Sorry for the lateness. I know I suck for it. And I meant to put potions in this chapter but decided against it so you get Defense with Snape. Enjoy!

Update: After I posted this yesterday I reread it and realized there were a lot of kinda careless mistakes so I'm fixing them and re-uploading this. BTW… Much of this chapter is direct quote from HP and the HBP.

Disclaimer: As much as I'd like to own Harry Potter or Twilight, I own neither. Read on!

Chapter 3- Defense and Darkness


Harry and I walked hand in hand to Defense Against the Dark Arts as rumors began to swirl around us about our 'engagement' and the events of Muggle Studies. We stood by the classroom door with the other students who managed to get and O.W.L. in this class. Most of the D.A. was there except Cho though I know for a fact that she had received an 'O' on her exam. She must be really distraught to risk detention by skipping Snape's class.

Hermione was saying resentfully how much homework Snape was likely to give us when the devil himself opened the door. Everyone immeadiately fell silent.

"Inside," was his only command. We all filed in and took our seats. The room was already gloomier than usual. Snape had closed the windows and hung pictures depicting various stages of pain and suffering along the walls.

I have not asked you to take out your books," said Snape as he moved behind his desk glaring at the two desks of two that Hermione, Ron, Harry and I had chosen to occupy. Hermione hastily dropped her copy of Confronting the Faceless back into her bag and stowed it under her chair which was next to mine. My hair suddenly decided it wanted to become short and black and I could feel myself grow two inches taller in my seat as my eyes became green. Snape intensified his glare at me for a few seconds before turning to the class. I knew it was because the way I looked right now I could be Harry's sister. "I wish to speak to you and I want your fullest attention."

His eyes looked to every face in the class and he seemed to take a few seconds more to look at Harry and I.

"You have had five teachers in this subject so far, I believe."

Like you haven't been wishing death on every single one so you could be next, I thought murderously. By the mutinous look on Harry's face I could tell he was thinking just about the same thing.

"Naturally, these teachers will all have had their own methods and priorities. Given this confusion I am surprised so many of you scraped an O.W.L. in this subject. I shall be even more surprised if all of you manage to keep up with the N.E.W.T. work which will be much more advanced."

Snape set off to circle the class and everyone including the Cullens was craning their necks to keep him in their sights. He was speaking so low I doubt that even the Cullens could hear him. Actually scratch that. The Cullens could probably hear him better than the rest of us.

"The Dark Arts," he said in that creepy tone, "are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before." He seemed to look towards the Cullens for the next part. "You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible."

I stared at Snape. It was one thing for him to say that the Dark Arts are a dangerous enemy but Snape was regarding them with reverence. I was absolutely disgusted.

"Your defenses," Snape said louder this time, "must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo. These pictures"- he indicated a few of the hangings on the wall-"give a fair representation of what happens to those who suffer, for instance, the Cruciatus Curse, feel the Dementor's kiss or provoke the aggression of the Inferius."

"Has an Inferius been seen then?" came the annoyingly high pitched voice of Parvati Patil came from the center of the classroom. "Is it definite, is he using them?"

"The Dark Lord has used Inferi in the past, which means you would be well-advised to assume he might use them again. Now.." Snape, with his robes billowing behind him, set off towards his desk. "…you are, I believe, complete novices in the use of nonverbal spell. What is the advantage of a nonverbal spell.

Hermione's hand shot into the air followed quickly by mine and finally, Jasper's. Snape took his time looking around to make sure he had no other choices. He skimmed my hand as usual as well as Hermione's. He obviously didn't trust Jasper, or any of the other Cullen's for that matter. He looked over the class one last time before giving in and saying curtly, "Very well- Miss Granger?"

"Your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform, which gives you a split second advantage."

"An answer copied almost word for word from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Six," said Snape dismissively. I heard Malfoy snigger from his spot in the corner. I wanted to attack both of them. "But correct in the essentials. Yes, those who progress to using magic without shouting incantations gain an element of surprise in their spell-casting. Not all wizards can do this, of course; it is a question of concentration and mind power which some" –his gaze lingered maliciously on Harry again, smirking- "lack."

