Title: You Can't Make Me
: Enkidu07
Challenge Word
: Worn. A special ditty for Platinum Rose Lady – This is super late so I hope it is an I-feel-all-better-celebratory drabble rather than a get-well drabble.
: The boys don't belong to me.
: Chapter 1 if for PRL. Chapter 2 is self-indulgent. I sent it to Mad Server in lieu of a Sunday afternoon *smish*... but then thought others might enjoy as well. *smishes you all.* Hopefully she doesn't mind sharing.


Sam's breath fogs up the mirror as he tries to get a look at his flaming throat.

What he can see is messy and swollen with red and yellow hues.

Dean bangs his way in and Sam snaps his mouth shut.

"Dude, I'm an adult. Adults don't get their tonsils out," Sam grits carefully through clenched teeth.

"Well, you're acting like a child. Pack it up." Resolve. And impatience.

Sam flinches, worn down and unhappy, sticky with fever. Razor blades lacerate with each swallow.

He meets Dean's gaze with defiance, deflates when he finds compassion staring back.

"Let's go, Sam."

