteness in action! Ohohohohohohohohohoho.

Yukito Tsukishirowrote at 9.46pm on June 5th , 2009

My greatest wish now is to hope that when you two, Touya and Syaoran-kun fight, could you pleaseee don't use my precious food as weapon at each other. I really wanted my food back, you two could buy me ten cakes as compensation, I don't mind. =D You can count how much of MY food you wasted by the videos tagged here.

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July 13

Relationship Statues

In love with Sakura Kinomoto

Yukito Tsukishiro: It's Complicated

Touya Kinomoto: Never in hell, earth, heaven nor now

Eriol Hiiragizawa: Will never get along, enemies forever, Dumb Ancestor, rivals

Tomoyo Daidouji: Grateful for love consultation, girlfriend's best friend

Kaho Mizuki: Unrequited mistrust, ex-teacher

Yamazaki Takashi: Good

Fanren Li: Annoying

Fuutie Li: Annoying

Shefa Li: Annoying

Feimei Li: Annoying

Cerberus/Soft-toy: Annoying

Elders: Irritating, Bossy

Meiling Li: Ex-Fiancé, cousin


President of:

THE (To Hell Eriol) Association

APE (Anti Protective-Intimidating-Idiotic-Older-Brothers Enterprise)

ABC (Arrogant but Cool) Association

DASH (Dangerous Aura Society for Hotties)

Co-President of:

KISS (Kawaii Invincible Sakura Society) CO-Pres: Tomoyo Daidouji

HAHA RAFT( Handsome And Hot Society for the Respected Associated For Teenagers) Co Pres: Eriol Hiiragizawa

Member of:

CIA (Cuties In Action)

SOS (Society Of Swords)

F & N ( Flamboyant & Narcissistic) Association

CCS (Clow Card Society)

SAA (Sisters Are Annoying) Club




Current City: Japan, Tomoeda



Syaoran Li joined the group SAA (Sisters Are Annoying) Club. Comment. Like. Join Group.

Syaoran Li and Chiharu Miharu are now friends. Comment. Like

Syaoran Li and Fanren Li are now friends. Comment. Like

Syaoran had just became a fan of I am obsessed with my Looks. Comment. Like. Be a fan!

Syaoran deleted Fanren, Feimei, Shefa, Fuutie from contacts. Comment. Like.

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Syaoran Li There is nothing I love best than chocolate

~at 12:46 pm - Comment. Like

Sakura Kinomoto likes this

Tomoyo Daidouji at 2 :51 pm June 9th

How could you! All my efforts at putting you and Sakura-chan together and now you tell me there is nothing you love best than some disgusting chocolate? How dare you condemn my dear Sakura-chan like this!

Touya Kinomoto at 2:59pm June 9th

Daidouji-san, now you see how bratty that kid is, can you even imagine my sorrow at seeing that kid date that monster. I am actually looking out for him you know, I don't get what he sees in Sakura. Since you love chocolate best, break off with my sister! Its for your own and my sake Mmhmm, now Tomoyo, join this group: HGDSM (Hate Gaki that Date my Sister the Monster).

Tomoyo Daidouji at 3:02pm June 9th

Oh no no no. In case you haven't notice, I am a single child and no, I don't know how you feel. Syaoran and Sakura are the perfect couple!!! And are you implying Sakura is a monster?! You wait right there, I am coming over!

Sakura Kinomoto at 3:09 June 9th

Hoe? What are you guys squabbling about? Hey onii chan! There you go again. I am going down right now, stay right there, onii-chan!

Sakura Kinomoto at 3:25 June 9th

??? Where did he go? I was sure he was in the room a minute ago. Tomoyo-chan, what are you doing in my house? WHAT!!! What are all those clothes doing in my room! TOMOYO-CHAN!

Cerberus-the-great at 3:26 June 9th

I believe the key board are falling out from my clicking and clacking with my claw. Oh Sakuraaaa, we ran of puddinggg.