I knew Snape was referring to our disastrous Occlumency lessons last year. I had managed to repel Snape more than once by the time they ended but Harry could never do it. Harry refused to drop his gaze and we both glowered at Snape until he turned away.

"You will now divide," Snape droned on, "into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking. The other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence. Carry on."

Harry and I smirked at each other. We had taught the D.A. half of the class how to perform a Shield Charm last year. None of us had ever attempted it without speaking though. Okay, okay. I may have attempted a few spells without speaking in Forks and the Shield Charm might have been one of them. Fine! I did underage magic! Are you happy? Technically it wasn't illegal because the American Ministry of Magic doesn't have any laws against it. Harry and I moved to partner together.

"Ah, ah, ah," Snape said looking highly amused. "I think the happy couple should split up for today. Potter, Weasley. Lestrange, Hale." I cursed the man as I felt my hair begin to turn red, which I quickly stopped in its tracks. I went over to Jasper considering Rosalie was already partnered with Emmett and Alice with Edward. A reasonable amount of cheating ensued when people started practicing. Most were whispering the incantation and hoping Snape wouldn't notice. Next to me the Cullen's were struggling but Alice finally managed to fire off a spell without out talking. Until I saw Jasper give her a reproachful look and I realized she had said the incantation out loud just too low for anyone but a vampire to hear. I managed a few silent jinxes about five minutes in. After, the third one Jasper managed a shield and then we switched places. Typically, ten minutes in, Hermione was able to repel Neville's muttered Jelly-Legs Jinx without uttering a word a single word, this- as well as Jasper and my successes- should have earned twenty points for Gryffindor and would have if the teacher had been anyone but Snape, who ignored it. He walked around robes billowing and breathing down our necks as we practiced, looking like the overgrown bat he was. He watched as Harry and Ron struggled with the task.

Ron looked as purple as a grape because he had his lips tightly pressed together to save himself from accidently muttering the incantation, as he attempted to jinx Harry. Harry had his wand raised as he waited to repel a jinx that was very unlikely to ever come.

"Pathetic, Weasley," snarled Snape, after a while. "Here- let me show you-"

He turned his wand on Harry so fast that Harry obviously forgot that we were practicing nonverbal spells. He reacted on instinct and yelled, "Protego!"

His Shield Charm was so strong Snape was knocked off balance and into the desk behind him. The whole class watched as Snape righted himself, glaring at Harry and I, as I inched closer to where he stood.

"Do you remember me telling you we are practicing nonverbal spells, Potter?"

"Yes," was Harry's stiff answer.

"Yes, sir."

"There's no need to call me 'sir,' Professor."

I turned to look at Harry. Several people, including Hermione and the Cullens, gasped yet I could see Ron, Seamus and Dean grinning appreciatively from behind Snape. I couldn't blame him. I knew the impulse well.

"Detention, Saturday night, my office," Snape snarled. "I do not take cheek from anyone, Potter… not even 'the Chosen One.'"

"I think he deserves a little cheek, Professor. After all, you just tried to jinx him without warning. No one's managed a nonverbal Shield Charm yet, except Hermione and Jasper and you completely ignored them. I don't think it's very fair of you, to have Harry test a skill he hasn't really learned against a master such as yourself, sir." Before I knew it the first sentence had escaped my mouth and I couldn't just end it there. The Cullens looked at me astonished. Little Bella Swan talking back to a teacher?

"Ah, Miss Lestrange," he drawled and this time I couldn't stop my hair from becoming red this time. I felt my eyes become the same color. "So lovely to have you back. And would you like to try your hand at the spell.

"Don't call me a Lestrange!" Before I could react Snape shot a nonverbal spell at me that looked suspiciously like the Cruciatus. I shouted the incantation of the Shield Charm in my mind. It worked and the spell was shot back at the wizard who had created it. He brushed it aside with a flick of his wand and drawled:

"Detention, my office, Saturday night."

"Gladly, sir."

The bell rang and Snape was forced to dismiss us as he had a group of shaking first years waiting outside the door. I felt an immense pity for them, having him for only their second or third class of the year.

During break, once we were safely in the common room, Ron finally exclaimed his excitement. "That was brilliant Harry! You too Bella!"

"You both shouldn't have said anything," Hermione said frowning at Ron as she took a seat by the fire. "What made you?"

