Glass: Welcome to another edition of…REPLY TO COMMENTARY! Enjoy.

Crowfeather: [facepalm] Dear StarClan…


2009-06-30 . chapter 29

Critique taken. I have been thinking of changing Mosshope to Mossheart , since Mosshope makes no sense, and Silentdream to something totally different. I haven't made up replacement names for the others yet. P.S A lot of my names are inspired by Rising Sparks (Not to seem like I'm blaming anything on the amazing Bdr13) and there are a few names like Masked, Swirl, Spin, and Spiral that I'm not sure I can use.

Mossheart is good. It has a wonderful flow too. Just so you know, I have no idea who/what is Rising Sparks is so don't worry.

Going on to the names you are unsure of: all of them are not possible. Swirl MAYBE if the cat has very strange, very noticeable tabby markings but even that is pushing it.


2009-06-30 . chapter 29

Thanks for the answers!
It's unfortunate that some people just don't have common sense when it comes to really is.
Again, thanks for the answers!

Agreed, and you're welcome. I'm glad I could be of service.


2009-07-01 . chapter 28

why isn't Moonriver in the guide? Or Nightmist? I Love everything else in the guide, especilly (spelling?) this banned names part.

Moonriver isn't in here because it is completely implausible as is Moonstream. There is no water on the moon, and Clans seem to know this.


2009-07-06 . chapter 26

I looked up what a sloe is. Here you go, copy and pasted from Merriam Webster Online: the small dark globose astringent fruit of the blackthorn. Whatever the [fluff] that means.

And here I was thinking it was a type of rodent X_x I'm an idiot. Thank you for clarifying that for me ^_^ I appreciate it!


2009-07-08 . chapter 28

A couple complaints, Moon is also SUPPOSED to be forbidden in the cats' minds, moon is only used for objects associated with Starclan, such as the moonpool and moonstone, I am aware the Erins slipped up on this though.

Also, what of the suffix spirit? I do recall Bravespirit in the warrior cat books, Longshadows I think.

Other than that, I love most of the names, especially the ones with the prefix Falcon.

Yes, they did slip up on Moon. I was a little surprised when I noticed that but, never-the-less, it isn't too much of a leap if they use Sun- as well so I let it be.

As I have stated countless times in this guide, I believe the Erin's are loosing their touch. They are now just making names because they sound cool or cute...seem a bit familiar? It's what most people on this site do.

Thank you! I RP with a cat called Falconwing so the compliment makes me quite pleased.


2009-07-12 . chapter 24

wolfheart is a name of a cat in code of the clans. just thought i'd tell you.

Everyone makes mistakes. I hadn't read Code of the Clans at the point I made this guide, so forgive me my slip-ups.


2009-07-12 . chapter 11

you put Iceclaw down twice

Duly noted.


2009-07-12 . chapter 2

why can't you use the prefix butterfly?

Will be answered under Anonymous' review.


2009-07-12 . chapter 22

toadfoot are in the books by erin hunter and is in the t section. ?

As I've said before, I make mistakes. You can't expect me to be perfect. Also I will say this one more time: PLEASE put all your comments into ONE review. It's tedious to sift through them all and get the gist of what you're saying.


2009-07-18 . chapter 14

Just so you know, Loud, Swift, Fuzzy, Flower, Wild, Scar, and Running are acceptable prefixes.

I have only read Bluestar's quest about two months ago. But I still think all this prefixes are stupid. The Erin's are forgetting their ways. I will say it time and time again until everyone else realizes it. Flower- is fine, Running- sort of…but the rest? NO.


Autumleaf & Nightwolf
2009-07-22 . chapter 25

Autumleaf: I love your guide it's helped me a lot and if you don't like my name then I'm sorry but I like and I don't believe it's been used before. It follows your guidelines and therefore I think it's perfect.

Nightwolf: THANK YOU! she has been trying to come up with names since she started reading the books and you and your guide has helped her immensely! again thank you!

Autumleaf- Yes, I don't like your name and for that I am sorry. It has been used before just so you know, and NO it does NOT follow my guidelines. Remember, I said do not use synonyms or human words for things the Clans use. In the world of Warriors, Autumn is simply called Leaf-Fall.

Nightwolf- It was my pleasure. I am glad that I was able to help!


2009-07-28 . chapter 29

Holy. Crow.

That was totally awesome! -hugs Glass and hands Glass a cookie-

Though I do have a question... why can you not use Butterflypelt? It seems okay... For example, if a cat has spotted fur (like Leopardstar), then it would be kinda like a Butterfly's wings... right?

Although I am not old enough to join this site (boohoo) I've been making names for warriors. I NEARLY put down Vixen... phew!

Anyways, a thousand thanks for this guide.


I don't think spots count as butterfly-like pelt. Regardless, this prefix is not possible because of the fact that it has two parts. It is like a (bad) full warrior's name already. You don't see the Clan's using the herb Horsetail as a prefix (i.e. Horsetailfoot).

Vixen is alright. After all, they know the name for a male fox, why wouldn't they know this one? But I'd suggest using only Fox- all the same.

You're very welcome.


2009-08-16 . chapter 1

Hi, Glass. It's me. The storm knocked out my power when I got back from Borders after BUYING BLUESTAR'S PROPHECY! ^_^ AND I FINISHED IT!! Here are more names (you might've put some of them up already).

To all my other reviewers, this is who I borrowed Bluestar's Quest from. I hadn't even read it until then.

Mkay, on to the names. The ones I will … kindly … tell people not to use are: Fuzzypelt. Poppydawn, Mumblefoot, Archeye, Poolcloud, Timberfur, Lilystem. Troutclaw is okay but a little wonky O_o


Sheldmage Elder
2009-09-27 . chapter 26

I have a question about Broken never being used. How about if it's a rename? Overall I liked this it's helped me improve my warrior names as well as helped me begin to think of a story base that I might make later on. Very good. ^_^

Renames are alright so long as there is a valid reason for the re-name and the cat has something about then PHYSICALLY to match the prefix Broken-. Remember, Brokentail had a crick in his tail that make it look broken. Thank you for the compliments, too. I appreciate them.


2009-11-01 . chapter 1

Finelly someone who knows how to make a decent warrior name. I get sick at looking at warrior names on fics when I keep on telling them that the cats DO NOT know what a dragon or a diamond or whatever is and just today I was looking at a fic when a apprentice named is Starpaw and the author said in the summary she'll be Leader somewhere in the I rewied telling the author that Starpaw's leader name will be Starsstar.
So I'am glad to you made this guide so people will know the diffence between a good name like Roseleaf to a bad name like Oceanpaw(Oceanpaw is an actraul fan fic name,I am not quite sure if the author knows that the cats don't know what ocean is and they call it Sun-Drown-Place).

You feel my pain. Oceanpaw, Starpaw…grrr….tell me where those fics are and they shall feel my wrath!



Crowfeather: Okay, you've finished replying to them so go lye down. You're hacking up a lung over here.

Glass: Meh, don't worry about it…I'll live.

Crowfeather: Why am I not reassured…?

Glass: [shrugs] You're just naturally pessimistic.