"Say it...out loud."




She giggles

"You ruined it!"

"What?! You've seen this movie just as many time as I have!"


"No buts! Besides, I thought you didn't like Twilight."



"Shut up! At least it's not unicorns!"

She glares

"Shut up."

"Make me."

He smirks

"Oh believe me I would!"

"Oh yeah? How?"

More silence

"I have no idea."

He flashes triumphant grin


She throws a pillow


She laughs

"I'm am SO going to get you for that!"

"Oh yeah! Just try!"

A pause



She squeals

"OH GOD! That tickles!"

"Say it! OUT LOUD!"

He laughs


They both laugh

They both realise that their faces are considerably close to eachother

The both blush




An awkward silence

"I could kiss you right now...you know that right?"

"Yeah, but then I'd hurt you."


"Because I said so."

He smirks

"You know you love me."

She glares

"I should hurt you."

He chuckles

"Surrre you would."


"Whatever you say prin-"

A kiss

A silence

"I thought you said you weren't going to kiss me."

"Oh I never said that."

"Oh? Then what did you say?"

She grins

"Kiss me you idiot."

And he does

A/n: What. The. Hell? I have NO idea what inspired me to write this! Or what inspired me to put it in a different style...But YAY! I'm writing pure FLINX FLUFF! (does happy dance) Sorry if you can't fallow who's talking...heh-heh.

And why would KF and Jinx be watching Twilight? I don't know....maybe they were bored and they decided to watch it like I do when I'm bored...

Gah....shutting up now.