"He tried to jinx us both in case you didn't notice!" Harry fumed. "I had enough of that during those Occlumency lessons! Why doesn't he use another guinea pig for a change? What's Dumbledore playing at, anyway, letting him teach Defense? Did you hear him talking about the Dark Arts? He loves them! All that unfixed, indestructible stuff-"

"Well," Hermione put in quietly, "I thought he sounded a bit like you and Bella."

"Like us?" Harry said at the exactly same time I shouted, "What?" She really has lost it.

"Yes when you were telling us what it's like to face Voldemort. You said it wasn't just memorizing a bunch of spells a bunch of spells, you said it was just you and your brain and your guts- well wasn't that what Snape was saying? That it really comes down to being brave and quick thinking?"

I was astonished that Hermione felt our words- mine and Harry's- as well worth memorizing as The Standard Book of Spells. I could tell Harry felt the same way

"Hey Harry! Bella!"

Harry and I looked around until he spotted Jack Sloper, one of last year's Gryffindor Beaters, running towards us carrying a piece of parchment.

"For you," Panted Sloper. "Listen, I heard you guys are the new Captains. When're you holding trials?"

"We're not sure. McGonagall is still taking names." In my opinion (and Harry's), Sloper will be lucky to get back on the team.

Harry distractedly put in, "We'll let you know when we decide."

"Oh right. I was hoping it'd be this weekend-"

"Thanks Jack," I said trying to dismiss him. I recognized what Harry had been so distracted by before. I recognized the thin, slanting writing laced across the parchment. He left and Harry hurriedly unrolled the parchment.

Dear Harry and Bella,

I would like to start our private lessons this Saturday. Kindly come to my office at 8 P.M. I hope you are enjoying your first day back at school.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

P.S. I enjoy Acid Pops.

"He enjoys Acid Pops?" Ron asked after reading the message over our shoulders.

"It's the password to get past the gargoyle outside his study," Harry answered him in a low voice as I reread the message.

"Harry look! Saturday at 8 P.M. We won't be able to do Snape's detention!"

"Well he won't be pleased," was all Harry said as an answer. We spent the rest of break guessing at what Dumbledore might teach me and Harry. Ron thought it would be hexes and jinxes that Deatheaters would know. But Hermione had to ruin his fun by informing him that that would be illegal at it would most likely be advanced Defensive magic. Ron humphed as Hermione and I rushed off to Arithmancy. The class was as boring as ever but I got through by talking under my breath to Jasper who sat across the aisle from me. Professor Vector is almost old enough to need a hearing aid and Hermione and I sat in the back the Cullens so she didn't hear a word we said. We led the Cullens to the Great Hall as Hermione explained to them about the ceiling and I entertained myself and a couple of first year Gryffindors (who were still scared from Snape's class) by changing my hair and nose so fast that no one could really tell what it was. It didn't hurt as much as doing a bunch of things slower. It was more like a constant buzzing in the back of my head. When we made it to the Great Hall, the Cullens knew all of Hermione's theories behind the ceiling and the first years were almost completely past the Defense episode.

After lunch we spent our free period working on Snape's homework. It was so complex that we barely got through it, even with Hermione's help. Harry and Ron didn't even finish and they had started in their free period before lunch. Not that those two ever got much done. Finally we took a break and Neville came over and offered to share his candy stash with us.

My first Chocolate Frog held an Agrippa card. "Hey Ron," I called. "What card did you get?"

"Two Dumbledores, why?" he said while inhaling what looked like Fizzing Whizbees.

"I'll trade you both for an Agrippa."

"Really? Sure!" We traded cards and Neville looked between us.

"Why do you want two Dumbledores?" he asked me.

I grinned and my hair became bright yellow. Not blonde. Yellow. "I'm trying to get the biggest collection of Dumbledore cards in the world. Besides, Harry has a full collection of the others and I have a bunch of Dumbledore."

"How many?" Neville asked me.

"With these two? 57." Neville's jaw dropped and the bell rang signaling we had five minutes to get to our next class. Double Potions. Lovely.

Sorry for the lack of Cullens. And yes I purposely put Jasper instead of Edward. Next chapter will be Double Potions with Slughorn. Yay! Half-Blood Prince.

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