Sakura Kinomoto at 3.29 June 9th

Kero-chan! Onii chan will wring your neck till you could never eat pudding any more when he sees what you did to his laptop. You are lucky he is out. And I just right next to you! Why are you telling me here??!!!??

Cerberus-the-great at 3:32 June 9th

Oh. That's coz Tomoyo is on the floor now. i was wondering what you would do to me if i invade your privacy.

Sakura Kinomoto at 3:35 June 9th

That wasn't my fault. Her clothes she brought collapsed on her, the impact and my refusal to wear them caused her to faint. i am innocent.

Syaoran Li There is nothing I love best than Sakura

~at 3:28 pm - Comment. Like

Syaoran Li at 3: 30 June 9th

There, oi idiot Kinomoto, there is no way I am giving Sakura up. Bleah. And I just reported that group. Bwahaha. Prepare to watch it fall!

The Li Quadruplets at 3:34 June 9th


Syaoran Li at 3:42 June 9th

Shit. Someone. Help.

Syaoran just took the How Obsessed Are You with your Looks and got the result of 99.99999999999999% Obsessed. at 4:12pm June 9th Comment. Like. Take this quiz! Compare youself with Syaoran!

You look in the mirror every few seconds and will glance at any reflective surface whenever you go to appreciate your looks! You were born with fabulous look and you know it and take complete advantage of it. No one can rival with your vainness and you love the attention you are getting from both the female, male and unknown population! It is highly possible you are a girl, or at least a gay.

~Eriol Hiiragizawa at 4:14 pm June 9th

Bwahahahahahahaha! And YOU call me gay! I only got a 91.3% when I did this quiz! Hey, dear little descendant, you will make a fine chick!

~Sakura Kinomoto at 4:20pm June 9th

O.o Yea, Syaoran likes my mirror a lot.

~Yukito Tsukishiro at 4:23 June 9th

Li-san, I understand if you wish to hide your identity as a gay but you shouldn't use Sakura-chan to cover your true self. You should bring it out to open like Touya and I. Be a man! Or maybe not such a great phrase to use. You could hurt Sakura-chan if she finds out you do not love her, she is not even the right gender. If you want, I could help you introduce some guys. You get my drift?

~Syaoran Li at 4:27 June 9th

This is just a bloody quiz! And what's more it is about how obsessed I am about my looks, nothing to do with how much I like guys! I am straight, Yukito-san!!! I DO NOT want any of those guys, no thanks! You got it all wrong! And Eriol, go to hell and don't come back. PS: I actually started a club about that, you going to hell I mean, feel free to join. ;)

~Yamazaki Takashi at 4:28 June 9th

Mirrors, are said to be one of the most strangest stuff created ever. It can look into your very soul, and with just one single peak, tell you just how evil you are. The creatures you see inside are said to be vilest man ever seen and some are known to even died from shock of seeing this monsters, perhaps, Sakura-chan, this is the monster your brother sees in you?

~Sakura Kinomoto at 4:33 June 9th

Really? But Tomoyo-chan always says she sees an angel in me.

~Eriol Hiiragizawa at 4:38 June 9th

Indeed, that legend is true. Furthermore, personal cherished mirrors like the ones often used by Syaoran-kun are said to never be broken or else those monsters or angels inside you could escape your soul and wreck havoc in the world we know. The temptation would even be too great for the kindest of the angels and they too would turn into demons. That's how great fortune-tellers predict the end of our world. (A/N: I am lying my teeth out, its fun)

~Tomoyo Daidouji at 4:42 June 9th

Do I see the Great Clow Reed Reincarnation polluting my dear Sakura mind with lies?

~Chiharu Mihara at 4: 43 June 9th

Yamazaki Takashi! How many times do I have to ell you not to lie and such obvious ones too! You wait till I see you on our date tonight! I owe you three beatings, and I be sure I would not forget. Don't think you could get away with lying online.

~Syaoran Li at 4: 46 June 9th

Ahhh. Of course I know that is a lie.

Syaoran Li Hiiragizawa, just what are you up to? All the answers are my name!

Syaoran Li commented on "How well do you know Eriol Hiiragizawa?" quiz

Questions include: Who is my sworn enemy? Who is my favorite victim? Who is my cute little descendent? Who do I sit beside in school? Who is the most idiotic guy in my opinion….

Syaoran's score: 100% 30 minutes ago. Comment. Like. Unlike. Take Eriol's Quiz. Make your own quiz.

~Eriol Hiiragizawa at 5:39 June 9th

Hmm… That is an interesting question. But the problem is you could never ever know what am I going to do next. Tsk, tsk. You just revealed all the answers, bad little descendant.

~Nakuru Akizuki at 5:44 June 9th

OH. OH. SO THAT'S ALL THE ANSWER! Awwww, Eriol-sama, why isn't my name inside. You are being bias!!! I hate you!!! I don't care; I shall find Suppi and feel him sweets for you being unfair! Touya-kun, Eriol is being mean!

~Yukito Tsukishiro at 5:49 June 9th

This is Yue, it is unhealthy to be so interested in a guy, Clow-sama. And Yukito asked me to pass on to stop Akizuki pestering on Kinomoto-san, he just ran off again after he managed to find him after seeing that post.

Syaoran Li had just beaten Eriol Hiiragizawa in Mind-Reading. He now ranks #2 after Tomoyo Daidouji with a score of 14, 900! Play Mind-Reading Now! Comment. Like. Play this game!

~Sakura Kinomoto at 6:30 June 9th

*wail* I am no good at this game at all, I could not even pass level one. Sugoi Tomoyo-chan, you always read people so well.

~Eriol Hiiragizawa at 6:48 June 9th

That must be a fluke. There is no way Dense Syaoran can win me in my own game!

~Syaoran Li at 6: 50 June 9th

*smirkd* You think too highly of yourself, Oh great Mind Reader Clow

Syaoran Li had just took the "How are you going to die' quiz and the result is by Chocolate Overdose!

You love chocolate but unfortunately it will be the death of you. It has been predicted you will die unless you sacrifice your love for chocolate. Your love ones have to be strict on you. If you successfully quit the deadly chocolate addiction, it is likely you will die in a car crash the same day.

~Syaoran Li at 7:22 June 9th

Never. =o=

~Eriol Hiiragizawa at 7:29 June 9th

Oh, my dear descendent, good bye. Your dear grandpa won't miss you. T.T

Syaoran just took the "Which kind of style do you have?(for girls only)" quiz and the result is Damn you are a very fashionable person!!!.

You like to set new fashions, and trends, everyone wants the kind of clothes you have. You were born to be fabulously fashionable. You are an amazing girl everyone looks up to fashion! Makeup is your irreplaceable baby!

17 minutes ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · Take this Quiz · Compare yourself to Syaoran

~Tomoyo Daidouji at 8:45 June 9th

I knew it! You always look like someone who understands me!

~Sakura Kinomoto at 8:55 June 9th

Err, Syaoran-kun, are you feeling all right. In care you don't know, that quiz is for girls only.

~Eriol Hiiragizawa at 8: 59 June 9th

Another evidence to you being a girl. *grin. You can't deny it now!

Touya Kinomoto at 9:12 June 9th

Hmm? You should teach my sister to dress up less like a monster since you are soooo good at it, gay gaki.

Syaoran Li at 9:19 June 9th

*scowls* Idiotic Fuutie went to take that quiz when I went out. Could you believe it, they flown over her and dump all their bags at my house! For the last time! I AM NOT GAY!


Syaoran wrote on Eriol Hiiragizawa wall. Comment. Like

Syaoran wrote on Touya Kinomoto wall. Comment. Like

Syaoran and Naoko Yanagisawa are now friends. Comment. Like.

Syaoran had just joined the group I am Not Gay. Comment. Like. Join Group

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Syaoran Li signed out of facebook.


Give me ideas of which character to write for the next chapters. There is so many to choose from! Isnt faceboook great?
